The Night Off

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Authors: Meghan O'Brien

Tags: #Fiction, #Escort services, #Romance, #(v5.0), #General, #Lesbian

BOOK: The Night Off
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Emily Parker has a busy life over which she maintains iron-clad control. Raised by drug-addicted parents, she’s used to taking care of the people around her, to the exclusion of her own needs. But not tonight. After years of celibacy, she’s ready to pay for exactly what she wants: to surrender control, by having it taken away.

Having worked as a high-priced escort for years, Nat Swayne not only enjoys her job—she’s damn good at it. Dangerously sexy, she knows precisely how to fulfill the fantasies of women who enjoy her special brand of make-believe—all without ever becoming emotionally involved.

When their night of intense play turns into something more, Emily and Nat can’t help but pursue a connection in the real world. Unfortunately, old habits die hard, and love isn’t always enough.

Or is it?

The Night Off

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The Night Off

© 2012 By Meghan O’Brien. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 13: 978-1-60282-714-1

This Electronic Book is published by

Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

P.O. Box 249

Valley Falls, New York 12185

First Edition: July 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


Editor: Shelley Thrasher

Production Design: Susan Ramundo

Cover Design By Sheri ([email protected])

By the Author

The Three

Infinite Loop

Thirteen Hours

Battle Scars


The Night Off


I want to thank the entire Bold Strokes Books family for their friendship and support. And specifically, thanks to Radclyffe for all she does for her authors and LGBTQ fiction in general; Shelley Thrasher for her incredible editing assistance; and all the designers, editors, and web/marketing gurus who work so hard to package my words in the best way possible.

I also need to thank my partner Angie for all her support and for giving me the time and opportunity to write despite our parental responsibilities and generally chaotic life. Thanks to my friends and beta readers, Ty Justice, K.E. Lane, and Sandy Lowe, for their support and feedback. A shout out to my sister Kathleen for being awesome, and for my parents for always being proud of me even when I’m writing books I forbid them to read (like this one…seriously. Shut the book now, Mom and Dad. There’s nothing else for you here.)

Finally, thanks to all my readers. I do this for you, and you make it so very worthwhile!


To my readers—especially the ones who like dirty books.

And to my partner Angie, who definitely likes dirty books.

Chapter One

Emily Parker nearly dropped her car keys when a strong arm caught her around the waist and a hand clamped over her mouth, muffling her surprised yelp. Heart hammering crazily, she struggled to reach her driver’s side door handle, then froze when her attacker’s lips brushed against her ear.


The nonsense word immediately turned her body to jelly as fear of real injury dissipated. Anxiety and anticipation remained. She had known to expect that this could happen at any time, and now that the big night had arrived, she hoped she could go through with it.

The woman behind her spoke again. “Unicorn, darling.” She removed her hand from Emily’s mouth.

“Unicorn,” Emily repeated in a voice that quavered more than she preferred. “Understood.”

“Good.” The arm around her waist tightened, jerking her back against a body that felt taller, leaner, and stronger than her own. “Now we’re going to get in your car and you’re going to drive us where I tell you to go. Then we’re going to have some fun together.” The woman moved the hand that had covered Emily’s mouth to her breast, kneading her roughly through her shirt.

Her heart rate, which had steadied somewhat, took off again. It had been more than four years since anyone had touched her so intimately. The caress felt foreign and almost unbearably personal. But this was her fantasy scenario down to the most exacting, minute detail—exactly as she had described it to Janis at the Xtreme Encounters agency. She was about to live out her dirtiest, darkest desires with a stranger, to give up the control she held on to so tightly in her daily life.

It was one thing to masturbate to this fantasy and another to actually experience it. She hadn’t known how she would react to this brand of real-life make-believe, but she couldn’t deny the flood of arousal that her pseudo-abductor’s hands had unleashed.

The woman seized her nipple and twisted sharply. “Get in the goddamn car.”

Gasping, Emily stepped forward and opened her driver’s side door. She eased onto the leather seat, grateful that none of her colleagues had stayed at the office late enough to witness this scene. The last thing she needed was to have someone call the police. She couldn’t imagine being forced to explain that this was consensual—that she had, in fact, paid for the privilege of being accosted. Choosing to be abducted from her workplace had been a risky decision, but the heightened sense of danger sharpened her arousal.

The passenger door opened and her abductor folded herself into the seat. Nervously, Emily chanced a sidelong glance, curious about the woman with whom she would be spending the night. She had requested a butch, if possible, definitely someone tough—a woman she could honestly believe might steal her away for an evening of rough, dominant sex. A woman confident enough to say the crude words Emily knew would make her wet.

This woman looked to be all that and more. With dark hair shaved close to her head, she wore a form-fitting T-shirt that showed off her defined arms and the bottom half of a pinup-girl tattoo. Butch was an understatement. Tough—maybe even a little dangerous—those words also described the woman sitting next to her.

She was perfect.

Emily inhaled sharply when the butch gripped her upper thigh, squeezing hard. “Start the car, sweetheart.”

