The Oath

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Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #vampire, #immortality, #christmas eve, #life changing, #dangerous, #everlasting love, #vow, #danial, #promise me, #confess love

BOOK: The Oath
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The Oath
by Tara Fox





Published by

Melange Books, LLC

White Bear Lake, MN 55110


The Oath, Copyright 2014 Tara Fox


ISBN: 978-1-68046-032-2


Names, characters, and incidents
depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental
and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of
this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the publisher.


Published in the United States of


Cover Design
Caroline Andrus



Table of


"The Oath"

About the Author






Tara Fox Hall


Within weeks, vampire Danial Racklan has
captivated young widow Sarelle and drawn her deep into his dark,
dangerous world. Confessing his love, Danial has asked for
Sarelle’s Oath, a formal binding between vampire and human lovers.
But while a promise of everlasting love sounds like Heaven to most
young women, Sarelle has agonized over the decision for months,
unsure of taking the final step of Oathing to Danial. Yet this
Christmas Eve, Sar impulsively decides to speak the vow that will
change her life for all time.




To Danial, who started it





“Do you think it went okay, Sar?” Danial
asked on the drive home. “I think they liked me.”

The first meeting between my new vampire
paramour and my human parents had been stressful, to say the least.
While they’d appreciated Danial’s charming manner, his candor had
been received a bit less enthusiastically.

“I think it went fine,” I replied. “They
liked you a lot. But maybe you should’ve waited for the second
meeting with them to break the news that we’d moved in

“We’re adults,” he said smoothly. “We’re old
enough to know what we want. Why hide?”

“I wasn’t hiding,” I said defensively. “But
it sounds fast even to me, who’s happily living it. And no, before
you ask, I’m not having second thoughts.”

“Good. Let’s get home. Next week is going to
be busy.” He kissed my hand. “I’m very pleased you’re coming with

It would be my first trip overseas, and our
first trip as a couple. I was jittery with excitement, thinking how
romantic Europe would be. However, I was also worried, because this
was a business trip for Danial, which meant some kind of crime had
been committed.

Danial ran Solutions, Inc., a business
dedicated to detective work involving corporate crime, specializing
in computer programming. Would some new enemy be there to spoil our
newfound happiness?

* * * *

The next two days were a whirlwind. Danial
left for the airport with his bodyguards Ivan and Demetri after he
woke up Sunday night. He called me from his hotel in Akron at one
a.m. to say that he’d arrived safely. I worked Monday from ten to
seven and then came back to Danial’s home to shower quickly. Theo,
Daniel’s chief of security and best friend, grabbed my bags as I
threw on a jacket.

“Are you coming with us to Europe?” I asked
as he drove us to the airport to meet Danial. “Or are Demetri and
Ivan coming instead?”

“Do you want me to?” he said with a


He blushed and looked away.

Stupid as it was, knowing I’d embarrassed him
made me embarrassed. “I feel safer when you’re with us. The other
guards are strong, but”
You’re a werecougar.

“Cia said she told you about me. I’m okay
with it.” He stared at the road. “Did Lander apologize to you?”

Cia and Lander were other bodyguards of
Danial’s, the latter one that thought sexual conversation with me
was an option. “Yes. Did you say something to him?”

“I reminded him none too gently that he
wasn’t at the local bar and you weren’t available.”

“You didn’t have to—”

“It would lead to problems if I’d let it
slide,” he said, his eyes still locked on the road. “Even if he
likes you, he should know better than to speak to you about his
feelings. Danial would do worse if he found out.”

“Thank you then,” I murmured.

The silence stretched for a few miles, until
Theo said, “Yes, I am coming. Overseas trips can be hairy,
especially with you along.”

I had a sinking feeling. “What’s the danger
overseas to Danial and myself?”

“Danial will be out of both his and his
brother Devlin’s territory. He has enemies in the European Union,
though none where we are going.”

“Should I stay home?”

“We’ll be fine. I’ll let you know if there’s
anything to be worried about.”

* * * *

The moment I entered the lobby, I was wowed
by the opulence of the four-star hotel. The ceiling was forty feet
high, with a mural of cherubs and angels. The crystal chandeliers
were huge, their lights sparkling like diamonds. The lobby was
larger than my house, with leather couches and silk upholstered
furniture. There was even a baby grand piano, though no one was
playing it. I turned round and round, taking it all in as Danial
checked us in.

“Come, Sar. It’s nearly dawn,” Danial called,
offering me his hand.

Danial led me to our room, Theo trailing us
and the bellhop following with the bags. It was a suite, a living
room with two bedrooms to either side. Theo dropped the bags and
went into one, saying he had to make a call. I followed Danial into
the other.

“We’ll unpack in the morning. Come to me,

We undressed and got into bed, kissing
lovingly, though we were too exhausted to do more than hold one
another. I lay in his arms after he’d fallen asleep. Some time
later, I drifted off myself.

I dreamed of being at the zoo. A lion roared
at me from its cage. I wanted to set it free but didn’t dare. It
was huge and ferocious, it’s eyes light golden and hungry, so

I woke up as Danial was stirring. The clock
on the nightstand said six, the time there. Europe was what, seven
hours ahead? How long had we slept?

