The One Year Bible TLB (252 page)

BOOK: The One Year Bible TLB
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November 30

Daniel 7:1-28

One night during the first year of Belshazzar’s reign over the Babylonian Empire, Daniel had a dream and he wrote it down. This is his description of what he saw:

 In my dream I saw a great storm on a mighty ocean, with strong winds blowing from every direction.
 Then four huge animals came up out of the water, each different from the other.
 The first was like a lion, but it had eagle’s wings! And as I watched, its wings were pulled off so that it could no longer fly, and it was left standing on the ground, on two feet, like a man; and a man’s mind was given to it.
 The second animal looked like a bear with its paw raised, ready to strike. It held three ribs between its teeth, and I heard a voice saying to it, “Get up! Devour many people!”
 The third of these strange animals looked like a leopard, but on its back it had wings like those of birds, and it had four heads! And great power was given to it over all mankind.

 Then, as I watched in my dream, a fourth animal rose up out of the ocean, too dreadful to describe and incredibly strong. It devoured some of its victims by tearing them apart with its huge iron teeth, and others it crushed beneath its feet. It was far more brutal and vicious than any of the other animals, and it had ten horns.

 As I was looking at the horns, suddenly another small horn appeared among them, and three of the first ones were yanked out, roots and all, to give it room; this little horn had a man’s eyes and a bragging mouth.

 I watched as thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days—the Almighty God—sat down to judge. His clothing was as white as snow, his hair like whitest wool. He sat upon a fiery throne brought in on flaming wheels, and
 a river of fire flowed from before him. Millions of angels ministered to him, and hundreds of millions of people stood before him, waiting to be judged. Then the court began its session, and the books were opened.

 As I watched, the brutal fourth animal was killed and its body handed over to be burned because of its arrogance against Almighty God and the boasting of its little horn.
 As for the other three animals, their kingdoms were taken from them, but they were allowed to live a short time longer.

 Next I saw the arrival of a Man—or so he seemed to be—brought there on clouds from heaven; he approached the Ancient of Days and was presented to him.
 He was given the ruling power and glory over all the nations of the world, so that all people of every language must obey him. His power is eternal—it will never end; his government shall never fall.

 I was confused and disturbed by all I had seen (Daniel wrote in his report),
 so I approached one of those standing beside the throne and asked him the meaning of all these things, and he explained them to me.

 “These four huge animals,” he said, “represent four kings who will someday rule the earth.
 But in the end the people of the Most High God shall rule the governments of the world forever and forever.”

 Then I asked about the fourth animal, the one so brutal and shocking, with its iron teeth and brass claws that tore men apart and stamped others to death with its feet.
 I asked, too, about the ten horns and the little horn that came up afterward and destroyed three of the others—the horn with the eyes and the loud, bragging mouth, the one that was stronger than the others.
 For I had seen this horn warring against God’s people and winning,
 until the Ancient of Days came and opened his court and vindicated his people, giving them worldwide powers of government.

 “This fourth animal,” he told me, “is the fourth world power
that will rule the earth. It will be more brutal than any of the others; it will devour the whole world, destroying everything before it.
 His ten horns are ten kings that will rise out of his empire; then another king
will arise, more brutal than the other ten, and will destroy three of them.
 He will defy the Most High God and wear down the saints with persecution, and he will try to change all laws, morals, and customs.
God’s people will be helpless in his hands for three and a half years.

 “But then the Ancient of Days will come
and open his court of justice and take all power from this vicious king, to consume and destroy it until the end.
 Then all nations under heaven and their power shall be given to the people of God;
they shall rule all things forever, and all rulers shall serve and obey them.”

 That was the end of the dream. When I awoke, I was greatly disturbed, and my face was pale with fright, but I told no one what I had seen.

1 John 1:1-10

Christ was alive when the world began, yet I myself have seen him with my own eyes and listened to him speak. I have touched him with my own hands. He is God’s message of life.
 This one who is life from God has been shown to us, and we guarantee that we have seen him; I am speaking of Christ, who is eternal Life. He was with the Father and then was shown to us.
 Again I say, we are telling you about what we ourselves have actually seen and heard, so that you may share the fellowship and the joys we have with the Father and with Jesus Christ his son.
 And if you do as I say in this letter, then you, too, will be full of joy, and so will we.

