The Mermaid's Mate (7 page)

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Authors: Kristin Miller

BOOK: The Mermaid's Mate
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Chapter Ten

Marian couldn’t believe what was happening.

Timber had come to save her, to save her colony.

Unable to hold back the emotions teeming inside, Marian flew into Timber’s arms, and roped her arms around his neck. Even in the water she could feel the electric current that sparked across her skin when they touched. She nuzzled against him, her face buried into his neck. He tangled his hands in her hair, then let them drift down to her backside.

They didn’t need words.

They had everything because they had each other.

She pulled back and stared into his hypnotizing dark eyes. He loved her. She could read the words in his gaze and feel the passion blazing between them. Timber cupped her face in his hands and planted a wet kiss on her lips that melted her worries away.

He knew she hadn’t run to her Emperor and betrayed him. And now, he knew she never would.

Everything was going to be all right.

Ryder twitched below them, and brushed against her fin. Both Timber and Marian’s gaze shot to the dirt floor. Ryder’s chest began to heave as his bodily instincts kicked into overdrive. His diamond chips were lost, sifted with the dirt on the floor and there was no more air in his lungs. He was about to get a mouthful of water...

They could save him. Or they could leave him.

But saving Ryder meant they’d be reviving a madman who deserved to die...

* * *

Timber ran through a myriad of possibilities in milliseconds, but there was only one option that would solve all their problems.

They had to save him.

Dragging Ryder by the ankle, Timber pulled him across the floor. As Marian fanned her tail beneath him, Ryder seemed to lift through the water, his body floating on an invisible current. Timber guided Ryder through the crevice, not caring whether the bastard banged his head on a rock or two, and into the chasm. Ryder was dead weight, dangling into the abyss as Timber shot through behind him. Timber heaved and tightened his grip on Ryder’s ankle, but it was no use. There was no way in hell that he’d be able to pull Ryder this way.

What had he been thinking?

Timber swam toward the surface, but didn’t get far. Ryder’s dead weight was dragging them both down. Marian swept beneath them and they rocketed upward, driven by the whipping force of her tail. She lifted Ryder by the hips when he sagged, and soared through the crossing currents like they were nothing. They hurtled through the water, and soon, Timber didn’t know whether he was swimming or flying.

It was amazing.
was amazing. Marian was helping save a treacherous werewolf and didn’t even know the reason Timber needed him kept alive.

He glanced down at Ryder’s wilting body. He was no longer breathing, his mouth no longer gasping for air.

Don’t let it be too late.

This was the only way Timber was going repay his debt.
life for a life.
Saving Ryder was the only way Timber would get things back to normal. The only way he and Marian would have a chance at a future.

As if the mere thought of Timber’s life returning to normal made the gods roll in their beds, his lungs tightened, and it seemed impossible to get a solid breath of air. Molecules of water spun before his eyes, dancing with tiny black spots. Timber yanked Sapphric’s vial from his pocket and tossed it back desperately, emptying it.

They swam for what seemed like forever. But when the water finally turned warm and streams of sunlight broke through the surface, Timber sighed, glancing below him. Marian held Ryder by the hips, her hair flowing behind her in a silky blond current. Beyond their bodies, the effortless swish of her tail came into view, then disappeared again. The cerulean aura inked into the dark, lighting it a stunning shade of blue. Clutched in Marian’s fist was the same jagged-edged gem from the trove...only it wasn’t dull and muted like it’d been before.

It was scarlet red, vibrant and radiating energy.

While he was still trying to figure out what the devil happened to the stone, Marian propelled them to the surface. The sunlight was blinding and hot on Timber’s skin, so much more than it had been when he’d leaped from the cliffs half an hour ago. Filling his lungs with a breath of precious air, Timber spun around. Marian was smiling ear to ear, clutching Ryder against her. Unable to be apart from her for another second, Timber closed the distance between them.

As her gaze trailed over his shoulder, Marian’s smile fell and the color drained from her cheeks.

“Timber, you have to get out of here,” she said, pointing behind him.

He spun. An army of mermaids was coming at them, the light of their tails blending into a clashing mess of color.
Holy Poseidon
they were huge!
The men were built like tanks, their torsos lifted high out of the water as they speared through the waves. Bluntly tipped harpoons were clutched in their hands as they sliced through the water at unbelievable speed.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Timber turned back to Marian, though he could feel the eyes of an army at his back. “I’m not leaving you.”

“I’ll tell them that this was Ryder’s doing, but they’re going to arrest you anyway until they figure out the true story for themselves. You won’t want to stick around for that.”

The notion pinched his heart. Despite everything, Marian was trying to save him. Timber treaded water, his legs feeling stronger than they had moments before. He grabbed Ryder beneath the arms and hefted him against his chest. “I’m not leaving unless you’re coming with me.”

She shook her head and held up the blazing ruby. “I have to stay and explain.”

“What happened to the rock? My eyes might be playing tricks on me, but I could’ve sworn the thing was crude.”

“Red is the only color of the rainbow that can’t be seen with the naked eye below twenty meters.”

“You mean...”

The Mer stone.

