The Natural Superiority of Women (121 page)

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Authors: Ashley Montagu

Tags: #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #Women's Studies, #test

BOOK: The Natural Superiority of Women
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superiority, defined, 49, 91-92
superstition, 169-70
susceptibility, to disorder and disease, 138-39t
Suttie, Ian, 235
sweat, 114
swimmers, women, 113-14
Szalai, Alexander, 136
Taylor, Mary, 85
Terman, Lewis M., 161, 162
Thomson, J. Arthur, 18, 19, 142
Thurstone, L. L., 32
Tiger, Lionel, 23


Page 334
Tijo, J. H., 130
Tinbergen, N., 143
To Be or Not to Be,
toolmaking, 68
Toward an Anthropology of Women,
Toward a Recognition of Androgyny,
Turner's syndrome, 130
Tyler, Leona E., 32
unconditional love, 236, 250
Undset, Sigrid, 209, 218
statements on race, 15, 16, 19-20
United Nations Charter, 57

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