The Nightmare Man

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Authors: Joseph Lidster

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Sarah Jane


From the makers of Doctor Who
Series created by Russell T Davies

The Nightmare Man

Written by Joseph Lidster
Based on the script by Joseph Lidster


‘I’m watching…’

Every night, across the world, people go to sleep and they dream. They dream about their hopes and their fears. They dream about their friends and their families. Sometimes their dreams are big, huge, exciting adventures. But, sometimes they’re dark and they’re scary.

I’m watching you…

You know those dreams. The ones where you wake up, terrified, your heart pounding in your chest.

Those dreams, they’re the nightmares. And they’re the ones he enjoys the most. The dreams where you’re running and running but you know you can’t escape.

Well, next time you have one of those nightmares, just have a look behind you. Go on, try it. Try and turn around and see if he’s there. His cold, pale hand reaching for you, ready to run his fingers up your back. His lullaby whispering in your ear.

I’m waiting for you…

He’s trapped in that strange dimension where nightmares take place. He feeds on our terror and fear. He’s called the Nightmare Man and we should all be grateful that he’s trapped. Locked away in another dimension. Because if he ever got free, the whole world would belong to him. All of us, asleep forever. Lost in our never-ending nightmares…

I’m coming for you…

Chapter One

The nightmare begins

Luke Smith woke up to the sound of the radio on his alarm clock. It was Monday morning, but he didn’t have to go to school. Not any more. He stared up at the ceiling, listening to the local DJ talk about the weather and the traffic jams and house prices. But he wasn’t really listening. He was thinking.

‘I’ll only wake up in this room four more times,’ he muttered to himself. He looked around his bedroom. The familiar wallpaper. The pictures of his friends. His CDs, his computer, his chess set. The teddy bear he was too old for. It was his bedroom and he knew every inch of it. He’d woken up to the same ceiling nearly every day of his life. But all that was about to change.

Because Luke Smith was going to university. At the end of the week, he was leaving home. He took a deep breath and threw back his quilt. He climbed out of bed and walked over to the window. Pulling back the curtain, he looked out at the familiar view of Bannerman Road. Across the road, Rani Chandra, one of his best friends, was shutting her front door. She saw him looking down at her and she waved. He waved back and she grinned before striding off down the road.

Luke let the curtain fall back and he walked over to a mirror. He stared at his reflection. He looked like a normal human boy, but he wasn’t. He’d been created a few years ago by some alien invaders called the Bane. They’d scanned thousands of men, women and children and had created Luke as the perfect human being. This meant he was incredibly clever.

When he’d been rescued and adopted by his mum, she’d sent him to the local school. Luke was always top of his class but sometimes it was difficult. Other children didn’t understand how he could be so clever and some of them thought he didn’t have to work hard. But Luke worked really hard and that was why now, this week, he was leaving home and going to university. All the other children he knew wouldn’t be taking their A-levels until next year, but Luke had already passed his. Which is why he’d only be standing in this room for another four days. After that, his whole life would change.

He looked at his reflection and grinned. He was really excited. It was going to be a big, new adventure for him. But he was also scared. He was scared of leaving his friends and his mum and everything he knew. This time next week he’d be living somewhere else with new people, waking up in a new bedroom with a different ceiling. Feeling a little sad, Luke turned away from the mirror and left his bedroom.

Upstairs, at the top of 13 Bannerman Road, was a huge attic. It was an almost magical place. Sunlight shone through stained glass windows and there were strange objects stuffed on to shelves and into every nook and cranny. Some of those strange objects were strange
objects. This was because Luke’s mum, Sarah Jane Smith, helped aliens who crashed on Earth to get home. She also stopped lots of other aliens invading. Hardly anyone knew about what she did. Most people thought she was just Luke’s slightly weird mum. But she was so much more than that.

As Luke pushed open the attic door, he thought about how he’d be leaving all that behind as well. No more aliens. No more adventures. He stepped into the attic and looked over at his mum. She was talking to what looked like a huge alien supercomputer in the wall. It looked like a huge alien supercomputer because it was a huge alien supercomputer. It was called Mr Smith.

