The Mechanic's Mate (3 page)

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Authors: Mikea Howard

BOOK: The Mechanic's Mate
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Chapter 4

Sadie awoke comfortable, her body ensconced in a warm cocoon. Soft buttery leather cushioned below, while fluffy down warmed from above. Not her bed. Inhaling, the fading sandalwood and evergreen of Domek filled her with relief. Another long whiff, and an appealing mixture of peaches and patchouli blessed her senses. She deduced that these combined scents meant mates.

One member of the pair sat beside her. Soft feminine laughter encouraged Sadie’s eyes to open, allowing her to meet her hostess. Normally she would not be at ease waking so far away from a familiar bed. In fact, waking panicked had become the norm since that monster bit her. For good reason too, as she dreaded the torture each new awakening would bring.

Today however, excitement about a new day outweighed fear of the unknown. Her lifted mood must have to do with the alpha’s scent lingering in the air.

She appraised the pair of large round amber jewels set within olive skin topped with beautiful golden locks. This new person’s smile beamed, friendly and open. Sadie gifted the hovering hostess a timid grin in return.

“Good morning, sleepyhead! I thought you’d never wake up. I’ve been trying to remain patient, but I am super curious to know who the alpha brought home.”

“Oh, okay. N-nice to meet you.” She gave a larger, although cautious, smile.
Why would she be excited to meet me?
People, while not too rude in Eureka, never acted so . . . personable. Sadie never had any girlfriends. She’d only spared the occasional nod of ‘thanks’ for the female acquaintances who worked around the shop. Women seldom went to the mechanic, plus she didn’t get out much.

“Oh goddess, listen to me. Hi, Sadie, my name is Kara. I should have started there. Would you like something to drink? A couple steaks are cooking now, since Domek insisted you eat the moment you woke up.”

“Coffee?” Sadie croaked out.
Coffee sounds just dandy.
Her mouth already salivated, but that could be the steak’s luscious odor causing the response.

“Oh, hmmm . . . I don’t have any coffee. Is that like tea? We drink tea.”

Sadie burst out laughing. Kara stared with wide eyes at her in concern.

“Sorry, I’m not used to anyone being such an eager beaver about whether I can have what I want.” Sadie smiled.

“What about family in the city? Oh no, are you an orphan?”

“No, no, it was just my father and me though . . . I always took care of him.” Her smile widened at the memory. “He would get so wrapped up working. I’d have to put sandwiches in front of Pop or he’d forget to eat altogether. Although, now that I think about it, I would have forgotten too if not watching out for him.” The heat of a blush moved up her neck for over sharing. Sadie sat up wearing someone else’s flannel PJs . . . and smelling clean.
When did that happen?

Kara, must have realized Sadie’s discomfort, when she traveled over to the kitchen, pulling the steaks out while starting tea. “Domek helped me clean and get you dressed. You must have been exhausted because you stayed out cold the whole time. We still need to work on your hair, but it’s so tangled I was afraid to work the knots out while you slept”

“Domek?!” she exclaimed, reaching for
her hair, trying to run her fingers through it.

“Oh, I apologize . . . Coming from dieselhead life I know you must not be used to it, but werewolves don’t consider nudity a big deal. We get naked to shift, so pretty early on we, umm, err . . . what we did was pretty much just caring for you.”

Rolling her eyes and grinning, Kara continued, “He acted, what you would call appropriate or proper, just being an alpha.”

The heated embarrassment filled Sadie’s cheeks knowing that the first time Domek saw her naked body it consisted of bones protruding through skin, painted with black and blue. No softness or healthy glow about her.

What is wrong with me? I am aroused by the thought of him seeing me naked and worried that he’s not interested.

With a sudden need to help her hostess, she jumped to her feet.
Bad idea.
Kara moved beside her at once, helping her sit down, while easing Sadie’s fingers free from the rat’s nest they remained stuck in.

It’s clear I’m not firing on all cylinders yet.

“Let me wait on you right now,” Kara said, chuckling. “You can wait on me when you’re feeling better. I love cake if you know how to bake.”

