The Moonstone (Enchantment Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: The Moonstone (Enchantment Book 1)
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Pyros doesn't give me a chance to reply and is already long gone. Éloï shrugs and follows him.

"So, this is the dream team, is it my friend?" says Flicka, pulling Pax along with her as if to make him a pull-toy.

"Were you on another planet? Didn't you see what he just did? Ok, he has a nasty disposition, but I think that with the five of us together we could become invincible. Let go of your prejudice and give him time to get used to us."

"You mean that we’ll have to get used to him."

"Whatever… What about you, Pax? What did you think of them?"

"I think you made a good decision, Lou. I think there’s a lot of potential there. You know, my grandmother always says that we have one mouth and two ears, so it's important to listen twice as much as it is to speak, and we learn best when we use our eyes and ears together. I can tell Pyros is suffering. If you manage to pierce his hard outer shell, you'll get something from him. But don't push him too hard. Give him time. Ok, I'm going to leave you now. I need to get to class. Goodbye, ladies." With that, he floats away towards the entrance of the school.

"I still think you make weird choices. Éloï isn’t approachable and I'm not used to that."

"I get it, but make it your mission rather than a problem. I was shy too when we met, or have you forgotten so soon? I 'm sure that your contagious cheerfulness will rub off on them. Until then, my choice is still made and you’re welcome to make your own and leave the team if you prefer." I say it with a wink and pretend indifference.

"Ok, no way! You won't get rid of me that easily. I'll take it as a challenge; you know I will. And you know, there isn't much that stumps me. Hey, I was thinking...would you be interested in going out for supper and a little bit of shopping with me tonight?"

"Oh, Flicka, I would really have liked that, but I have to go and have supper at Lord Black's with Bethany." She looks at me, wide-eyed as if I had just announced that I was, in fact, a frog dressed as a girl.

"Don't look at me like that! I don't want to go. It's because of the whole stable incident. Apparently, I impressed him and he wants to celebrate my success over supper."

"No, I'm not surprised. In fact, I heard about what you did to the chupacabra. That's all people are talking about. It's no real secret and you've been the talk of the place since yesterday. You’re the mutant human enchanter who killed Jézabel's dog and defended herself from a chimera. Your ears must be tingling...hey, I just had a great idea! There's no way I can send you there without touching up your look. A solemn supper at Black's manor deserves a touch of my styling. I'll run home after class and come back to you as soon as I can. I do however want you to promise to reserve tomorrow for me, though. And you can't say no!"

"Ok, fine! I'll see you later."

Flicka and I go in opposite directions and I join Bethany for my afternoon class. Together we spend a couple of hours practicing what I learned about time travel earlier in the day. Bethany is right, positive emotions are much less effective than negative ones. The whole afternoon, I try my best but never manage to go back in time. At one point I even think I see a look of contentment on my teacher's face. It's as if she was thinking 'see, she's not so perfect after all.' She’s right, I am far from perfect, but there's no way I want to go back and pull from my darkest memories. I prefer failure.

"Ok, Lou. That's enough for today. Meet me out in front of the Academy at around six-thirty."

We leave the circular room, each from a different door and I go back to my room to wait for my personal stylist to arrive with her equipment. I check my phone messages and I find an email from my mother asking me if I'm having a good time. She attached a couple of photos of her and my father on the beach at Nassau. They look so happy. I wish that they could stay there as long as possible, happy and far from reality, which is much darker and mysterious than they could ever understand.

Chapter 10

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

Martin Luther King Jr.


Flicka knocks on my door a half an hour after the end of classes. She invades my room with an armload of bags she spreads out on my bed.

"Tonight we're going to get out of your comfort zone a bit, my little Lou."

"What do you mean?" I say, unsure of what to expect.

"Well, you've seen Lord Black, haven't you? He's a major snob who lives in an ivory tower. And you know Bethany's style. She's always dressed like a diva. You can't play it safe tonight; I’ll need to surpass myself. I know you better than you realize. You’re anxious about having to eat supper alone with these two control freaks and I think a little help in the style department will boost your confidence. You need to surprise them, otherwise they'll swallow you whole."

I would love to tell her she’s hit the nail on the head, but I don't feel like going into the whole saga of my relationship with Bethany, and even less with Black. I settle on answering directly:

"Ok, I put my faith in you."

"Super! I’m so happy to have you in my life. Do you have any idea how much fun I'm having re-inventing your look? Ok, first things first, put on this dress."

She hands me a bit of fabric, and when I say a bit, that's what I mean.

"Um, where’s the rest of the dress?"

"This is the dress. Stop complaining and try it on. You'll see, it will fit you like a glove."

Ok, now I'm starting to regret my blind faith...but I don't want to disappoint her; after all, she'll see for herself that it doesn't work on me.

I put on the dress and it feels like pure silk. The fabric slides over my body like a light breeze and it falls beautifully. But Flicka is right; it does take me out of my comfort zone. The back is open to the top of my bum. There are slits on either side that reveal my legs to the upper thighs and the neckline plunges to the center of my chest. What a strange feeling it is to be dressed and yet feeling naked at the same time. I leave the room feeling completely intimidated and walk over to the full-length mirror to assess the damage.

