The Mogul (Necessary Lies Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: The Mogul (Necessary Lies Book 2)
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Chapter Seven

s we walked back down
to our room, I grabbed Nolan’s arm.

“Now will you tell me?” I asked.

“You’ll know once you’re there,” Nolan said. “I just don’t want to take any risks. The pilot will know where to take you. That’s all that matters.”

I stopped, suddenly hearing what he was saying.

“You won’t be with me?” I asked. “Aren’t you coming? Don’t you want to see him too?”

Nolan shook his head. “I can’t go with you on this flight. I need to distract whomever is following us. And I can guarantee you there are people following us. You’ll leave in a couple hours for the airport in one of Emerson’s cars. They’ll switch you in and out a couple of times before heading to the private airport where one of his anonymous jets will whisk you away to your first stop.”

“My first stop?” I asked. We were in front of our suite’s entrance now, and suddenly I couldn’t stop thinking about what we’d been doing in there before our meeting with the mogul. “Is this all to distract?”

“Yep,” Nolan said, opening the door for us. “It’s never been more important for you to be invisible, Camilla. I’m still not sure this is the right thing to do, but you’re understandably insistent on seeing him. So I’m making it happen.”

He walked past me, loosening his tie as he did.

“So what do we do now?” I asked, demurely. “I won’t be leaving for a few hours?”

Nolan turned to look at me. “What do you want to do, Camilla?”

I walked over to him slowly, unbuttoning my blouse as I did, starting from the top and working my way down. “You know what I want, Mr. Weston.”

He stared at me, his eyes hungry with lust as I got closer and closer to him.

“It’s about what
want though,” he said, his voice deepening. “Isn’t it?”

I nodded. “Of course. I’m just here to submit to you. Completely.”

He walked over to me, his gait confident, his fists clenched. I’d unbuttoned half my blouse and in one quick motion he’d torn it off me, exposing my nude teddy I’d decided to wear under my ensemble. It was all one piece made of lace and mesh, and I’d fantasized about being exposed to him in it, my ample breasts spilling out of it, barely contained by the thin fabric.

He was practically salivating.

He lifted me up and my legs were wrapped around him. I could feel the hardness of him, even with his pants still on.

“I’m going to fuck you senseless,” he rumbled into my ear. His voice was primal and urgent. I knew he would show me no mercy.

He threw me down on the bed and I writhed as I watched him strip down to nothing, his cock angry. He stroked it with one large hand as he stared down at me.

“Take all of your clothes off,” he said. “You’re so bad, Camilla. Wearing something like that. Is it crotchless?”

It was. I opened my legs so he could see me, all of me. I could feel the wetness on my inner thighs. He sucked in a breath.

,” he muttered. “You’re going to be my complete undoing.”

* * *

is pounding was
the most aggressive I’d ever taken from him. He treated my body like his fuck toy- something there only to give him pleasure. He was rough with me and I loved it; I wanted to be something he found so desirous that he couldn’t control the beast I knew was within him… The beast that was within all men like Nolan.

I bent to his will and followed his every instruction.

“Turn over,” he’d demand, smacking my ass. “Let me fuck you like the whore I want you to be for me. Only me, Camilla.”

And if by whore he meant I was only his for the taking, then that’s what I would always be. To receive him was all I could ever want. If he wanted to fuck me like a whore, I would be a willing one.

“Yes, Mr. Weston,” I panted. “I’m
whore. You own my body.”

“That’s fucking right,” he said as he entered me, his cock so hard that I winced. “You’re my precious girl, Camilla. My concubine. My everything. I’ll fuck you and love you for the rest of my life. And you’ll never get me to stop. Right? If I want you, you’ll give me everything. I can fuck you how I please. Say it, Camilla.”

“You can do with me as you wish,” I cried out, an earth shattering orgasm erupting from me. I could feel myself pulling his cock inside of me even further as I pulsated. “I’m coming so hard for you, Mr. Weston.”

He yanked my hips back and started pumping me faster now, impossibly deeper. “I can feel it, Camilla. My good girl who I love to fuck. I can feel you coming for me. Your mentor. Your master. Your owner.”

Oh my God
. Was it bad that this turned me on? To be his good girl that he owned? I loved playing this part and being beneath his experienced hands, his eyes staring down at my body, a body that only belonged to him, would always belong to him.

“I need your come, Mr. Weston,” I begged. “I’ll be so good for you. You can come anywhere you want to. On me, in me. Just show me how much my body pleased you. It’s my only purpose!”

