The One For Me (5 page)

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Authors: Layla James

BOOK: The One For Me
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I dump my bag on the kitchen counter and grab a drink
from the refrigerator
. My phone buzzes
against the counter
. It’s Jennifer.

I answer.
“Where the hell are you?” she whispers.

“At my house, I don’t feel good.”

“Liar. Do you want me to come over?”

“Nah, I’m just going to go to sleep. I’m feeling crummy.”

“Whatever, Katy. You’re going to have to get over the rumors. You know that you didn’t do it, why should it matter?”

“It doesn’t…got to go…love you…bye,” I say and press the

I don’t want to hear Jennifer’s mouth about the situation. She has no idea how it feels to be considered the class hoe. Hell, her strict parents won’t even let her date at all. She will never have to worry about these things. If her mother keeps putting her in those ugly sweaters she will never
ever have to worry about that at all. Plaid and animal faces never go together. Unless you’re two years old or eighty. Only ‘maybe’ then.

I lie back down on the couch and try to remember the girl’s people have called hoes in the past. Heather Jenkins, Lauren Harrod…Brittany Ferrell. Those girls didn’t care. They flung themselves at every descent looking senior that came in the two double doors of the school.
The problem is I
care. I don’t want that label; I’ve worked too hard for my grades and life.

I bite my lip and close my eyes. How did these girls get out of being called names? Most graduated and everyone forgot about them and others got boyfriends.

I shoot up. A boyfriend. That’s what I need. I need everyone to think I have a boyfriend.
Which is a bust, because everyone is talking about me. I wouldn’t want to date me, like this.
I roll my eyes.
Shut up, Katy. You can’t just go get a boyfriend.
They have to like you.
And no one will like you now, not because of all the rumors.

I lie back down and close my eyes again. There has to be a way to fix this problem. That Jose kid always stares at me in class, maybe he would go out with me?
Gross, Katy.
I slam my head back into the pillow. This is ridiculous.
Why is everyone so worried about my love life
It’s not like every girl in the senior class hasn’t already given up their v card, besides Jen. Although, she lies and said it was taken at Asian camp. I don’t even know if there is an Asian camp.

The fact is that if
I were with Liam
and we ‘slept’ together it wouldn’t even be a big deal. B
esides th
e fact that he is a delinquent.

My words ring through my ears.
If I was with Liam
. A light bulb comes on in my head.
Liam and I together seems like an idea that would go terribly wrong. He is…Liam. He is a self-centered jerk that thinks every girl wants him.
It’s ridiculous. It’s a ridiculous idea. I lie back down. A ridiculous idea that just might work.

“Ah shit,” I say and grab my phone. I start to dial Jennifer’s number but then stop.
Do I really want to do this? What could it hurt right? Everyone thinks I’m a hoe now; why not let them think Liam and I are dating?

I finish dialing Jen’s number. She
picks up on the fourth ring. “I’m in class, what is it?”

“I need you to g
et me Liam’s cell number, stat It’s important.”

“You wanting to relive your smooch
the other night,” she whispers, then makes a loud kissing sound.
Good grief.

“Ms. Chang, get off the phone!” I hear someone yell. The phone cuts off and I shake my head.
Maybe…maybe this could work out...right?
I pace my living room floor waiting on Jennifer to get me his number.
She is taking forever.

Thirty minutes later I get a text with his number and ‘
get it on,’
written below it.
Yea, right.
I dial his number, my hands suddenly shaking.
Can I do this? I have to do this.

The phone rings a few times and I’m about to hang up when I hear him answer. “Hello.”

“Hey. This is Katy. Um…your partner.”
Silence. “From Science class.”

He laughs, low and raw. “Yes, Katy.
I know who you are.
Why are you calling me at school?”

I need you to come to my house. We need to talk.”


Is he ignoring me on purpose?

“You’re home alone?”

“Don’t get an
y ideas. It’s nothing like that; believe me, over my dead body. This is much more
serious. Can you come now?”

“Katy…are you asking me to skip class to come to your house?
I’m appalled.
Someone is living out their rebel side today.”

“Get your ass over here.”



Fifteen minutes later
there is a knock on my door. I breathe in a calm breath and try to calm my nerves.
Just ask him, the worse he can say is no. Oh God, what if he does say no? My life will be ruined
. Liam knocks again, louder this time.

Liam is
standing close to me when I open the door.
His hands are resting on the doorframe and a smile creeping up his face.

“You’re blushing, what’s the matter?” Liam asks.

I bite my lip. “I’m not blushing. Just come in. We have to talk.” Liam cocks a dark eyebrow and walks in, going straight for the couch.

“So, what’s up, swe
etheart? What is the emergency? Need some emergency sugar from Daddy?”

“Everyone is talking about us,” I blurt out.

“I thought we established that? What else happened?” I don’t answer. He looks over to me and purses his lips. “What did Hayden say to you?”

I gulp. “He said my nasty reputation is making him look bad.”