"Oh wow! You’re sublime Lou. I knew it would look good, but I didn't think it would look that good!"

She claps her hands, proud of her accomplishment. I study myself in the mirror and find it hard to believe that something so completely opposite of my style could fit me so well. I have to admit, the whole outfit is incredibly elegant. There is more of me on display than usual, but on the whole, the look is harmonious and utterly feminine.

"It’s exquisite, but I'm not sure I can pull it off."

"Let me finish and you'll see that it's them who aren't worthy of you."

She grabs me by the arm and sits me down in front of the dressing table. Then, she runs her tiny hands through my hair in an effort to determine the best way to dress it. I love having someone play with my hair, I always find it relaxing and that's just what I need right now. She lifts it all into a tight bun and gives me a sophisticated look. In fact, it's the first time I reveal so much of my face and I find it stunning. Flicka then finishes off my look with a much more bold make-up than I’m used to; my smoky eyes make me look like a much more confidant woman. Finally she completes the look with long, dangling, pearl-encrusted earrings and a necklace. I then put on a pair of pumps that lace up my calves. I go back to the mirror to see the final results and it’s enough to take my breath away. If I met myself on the street looking like this, I would imagine that I was a woman with class and self-assurance.

"You’re magnificent. I feel like crying. I think this is my best one yet!"

"But doesn't it seem like someone other than me?"

"No, Lou, quite the opposite. I think this is the real you! I watched you today in the field and you have what it takes to be a great leader! You’re stronger than you think. I think you would make an excellent leader for our team! For me, this dress is the exteriorization of what I saw today. Go to supper tonight feeling proud. That way you'll have the upper hand."

I know she's right; I need to have more faith in myself if I want to lead my team and have them follow me. Plus, I'm going to need all my energy in order to spend the evening with Black. I know he probably discovered my secret. I hope he won't mention it tonight.

"How should I act? I mean, how does a woman who dresses like this act in order to project an image of self-confidence?"

"First of all you need to believe it yourself. It's all in the attitude. You need to lift your chin, don't ever look at the floor; people who are sure of themselves always look straight ahead. Next, walk slowly but firmly. Take the time to look them in the eye when you’re talking to them, they need to be the first to look away. Don't speak much, but when you do, speak at the right moment and repeat some of the things they said to you. Keep a straight back and cross one leg over the other while placing your two hands over your knees, that will give you a poised, confidant look. Stay calm all the time and speak at a constant speed. Finally, whatever they say to you, don't hand out compliments and remain neutral."

Well now I'm confused! Where did she come up with all that?

"Um, are you a specialist in image control?"

She laughs out loud.

"No, not at all. I’ve a good memory and it was my Dad who gave me all this advice. He's negotiated a lot of contracts and those are his golden rules for coming out on top. I figured it might work for you tonight."

"I don't know if I can remember all that, but I'll certainly do my best!"

"Ok, good. The main thing is to keep you chin up so you don't let them think you’re rattled by their cold presence. They’re both controlling and if you let them have the advantage, you're done. You’ll be their target and I don't think you’ll enjoy the hot seat much. Call me as soon as you get back. I want to hear how it went."

Flicka then leaves me to go have supper with Pax; they decided to go on a tour of the best restaurants, one treat per venue. It seems that’s the tradition when a new person comes to town. I would certainly have preferred hanging out with them and eating treats to spending the evening with the two enchanters who like me the least. But I’m curious to find out why they want to have supper with me. I presume Black already revealed my secret to Bethany and that's what has me the most worried. I'm going to be alone with those two vultures.

I join Bethany who’s already seated in her car. Chin up, Lou...don't look at the ground.

I notice Bethany's questioning look. She didn't expect me to come dressed like this. No, you won't be the only one to attract attention tonight. She doesn’t say a word, not even hello.

Ok, Lou. Get a grip! He can't have that kind of effect on you, or you're sunk. He greets Bethany, and I walk towards him with a decisive step, making sure I’m the first one to extend my hand. As soon as he sets eyes on me I can see a change in his serious look, as if he were a porcelain doll that suddenly cracked ever so slightly. It's a huge chink in his armor. He scans me from head to foot and when he reaches my eye level, I stare back at him the way Flicka taught me to do. The duel lasts for a moment and then the incredible happens...he looks away first. His superb, beautiful eyes move away from mine.  And that's 2:0 for me. He swallows awkwardly and invites me in with a wave of his hand. He precedes me, but I can see his fist is clenched. He’s tense, good thing too. Seeing his relaxed outfit makes me worry that mine is over the top, but then I look at Bethany and feel reassured. Black leads us to a dining room with a low ceiling that is paneled with antique moldings. The center of the room is graced with a magnificent solid wood table that could seat twenty people around it. On the main wall is an immense fireplace and hung above it is a beautiful portrait of a man holding an instrument in one hand and a woman in the other. The colors are sublime, but the more I look at it, the sadder it makes me feel. I look away, afraid these emotions might affect my capacity for self-control.