Sadie laughed, big belly laughs. “If you want to risk eating what I make, I’ll try.” She stared at the enormous steak Kara placed in front of her. The meat had been cooked very rare, even for a person who prefers medium rare, she couldn’t resist the meat’s blood red color. Even while trying to keep her manners;
by the end she held the steak with both hands, tearing off chunks with her teeth. Between bites she tried apologizing for the obscene behavior, but couldn’t help it.

Kara said with a stern tone, “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry. We are family and we won’t be sorry about our nature. I am glad you enjoy my cooking so much. I will be telling Marek that it’s clear I’m the best cook. I’ve been telling my mate this for years, but now have you to back me. Right?” She smiled.

“Yes, the best. Did you say you had two steaks?”

“Of course.” She plopped another steak on the plate then turned toward the kitchen to pour the water from the kettle over the tealeaves. As Sadie finished off the second helping of rare meat, Kara walked back holding some cold water saying, “Here.” Handing off the glass, she continued, “The tea will take a while to steep. I would bet that rehydrating has equal importance.”

Sadie almost moaned, chugging the refreshing liquid down. “Thank you.”

Kara waited patiently. Sadie knew her hostess held back a flood of questions, but she dammed it up long enough to finish. Oh who knew meat could taste so good? After the last swallow, she sighed. “Okay, shoot.”

Kara rubbed her hands together contemplating the first question. “What were you doing in the woods, and those bruises, what happened? Why did you decide to get bit? And what’s up with your scent? It’s all wrong . . . and.” She clarified at Sadie’s frown. “Oh goddess, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s only that the smell is . . . incomplete. I’ve never smelled a partial mating scent before, but I like yours.” Inhaling, raising both eyebrows she said, “Honeysuckles.” Transitioning to a look of concern, she added, “It’s the iron, oil, and Eridon’s fading scent trying to strangle your floral undertone, that’s off.”

“Oh.” She sighed, relieved that Kara didn’t in fact find her smell offensive. “Umm, do you want the long version?” While taking a deep breath in preparation, Domek’s earthy scent invaded her nose. Sadie’s heart skipped a beat, excited to be near him again.

“Ugh, dammit, Dom, I was about to get the scoop!” Kara yelled when her door swung open.

Domek didn’t give a rat’s ass if he’d inconvenienced Kara by entering. The alpha had every right to come and go as he pleased, but while opening his mouth to tell her so, he smelled it again. Sadie’s honeysuckle scent had kicked up a notch. Damn, Domek wanted to roll in that scent, smother and destroy Eridon’s stench from her being, so he could hold just the new wolf’s sweetness with him at all times.

Pushing his focus past the beta’s disobedient mate toward the honeysuckle’s direction, Dom’s knees buckled briefly, like someone hit him over the head. He found himself struck dumb for a moment. Lovely when he first found her, she almost glowed now. Her rosy cheeks, already fuller, blushed beautifully. Perfect lips formed a little pout, which she gave a nervous lick. No longer sunken, her hazel eyes sparkled beneath long lashes. They swept down toward high cheekbones when he turned his focus to her eyes.

Dom paused at the large bruise covering her jaw, the one that caused him the most anger, knowing the force required to leave it. The area had healed for the most part. Sadie’s hair, still in tangles, would be a shiny fall of chestnut once brushed through. It took all of his control to hold himself in place; the urge to collect the softer strands growing stronger. Now that she’d eaten, the worst physical damage had healed.

Domek spoke at Kara, while continuing to study Sadie. “I was passing by and smelled steaks. I knew my new pack member must have woken up, and I needed to check in.”

He failed to state that he had been walking back and forth just outside their range of scent for hours now, waiting on her to come to. After cleaning the new werewolf up, Dom had gone home planning to do the same then turning in for the night. However, sleep evaded him as his mind kept returning to her. Domek worried that no one familiar would be there when she woke, leaving Sadie scared and alone in this new place.

