The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides) (2 page)

BOOK: The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides)
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chapter Three

Life Goes On


Life without his parents was not something Case had planned
. When his mother was alive, the house was vibrant and alive. The aromas of freshly baked bread or pies filled the house. Dinner table conversations were lively and across many subjects.

Now, he took his meals with the ranch hands, one of whom served as the cook
. Very little conversation passed between them. In between meals, his life was atop a horse, wrangling cattle, with a trip into Helena every two or three weeks.

In for supplies, his first stop was the general store.  “Haven’t seen you for some time, how have you been?” asked Silas.

“Working hard. We’re shorthanded right now, so the saddle is my home. I spent the past week rounding up strays. For some reason, the herd seems to be always looking for greener pastures. 

e’s the list the cook gave me. While you get it together, I’m going over to the café and have a bite cooked by someone that isn’t a cowboy, and with something besides beans. Then I’ll stop by to see Letty and Jack.”

your time,” Silas said. “I’ve got another order to work on. Tell the Owens’ I said hello. I haven’t seen them in several days either,” Silas said.

“I’ll be back after a while,” Case said.

He hadn’t seen Jack and Letty since the Saturday of the barn raising and was having some guilt feeling about it. “Case,” a concerned Letty said, “how have you been? We’ve missed you.”

“I was just telling Silas, we’re a bit short-handed at the ranch right now and I’ve been working from sunup to sundown.”

“You know that’s not good for you. You need to let your mind and body rest, just like the Bible says.

“Yeah, well, whoever wrote that didn’t know an
ything about life on a ranch,” Case said.

“Come on now,” Jack said
. “Your father always found time to kick back or come to church. You should too.”

“Keeping busy keeps my mind occupied, so I don’t get so lonely.”

Letty said, “I want you to promise to come to church Sunday, and then take dinner with us.”

“I don’t know, Letty. I have a lot to do.”

“I’m not going to take no for an answer,” Letty said.

“Listen to the lady, Case. You can’t win an argument with her. I never have and I’ve tried for years. “She might not always
right, but she’s never wrong. In her own mind, that is.” He laughed to show he was joking

“Listen to you. He’s going to think I boss you around,” she said.

“It is what it is,” said Jack.

“I promise, Letty.
I’ll be at church this Sunday or next Sunday,” he offered.

“Why not both Sundays?” she countered. 

“What did I tell you? Give up, and we’ll see you Sunday,” Jack said,



Case was out of
bed and at work before sunup. With all of his chores complete, after breakfast, he got dressed in his Sunday clothes and rode into town. He was going to keep his promise to Letty. He left his horse at the livery stable, asked him to give the horse some oats and water, and told him he would be back after church. 

He took note of the day as he walked. The sky was so blue and clear, he could see forever.
Only in Montana do you get days like this.
It was quiet on the streets; the miners were all sleeping off the liquor they had consumed the night before. The only traffic he saw was the few wagons headed to church. He nodded to several families as they passed. He touched the brim of his hat to acknowledge several of the wives.

At the church, he was greeted warmly, with friends asking how he was, their concern obvious. He joined a group of men standing in front of the church, listening to the conversation but not joining in.

“Have you seen any recent Indian signs, Case?” one of the men asked.

Suddenly aware all of the men were looking at him, he realized the question was addressed to him. “Huh… no, I have not. Haven’t missed any cattle that I know of, so they must have moved on.”

“I hope so,” said one of the men. “Red Cloud scares me,” the rancher said.

Sounds of the piano came from inside the church, acting as a call to worship. As they went inside, they separated, to rejoin their families. Case sat on the end of a bench about midway back and close to the wall. He stood when the congregation stood; he bowed his head when they did. He held the hymnal, but did not sing.  After the services, as he made his way to the door, he shook Jack’s hand, and said, “Tell Letty I’m going to have to beg off dinner. I can’t stay; I need to get back to the ranch.”


“No way,” said Jack. “I’m not going to do your dirty work for you. Tell her yourself. Good luck on that one.”  He moved over to thank the last group just leaving the church.

Letty approached him. “Jack said you had something to
tell me. If it’s what I think it is, forget it. You’re coming to dinner.” With that, she turned and walked away.

After eating the best meal he’d had since his mother was killed, Case thanked Letty, and told her how much he appreciated the invitation,  I would return the favor, but you’re not strong enough to stomach my cooking he said with a nervous laugh. He knew he wasn’t going to get off this easy.

“Let’s talk.” Letty said to Case. “Your mother was a good friend, and you’re going to get our help whether you want it or not. What’s going on?”

“I honestly don’t know. I feel empty. It’s the only way I can describe it.”

“You’re around the same, what… five, six… people all day, every day? I would bet not ten words pass between you that isn’t cattle related. You’re lonely. You need new people in your life. You need to get out and associate with others.”

“Awww Letty, everyone feels sorry for me. I don’t want their pity.”

“You’re confusing sorrow with sympathy. You lost your mother and father the same day. It isn’t as if it they were sick and you knew it was coming. It’s a terrible blow to lose a parent even when you know it’s coming. It’s far worse when it’s unexpected, and both at once. It’s a big load to carry alone.

“Have you ever had a girlfriend?”

Case choked and stammered. “Why do you… Where did that come… No,” he answered.

“You need one
,” she said. “You need someone to share your grief.  Case, you need a wife.”

I grant you that. It would be nice to have someone who would share my feelings. Where do you suggest I find one?” he asked.

“He’s got you there, Letty. I don’t think there are ten unmarried women in the territory that aren’t tw
ice his age, Jack said.