“Who would choose an ugly rock over all the other gems?” She smiled deviously. “Once I saw it on the floor, tucked in the corner, I just knew.”

“Smart cookie.”

“Marian!” someone called from behind her. “Don’t move!”

There wasn’t much time. Once the Mer army reached them, Timber wouldn’t be able to say what was on his mind, and in his heart.

“You have to go,” she said, sliding up beside him. “Please go.”

Timber brushed a wet tendril of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. “I can’t. I won’t let you be the one doing all the explaining. I’m a member of Ryder’s pack. They’ll have questions and I might be able to give them answers.”

“But you’re not a member of his pack, not really. You belong with the main pack. You always have.”

“You don’t know the whole story.” Timber felt the army closing in as water sloshed against his bare back. “I should’ve told you what kept me in the rogue pack before now...I was on a mission and I failed. Ryder’s brother died on my watch. Until now, I’ve been indebted to him.”

Her eyes shone with sudden understanding. “Until now?”

“By saving Ryder, I’m getting my life back.” Ryder twitched in Timber’s arms as if he understood the ramifications, even in his unconscious state. The bastard wasn’t dead, thank heavens. “My debt is repaid. If I petition the main pack, I should be able to return.”

“Timber, that’s great.” Marian pressed against him, her bare skin warming his beneath the waves. She watched the army close in behind him. “What if they don’t understand? What if they don’t believe that you had no part in this?”

“You’ll make them believe.” He kissed her. “Because you love me.”

“With all my heart.” She scrubbed her hands over his head as she stamped another, hotter kiss on his lips.

“And I love—”

His words were cut off as something blunt smacked him upside the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

Chapter Eleven

When Timber roused, he was staring at a ceiling that was like no ceiling he’d ever seen before. There was water everywhere above him, flowing and streaming against something that looked like a thin sheet of wavering glass. It was as if he was on the bottom of the sea, looking up from beneath the waves. He could almost reach out and touch the rolling current. It was the most bizarre thing he’d ever seen. It was soft. Fluffy and fluid. If he sank his fingers into it, would the water be warm?

“It’s the Curtain,” Marian’s sweet voice said from beside him. “You’re in our world now.”

He shot up and glanced around, failing to gain his bearings. “But this—but I’m not—”

“You’re not underwater?” She put her hand over his. “Oh, we’re beneath the waves all right, but don’t worry. You’re safe. Once you pass through the Curtain, it’s just like your world.”

Marian was right. This room could be his den, only it was simple in its design, with rounded corners and blue-tinted walls. He was lying on a bed with white covers pulled up to his waist, staring at a whitewashed dresser against the wall in front of him. Marian was standing beside the bed dressed in a white robe, her blond hair falling over her shoulders in tumbling waves. Even in his disoriented state, Timber longed to run his fingers through her hair, drag her to him and stamp a kiss on her lips.

“What happened?” He looked up and watched the water shadow with soft shades of pink and purple. “How long was I out?”

“Long enough to miss all the fun.”

His eyebrows shot to his hairline. “Fun?”

She settled on the edge of his bed. She was so delicate, so petite, it barely registered her weight. A low, simmering groan rumbled through Timber’s chest. If he went any longer without touching her, he’d explode.

“Our Emperor called an emergency meeting with your Alpha,” she said. “I reported what happened with Ryder and the rest of the rogue pack and what happened with Sapphric. I testified under oath that you saved the Mer stone, and that without your help I would most likely have been killed by Ryder in our trove.”

“What happened to him?” Timber’s heart pounded against his rib cage as her crisp, natural aroma assailed his senses. “Is he—”

“He’s fine.” Marian smiled, her blue eyes twinkling. “Well, he’s healthy, anyway, thanks to you. After what he’d planned to do to my colony, I think I might have left him to die down there. He forgave your debt for saving his life, Timber. That’s all that matters.”

The idea that he was now free to go back to the main pack took a few seconds to settle. But when it did and Timber let the realization sink it, he felt light and warmth radiate from within his chest. “Where is Ryder now?”

“Your Alpha took him back to their lair, where he’ll be on trial for treason...among other things. The rest of the rogue pack will be integrated back into the main pack on a case-by-case basis.”

She was beautiful. Smart and unbelievably understanding.

Timber slid up to sitting and covered Marian’s hand in his. Realizing he was naked beneath the sheets, Timber covered his lap and wondered who undressed him. “I’m assuming since I’m still sitting here that my case was already determined.”

She nodded quickly. “You’re under my care for now. When you’re feeling better, you’ll be welcomed back into the main pack as the hero you are.”

“Hero?” he scoffed. “I’m far from a hero.”

“Not in my eyes.”

Something in his chest shifted and Timber knew then and there that he never wanted to part from her. He grabbed the lapels of Marian’s robe and swung her over the top of him. She gave a little squeal of delight as she settled over his waist, her knees planted on either side of his hips. Her hair cascaded over her head and fell into his face. She smelled sweet, fresh, just like he knew she would.

He’d never get enough of her.

“You know,” Marian said, laughing, “there was something I think you were going to say when we surfaced, before the Emperor’s guard smacked you in the back of the head.”

The mere mention of the strike made Timber’s head ache. But he remembered what he’d been about to say. How could he forget?