He groaned. “What time is it?

“Six. Are you okay?” I asked, gently touching
his shoulder.

“Crossing the ocean and adapting to the
different time zones is always hard, but I’ll be fine.” He
stretched. “I have a meeting at eight. It will probably last a
couple hours. Then I’ll need to go out and get something to eat.”
He went to the door and reemerged with our bags. “You should stay
here and order room service. I’ll be back before dawn.”

“And tomorrow night?” I pressed.

“Tomorrow night, Theo and I have to go out
for another meeting. It should be routine, but it’ll take at least
a few hours. You can wait up for me tonight if you want, but I want
you to have fun tomorrow afternoon, so don’t stay up too late.”

“Where am I going?” I asked in confusion.

“There’s a concierge downstairs. Call him in
the morning and go wherever you like for the day. He’ll arrange it
all. Bill it to the room.”

“Are you sure? The Euro is worth almost two
of our dollars.”

“Sar, what I told your parents is true. I
have resources. A good portion of what I make is spent on security,
chartered planes, and secure hotel rooms, but there’s enough that
you don’t need to worry about how much something costs. Just have

He began to get dressed. I put on a robe and
went out to the living room to look out the window. The lights were
beautiful against the night sky.

The door to Theo’s room opened behind me. I
turned, expecting it to be Danial. Instead, a woman stood there.
She was about my size, with long light brown hair. She was more
slender than I was, but there was strength to her that I didn’t
have. She was also in a robe.

I realized with a start that she’d come out
of Theo’s room. She looked at me, I looked at her, and we both
flushed. Then we both burst out laughing.

“Hi, I’m Sarelle,” I said, extending my

“Good to meet you. My name is Tawny,” she
said throatily.

Theo, you dog
, I thought with a smile.
Good for you

Theo himself came out looking very relaxed.
We both turned to him, and he flushed, which made Tawny and me
laugh again. Danial came out and saw us, but he was the unruffled
and just said hi to Tawny.

“We’ve got to go,” Theo said to Danial.
“We’ll be late.”

Danial kissed me. “Stay here, sweetheart.
I’ll be back before dawn.”

He left the room. Theo went after him after
saying something similar to Tawny. As the door shut behind them, I
turned to see Tawny perusing the room service menu.

“What shall we order?”

“Breakfast for me,” I replied. “I need some
carbs, preferably with syrup.”

“Steak and eggs for me,” she said, picking up
the phone. “I’ll order some pancakes for you.”

As she hung up the phone, I said with
curiosity, “I thought I heard a lion roaring last night.”

She grinned. “Technically, you might have
heard two, but most likely you heard me.” She touched my neck. “Do
your scars hurt?”

Danial had made the marks that adorned my
throat with his fangs, the night I agreed to live with him. It had
been a ritual, almost. “They did when they were fresh, but not
since they’ve healed.”

“I was bitten once, but the bastard who did
it tore me. It hurt a lot.”

At first, her candidness took me aback, but
then I decided I liked that she was so forthright. “Why did the
vampire do it?”

“He thought I wouldn’t resist him. He had
other thoughts after I clawed him up.”

“Was he someone powerful here in Europe? I
know there’s a vampire hierarchy for each country.”

“Theo tells me you’ve had a few run-ins with
him yourself. Chap by the name of Devlin?”

Danial’s brother, the spawn of hell.
“I know him,” I said with a sigh. “I’m glad you clawed him.”

The food came and we ate. Then Tawny and I
decided to go back to bed.

I want to be awake and ready for Theo,” she
said, grinning licentiously.

I smiled in return, thinking how different
the women in Europe were. Womankind might be better off if all
women were so honest with themselves about their needs.

I couldn’t sleep sat first, so I read for a
while and finally drifted off. I awoke early the next morning to
find Danial beside me, positively shining with the luster that
meant he’d fed well. I kissed his cheek gently so as not to wake
him, and went to take a shower. Tawny didn’t make an appearance,
and I left her a note asking her to find me in the hotel restaurant
when she was ready to go out exploring.

To my surprise, I met Theo coming up in the
elevator with a doughnut in his mouth, a large bag in his hand. He
saw me and coughed, removing the doughnut. “Hi.”

“Bringing her breakfast in bed?” I

“Uh...yes,” he said, a flush creeping up his
cheeks. “She likes the cream filled ones.”

I’ll bet
. I blushed myself at my
thought. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Theo was all business. “Are you heading down
to the restaurant?”


He walked past me towards the room. “I’ll go
with you, then. Danial didn’t want you leaving the hotel
unescorted, and the hotel restaurant isn’t open for another
half-hour. We can go the café down the street. The food’s better
there anyway. Let me leave these inside the door.”

“What about Tawny?”

“She’s sleeping. She won’t miss me until she
wakes up. And my job is guarding you and Danial. He’s less at risk
in his room than you are wandering the streets alone. Let’s

I rolled my eyes at his brusqueness, but
followed him.

A few minutes later, we were at a sidewalk
café, eating several types of delectable pastries. “These are
good,” I said as I finished my second one. “Do you and Danial come
to this area often?”

“We go all over, depending on the clients we
need to see. When we come to Switzerland, we stay here.”

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