The Night's Dawn Trilogy (436 page)

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Authors: Peter F. Hamilton

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BOOK: The Night's Dawn Trilogy
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Emergence zone DR45Y was situated three hundred thousand kilometres away from Trafalgar, designated for use by civil starships
flying with government authorization. The sensor satellites which scanned it were no less proficient than those covering the
zones designated for various types of warships, there was after all no telling what vessels an enemy might employ. So when
the gravitonic distortion scanners began to pick up the familiar signature of a ship starting to emerge, additional sensor
batteries were brought on line within milliseconds. The rapidly expanding warp in space-time was the focus of five SD weapons
platforms. Trafalgar’s SD control also vectored four patrol voidhawks towards it and put another ten on rapid-response alert

The event horizon expanded out to thirty-eight metres and vanished, revealing the starship’s hull. Visual-spectrum sensors
showed the SD controllers a standard globe coated with dull nulltherm foam. All perfectly normal, except for a single missing
hexagonal hull plate. And the ship was impressively close to the centre of the zone; the captain must have taken a great deal
of care aligning his last jump coordinate. Such a manoeuvre indicated someone anxious to please.

Radar pulses triggered the starship’s transponder. Trafalgar’s AI took under a millisecond to identify the response code as
Villeneuve’s Revenge
, captained by AndrÉ Duchamp.

Following the standard transponder code, the
Villeneuve’s Revenge
promptly transmitted its official flight authorization code issued by the Ethenthia government.

Both codes were linked to grade two security protocols. The CNIS duty officer in Trafalgar’s SD command centre took immediate
charge of the situation.

Another, altogether quieter, alert was initiated within the asteroid’s secure communication net, of which the CNIS knew nothing.
The televisions, radios, and holographic windows inside The Village’s clubhouse abandoned their nos-talgiafest to warn the
observers of this latest development.

Tracy sat up to stare at the screen. The large lounge had fallen very quiet. Colourful SD sensor imagery was scrolling down
the big Sony television set as various weapons locked on to the starship’s fuselage. She backed up that somewhat poor supply
of data with a more comprehensive summary from Corpus as it gathered information from a variety of sources in and around Trafalgar.

“They won’t let the ship get near them,” Saska said in a hopeful voice. “They’re far too paranoid right now, thank the saints.”

“I hope you’re right,” Tracy muttered. A quick check with Corpus showed her Jay was still in the Congression with Haile. Best
place for her right now; Tracy definitely didn’t want her to pick up on all their doubts and worries. “Hell alone knows how
Pryor managed to worm his way off Ethenthia.”

“Ethenthia’s possessed could probably be cowed with Capone’s name,” Galic said. “Bluffing your way into the headquarters of
the Confederation Navy is a very different matter.”

The CNIS duty officer appeared to share the thought. She immediately declared a C4 condition, prohibiting the suspected hostile
starship from moving, and requesting the patrol voidhawks to interdict. Warnings were datavised directly to the
Villeneuve’s Revenge
, making very clear what action would be taken if SD Command’s orders were not obeyed. They were then prohibited from using
any propulsion system, not even the RCS thrusters to lock attitude, nor were they permitted to extend their thermo-dump panels,
no more sensor booms were to be extended, or any other fuselage hatch activated. Non-propulsive vapour dumps were allowed,
but prior warning should be given. Once a grudging Captain Duchamp had confirmed his compliance, the four patrol voidhawks
accelerated in towards the inert ship at a respectable five gees.

Kingsley Pryor datavised his personal code to the CNIS duty officer, identifying himself as a Confederation Navy officer.
“I’ve managed to elude New California to get here,” he told her. “I secured a lot of tactical data on the Organization fleet
before I left. It should be delivered to Admiral Lalwani as soon as possible.”

“We are already aware of your period with Capone,” the duty officer said. “Our undercover operative Erick Thakara’s report
of his time crewing with the
Villeneuve’s Revenge
was very thorough.”

“Erick is here? That’s good, we thought he’d been caught.”

“He’s filed charges of desertion and collaboration against you.”