"Can I offer you ladies something to drink?" asks Black, having moved behind a small bar at the room's entrance.

"I would love a scotch on the rocks," I request immediately in order to cut Bethany off.

"That's a man's drink. Not one for a woman like you, surely."

Don't answer; keep your cool. I approach the bar and extend my hand to take my drink. I'm also careful to watch his every move. I don't feel like falling prey to another of his invasive potions.

He hands me the drink, but when he does, he also firmly grabs my hand. His eyes find mine, but this time his gaze is much more critical. Without thinking, I look away. Darn!

"Ahem," coughs Bethany to get our attention. Thank goodness for that. Black lets go of my hand and brings a glass of wine to his other guest. I need to center myself again. There's no way I’m going to let him come out on top by simply grabbing my hand.

"So, ladies, please have a seat. We’ll start the meal now and I’ve planned a special feast for you," says Black, pulling out Bethany's chair. She seems pleased to have been the first one treated to such attention. I need to find a way to sit down after him, but Black has now pulled out my chair for me and is signaling for me to sit down. What should I do?

"Could you tell me where the restroom is?" I ask in order to delay. He'll probably sit down while I’m gone.

"I'll show you the way, otherwise you risk getting lost, and we certainly wouldn't want that miss Mills," he says to me sarcastically.

Darn! My plan just sprang a leak. Black points in the direction of the hallway, signaling for me to walk through the doorway.

He follows me out and then is suddenly beside me, but without looking at me. I refuse to look at him either and walk confidently, despite my nervousness.

"The little rabbit is wearing high heels tonight?" he whispers snidely in my ear.

I don't answer him with words, but instead content myself with turning it into another staring contest. I take him by surprise and walk towards him until I’m a foot away from him, making sure to continue standing tall. Even in my high heels he’s taller than me, but that doesn't prevent me from looking at him in the eyes. I can see that he’s waiting for me to say something and my dignified silence seems to bother him. He runs his fingers through his hair and then the unexpected happens, he looks away again to stare at the floor for a brief instant.

"Where is the washroom?" I make a point to ignore his attack but instead say something banal and “
; just like that I score another point. Thanks Flicka!

I hear Black sigh, and then he opens a door at the end of the hallway.

"Thanks, I'll meet you back in the dining room. I'm sure I can find my way alone."

I don't wait for a response and I enter the room, closing it behind me. After a few seconds I hear Black's retreating footsteps. Maybe my little strategy is working. The washroom is grandiose; there’s a polished marble floor with a giant claw-footed tub taking the place of honor in the room. Above it floats a superb crystal chandelier that gives the room an air of glamour. I need to freshen up. I've never in my life behaved like this, and I can't say I dislike it. Just seeing Black so unsure of himself is worth a million bucks. I’ve been thinking of him constantly since the first time we met, first with his damned potion and then with his charming good looks. I almost fell for him the other night in the cave, and at the dance. Almost, that is, until he rejected me not once, but twice.

I also have to keep in mind what he did to Gertrude and his incessant arrogance. The magnificent mirror reflects back a woman who I don't recognize. In fact, up until now I was a lunatic girl who dreamed of adventure. But tonight I see a young lady who’s ready to lead her team, a woman with a great mission, with a goal. Nowhere is the girl who’s still trying to figure out who she is, although I know I’ve a way to go. It's the face of a young woman who’s making her way in a world that’s incredibly mysterious and full of surprises.

I wash a little water over the back of my neck to refresh myself. Ok, now it's time to return. There's no way I should make them wait any longer.

I open the door and my heart skips a beat. Leaning up against the wall is Black, nonchalant and with a large grin on his face. He waited...darn!

He looks at me as if he understood my little game, but this time I’ll refuse to look away. I stare into the infinite blue of his hypnotic eyes. He caught me unaware and once again, I look away. That’s another point for Black, this time. He gives me an obnoxious smile and then guides me back to the dining room with his hand behind my back. Shivers run down my spine and my body cries out to wrap myself around him to complete the sensation. I need to stop thinking like that, but it seems impossible because his fingers are right there, there's no denying it. We finally reach the dining room, but I see that Bethany’s missing. Where is she?

"Where’s Bethany?" I ask, moving backwards to put some distance between us.

"I asked her to leave."

What? He asked her to leave, but why? A small part of me wishes I had been a fly on the wall when he told her to go. The other part of me is terrified at the idea of spending the entire evening alone with him.

"Ok," I answer, nonchalantly in order to hide the panic rising in me. I grab the glass he’s holding even before he offers it to me and I swallow it in one gulp before banging my glass down on the bar. Well, I probably gave myself away with that move, but whatever, it's all I can think of to do. Why did he send Bethany home? That makes no sense. I assume he wants me to ask exactly that, but I'm not sure I want to know the answer, so I refrain. He then walks back to the table and pulls out one of the chairs for me.

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