 This is the message God has given us to pass on to you: that God is Light and in him is no darkness at all.
 So if we say we are his friends but go on living in spiritual darkness and sin, we are lying.
 But if we are living in the light of God’s presence, just as Christ does, then we have wonderful fellowship and joy with each other, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from every sin.

 If we say that we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth.
 But if we confess our sins to him,
he can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. And it is perfectly proper for God to do this for us because Christ died to wash away our sins.
 If we claim we have not sinned, we are lying and calling God a liar,
for he says we have sinned.

Psalm 119:153-176

Look down upon my sorrows and rescue me, for I am obeying your commands.
 Yes, rescue me and give me back my life again just as you have promised.
 The wicked are far from salvation, for they do not care for your laws.
 Lord, how great is your mercy; oh, give me back my life again.

 My enemies are so many. They try to make me disobey, but I have not swerved from your will.
 I loathed these traitors because they care nothing for your laws.
 Lord, see how much I really love your demands. Now give me back my life and health because you are so kind.
 There is utter truth in all your laws; your decrees are eternal.

 Great men have persecuted me, though they have no reason to, but I stand in awe of only your words.
 I rejoice in your laws like one who finds a great treasure.
 How I hate all falsehood, but how I love your laws.
 I will praise you seven times a day because of your wonderful laws.

 Those who love your laws have great peace of heart and mind and do not stumble.
 I long for your salvation, Lord, and so I have obeyed your laws.
 I have looked for your commandments, and I love them very much;
 yes, I have searched for them. You know this because everything I do is known to you.

 O Lord, listen to my prayers; give me the common sense you promised.
 Hear my prayers; rescue me as you said you would.
 I praise you for letting me learn your laws.
 I will sing about their wonder, for each of them is just.
 Stand ready to help me because I have chosen to follow your will.
 O Lord, I have longed for your salvation, and your law is my delight.
 If you will let me live, I will praise you; let your laws assist me.

 I have wandered away like a lost sheep; come and find me, for I have not turned away from your commandments.

Proverbs 28:23-24

In the end, people appreciate frankness more than flattery.

 A man who robs his parents and says, “What’s wrong with that?” is no better than a murderer.

December 1

Daniel 8:1-27

In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar, I had another dream similar to the first.

 This time I was at Susa,
the capital in the province of Elam, standing beside the Ulai River.
 As I was looking around, I saw a ram with two long horns standing on the riverbank; and as I watched, one of these horns began to grow, so that it was longer than the other.
 The ram butted everything out of its way, and no one could stand against it or help its victims. It did as it pleased and became very great.

 While I was wondering what this could mean, suddenly a buck goat appeared from the west so swiftly that it didn’t even touch the ground. This goat, which had one very large horn between its eyes,
 rushed furiously at the two-horned ram.
 And the closer he came, the angrier he was. He charged into the ram and broke off both his horns. Now the ram was helpless, and the buck goat knocked him down and trampled him, for there was no one to rescue him.

 The victor became both proud and powerful, but suddenly, at the height of his power, his horn was broken, and in its place grew four good-sized horns
pointing in four directions.
 One of these, growing slowly at first, soon became very strong and attacked the south and east, and warred against the land of Israel.
 He fought against the people of God and defeated some of their leaders.
 He even challenged the Commander
of the army of heaven by canceling the daily sacrifices offered to him and by defiling his Temple.
 But the army of heaven was restrained from destroying him for this transgression. As a result, truth and righteousness perished, and evil triumphed and prospered.

 Then I heard two of the holy angels talking to each other. One of them said, “How long will it be until the daily sacrifice is restored again? How long until the destruction of the Temple is avenged and God’s people triumph?”

 The other replied, “Twenty-three hundred days
must first go by.”

 As I was trying to understand the meaning of this vision, suddenly a man was standing in front of me—or at least he looked like a man—
 and I heard a man’s voice calling from across the river, “Gabriel, tell Daniel the meaning of his dream.”

 So Gabriel started toward me. But as he approached, I was too frightened to stand and fell down with my face to the ground. “Son of man,” he said, “you must understand that the events you have seen in your vision will not take place until the end times come.”