“Oh give it a rest.” Kara sighed, getting the cups of tea from the kitchen. “You know perfectly well that you weren’t ‘just passing by’.” She came out to hand Sadie tea, sitting back down with her own cup.

“Not going to offer your alpha any tea, are you? Your respect is overwhelming,” Domek stated, sitting next to Sadie.

The cushion shifted when Sadie moved to get up. He stopped her by placing a hand on her knee.

“No, I need you to rest. Kara enjoys being obstinate just for the sake of it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she keeps trying to prove she’s as beta as her mate.” He turned a stern look to Kara. “However, she fails to remember that, like her mate, she is still below alpha.”

“Fine!” Kara got back up, stomping to the kitchen. “I was hopeful you’d get your own, so I could finish getting the inside story from her. She’s all quiet now that you’re here, being all domineering alpha.” She set a cup on the table by him. “And for the record, my mate does know he’s below you, with you reminding him every day.” She raised an
eyebrow in jest. “It’s me who remains skeptical, sizing you up each time we cross paths.”

“I told Marek not to give you his balls. That it would be nothing but trouble if he did.” He stood, signaling with a head gesture at Kara to follow him outside. “I will talk to you privately.”

Sadie’s eyes got big, glancing back and forth between them. Domek considered reassuring her that he had no intentions of disciplining Kara, as that would be her mate’s job, however chose not to. Since it appeared as though she’d spend a lot of time with the beta’s mate while staying with them, perhaps it would be best if some instilled fear prevented any of Kara’s behavior from rubbing off. Goddess knows, an alpha could handle only one annoying personality in his pack.

Kara closed the door behind her. Without pausing or turning back, he headed down the path. Dom knew, regardless of previous posturing, she would follow.

“So how is she? Did she eat both steaks?”

“Yes, Sadie ate them both. I almost had to remind her to breathe between bites. She seems to be doing just fine, considering how she looked when you brought her to us.” Kara stopped Domek by taking his hand. “What happened to her, Dom?”

The fact that she remained the sole female who could hold his gaze without a direct command drove him crazy, but she took no one’s shit, not even her mate’s. Perfect for Marek. He’d never observed Kara in physical combat with anyone, however if her claws sliced like her tongue—absolute beta material.

He matched the concerned expression. “I know you smelled him. You know who sired her. That should tell you everything. Explain the bruises, along with her reason for running.”

“Yes, but
sired her doesn’t explain
. She doesn’t seem dumb. We both know what he’s capable of, Dom. So how could she accept Eridon’s mating? But most importantly, why does it smell like she found some way to stop the process?”

“Like you, I’m unsure why she even considered accepting Eridon, although we both know how convincing and deceptive he can be. Your sister isn’t dumb either but she fell for him. With his history, we can assume why Sadie changed her mind so quickly.” He placed Kara’s hand on the crook of his arm, patting it. “The smell around her suggests the mating failed to take. Their combined scent continues to fade, which, from all I know, is impossible. I plan to do some research at the library after I visit with her. First I must get some more details about the mating. As a dieselhead, I fear she will be too embarrassed to speak about such a personal thing with you present. I’d prefer you to find some errands to run after we return. Allow me to spend some time alone with her.” Domek slowed down when they neared the beta’s house.

Kara took a moment to answer, “Can you control yourself around her?”

She almost tripped when he dug in his heels to stop. “Excuse me?”

“Now calm down, don’t go all alpha on me.” She smacked his arm. “I saw the way you smelled Sadie last night when we bathed her. Then again while dressing her, and just as you left. I’ve never known you to show such interest . . . I’m worried she’s not ready for you yet, Domek.”

“What are you talking about, Kara? I checked her for other scents, clues for what Eridon has been up to in Eureka. So yes, I will show control while I question her. I would never force her to do or say anything she didn’t want to. I think you underestimate her.”

“Oh, I have no doubt you will be in control. You always control others, but can you control yourself? I’m sure the female sitting in my living room, although confused and new to all of this, is strong and capable, she made the trek here, but”-pausing a moment to think-”you are overwhelming to some people. Not me,” she said with a twinkle in her eye, “but others.

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