The Newborn Vampire (6 page)

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Authors: Evenly Evans

BOOK: The Newborn Vampire
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“Are you hungry?” asked Tobias.


  “A little, yes,” said Catherine, finding her new found hunger unusual. She did not need to feed as much as she did before the change, yet when she did the feeling was so over powering and affected her more physically. She was still being fed by bags of blood, but knew she would have to move on to the kill one day. This she struggled with and was not sure how she would cope with taking a life. Yet, it was in her instinct and the desire and yearning to do so had been planted in her nature since the instant she had changed over.   


  Tobias passed her a bag of blood and sat caressing her hair as she devoured it.


  It has been two months since they had left the valley and Catherine had settled amazingly well. Tobias was glad he had made the transition easier for her and in return would be eternally grateful for her companionship. The two of them were so in love, it was clear for all to see.


  They spent every moment together, with Tobias helping Catherine adjust to vampire life and exploring her abilities. He also taught her tricks of the circus so one day she could perform with them. Her abilities to run fast and leap would certainly do her favour.


  Catherine finished her blood and Tobias playfully climbed on top of her.


As had become routine since their first evening together when she had tasted her first drop, Tobias licked the remaining blood from her lips.


  The couple thrived around on the floor not being able to get enough of each other.


They were still both experiencing the honeymoon period and they hoped it lasted forever.


  Mary stood at the kitchen window doing the dishes and staring at the empty field where the circus had been situated and taken her granddaughter when she left. Mary felt so alone and lost but knew Catherine had to go. She could not stay in the same place for too long or all the unexpected deaths would have eventually have drawn attention her way.  The valley had reverted back to its silent sleepy self with not much happening again, yet Mary had an unsettling feeling that something was about to happen. She always sensed these things and these normally came in times of when her family needed protecting. Throwing down her hand towel, she walked into the lounge and settled herself down with a book. She tried to read, but her mind was elsewhere.


She wished to could make contact with Catherine but she had no address, no way to write to her and no way to call. The circus was constantly on the move so she would not know where they would be from one day to the next. Plus Mathias decided it would be safer for her if she did not know. If anything of great importance had happened Mathias had promised that he would get in touch with her and let her know and that they would come back to the valley as soon as they could. Either with the circus or with just Catherine for a fly in visit. The very thought brought a tear to her eye as she missed her granddaughter so much. Mary decided that this was doing her no good at all so she tried to snap out of it and turned her attention back to her book.


She had barely turned the first page when there was a knock at the door.


  Mary was not expecting anyone and the neighbours knew never to bother her, having given up years ago on making surprise visits due to the frosty reception they had received. Mary placed down her book and walked to the window but was being careful all the same not to be seen. A man stood at the door covered with a long coat and hat. She could not see his face, but instinctively got a bad feeling about him. She contemplated not opening the door, but then she would never know what he wanted and she would be left feeling anxious as to what and more importantly, who he wanted.


  Taking a deep breath, Mary walked into the hall and towards the door. She put her hand on the latch and hesitated before she opened it, wondering if she was doing the right thing. Sucking in a gasp of breath as she frequently did in uneasy circumstances,  she slowly opened the door, already knowing before she did she would not be happy with who the visitor was. She was right.


  “Hello Mary, it has been a while. Are you not going to invite me in?” smiled Samuel as if he was the returning prodigal son.


  Mary wanted to dive out of that and beat him with her fists. He looked the same now as he did back then, young, handsome and selfish.


  Mary stayed behind the safety of her threshold knowing he could not harm her if he did not receive an invite into the house.


  “Over my dead body,” scowled Mary.


  “Well that can soon be arranged,” laughed Samuel. “I hear my daughter has come of age and I have come to collect her. Mathias the ever control freak has her no doubt, so you could just let me know the current location of the circus and I shall be on my way.”


  “Never would I tell you where she is, even if I knew!” spat Mary, wishing she could somehow signal Mathias to come to her aid, knowing he would rip Samuel to shreds.


  “I don’t want to hurt her Mary, she is one of my own. She belongs to me whether you like it or not. Mathias has no right to take her. I AM going to find her Mary and take her with me.” said Samuel, with a tone of promise in his voice.


  “She has mated Samuel, and he will not let her go without a fight. If I was you I would leave it, you will never have her. Go on to find your next poor defenceless victim and leave my family alone.”


“Our family.” laughed Samuel and backed away from Mary’s house. Mary shut the door and fell backwards against it. She had expected trouble, but not so soon. Catherine had transformed earlier than anyone had expected so she thought


Samuel may leave it a good while longer to find her. Someone must have told him, which would have meant there was a traitor amongst their paths. Mary had to find the circus and warn them. There was a traitor amongst them and Samuel was on his way.



Chapter 7

  Mary had no idea where the circus was so she had to follow a trail. This was one thing Mathias had taught her and it was only to be used in cases of extreme urgency.