Hands shaking, she fitted the key into the ignition and turned it to bring the engine to life. “Where are we going?”

“Don’t worry about that for now, good girl.” The woman moved her hand between Emily’s thighs, cupping her gently through her pants. “Go ahead and get on 101, heading north. I’ll tell you when to get off.”

Emily eased out of her parking spot without looking over at the woman who touched her so possessively. It took every ounce of her concentration to drive them out of the lot and onto the freeway. Teasing fingertips played along the seam of her pants, making it hard to concentrate on navigating through the dark. She had no clue where they were going, but she had a very good idea what would happen when they got there. Janis at the agency had asked her to write out the sex acts and dirty talk she wanted her escort to include in their encounter. Emily squirmed as she mentally reviewed that list.

Eager to see what the butch would say, she asked, “What are you going to do to me?”

“Make you beg me to fuck you.” The hand between her legs retreated, leaving her cold with its absence. She tried not to let her face give away her disappointment. Chuckling, the butch said, “Tell me the truth—does that frighten or excite you?”

Emily didn’t want to answer. Admitting her excitement would work against the nature of her fantasy. Instead she said, “What’s your name?”


She snuck another glance at the gorgeous butch. Nat. It suited her. “How do you know that I don’t have a husband at home waiting for me, who’ll call the police when he realizes I’ve gone missing?”

Clearly amused, Nat forced two fingers into Emily’s mouth. Startled, Emily pulled away, but Nat gripped her arm with her free hand, keeping her still. “Concentrate on the road,” she commanded.

Emily tightened her hands on the steering wheel and stared straight ahead, mortified by how much Nat’s rough handling turned her on. The fingers in her mouth swept over her tongue, then retreated.

“To answer your question, I refuse to live in a world where this beautiful mouth of yours is used for anything except eating pussy.” Nat dropped her hand to fondle Emily’s breast, pinching and twisting her nipple hard enough to force a whimper from her throat. “So no, you don’t have a husband at home waiting. You’re all mine tonight.”

Emily swallowed, amazed by the wetness soaking her panties. She hoped Nat wouldn’t make her drive too far. The sooner they could find a bed, the better. After four years without sex, she felt as though she couldn’t wait another five minutes. Still, her fantasy required her to be a not-so-willing participant, at least at first. “If you wanted me, you could have just asked.”

Nat grinned. “More fun this way.” She continued to caress Emily’s breast as though she owned her. “So have you eaten pussy before? Or will tonight be your first time?”

Emily’s face burned—part embarrassment and part arousal. “That’s none of your business.”

“Oh, I think it’s very much my business.” Nat moved her hand back to Emily’s mouth, tracing her lips as Emily pulled away in mock anger. “I need to know whether I’ll have to teach you how to pleasure a woman, or not.” She seized Emily’s chin firmly. “So tell me, are you a good little pussy-licker?”

Emily kept her attention locked on the road and didn’t allow her gaze to stray to Nat. She had nothing to fake now. Her humiliation was real. “Yes.”

Nat released her chin. “Good. You have no idea how badly I need to come.” She pointed at the exit sign. “Get off here and take a left.”

That Emily knew what would happen tonight didn’t diminish her excitement in any way. The memory of her written fantasy made her so eager for the first touch of Nat’s hand on her bare skin that it took all her willpower not to just ask for it. She gripped the wheel tightly and followed Nat’s directions as she navigated them into the parking lot of a Spanish-style building.

“Turn off the car,” Nat said after Emily pulled into a marked spot.

Emily did so, then withdrew the key and moved to slip it into her pocket.

“No.” Holding out her hand, Nat said, “Give it to me.”

Emily blinked in surprise. “My car key?”

“Don’t want you going anywhere, do I?”

This wasn’t part of her script, but Emily appreciated the improvisation. It worked well with the overall tone of her fantasy. She handed her keychain over. “Fine.”

Nat pocketed the key, then released Emily’s safety belt. “I want you to hold my hand as we walk inside. Can I trust you to behave?”


Sitting back, Nat grasped Emily’s chin and stared into her eyes. “You’ll address me as mistress from now on.”

Emily fought against her instincts, which urged her to yank away from Nat’s grip. That was her need for control coming to the front, and tonight she’d promised herself that she would surrender completely. Besides, Nat’s forcefulness had all but destroyed any notion of feigning resistance. “I understand, mistress.”

“Good.” Nat ghosted her lips over Emily’s, drawing a whimper from deep in Emily’s chest. She sounded so wanton and needy she didn’t even recognize herself. When Nat abruptly released her and got out of the car, Emily had just enough time to take a few measured, calming breaths before the driver’s side door opened. “Come on.”

She took Nat’s hand, grateful for the support as she clambered out of her car. Her legs were shaking so badly she had to lean against Nat to stay on her feet. Without missing a beat, Nat pressed the key fob to lock the doors, then led them across the parking lot toward the building’s entrance. Emily stayed close to her side and said nothing, focused only on the sensation of Nat’s strong fingers curled around her own. Soon those hands would take her places she’d never been. Her stomach fluttered in nervous anticipation.

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