“Well even if I have to undergo a Court Martial to prove my innocence, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m carrying a great
deal of useful information. The admiral will want me debriefed properly.”

“You will be. The patrol voidhawks will escort you to a secure dock once we have confirmed your ship’s status.”

“I assure you, there are no possessed on board. Nor is this ship a military threat. I’m amazed we even managed to get here
at all given the state some of our systems are in. Captain Duchamp is not the most proficient of officers.”

“We know that, too.”

“Very well. You should also be aware there is a nuclear device embedded in hull plate 4-36-M. It has a decimal three kiloton
yield. I have the control timer’s reset code, and it’s currently seven hours from detonation.”

“Yes, that’s Capone’s standard method of ensuring compliance. We’ll confirm its location with a remote probe from one of the

“Fine; what do you want me to do?”

“Nothing at all. The hull plate will be removed before you can proceed to dock. Duchamp must open the flight computer to us,
and remove all access restrictions. You will be given further instructions as we proceed with our analysis.”

On the bridge, Kingsley removed the straps securing him to his acceleration couch, and gave the seething captain a detached
glance. “Do as she requests. Now.”

“But of course,” AndrÉ growled. A thousand times during the flight he had considered simply refusing to go any further, calling
Pryor’s bluff. Arriving at Trafalgar was going to put an end to his life, permanently. The
Navy knew too much about him now, thanks to Thakara. They would take his ship and probably his liberty away from him, no
matter how much money he spent on villainous lawyers. This was one port where he had no favours to call in at all. But each
time the option popped up into his head, one nasty little aspect of cowardice prevented him from actually putting thoughts
into deeds. Refusal meant certain death from the nuke in the hull plate, and AndrÉ Duchamp could no longer face that fate
as confidently as he once had. He had stared the possessed in the eye and defeated them (not that the Confederation navy had
ever thanked him for that, oh no), and more than most he knew how real they were. With that came the cold knowledge of what
awaited his soul. Any fate, however humiliating, had suddenly become more attractive than death.

AndrÉ datavised a set of instructions into the flight computer, enabling the SD command centre to take control. The procedure
was well established now. All internal sensors were activated, verifying the number of crew on board, establishing their identities.
They were then required to datavise files and physiological data to SD Command; stage one in corroborating that they weren’t
possessed. Stage two would be an intensive sensor examination once they had docked.

Once SD Command had provisionally classified the five people on board as non-possessed, diagnostic routines were run through
every processor in the starship. In the case of the
Villeneuve’s Revenge
this procedure wasn’t quite as smooth as it would be in a ship that adhered closer to CAB maintenance requirements. Several
legally required systems remained stubbornly off-line. However, SD Command confirmed that there were no telltale glitches
in those processors which were working. This, coupled with an analysis of the (admittedly incomplete) environmental system
logs, allowed them to assign a ninety-five per cent probability that the starship wasn’t smuggling any possessed.

AndrÉ was allowed to deploy the thermo-dump panels, relieving the heat sinks. Thrusters fired, stabilising their attitude.
An MSV from one of the voidhawks slid out of its hangar and manoeuvred itself over hull plate 4-36-M. Waldo arms reached out,
ready to detach the section.

Tracy watched the camera feed on the big Sony television screen as the anti-torque keys engaged around the panel’s rim. “I
don’t believe this!” she exclaimed. “They think it’s safe!”

“Be reasonable,” Arnie said. “Those precautions are good enough to locate any possessed skulking on board.”

“Except Quinn Dexter,” Saska grumbled.

“Let’s not complicate matters. The fact is, the navy is being very prudent.”

“Rubbish,” Tracy snapped. “That CNIS officer is criminally incompetent. She must know Capone had exerted some kind of coercive
hold over Pryor, yet she’s not taken that into account. They’ll let that bloody ship dock once they’ve unscrewed the hull

“We can’t stop them,” Saska warned. “You know the rules.”

“Capone and his influence are waning,” Tracy said. “No matter what delusory victory he inflicts he cannot regain what he’s
lost, not now. I say we cannot permit him this gesture. The overall psychological dynamic of the situation has to be taken
into account. The Confederation must survive, not only that it must be the entity which brings this crisis to a successful
resolution. And the Navy is the embodiment of the Confederation, especially now. It must not be damaged. Not to the extent
Pryor’s mission is capable of.”