 Then I fainted, lying face downward on the ground. But he roused me with a touch and helped me to my feet.
 “I am here,” he said, “to tell you what is going to happen in the last days of the coming time of terror—for what you have seen pertains to that final event in history.

 “The two horns of the ram you saw are the kings of Media and Persia;
 the shaggy-haired goat is the nation of Greece, and its long horn represents the first great king of that country.
 When you saw the horn break off and four smaller horns replace it, this meant that the Grecian Empire will break into four sections with four kings, none of them as great as the first.

 “Toward the end of their kingdoms, when they have become morally rotten, an angry king shall rise to power with great shrewdness and intelligence.
 His power shall be mighty, but it will be satanic strength and not his own.
Prospering wherever he turns, he will destroy all who oppose him, though their armies be mighty, and he will devastate God’s people.

 “He will be a master of deception, defeating many by catching them off guard as they bask in false security. Without warning he will destroy them. So great will he fancy himself to be that he will even take on the Prince of Princes in battle; but in so doing he will seal his own doom, for he shall be broken by the hand of God, though no human means could overpower him.

 “And then in your vision you heard about the twenty-three hundred days to pass before the rights of worship are restored. This number is literal, and means just that.
But none of these things will happen for a long time, so don’t tell anyone about them yet.”

 Then I grew faint and was sick for several days. Afterward I was up and around again and performed my duties for the king, but I was greatly distressed by the dream and did not understand it.

1 John 2:1-17

My little children, I am telling you this so that you will stay away from sin. But if you sin, there is someone to plead for you before the Father. His name is Jesus Christ, the one who is all that is good and who pleases God completely.
 He is the one who took God’s wrath against our sins upon himself and brought us into fellowship with God; and he is the forgiveness for our sins,
and not only ours but all the world’s.

 And how can we be sure that we belong to him? By looking within ourselves: are we really trying to do what he wants us to?

 Someone may say, “I am a Christian; I am on my way to heaven; I belong to Christ.” But if he doesn’t do what Christ tells him to, he is a liar.
 But those who do what Christ tells them to will learn to love God more and more. That is the way to know whether or not you are a Christian.
 Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did.

 Dear brothers, I am not writing out a new rule for you to obey, for it is an old one you have always had, right from the start. You have heard it all before.
 Yet it is always new, and works for you just as it did for Christ; and as we obey this commandment,
to love one another,
the darkness in our lives disappears and the new light of life in Christ shines in.

 Anyone who says he is walking in the light of Christ but dislikes his fellow man is still in darkness.
 But whoever loves his fellow man is “walking in the light” and can see his way without stumbling around in darkness and sin.
 For he who dislikes his brother is wandering in spiritual darkness and doesn’t know where he is going, for the darkness has made him blind so that he cannot see the way.

 I am writing these things to all of you, my little children, because your sins have been forgiven in the name of Jesus our Savior.
 I am saying these things to you older men because you really know Christ, the one who has been alive from the beginning. And you young men, I am talking to you because you have won your battle with Satan. And I am writing to you younger boys and girls because you, too, have learned to know God our Father.

 And so I say to you fathers who know the eternal God, and to you young men who are strong with God’s Word in your hearts, and have won your struggle against Satan:
 Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God;
 for all these worldly things, these evil desires—the craze for sex, the ambition to buy everything that appeals to you, and the pride that comes from wealth and importance—these are not from God. They are from this evil world itself.
 And this world is fading away, and these evil, forbidden things will go with it, but whoever keeps doing the will of God will live forever.

Psalm 120:1-7

In my troubles I pled with God to help me and he did!

 Deliver me, O Lord, from liars.
 O lying tongue, what shall be your fate?
 You shall be pierced with sharp arrows and burned with glowing coals.

 My troubles pile high among these haters of the Lord, these men of Meshech and Kedar. I am tired of being here among these men who hate peace.
 I am for peace, but they are for war, and my voice goes unheeded in their councils.

Proverbs 28:25-26

Greed causes fighting; trusting God leads to prosperity.

 A man is a fool to trust himself! But those who use God’s wisdom are safe.

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