The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor (46 page)

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Authors: Sally Armstrong

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of Charlotte Taylor was a fascinating and frustrating voyage into archives, family stories and history books. I am indebted to many who assisted me in my quest to get as close as possible to the
in the life of this intrepid, wily woman.

First, my thanks to Anne Collins, editor, publisher and mentor, whose reputation for turning raw prose into readable story is unparalleled. And to my agent, Michael Levine, for making sure my manuscript landed in such capable hands.

Many of Charlotte’s descendants were helpful in this odyssey. From snowshoeing with me to try out the method Charlotte used in her 1776 trek, to taking me “up river” and “down shore” by boat to test drive her terrain, Mylie and Loraine Wishart and Bertha Wishart were wonderfully supportive and a fount of information. I am also grateful to Mary Lynn Smith, who is the keeper of the key to the
Life and Times of Charlotte
). Her meticulous research was invaluable to me.

Gilbert Sewell, the Mi’kmaq storyteller, was patient with my many questions and generous with his time. The braid of sweetgrass he gave me hung over my computer for the two years it took to shape the story I wanted to tell.

I am also indebted to Mary Wolfe, Donna Clinch and Margaret McKay, who despite hordes of mosquitoes and boggy terrain tramped through cemeteries with me searching for clues. And to Barry MacKenzie, for guiding me to the precise spot where Charlotte and John Blake lived on the Miramichi. He takes no credit for the bear we encountered on the way.

I also want to thank Doug Young, Mary Ann Rogers, Antony Marcil, Doady Armstrong and Susan Shalala, who works in the New Brunswick Archives in Fredericton, for their help with the research for this book.

My thanks go to botanist David Appleton for his advice on the survival rate of a packet of seeds tucked away in a trunk for decades, to sailing expert Peter Cowern, to food historian Liz Driver and to Pat Allen, whose careful reconstruction of the travels of Commodore George Walker was very useful. And I am grateful to Olga Davis, whose sharp eye deciphered the scrawl of Charlotte’s two-hundred-year-old letters.

In a special category of thanks all their own are those who encouraged me to take on this project and gave me their unwavering support: Cynthia Good, Ernest Hillen, W.J. Hogan and Charlotte’s great-great-great-great-grandchildren, my own three treasures, Heather, Peter and Anna. Thank you one and all.


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Acadian History Time Line

Cargo Ship Mayflower

Chronology of the Abolition of Slavery

Food Time Line

Hearth to Hearth: Hunting the Welsh Rabbit

Order in Council Establishing New Brunswick

The Importance of Food in Eighteenth-Century Louisbourg

The Life and Times of Charlotte Taylor by
Mary Lynn Smith

The Micmac Creation Story

The Mi’kmaq. Nova Scotia Museum

The Stymiest Family History

is an Amnesty International award-winner, a member of the Order of Canada, a documentary filmmaker, teacher, author, human rights activist and contributing editor at
. She has covered stories in conflict zones from Bosnia and Somalia to Rwanda and Afghanistan. She lives in Ontario.

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