“You’re being as arrogant as Capone,” Galic said. “Your thoughts, your opinions, are the ones which must prevail.”

“We all know very well what has to prevail,” she replied. “There has to be a valid species-wide government mechanism to implement
the kind of policies which are going to be needed afterwards, and oversee the transition phase. For all its faults, the Confederation
can be made to work properly. If it fails the human race will fragment, socially, politically, economically, religiously,
and ideologically. We’ll be right back where we were in the pre-starflight age. It’ll take centuries to recover, to get us
back to where we are today. By that time we should have joined the transcendent-active population of this universe.”

“ We?”

“Yes. We. We privileged few. Just because we were engineered here doesn’t mean we’re not human. Two thousand years spent walking
amongst our own people makes this the alien world.”

“Now you’re being melodramatic.”

“Call it what you like. But I know what I am.”


The internal sensors on the
Villeneuve’s Revenge
revealed Kingsley Pryor to be alone in his own small cabin. He’d adopted the same unnerving posture which AndrÉ and his three
crew had witnessed throughout the tortuous flight. He hung centimetres from the decking, legs folded in Lotus position, with
eyes granted a vision of some terribly personal hell. Even over the link from the starship, the CNIS duty officer could see
he was suffering.

With the remote electronic survey complete, and hull plate 4-36-M now detached and held in the MSV’s waldo, AndrÉ was given
a vector taking them in towards Trafalgar at a tenth of a gee. SD Command observed the flight computer responding to the crew’s
instructions, coaxing the fusion tube to life. They were following the security protocols to the last byte.

Kingsley drifted the last few centimetres down onto the decking, and suppressed a whimper at what that meant. During the flight
he’d elevated his dilemma to a near physical pain, every thought he had concerning his destination burned from within. There
simply was no way out of the box Capone and his whore had trapped him in. Death surrounded him, making him more compliant
than any set of sequestration nanonics could ever achieve. Death and love. He couldn’t allow little Webster and Clarissa to
vanish into the beyond. Not now. Nor could he let them be possessed. And the only way to prevent that from happening also
could not be permitted.

Like men in his position throughout history, Kingsley Pryor did nothing as events swept him to their conclusion; simply waiting
and praying that a magical third option would spring from nowhere. Now with the fusion drive pushing the starship towards
Trafalgar, hope had cast him aside. The power he had been given to inflict suffering was insane in its size, yet he could
Webster and Clarissa. The two balanced, as Capone knew they would. And now Kingsley Pryor had to make that impossible choice
between the intimate and the abstract.

The cabin sensor had enough resolution to observe his lips contracting into a bitter smile. It looked as though a scream was
about to burst loose. The CNIS duty officer shook her head at the way he was acting. Looks as though his brain’s cracked,
she thought. Though he was keeping passive enough.

What the sensor never showed her was a patch of air beside Kingsley’s bunk thicken silently into the shape of Richard Keaton.
He smiled sadly down at the stricken Navy officer.

“Who are you?” Kingsley asked hoarsely. “How did you hide on board?”

“I didn’t,” Richard Keaton said. “I’m not a possessed here to check up on you. I’m an observer, that’s all. Please don’t ask
for who, or why. I won’t tell you that. But I will tell you that Webster has escaped from Capone, he’s no longer on Monterey.”

“Webster?” Kingsley cried. “Where is he?”

“As safe as anyone can be right now. He’s on a rogue ship that takes orders from no one.”

“How do you know this?”

“I’m not the only person observing the Confederation.”

“I don’t understand. Why tell me this?”

“You know exactly why, Kingsley. Because you have a decision to make. You are in a unique position to affect the course of
human events. It’s not often an individual is put in this position, even though you don’t appreciate all the implications
stretching out ahead of you. Now, I can’t make that decision for you, much as I’d like to. Even I can’t break the restrictions
I work under. But I can at least bend them enough to make sure you have all the facts before you pass your judgement. You
must choose when and where you die, and who dies with you.”

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