The Navy's Ghost (Bad Boys of Beta Squad) (32 page)

BOOK: The Navy's Ghost (Bad Boys of Beta Squad)
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Jim laughed. “That wasn’t the original plan, but I’m sure arrangements can be made.”
Jim grabbed the TV tray table leaning against the wall and positioned it beside her. “Actually, I wanted to feed you dinner in bed, but Todd said how much you hate crumbs in the sheets, so we compromised on the couch.”

grinned as he sat down next her, but sobered when he took her hand. He met her gaze and wore such a serious expression she feared he’d walk out before she had a chance to convince him she wanted him to stay.

“Before you ask, yes, I do want to be here and I’m in this for the long haul.”

“When did you get so good at reading my mind?” Chris squeezed his hand.

He huffed a laugh. “I will never claim that ability.”
He winked. “I know better.”

Chris’s grin returned

“But I don’t want to come between you and Todd, and I realize this is new for all of us. So here’s what I’m offering so we can start this out right.”

Chris tried to ignore the butterflies hammering her insides as she watched Jim gather his thoughts.

“I want to share your bed and make love to you as often as I can
, whether just you and me, or with Magic, too. Hell, I’ve been dreaming about it for far too long. But,”—he met her gaze and squeezed her hands—“if it’s ever too much, and the relationship is foundering, I’ll back off immediately to save your marriage—”

“Stop.” Chris pulled her hands out of his. “This isn’t you joining our marriage, this is a relationship of three equal members. That means if something isn’t working in the relationship
of the household of three, then we all have to work to fix it. Don’t you want to make it work?”

“I do.”

“Then stop acting like you’re doing reconnaissance, and engage, LT.” Chris gave him her best commanding look. “We’ve both told you we want you here, and our expectations haven’t changed. Have yours?” She tried to ignore the niggle of fear blinking at the back of her mind.


“Then I need you to be totally here, with the intent to stay long term, as my husband, as Todd’s co-husband. I don’t want a husband and an alternate. I want two husbands.”

A voice
from the back of her mind remarked about the oddness of her statement, but she pushed it aside.
We’re SEALs. We make our own rules. Please, God, let him finally be on board with this.




Jim stared at the beautiful woman seated before him in clothes borrowed from Magic and made his decision. Come hell or high water, squalls, storms, or ugly, judgmental relatives, he’d be there for her and for the relationship they’d build together. His own father could rot in hell with his condemnations.

“And I want a wife to share with Todd.” The tension in Chris’s shoulders slid away from her and she smiled.

“Good, ’cause I damn sure wasn’t gonna share her with anyone else,” Todd remarked from behind.

Jim glanced over his shoulder and started to laugh.


“Did you save any of it, Magic?” Jim gestured at the plate with oddly shaped pieces of pizza.

“We lost the crust, but the rest is still good.” He deposited the plate on the TV try and added a mug of hot cider beside it. “We’ve eaten a lot worse.”

“Not at home.”

“It still smells good.” Chris leaned forward over the plate. “Did you make everything from scratch, Todd?”

“Not quite. I’m good, but even I have time limits.
” He handed Jim a beer and settled down beside Chris on the couch.

“Hey, how come I don’t get a beer?” She grabbed for Jim’s, but he held it out of reach.

“’Cause you need fluids not something to make you more dehydrated.” Magic gave her a mock scowl as he settled beside her feet on the wide ottoman. “Drink your cider.”

She picked up her mug and stuck her tongue out at him,
and Jim snorted at her childish antics.
Damn, it’s good to see her play.

“Careful, darlin’, or I’ll have a definite use
for your tongue.” Magic winked and handed Chris a plate of relatively non-charred pizza. Despite its odd look, it smelled wonderful and Jim’s stomach growled. “Let’s eat.” He raised his beer. “Ready?”

Chris pushed her mug against their bottles and they all said together, “Keep low, move fast. Kill first, die last. One shot, one ki
ll. No luck. Pure skill.”

hey drank.