“Oh shush, Jack.
I have an idea, but I need to think about it. You will be at church next Sunday, right.” It was a statement of fact, not a question.

“I’ll be here,” he said. “Now I really do have to get back to the ranch. Thanks for the meal. I enjoyed it, even with the lecture.”

He stood, shook Jack’s hand, and hugged Letty.  “I’ll see you Sunday,” he said.



chapter Four

Letty Has A Plan



The following Sunday, Case was at church as ordered. “I’ve given this a good bit of thought this past week.” Letty announced at dinner. “Another one of our members was looking for a wife, and as you said, there are virtually no single women in Helena, since so many of the people here came out in the gold rush after the war. When mining didn’t work, they turned to ranching or farming. Others moved on. Anyway,  he put an ad in the paper for a wife.”

“If there are no unmarried females in Helena, what good would that do?” Case asked.

“It wasn’t a Helena paper. There’s a paper that only contains ads for men or women looking for mates. It’s published in Kansas City, Philadelphia, New York and Boston.  If you see an ad describing someone you might be interested in, you write the editor of the paper and describe yourself and the number of the ad you liked.  He sends your letter to the other person, and if they are interested, they answer the editor. The paper doesn’t give out your name or address until you say so. After you correspond with those interested, you can ask them to meet you. If they accept, the man usually pays for the woman’s travel. If they like each other, they usually marry. The paper says they have sponsored several hundred marriages.

“What kind of woman would go halfway across the country to marry a man she had never met? That seems about the same as the fancy girls at the Last Chance. It sounds dangerous to me,” Case said.

“A desperate woman would do it. Or a man wanting a family and having no other alternative. There is risk to it, I guess. This couple I’m talking about has been married—how long, Jack?”

“I guess nearly two years now,” Jack said. “They have a little girl, and
they seem happy. There are probably others in the territory, but I don’t know of any. I talked to them and borrowed an old copy of the paper. If you are interested, you could write and get an ad published. They’ll send you a copy of the paper. It used to cost a penny per word for the ad. It may still be the same.”

“Thanks, Letty. That’s another star in your crown.  I really appreciate what you’ve done.”

“That’s what friends do; help each other in times of need. It’s up to you, now.”

‘I’ve never written a letter before. I don’t have any idea how to start.”

“I’ll help if you like, but the words have to be yours. Most women can spot a fake a mile off.”

Later that evening…

Case read the paper, looking at the ads. Many of them hinted at the loneliness of the man or woman.  Others were downright ludicrous, obviously from fortune hunters.
I had no idea this sort of thing went on. I guess I’ve led a sheltered life.

He decided to compose an ad, just for the heck of it.  After several efforts, he came up with an ad that read:

Twenty-five year old rancher in the Montana Territory would like to correspond with a lady of same approximate age with marriage a possibility. I am slender in build, honest and a hard worker.

After services, he showed it to Letty. “What do you think?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t change a thing,” she said. “It’s forthright, and to the point. It doesn’t reveal too much, but it identifies your situation. Are you going to mail it?”

“I might as well,” he said. It will only cost a dollar, and will be interesting to see what happens.”

“Don’t get impatient,” she said. “Remember your letter has to get to Kansas City, and then put into the paper, which is published. Anyone interested will have to write to the paper, and then it has to be sent to you.  You’re talking about a month at least for a return.” 

“I guess you’re right. Somehow, I thought it might be quicker.”

“If we ever get the railroad in here, it will sure speed things up,” she said.

“I’ll see you next week,” he said. He tipped his hat to Letty and headed home.

As he rode along, he wondered,
what would it be like having a woman in the house? I guess I’d have to move into Ma and Pa’s bedroom. I’d eat better, too. I wish I could find a woman like Letty. She is the kindest person I know.
That evening, he reread the newspaper, this time concentrating on the ads placed by women. How do you pick which one to answer? He wondered to himself. He fell asleep in the chair, the newspaper in his lap.

Two weeks later…

It was a rare occasion. Case had mail. It was the first mail he had ever received. It was The Matrimonial Bulletin newspaper, but it was still mail. 

The newspaper was full of ads placed
by those in search of a mate. The accompanying note informed his ad was number 920. Now the waiting began. Fortunately for him, it was roundup time and he was in the saddle for hours on end, rounding up his herd, chasing the strays and culling out the ones that would be going to the Army. He and his crew would have to drive the bulk of them to Fort CF Smith, and a small number to Helena. It had been a good year for the Lazy J. The cattle had survived the harsh winter, had fattened up, and were ready for market. 

After returning from the drive, the latest strays had to be rounded up
, and some minor repairs had to be made on some of the outbuildings, in preparation for the coming winter. When he finally made it into Helena, he went by the general store to check his mail and found he had none. He gave Silas the list of supplies he needed and headed to the church to visit Jack and Letty.

“Letty, our wandering cowboy has returned to the fold,” Jack called out when he saw Case.

“Welcome, home,” he said, as they shook hands.  How was the drive?” he asked.

“Uneventful for the most part.
It was dusty, and we got hit by a couple of storms, and rained on for two days, but the herd behaved, and we got a good price. It was good, but I’m sure glad to be back home.”

Letty said as she hugged him. “It’s good to see you. We missed you in church, but I guess you were out having fun.”

“Yeah, lots of fun, living with the smelly cattle,” he said.

“Did you get any mail yet?” she asked.

“I just got the paper, and my ad was in it. I guess it’s too early to expect answers. Maybe next
week. I just wanted to stop by and say hello, I came in to pick up supplies. I guess they’re probably ready, so I’d best get back or Silas will think I changed my mind. See you Sunday,” he said.

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