The Mourning Woods - 03 (31 page)

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Authors: Rick Gualtieri

BOOK: The Mourning Woods - 03
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“How’d I do?” I asked, looking back. I could see several Sasquatches dragging Turd away.


Tom answered first. “Two words: fucking awesome!”


“I agree. That was...something,” Ed replied.


“You really are the Freewill,” Christy said in a small voice.


“So they tell me,” I replied, blithely. “How’s Sally?”


“Whoever compelled her is really strong,” Christy replied, composing herself. “She’ll probably snap out of it on her own, but I’m not sure there’s any way to keep her from going under again. A lot depends on what they commanded her to do.”


“Fuck,” I said, then punched a nearby stump. To my surprise, it split upon impact. Guess I was still juiced up.


“Maybe you should take this opportunity to kick Francois’s ass,” Ed suggested.


“Hell, I’m still wondering how you were able to take out Turd,” Tom said. “Have you been practicing hulking-out behind our backs?”


I shook my head and then explained the blood.


“Whoa, James did that for you?”


“Yeah. Pretty cool, eh?”


Christy suddenly leaned forward and asked, “Are all of your powers heightened?”


“I dunno. Still figuring this shit out, but I guess so.”


“Then why don’t you try compelling Sally to wake up?”


Hmm, I hadn’t thought of that. “I don’t know if that’ll work. Francois is older than James.”


“Why don’t you try rather than bitching about it?” Tom suggested


“Tom’s got a point,” Ed said. “It might work, especially since I get the impression Sally’s not too fond of that asshole.”


“Make that two of us,” I replied. “OK. Stand back. With the extra power in my system, I don’t want to pop anyone’s head off.”


“Because standing back will really help with a
compulsion,” Ed said.


“Bite me, asshole.”


“Just do it already.”


Jeez, no patience from mortals these days. I concentrated on trying to focus this on Sally and Sally alone. Here goes nothing...”


Holy shit! The compulsion felt like it had ten times the juice of the one I used on Alfonzo. Sally’s head rocked back as if I had decked her; however, her eyes immediately cleared. Wow, it actually worked.


“What happ...” she started to say, when a quick thought popped into my head.




Again, her body jolted as if from an electric shock. This time she fell backwards, slamming her head into the rocky ground.


“Ow!” she said.


“Are you OK?”


“Besides having my skull almost caved in?”


Yeah, she was OK.


“Holy shit that was loud, Bill,” Ed said, shaking his head to clear it.


“Sorry. Still kinda new at this.” Fortunately, my effort to focus seemed to have mostly worked. Sally was the only one who had been knocked for a loop.


“I need to get going,” Christy said. “The others are going to wonder what I’m doing.”


I nodded, then added, “Thanks, Christy. I mean it. I...owe you one. You didn’t have to help.”


She sighed. “I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me.”


“The Silver Eyes?” I asked, having a pretty good idea of what Turd had been talking about.


She nodded. “Nobody calls them that anymore, but yeah, the Icons.”


“You know I’m not purposely trying to destroy anyone, right?”


“I know.” She threw a quick smile at me, then a much wider one to Tom before turning and walking off.


“Well, since we’re in such a thankful mood, I guess I should do the same,” Sally said, getting back to her feet.


“It’s no problem, Sally. Any...URK!” I gasped as Sally’s hand shot up and grabbed my crotch in a vice-like grip.


“But just so you know; if you
try to compel me again, I will rip this off and use it as a purse. Are we clear?”


“Crystal,” I squeaked in return.


* * *


We were still seated in the now nearly empty hollow. Sally had just finished explaining what had happened. Apparently, my compulsion had not only erased Francois’s but the safeguards he had implanted in her mind too. He had caught Sally on that first morning while she was out tramping up some breakfast. His compulsion had been very specific with regards to what she was supposed to say and do. It also showed just how skilled he was. He had left it much the same way a hypnotic suggestion would work. She had no knowledge of it until she had been triggered.


“He set us up,” said Ed, matter of factly.


