The Moth Catcher (39 page)

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Authors: Ann Cleeves

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Police Procedural, #Crime, #General

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Vera continued talking. ‘Lucas watched what was going on in the valley. He was obsessive about his wife and liked to know where she was, but he had a voyeur’s curiosity about everything that happened there. He was especially interested in the house-sitter, of course. He understood the rhythm of his days. The afternoon of the murders Lucas saw Randle’s car drive up the lane to the Hall. He wouldn’t have known that Benton was there too, though. From that distance he couldn’t have seen inside the car. Lucas prepared. He knew that Randle usually spent his afternoons working in the Carswells’ garden. That was part of the house-sitting arrangement. He made his way to the Hall, waited until Randle came out of the house to go into the vegetable garden and hit him as he was about to pick leaves for the salad. He dragged him to the drive and used Randle’s own car to dump him by the track. Randle’s jacket was in the car, and Lucas put that on him so that it would look more like a hit-and-run accident. Then he went back to the attic flat to pick up any evidence that Randle might have on the regime in the detention centre. Of course he had no idea that Benton was there.’

‘So that killing wasn’t premeditated,’ Holly said.

Vera shook her head. ‘Lucas must have been scared shitless when he walked into the place and saw a middle-aged man working on a laptop on the table. Benton recognized Lucas from photos he’d seen during his research, so Benton had to die. Then Lucas took the laptop and got home by the footpath along the burn, before his wife got back from her walk and the other women returned from the WI.’ Vera paused. ‘We found Randle’s laptop in that fancy new kitchen of his, hidden in the drawer where he keeps the coffee.’ She gave a sly grin. ‘He was the only person allowed to play with the all-singing, all-dancing coffee machine, so he knew it would be safe in there.’

‘Shirley Hewarth must have worked out Lucas was the killer.’ It was Joe again. He leaned forward to warm his hands at the fire. ‘Why didn’t she tell us?’

‘Perhaps she just couldn’t see an old colleague as a double-murderer,’ Vera said. ‘Or she had a weird sense of loyalty. And, of course, if she pointed us in the direction of Lucas, her role in the cruelty at the centre would become public too. She didn’t commit the abuse, but she must have known what was going on and she kept quiet about it. That was a sort of cowardice at least.’

‘But she did suspect Lucas, didn’t she?’ Holly was becoming engrossed in the story now. ‘She tried a couple of times to get advice about what she should do. She set up the meeting with her ex-husband in the pub, and then she arranged to talk to the chair of trustees.’

‘But by the time she was due to meet him,’ Joe said, ‘Lucas had already killed her.’

‘Shirley talked to Lizzie Redhead too.’ Vera looked out of the uncurtained window, but it was still misty outside and there was nothing to see. ‘Jason had told Lizzie what had happened at the detention centre and had mentioned Shirley’s name. It was a shared secret between the women.’

‘What will happen to Elizabeth?’ Holly hadn’t liked Lizzie Redhead. Somebody else with doting parents and a comfortable life, who’d felt the need to make life difficult for other people.

‘I don’t see much point in charging her with blackmail,’ Vera said. ‘Lucas would be the only prosecution witness, and who’d believe a man convicted of a triple-murder?’

Holly was about to argue the point – she’d heard Lizzie’s attempt at blackmail – but looked at Vera and thought better of it.

‘I don’t think Lizzie will be sticking around to bother us anyway,’ Vera went on. ‘If she’s desperate to see the world, I suspect her parents will fund her adventures. Life will be much easier for them if their errant daughter is on the other side of the planet. And maybe when she comes back she’ll be a bit older and wiser.’ She paused. ‘Lizzie will have to learn a bit of responsibility on her own in the big, bad world. Sending her back inside would be an easy option and she’d never grow up.’

They were quiet again. The fire was just embers now and Vera made no move to throw on another log. Joe stretched, got up and said goodbye. Holly stood up and followed him to the door, but Vera called her back.

‘Are you okay, Hol?’

‘Yeah, just tired.’ What could she say?
I’m not sure I want to do this any more. This investigation has got under my skin and sapped my confidence. I don’t want to end up like you.

‘Some cases bother us more than others,’ Vera said. The light was so dim that Holly could barely make out her face across the room. ‘That’s just the way it is. It’s not a bad thing to get involved, no matter what the textbooks say.’

‘I’m not sure I did a very good job.’ It was the closest Holly could get to an explanation for her unease.

‘Nonsense!’ There was a pause. ‘You cracked the case for us. You found the connection that mattered: that Crow, Lucas and Hewarth had all been in the same institution.’ Vera got to her feet. ‘And you saved a young woman’s life. Nothing more important than that.’ A pause. Her voice changed, became loud and hard. ‘But if ever you put your life in danger like that again, you’ll be off my team before you have time to make a pot of that disgusting herbal stuff you call tea. Now get off home. A good night’s sleep, a decent meal and a couple of days’ leave and you’ll be ready to start on the next investigation. We’ll forget the rest.’

Outside Vera’s house a breeze had blown holes in the cloud, and the lights in the valley were visible again. Holly found herself grinning. She thought that Vera was probably right. As usual.


Ann Cleeves
is the author behind ITV’s
and BBC One’s
. She has written over twenty-five novels, and is the creator of detectives Vera Stanhope and Jimmy Perez – characters loved both on screen and in print. Her books have now sold over one million copies worldwide.

Ann worked as a probation officer, bird-observatory cook and auxiliary coastguard before she started writing. She is a member of ‘Murder Squad’, working with other British northern writers to promote crime fiction. In 2006 Ann was awarded the Duncan Lawrie Dagger (CWA Gold Dagger) for Best Crime Novel, for
Raven Black
, the first book in her Shetland series. In 2012 she was inducted into the CWA Crime Thriller Awards Hall of Fame. Ann lives in North Tyneside.

By Ann Cleeves

A Bird in the Hand

Come Death and High Water

Murder in Paradise

A Prey to Murder

A Lesson in Dying

Murder in My Backyard

A Day in the Death of Dorothea Cassidy

Another Man’s Poison


The Mill on the Shore

Sea Fever

The Healers

High Island Blues

The Baby-Snatcher

The Sleeping and the Dead

Burial of Ghosts

The Vera Stanhope series

The Crow Trap

Telling Tales

Hidden Depths

Silent Voices

The Glass Room

Harbour Street

The Moth Catcher

The Shetland series

Raven Black

White Nights

Red Bones

Blue Lightning

Dead Water

Thin Air



As always I’m grateful to my fabulous agent, Sara Menguc, and to the whole team at Pan Macmillan for their considerable support in the writing of this book. I’d also like to thank Prof. Lorna Dawson, for agreeing to appear as herself. Any mistakes around the soil science in
The Moth Catcher
are entirely mine.

First published 2015 by Macmillan

This electronic edition published 2015 by Macmillan
an imprint of Pan Macmillan
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ISBN 978-1-4472-7831-3

Copyright © Ann Cleeves 2015

The right of Ann Cleeves to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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