‘Good morning, Luke,’ said Mr Smith as Luke entered.

Sarah Jane turned to look at her son. ‘I was just going to call you. I thought we’d have scrambled eggs.’

‘I guess I should watch,’ Luke replied. ‘This time next week, I’ll be making my own breakfast.’

Sarah Jane smiled at him but as she turned away, her smile fell. She was going to miss her son so much, but she was trying to be brave for him. She wanted him to go and have the best life ever and she was scared that if he knew how upset she was, he might not go. Luke told her that he’d seen Rani from his bedroom window.

‘Oh, it’s their first day back at school, isn’t it?’ Sarah Jane replied. ‘It must seem strange not being with them.’

Luke nodded. ‘Mum, have I made the right choice?’

‘Of course you have,’ said Sarah Jane, rushing over to him. ‘Remember your first day at school? You were terrified, but that turned out all right.’

Luke thought back to his first day at school. His headmaster had turned out to be a Slitheen! The Slitheen were huge, tall and green with terrifying claws. They’d wanted to destroy Earth. Luke reminded his mum about this. They both smiled. Their lives were quite mad.

‘Listen, Luke, you’re allowed to be worried,’ Sarah Jane said, taking his hand. ‘You’re only human.’

Luke nodded, blinking back tears. He didn’t want his mum to be worried or upset about him so he was trying to be brave. He forced a smile.

‘Are you really going to do scrambled eggs? Do you remember what happened last time?’

They were both laughing as they left the attic. But they were both feeling sad as well. They really would miss each other.

Chapter Two

Falling apart

Rani Chandra was walking to school and she was thinking about how much she was going to miss Luke. He’d been the first friend she’d made when her family had moved to Ealing a few years before. Since then, they’d helped Sarah Jane stop lots of alien invasions. She knew those adventures would carry on, but she also knew it wouldn’t be the same without Luke.

A very loud, very annoying ringtone interrupted her thoughts and she stopped and looked at the other member of their gang, Clyde Langer. He was looking at a text on his phone. He smiled and read it out loud.

‘Mum just set the kitchen on fire. Again. You coming round tonight?’

Rani smiled back. ‘From Luke?’

Sarah Jane Smith may have been a brilliant journalist and she may have saved Earth from being destroyed loads of times, but the children knew that she was a terrible cook.

Clyde put the phone back in his pocket and they continued walking. Rani asked him if he was going to reply to Luke’s text.

‘He should be here!’ Clyde said, shaking his head. ‘He should be here, boring us with facts about dead kings and space and dinosaurs.’

Rani smiled back gently. She knew that Clyde would miss Luke more than anyone. He and Luke were so different – Luke never got into trouble at school, whereas Clyde loved messing about. Luke liked maths and science, but Clyde loved football and art. Despite this, they were the very best of friends. Clyde, being a typical boy though, didn’t like to show his feelings.

‘Four days, then that’s it. No more Luke,’ he muttered.

Rani waved her mobile at him, reminding him they’d be able to talk to Luke every day if they wanted to. ‘And he’ll be home for holidays and Christmas.’

Clyde didn’t answer.

‘So,’ asked Rani, carefully, ‘are you going to see him later?’ Clyde shook his head. ‘When my dad left home, he just went. Disappeared overnight. Luke needs to get used to us not being around.’

Clyde’s dad had walked out of his life when he was much younger. He’d gone to Germany, leaving Clyde and his mum to look after themselves. Ever since then, Clyde had found it hard to deal with people leaving – although he’d never admit it, of course!

Rani knew that Clyde was upset, but she also knew that the boys would sort it all out eventually. So, saying nothing, she took Clyde’s hand and led him through the school gates.

In his bedroom, Luke had started to pack. He was taking pictures off the wall and was looking at one of him and Clyde. He’d texted his friend earlier but there’d been no reply. Was Clyde already forgetting about him?

Luke’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud commotion as his mum burst into the bedroom, struggling under some huge cardboard boxes. She was laughing as she put them down.

‘How are you getting on?’ she asked him.