“Well?” she said, leaning down for a kiss.

“I was hit damn good...everything is one big blur.” Timber rose up and caught her mouth, sealing them together. “I think I might need help refreshing my memory.”

“Oh, yeah?” She nipped at his bottom lip and arched her back, pressing her breasts against his chest. “How’s this?”

Timber groaned, and yanked back the parted folds of her robe. Her breasts were silky-smooth and white as porcelain, with two pink nipples that hardened from the sudden chill. He skimmed his hands down the sides of her body to her delicate waist that fit his hands perfectly. Her skin goose-bumped beneath his fingers and she twitched, ever so slightly, in response to his feather-light caress. She spread her legs on either side of him so he could feel the juncture between her legs press against his throbbing cock.

“It’s all coming back to me now.” He cupped the back of her neck and brought her mouth to his. They would be this way for the rest of their lives. Their futures were as entwined as their past, only this time everything looked bright. They’d live in Sapphric’s chamber near the river and make a home together...if that’s what Marian wanted. He’d do anything to make her happy. “I love you a thousand times over, Marian. Always have and always will.”

She moaned into a kiss that swelled Timber’s heart. “I love you, too,” she whispered against his lips.

As he yanked back the sheet covering his lap, Timber flipped Marian onto her back and pinned her to the mattress. She gasped as he planted his arms on either side of her shoulders and knelt on either side of her legs. She couldn’t escape from the cage of his body. But from the flare of excitement burning in her eyes, Timber knew Marian didn’t want to go anywhere. He nudged her legs apart with his knees.

“I could never get enough of you.” Roping his arms around her thighs, he dove between her legs and put his mouth on her. “Never.” Teasing flicks of his tongue. “Get.” Another wet kiss to her clit. “Enough.”

Her breath hitched and she scraped her fingers across his head.

She tasted sweet as honey, and as his tongue flittered in and out of her, a rush of warmth hit him. Her desire increased and her hips rolled beneath him, guiding him where she wanted to feel the heat of his mouth. He feasted on her, his tongue twirling over her pleasure spot, his mouth sliding through her rich cream.

She seized, crying out his name on a sob. He gripped her backside and lifted her hips to bring her closer to his mouth. He groaned, hungrier than ever, as her orgasm pulsed and sucked on his tongue.

“I’m dreaming,” she said, melting to the mattress. “I’ve got to be dreaming.”

“Then let’s pray you don’t wake up just yet.”

Slowly, Timber slinked over Marian’s body. She was lean and smooth and trembling for his touch. He didn’t—couldn’t—deny her. She opened up for him, her legs wrapping around his hips as he eased himself inside her. Her body was soft, warm, enveloping him like a warm glove.

Their joining was perfect, breath-freezing, and filled with more love than his heart could bear.

Groans of pleasure ripped from Timber’s throat as he sheathed himself to the hilt. Their hips met. Marian threw her head back and arched her hips up, allowing his thrusts to go deep, so deep, inside. She clawed her nails down his back, gasping, moaning, as another orgasm peaked inside her. Timber could feel her pleasure rising with his own. Could sense when she was about to shatter around him.

It drove him on.

On the brink of madness, Timber rolled over, taking Marian with him. He wanted her on top of him. Yearned to see her body move as she rode him to ecstasy. Marian planted her knees on either side of his hips and rose over him. Smiling deviously, she rocked her hips slowly, the swell of her breasts dangling in his face, her supple mouth wet from his kisses.

Timber could barely keep his eyes open as she expertly brought him to his peak. Palming her back, Timber brought her down over him and kissed her, open-mouthed and heavy, promising everything. But when her core began to clench around his shaft and her head dropped back in ecstasy, Timber opened his eyes to capture the love in Marian’s gaze.

“Look at me,” he pushed out, barely holding on to a thread of restraint. “I want you to look at me when you come.”

She looked at him then, her eyes heavy-lidded and glossed in desire. He cupped the back of her neck and clenched tight. Then, when the pressure inside him mounted, Timber came with resounding force, his entire body seizing head to toe as he released himself into her core. Marian rolled her hips in time with each powerful surge, taking all of him in.

As the tide ebbed, Marian dismounted and fell into the crook between Timber’s chest and arm. Gasping for air, Timber tucked Marian against him and eyed the ripples of blue over their heads.

“It’s amazing,” he said, feeling his heart drum out of his chest.

“Looks like the water is going to drip onto our heads, doesn’t it?”

“I wasn’t talking about the Curtain.” He kissed the top of her head, wondering what he ever did to deserve Marian’s love. “I was talking about you and how you make me feel.”

He could feel her melt against him. Could feel her heartbeat flutter as if it were his own.

“I don’t know how I ever breathed without you,” she whispered as her lips found his neck. “You’re everything to me, you know that?”

“I know.” He rolled her over, watched her skin glow and her eyes lighten, and settled between her hips. “And I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you that you are more precious to me than any gem in that treasure trove of yours.”

Marian lifted her hips to meet him. “I’ve got another trove you can visit.”

“Baby,” he said, entering her on a groan, “I like the way you think.”

* * * * *

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