The Mystery of the Headless Horse (11 page)

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Authors: William Arden

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BOOK: The Mystery of the Headless Horse
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Alfred Hitchcock Sees Justice Triumph

“Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust,” Alfred Hitchcock intoned. “A brilliant message by Don Sebastián, my young friends, and an even more brilliant deduction by our brainy Jupiter!”

The boys were in the comfortable office of the famous motion-picture director some days later. They had come to report on their latest case and to ask if Mr. Hitchcock would provide an introduction to Bob’s written account of it. With the boys was an armed guard, for they had brought the Cortés Sword to show Mr. Hitchcock. It lay on the director’s desk with all the black paint now removed. It was a dazzling display of gold, silver and jewels. Jupiter pointed out one of the emeralds. It was the stone that the boys had found in the line shack, now safely back in place on the sword.

“A most rare treasure indeed.” Mr. Hitchcock almost purred as he touched the fabulous sword with more than a hint of envy. “So the Alvaros are saved, and what of those who caused all the trouble and harm?”

“The sheriff caught those three cowboys back in the hills on the Norris ranch, as I expected,” Jupiter said. “It seems they were hiding out there with Cody’s help because they were wanted in Texas for robbery. They admitted setting the hacienda on fire, so Cody is free of the charge.”

“Does the rascally Cody go free?” the director demanded.

“No, sir,” Bob said. “He’s charged with various felonies for framing Pico, harbouring fugitives, and loosing his dogs at us. Just to name some of the charges!”

“Ah,” Mr. Hitchcock said with satisfaction. “It appears he will not be worrying about keeping a job for some time to come.”

“Of course,” Pete added, “Skinny got off with almost nothing. He didn’t really do anything except keep silent about what Cody and the three cowboys had done. His father’s lawyers blamed it all on Cody’s bad influence and got him probation. Mr. Norris has already sent him out of the state to military school!”

“I fear that young Skinner’s poor behaviour stems from an over-indulgent parent,” the director said with a sigh. “Let us hope that it’s not too late for the military school to help! But now, what will happen to the Cortés Sword?”

“Well,” Jupiter said with a grin, “when Mr. Norris saw it, he offered to buy it himself!”

“For less money than anyone else offered, of course,” Bob added. “I guess Mr. Norris just can’t help being greedy.”

“A local bank has loaned Pico and Diego the money to pay off the mortgage to Mr. Norris at once, so they don’t have to decide what to do with the sword right away.”

“Generous of them.” Mr. Hitchcock snorted. “Thunderation! Bankers are like patrons of the arts — they give you money when you no longer need it!”

“Anyway,” Pete said, “Pico and Diego have just about decided to sell the sword to the Mexican Government for their National Museum of History, even though that’s not the highest offer. Pico says the sword really belongs to the history of Mexico and the Alvaro family.”

“A proud and honourable decision,” the great film maker said.

“The Mexican Government is still going to pay more than enough for the Alvaros to pay off their loan, rebuild the hacienda, and buy more farm equipment,” Jupiter said, and he smiled. “And enough for them to buy Mr. Norris’s ranch, too!”

Mr. Hitchcock gaped. “You mean the arrogant Norris has abandoned his attempt to be a land baron?”

“Yes, sir,” Pete laughed. “It seems that Pico could sue him for big damages for what Cody did in his employ! When Mr. Norris heard that, he fell all over himself offering to sell his land to the Alvaros at a very low price — if they agreed not to sue!”

“And Pico and Diego may even be able to buy back more of the old Alvaro land grant,” Bob added.

The famous director roared with laughter.

“Magnificent!” he boomed. “The tables are neatly turned! Sometimes it seems that justice really does triumph! This is one case I shall insist on introducing!”

The boys thanked him, and left with the sword and the guard. Mr. Hitchcock sat smiling as they departed. Justice had indeed been well served in the case of the Headless Horse, and, the famous director had no doubt, would be again in the next adventure of The Three Investigators!

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