“How?” I asked. “I mean how could he possibly know that we were going to do something to piss off the Sasquatch?”


“Well, if he knew your track record, Bill, it wouldn’t be too hard to guess.”


“Thanks for the insight, Sally. There’s just one problem with that: the guy
know me.”


“Well maybe...” she started to reply before suddenly clamming up. A moment later, I heard footsteps approaching from behind us. Guess whatever upgrade I had gotten from the blood was now out of my system. That was fine by me. That had been some scary shit back there.


I turned to find James and Nergui walking toward us. They were otherwise alone.


“I must say, that was quite impressive,” James said as he approached. From the tone of his voice, he meant it. “I had no idea you were capable of that.”


Nergui in turn, bowed very low to me. Apparently, whatever I had done had further cemented his Freewill beliefs.


I gave him a quick nod. Before continuing, I looked behind them and then around us. “Where’s Francois?”


“Oh, he stormed out of here following the fight. Oddly enough, he did not look pleased at your victory. I think he underestimated you.”


“Well, you definitely fixed that one,” Tom said.


“Yeah,” I agreed. “I owe you. Thanks for that.”


James looked confused. “For what?”


“For helping me out. That was quick thinking.”


“I’m afraid you have me at a loss,” James said. Before anyone could say anything else, he held up a hand, indicating we should stop talking. He quickly turned to Nergui and said, “My friend, if you would be so kind as to wait at the Freewill’s tent. They will be under my protection until then.”


Nergui gave a short bow, then turned and walked off.


“I thought you trusted him,” I said once Nergui was out of earshot.


“Oh, I do, with my life and with yours. Still, the fewer ears we have around, the safer things will be.”


“Let me guess,” I asked, sharing a quick glance with Sally, “this is a safeguard against him being compelled?”


James nodded. “It’s quite possible that if questioned by Francois, he would have no choice but to tell all he heard. Nergui is no fool. He undoubtedly understands this. Now getting back to the point, what was that about my helping you out?”


“The blood,” Ed replied.


“What about it?”


“It was yours, right?” I asked.




“Yes, in the bottle you gave me.”


“I’m not sure what you mean. I found the bottle where you said it would be. It was already full, so I assumed you had done so and forgotten.”


“That wasn’t your blood?”


“No, it wasn’t. Although, now that you mention it, that would have been a clever plan. I wish I had thought of it.”


“What? How the hell did you think I did all that stuff out there?”


“I...well, I’m actually not sure. The legends say the Freewills of old had hidden powers. I just assumed you discovered yours and tapped into it.”


“OK, so you’re saying that wasn’t your blood?”


“I’m afraid not.”


“So then what was all that smiling and winking crap earlier?”


“Oh, that. I taped a note to the bottom of the bottle, asking you to meet me afterwards so we could discuss things.”


“That was it!?”




“Hold on,” Sally said. “How did you know Bill would survive?”


“It’s quite simple really. Killing the Freewill outright wouldn’t help the Alma’s cause. If they did that, they would force the Draculas’ hand. One or more of our ruling council would have no choice but to get involved in these talks.”


“So challenging me was...”


“Meant to humiliate you. Turd no doubt saw you as an easy mark. Breaking you and then showing the rest of the proceedings that you weren’t even worth killing would weaken our position. Instead, though, you did to him what he sought to do to you.”


“I don’t know,” I replied. “He seemed pretty pissed. The fact that his wife committed suicide...”


“Strikes me as odd,” James interrupted, a troubled tone entering his voice. “I wish I had gotten a chance to speak to you before this whole debacle and learn what had happened.”


“So you could have told Bill to turn around and march back to his tent?” Tom asked.


“Hardly. Remember, Dr. Death, I have spent time amongst the Alma. I know a little of their customs and even more about diplomacy. What your human friend did should have barely been considered even a minor insult.”


“What?” the four of us replied as one.


“Yes, and in times such as these, when outsiders are permitted into their lands under truce, it is understood that small infractions are tolerated.”


“Small infractions?” Ed asked. “I thought that Bigfoot yesterday was going to rip my head off.”

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