“I always want to say ‘Burma Shave’ at the end of that, like my Granddad would have said.” Chris smiled at
them as she chewed on her pizza. “You know, he came to visit me in the hospital the first time when I had my bad fever.”

Jim rearranged one of the pillows so he could sit closer to her on the couch and resisted looking at Todd. “What did he say?”

Chris played with the food on her plate.
“He told me to stick it out and see what all you two would decide given my request. About sharing, I mean. He told me to fight for what I wanted and he couldn’t have been more right.” She swallowed hard and met Jim’s gaze. “I’m sorry I nearly gave up on you, Jim.”

“Aw, hey, I was the dumbass running from you.”
He cupped her cheek, his heart swelling. How the hell did he deserve this woman? “Hell, it took a bunch of tangos to make me realize what’s most important. I’ll try to be a little less determined in my stupidity from now on, okay?”

“The good news is you’re home, safe, and we get to pamper you now.” Todd
winked at Jim and offered Chris a smug smile. “So sit back and eat while we help you relax. What’dya say?”

“Roger that.” She wriggled back into her nest of pillows and took a bite of pizza.

“Let’s get this ugly boot off your foot so you can relax.” Todd started on the Velcro straps.

“Don’t I need it to walk?”

“You’re not going to do much walking tonight, sweetheart.” Jim kissed the side of her head.
Not if I can help it
. “Sit up for me. You won’t need your sweatshirt.”

“I won’t?”
Her eyes widened as he tugged on the hem.

“Nope. And I’ve missed all the opportunities to look at your breasts since the wedding.”
He’d be damned before he missed any more of them. She raised her arms to allow him to pull the sweatshirt over her head.

“You know they’re not like the ones on all those SEAL groupies—”

Magic growled as he pulled the last of the boot apart and leveled her with a hard look.

Chris grimaced. “Sorry, sir.”

“What’d I miss?” Jim tossed the sweatshirt away and raised his eyebrows.

“The l
ieutenant is under orders not to belittle herself or her skills in any way while within earshot of her husband.”

“Belittle, how?” Jim sat back and frowned, his gaze switching between

“By saying she’s not beautiful enough
, skilled enough, strong enough. You get the picture.” Todd narrowed his eyes. “I thought we were clear, Lieutenant.”

“We are, sir. Sorry, sir.” Chris dipped her chin.

“Aw, hell no. That shit isn’t gonna fly with me either, Ghost.” Jim dropped to his knees beside the couch and laid one hand on her exposed belly. “I never got the chance to tell you, but all those SEAL groupies never measured up to you. You were my ideal and they couldn’t hold a candle.” He ran his hand over her abs, rubbing the softness developing from her reduced training. “Damn, your skin is so smooth. Taut and sexy over those muscles. You’re beautiful.”

He slid his hand up to cup one of her
luscious breasts. “A little more than a handful. Perfect.”

“Damn right, they are.” Todd
slid his hands up to Chris’s hips and grasped the waistband of her sweats. “As perfect as these legs.” He pulled the pants off and tossed them to the side.

Chris squirmed a little, her expression flashing shame, but she didn’t say anything. Jim scanned the ragged scar on
her left leg, and while he mourned the damage, the lines only added to her beauty.
She’s a tiger. She’s earned her stripes.

is is the best view.” Magic grinned.

“You’re just staying that because I’m not wearing underwear.”

Todd winked. “Maybe. But in the meantime, I’m gonna take advantage of the view and give you a foot massage on your good foot. It took a beating.”

“Yeah, it did. Oooh.”

Chris groaned as Todd’s skillful fingers pressed into the bottom of her good foot. She closed her eyes and relaxed back into the pillows, her expression full of pleasure. Jim couldn’t resist and bent over her chest, settling his mouth around one of her areolas. Chris gasped and opened her eyes, dazed pleasure curling her lips into a sultry smile. Jim wanted her to wear the expression all the time from now on.

“Aren’t you guys hungry?”
Her question came in a breathy whisper.