Hayden narrows his eyes and pops his knuckles. “That so? Well, screw him, Katy. Who cares?”

“Me,” I whisper helplessly
. “And I think you can help me. Well, at least, I hope you can.”

Liam stands up and comes in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “What is that evil mind thinking, Katy?”

“I want you to be my boyfriend.”
There I said it.

Liam steps back, his eyebrows furrowed and a crazy look on his face. I think he is secretly searching for the door, but then he laughs. Its borderline insane. Okay, so it’s not

“That’s funny, Katy.” He leans over and coughs, he is laughing so hard. I fight the urge to kick him while he is down. “You called me out of school for this?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

I close my eyes. “You wouldn’t really be my boyfriend, we would be pretending, Liam. Like a deal or an agreement.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “I don’t do girlfriends, Katy. That’s not my thing.”

I grit my teeth. “Exactly. You don’t do that, you screw. That is why I’m in this predicament. People are saying we had sex, so everything is okay with you. Your reputation is fine…it’s mine that has gone to hell.
I’m the one that looks like a rebounding whore.

Liam stops smiling and looks down at me, his eyes narrowed. “What do I get out of this?
This just might hurt my reputation.

I close my eyes and try to look like I’m annoyed when I’m really panicking.

“Teachers will look at you differently? They will think better of you.
It will alter your reputation, but make it better at the same time.

Liam narrows his eyes and strokes his chin.
Please answer! That look is driving me crazy.
“Look…I’ll think about it, is that okay?”

I bite my tongue. “How long would it take for you to think about it?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know…a couple of days.”

Liam, I don’t have a couple of days.
Please,” I beg, stepping closer to him, I place my hand on his bicep and they flex beneath my touch. “Please, we don’t have to do anything, just make an appearance at school.
Hold my hand. It can’t be that awful.

Liam swallows and his Adam’s apple moves. He takes a step forward and I bump against the living room wall. He places his hands on each side of my head and smiles. “I said, I would think about it.” His breath is minty and cool against my face.

I let out a slow breath and steady my nerves. He is doing this on purpose. Smiling up at him, I lean up on my toes. “Make it fast; my reputation is on the line.”
His lips are close to mine, I lean just enough to let him think I’m going to kiss him, then
I stand back and push past him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Liam.” I smile and walk up to my room.
Please, God make him say yes.





























Chapter Four


“I have my own car,” I say and gape at Liam. He is grinning, leaning against his Jeep in my driveway. He dusts off his hands on his jeans and opens the door for me.
What alternative universe have I woken up to?

“Well, you are my girlfriend now, so we have to do this right. You’ll ride with me to school and I’ll take you home.” He smiles, ruffles his hair and gestures for me to get into the car. “That is what boyfriends do, right?”

I open my mouth. “You’re saying you’ll be my boyfriend?”
Wow, I never thought I would say that.

He rolls his eyes. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying, Katy. But, you have to get your ass in the car first.
Or we’ll never get to school to show people our new relationship. Fake or not, this is a big…huge…gigantic step for me.

Thank God.
  “What made you change your mind?”

He pushes his hand in his jean pocket and tilts his head to the side. “Well, not including your charming personality, begging me to be your boyfriend just to make your ex jealous, I would say it was because all my teachers would give me a little break. I need it.”

I smile. “
I’m not doing this to make Hayden jealous.” Not entirely. “I’m doing this to save my reputation.” I smile again. “
Thank you, Liam.” I start to hug him but I decide against it.

enough with the crap now get in

“Thank you but no to the car. I have my own.” I jingle the keys in front of me.

He cocks an eyebrow. “Would you like me to pick you up, I’ve done it before. That’s what a boyfriend would do, isn’t it? Sweep his girlfriend off of her feet, literally?” My
face heats. I’ve been desperately trying to push our exchanging of salvia out of my head.

“Fine, just today,” I say and march to his Jeep. He helps me up.

“We’ll see about that,” he mumbles before shutting the door. He walks around and gets into the driver’s seat.
His Jeep is all leather, and clean. One thing I know about boys, is that they keep their most prized possession clean. This is clearly his.
He grins. “Well, how is my girlfriend this morning, doing okay?”

“Stop calling me that,” I say, buckling my seatbelt. “Katy, will do.
And thank you, I’m doing swell. Didn’t you hear, I’m the new class whore?

He turns and reverses out of m
y driveway. “Okay, Katy will do, the new class whore. I’m glad you’re doing well.

I click my tongue against the top of my mouth and wonder how he is so calm, rested against the seat, legs sprawled. “So, you finish and type your essay for science?”

He nods. “Yep,” he gestures toward his backpack in the floorboard. “Red folder, you can take a look if ya want. I figured I better try a little harder than usual, Mr. Fringe seemed a little pissed no one had done it.”

I had done it.

I hesitate, I’m not sure it’s appropriate to see what he wrote about me. What the hell, I can’t wait. I dig through his bag until I pull it out.

“Anxious? Got to know what your fake boyfriend thinks about you?” He laughs and turns up the music a bit.

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