Before he could answer, she walked over to his wardrobe and started taking out clothes. Luke put the picture of him and Clyde back down and watched his mum. She was like a whirlwind of energy, throwing his clothes on to his bed.

‘I was thinking we should get you some new clothes,’ said Sarah Jane. ‘I don’t know what’s ‘in’, but Rani can help. We’ll get you looking all cool. Is cool the right word? Is “cool” cool?’

She grinned at Luke and he nodded.

Sarah Jane could see that he was quiet and so she went over to him. She looked at the photograph of him and Clyde.

‘Did he call you back?’

Luke shook his head.

‘He’s probably just sad.’ Then suddenly she smiled again. ‘I know what will cheer you up!’

And with that, she skipped out of the room. Luke followed, frowning. He didn’t think anything could cheer him up.

Chapter Three


As Luke left the house, his mum suddenly appeared behind him. She put her hands around his face, covering his eyes.


Despite everything, he couldn’t help smiling. Sarah Jane was sometimes more like a kid than a mum. She’d spent so many years being lonely, but he and their friends had changed that. He hoped she’d be okay after he left. Unable to see, he let her lead him through another door.

‘Ready?’ she asked.

Luke nodded and Sarah Jane removed her hands. Luke blinked in the sunlight and realised where he was. They were in Sarah Jane’s garage and there, in front of them, was her old car. A bright yellow Beetle! He looked at it, confused. Sarah Jane took his hand and placed a set of keys in it.

‘You’re giving it to me?’

‘I’ve had it done up,’ Sarah Jane replied, with a huge grin. ‘MOT, everything! You don’t want your mum driving you to uni. Go on, get in! See how it feels!’

And with that, she opened the door and practically pushed him into the driver’s seat. Luke sat, staring straight ahead. He’d passed his driving test a few weeks ago but he felt strange sitting there. It wasn’t that he was scared of driving. He didn’t know what it was.

Luke glanced up at his mum smiling down at him and he thought back to her packing his clothes. He thought back to the night before when she’d been saying he should get Clyde’s mum to teach him how to cook. He thought back to how she was always smiling. He thought back to how she kept saying how proud she was of him and how exciting his new life was going to be. He looked up at her grinning down at him, then he looked at the car keys she’d put in his hand.

‘Why don’t I just drive off now?’ he found himself saying.

It was as much a surprise to him as it was to Sarah Jane.

There was a pause. His mum’s smile fell.

‘What?’ she asked, quietly.

‘Are you even going to miss me?’

As Luke said the words, he knew that that was what was scaring him. It was like his mum actually wanted him to leave home. And now she’d given him the car, and he knew he should be grateful, but it really was like she wanted him to go. It was like she couldn’t wait for him to leave!

Sarah Jane carefully walked around the car and climbed into the passenger seat. She didn’t look at Luke but he could see that there were tears in her eyes. He was so confused by everything but, more than anything, he hated seeing his mum cry.

‘Oh, Luke.’ Her voice was nearly a whisper. ‘For years, I was alone. Just me and K-9. You gave me my life back, you gave me something real to live for and I’m terrified of what’s going to happen when you go.’ She paused. ‘I’m so scared.’

Luke hadn’t been expecting that. ‘Why?’

‘Because it feels like I’m losing you.’

Luke suddenly understood. His mum was as confused as he was! They should be excited about him leaving and they weren’t excited. He was going to university in Oxford! He was going to have the time of his life! But he was leaving home and that was really sad and really scary. No wonder they were both confused about how to feel.

‘Everything’s changing so fast,’ said Luke.

Sarah Jane nodded. Then she turned to him and smiled. ‘But whatever happens, this is your home.’

Luke nodded. He wanted to answer, but he could feel tears in his eyes. He didn’t want to cry because he didn’t want to upset his mum even more.

‘Your friends are here,’ Sarah Jane continued. ‘And I’m here. And I’ll always be here and…’ And then she stopped as she started to cry. ‘Of course I’m going to miss you!’

Luke reached over and hugged his mum. He’d been so scared that his mum wasn’t going to miss him. But now he knew the truth.

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