“Oh, yeah, starving.”
Jim suckled on one nipple. “But I want dessert first.”

“Hell yeah, dessert is definitely a better idea.”
Magic lifted her feet and set them on either side of his shoulders as he leaned down to kiss her mound. “I think I’ll have myself some sweet pussy.”

Todd settled in to feast on her cunt and
she moaned, arching her back. The image of Todd going down on Chris hardened Jim’s cock and he rumbled his approval, suckling hard on her nipple. His hand slid over her satin skin and gently pinched the neglected nipple. Both peaks hardened and tempted him. Which would he enjoy first? He almost wished he could suck on both at once.

The scents of hot p
ine and cinnamon mixed in the air with the pizza and Jim pulled back to inhale. Chris whimpered and ground her pussy on Todd’s face as Jim’s balls tightened against his cock.

“Aw yeah,
that’s so fuckin’ sexy, Todd.” Jim palmed Chris’s breasts, weighing them in his hands. “And she likes it. Sweet Jesus, our little Ghost is getting hot and bothered.”

“Sweet and saucy, too.” Todd inserted a finger into Chris’s pussy and she
keened a wail, her body undulating against his intrusion. “Um-hm, finger-lickin’ good.” Todd pulled his hand out and sucked on his finger. “Sweet heaven.”

“Damn, I’m gonna need some of
her honey. But first, I’m getting some milk.” Jim sealed his lips around one areola and laved it with his tongue. He rubbed the tip over her peak, then moved to the next nipple, scrubbing the first with his palm until it pebbled. “Aw yeah, the promised land.”

“You said it, brother.” Todd dove in
for more, lapping and slurping her soft folds. The erotic sounds tightened Jim’s balls and he swore his cock hardened to granite. He loved hearing Magic eat Chris out and her ecstatic moans, perfumed by the scent of her woman’s musk. Fuck, all of it made the best aphrodisiac he’d never had.

Chris whimpered and rocked in time with their caresses, draining more of the blood from Jim’s brain. He responded by nipping her glorious breasts.

Todd punctuated each lick of
Chris’s sweet smelling cunt with a happy groan, and Jim answered with hungry growls as he laved and pulled on her nipples. Chris grabbed Jim’s head and dug her fingers into his hair as she closed on her release. Todd shoved two fingers into her cunt, sucking hard on her clit, and everything went taut.

“Oh, my God, I’m gonna come.”
She rocked her hips against Todd’s mouth and tightened her fists in Jim’s hair. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!”

The scents of hot sex
and ecstatic woman suffused the space between them as Chris shot into her orgasm. Jim kept sucking on her nipple and tugged on the other as her grip on his hair sent little prickles of pain against his scalp. His cock flexed in his jeans, demanding freedom, but he reveled in his woman’s pleasure. Real joy, the first he’d experienced in years, flooded his chest along with satisfaction. They’d pleasured her until she forgot her pains, and they weren’t even close to being done with her. The reality of fucking Chris far outshone his dreams, and he was determined to improve on his performance.

At last she relaxed and released his head from her death—orgasm?—grip, and Jim shared a look over her body with Todd. The other man licked his lips and wiped his chin, satisfaction filling his expression. Nothing like pleasuring a gorgeous woman into boneless joy. And
they’d do it again tonight. He’d never get tired of hearing her come.

Jim eased back from her and popped the top button of his fly to release some of the pressure on his cock. Not that he minded pressure, he wanted a different kind.
Hot, wet, and feminine.

“Oh, my God, that’s exactly what I
needed.” Chris cracked her eyes open and met first Jim’s gaze then Todd’s. “Please tell me you’ll both do it again.”

Todd grinned while Jim laughed, dark humor suffusing his voice. “Oh, honey, we’re going to do it again tonight.”


“Damn straight. We ain’t done with you yet, darlin’.” Todd rose, his cock pushing out the waistband of his low-slung jeans, and gently pulled her up. “Let’s go to the bedroom, though. I d
on’t want to chance exacerbatin’ those injuries of yours.”

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