She had to follow the trail of unexplained deaths and missing people. Normally young girls, virgins if possible, as their blood was most potent. Girls went missing all the time and people would put it down to runaways, elopements or the local murderer, who would soon be caught. Vampires were a fictional creation in the minds of people so this route was never contemplated. 


  Mary was reluctant to leave the house if possible in case Samuel was still hanging around, so she managed to get a local to deliver a selection of local and national papers for her.








  By reading a selection of the papers Mary had established where the circus had been and possibly where they were heading. Samuel was not stupid, so she gathered he had done the same and would be attempting to trace and follow the same trail which she was. One thing she was certain of was that she had to get to the circus before he did or he could cause any amount of harm to Catherine. This man did not care for her and he did not worry about her. He wanted her for his own selfish needs whatever that maybe, but Mary knowing Samuel as well as she did knew that no good would ever come of this need. Only disaster. 


  Catherine sat with Tobias and Mathias going through the plan again. All the information kept going through her brain.


  “You have to be selective,” they said, “You have to make sure no one sees you, you cannot do more than one from any town, try for a female virgin, as their blood will keep you going for longer, take them by surprise so there is no screaming, make sure you take every last drop or … well, you will have another friend for life.”


  “Really” asked Catherine, “ You can change someone not born of the family?”


  “ Well, yes of course” said Mathias, “But it is very rare that we do that plus not many vampires have enough self-control to stop sucking once they start. It explains the vampires that look over 18. If you are a pure blood you change automatically, but those bitten stay at the age they were bitten at and tend to have less powers.”


  Catherine had amazed herself as to how well she was taking in all of this information. She sat there talking about taking a life as if she was popping to the market for bread. She had still being surviving on bags of blood provided by Mathias and Tobias, but knew she would have to do it for real soon and start living independently. Mathias had a store of blood for emergencies and she had consumed more than her fair share of it.


  Her new nature wanted her to do it, but she still had the morals from her previous life and could not bear the thought of her grandmother knowing what she was doing.


She did not want this life style to end though. She was so happy and so in love with


Tobias she would have done anything to make him proud.  She decided to do it that evening. She would get it over and done with so she could move forward. 


  As dusk came Catherine started to rouse alongside Tobias. Mathias was not happy at first but finally gave in and provided them with their own trailer. They were like soul mates who never left each other’s sides. The room was pitch black, with the thick curtains blocking out the outside world yet Catherine and Tobias could see each other so carefully. Their matching red eyes shone bright in the darkness. She kissed Tobias and told him she was going to do it tonight.


  Tobias was so proud of her strong transition and how well she had coped with it considering the circumstances. He promised he would accompany her, but she said she felt better alone. If she was going to do it then she was going to do it properly.


  Tobias told Mathias of Catherine’s plan to make sure no one else in their community would attempt a kill tonight and rouse suspicion. Mathias was a little apprehensive, but also very proud. His granddaughter had done nothing to worry him and was so proud of the progress she was making.


  For the first couple of hours Tobias and Catherine wasted hours fooling around like young lion cubs, then relaxing over some books, most of which Tobias was overly familiar with having spent many more years on the Earth than Catherine had.


  The longer she put it off  Catherine knew she would find it harder so turned to


Tobias and said she was going out, alone.


  He let her go, but had no intention of letting her go alone. He would follow at a safe distance unbeknown to her.


  Catherine had done her research and staked out the area they were staying in. She wanted to make her first kill a decent and worthy kill and had found the ideal candidate. A young girl, approximately 16 was the local babysitter and could be found walking home alone late most evenings after one of her babysitting jobs had finished. Catherine had managed to overhear where she would be that night and headed over in that direction, giving herself plenty of time so as not to miss her.


  The young girl named Elizabeth was babysitting for the local postmaster and his wife. Their shop was situated on a corner and quite conveniently surrounded by trees leading into a dense wood which then led onto a fishing lake.


  Catherine at first was going to pretend she had lost something and ask the unsuspecting girl to help her, but she changed her mind thinking the hour would be too late. Had it been the daytime then no one would have suspected her on account of being a young woman, but late at night seem a bit unbelievable. Instead, Catherine hid, like a hunter waiting for their prey and ready to pounce.


  Sure enough the girl left the post office just after 11 p.m. Catherine allowed the girl a little time to walk away and to ensure the postmaster had properly closed and locked the door after letting her out. The girl walked a few more paces down the deserted street when Catherine pounced. She flew through the air like a bird and clamped her hand around the girl’s mouth.  Catherine’s killer instinct had taken over and she felt it was not her doing this, but another person whilst she stood by and watched. Catherine dragged the girl through the woods at lightning speed and finally stopped at the foot of the lake, well out of sight of everyone.


  She kept her hand clasped on the girl’s mouth so the girl would not scream. As she bent towards her neck she caught contact with the girl’s eyes, pleading for her life.




Catherine wanted her blood so badly yet a part of her felt she could not do this.


Catherine hesitated unsure of what to do when suddenly the decision was taken from her hand.

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