I was crying out now, the waves of pleasure hitting me relentlessly as we played our game. This role was what I was born for. I’d never wanted someone so much. Even as he fucked me, I couldn’t get enough. I was delirious with want.

He yelled out, a primitive sort of scream that came from deep within his soul. He slammed into me over and over and then I felt him release, the heat of it bringing me over the edge. We were truly one in that moment, his body filling me and mine taking all he could give me, wanting all of it, and more. Much more. Always.

* * *

e’d been completely spent
over an hour later, both of us breathing hard as we lie next to one another on the bed, naked and sweaty.

“That,” he said. “Was the best. Ever.”

I rolled over and smiled at him. “The best sex ever? Really?”

“Not just the best sex,” Nolan replied. “The best time. The best experience. The most amazing hour of my life. Bar none. No competition. You win, Camilla Hunt. You win so hard.”

I laughed, so proud that I could be on that kind of pedestal.

“I love you,” I said, without thinking.

He turned to look at me. He touched my face but I could sense a sadness in his eyes. “I love you too. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”

I laid my head down on his chest, listening to his heart beat. It soothed me, that sound.

“What will happen?” I asked. “After we see my dad? Will we come back here? Run the firm together? Flush out the moles?” I looked up at his face. He was staring at the ceiling, one arm crooked underneath his head. “I just don’t want this to end, Nolan. Ever. Is that crazy?”

He shook his head but he wouldn’t look at me. “It’s not crazy at all to want to spend your life with someone you love.”

I looked at him, my stomach suddenly hurting from anxiety. As always, Nolan wasn’t telling me everything.

“If it were up to me,” he said. “And I have thought this so often you wouldn’t even believe it… I’d do what your dad did. Except I would escape to Vanuatu. Assume a new identity. The name of someone who was a huge part of the good parts of my childhood.”

“Yeah?” I asked. “Who would that be?”

He smirked at me. “I have to keep some secrets for myself. But you could figure it out. We talked about it before.”

I playfully smacked his rock solid stomach. “You keep enough secrets as it is. How would I find you?”

“I’d hope you’d be with me,” he said, running his hands through my hair. “When it comes down to it… I hope you choose me.”

“Always,” I said, suddenly understanding his solemn expression. How could he ever think I’d ever choose anything other than him?

* * *

bout an hour
later Nolan received a text from Emerson letting him know everything was good to go.

“We should hurry though,” Nolan said. “They’re going to take you in an unmarked SUV. Four of them will leave the hotel at the same time and all four will go in different directions. All four will have a woman in them with your hair color and your build. But clearly only one will have Camilla Hunt in it. And we’re hoping, if someone is following you, that it throws them off. Either way, you won’t be taken to the plane until you’ve switched cars a few times.”

I looked at him, tears suddenly stinging my eyes. “You won’t be with me?”

“I can’t be,” he said, holding my face in both his hands. “I want to be. But for both of our safety, you need to go alone. But I won’t be far behind you. I have things to settle here before I go.”

“And you still won’t tell me where?” I asked. “This is beyond frustrating, Nolan.”

“I know,” he said. “But it’s what we need to do. I don’t want to compromise Richard’s whereabouts. But more than that, I don’t want to put you in any sort of danger. I won’t take even the most conservative of risks when it comes to you.”

This was not what I wanted. I’d been apart from him for so long the last few months. I didn’t trust how long it would be until he was with me again. And he wasn’t looking me in the eyes when he spoke.

A red flag.

“Promise me,” I said. “Promise me you’ll meet me again. I won’t go anywhere else until I see you, Nolan. You can’t… Not again…” I was crying now.

So weak.

“I swear to God,” he said, pulling me to his chest. “You will see me again in the next 48-72 hours, Camilla. I would die before I broke that promise.” He tilted my chin up toward his face. “I need you more than you need me. You have no idea.”

He kissed me then. It was a kiss full of passion and the promise of things to come. It was the truest thing he’d given me so far.

And I believed him. Without question.

* * *

hirty minutes
later I ducked my head into a sleek, black Range Rover with tinted windows in the bowels of the parking garage. There were three men in the vehicle with me. The suits. They didn’t speak, but it was clear they were in on what was happening.

“We’re taking you to another hotel and garage,” the driver said to me, glancing at me in his rearview mirror. “There you’ll get into a Maybach with a different security team. After that they’ll tell you the next step. It might take a couple of transfers before we’re cleared to take you to the final destination. Please be patient, Miss Hunt.”

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