The Only Thing That Matters (7 page)

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Authors: Neale Donald Walsch

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BOOK: The Only Thing That Matters
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So now, here is another of those ideas. It's a big one, one that many people have never considered or may not have even thought to consider before.

Your Soul has embarked on its Sacred Journey in a
single identity
eternally, while your Body and your Mind are configured in their present identity only on this particular “leg,” your current leg, of your eternal travels.

Some people have interpreted this to mean that the Soul lives forever, while the Body and the Mind die. Indeed, that is the standard interpretation of most of the world's traditional religions. Yet it is not accurate.

The Body and the Mind do not die, any more than the Soul dies

That is correct. The Body and the Mind never die.

As noted, this may be surprising information to some people. In fact, that's probably an understatement. It is possibly the greatest unknown or unrevealed aspect of Life. Ironically, it may also be the most important.

Why? Why is this important? Because it places into a whole new context the matter of Who You Are and Why You Are Here—and it is critical to understand
if you are to begin to focus your life on The Only Thing That Matters.

The very
that 98% of the world's people are spending 98% of their time on things that don't matter is that they have misunderstood Who They Are or Why They Are Here—and they have misunderstood
because they have imagined that the Body and the Mind die, while the Soul lives forever.

A Soul Knowing:
The Body and the Mind do not die, any more than the Soul dies.

As soon as we understand that we are three-part beings, and that the Body and the Mind
die, everything in how we look at life changes. So let us now examine the intricate nature and relationship of the Body, Mind, and Soul.

Now as we begin presenting these kinds of new ideas and embark on this portion of our exploration in earnest, please know there's a possibility that somewhere along the way you could be tempted to say: “This is all very interesting, but what does it have to
with anything? What does all this
esoteric stuff
have to be with my on-the-ground, 9-to-5 experience?”

You'll have a chance to say those things later! Right now you're going to be invited yet one more time to exercise patience, because you can't decide what really matters to you until you know and understand who this “you” that's being talked about here
—a point that will be made over and over on these pages. So here's a very short “primer” on the true nature of “you.”

Everything in life is physical—including your Soul. What you think of as “nonphysical” is what you loosely think of as “invisible.” Yet
are not the same thing, and many things that are invisible are physical, as you know.

Most people who believe in the existence of the Soul at all agree that the Soul lives forever. (Whether it spends eternity in “Heaven” or in “Hell” is a matter of differing theological persuasion, but there seems to be little argument among major religions that the Soul exists eternally.)

What most people have never been told is that the essential energy of which your Body and Mind are composed
never ceases to exist—although, unlike your Soul, they change form.

Your Body and your Mind could thus be called “shape-shifters.” They can and do change shape or form throughout eternity. They do this
at the behest of the Soul
, which uses the Essential Energy that forms the Body and the Mind as its tools.

Think of a man who hammers out a new shape from white-hot steel, which is malleable and can be poured until it cools and hardens. The energy that forms the Body and the Mind is likewise “malleable” when it is “white hot”—or, in the language of metaphysics, when it shines brightly with the Light that Essential Energy emits in its essential state.

The shape of the Body and the Mind are altered when the oscillation of their energy vibration changes frequency—which it does when their energy moves into the Physical Realm. Certain frequencies of this energy vibration can make all or part of the Body invisible to humans. The Mind (not to be confused with the brain, which is part of the Body) is an example. It is invisible, but not undetectable. It is the energy package that animates the brain.

Yet while neither the Mind nor the Body are seen following what is called “death” (the Body usually having been buried or cremated, the Mind having simply “disappeared”), this does not mean they do not exist.

The Body certainly exists, you might reason, either in a slowly changing form, as a deteriorating corpse, or in the form of ashes that are more quickly absorbed by the rest of the physical world.

We think that this is the whole of the Body—all there is left of what once was. We say that the Body has been reduced to this. Yet it turns out that this is only the
In reality, a person's “remains” are literally and simply that: what “remains” in visible form. This is the least of the energy components that comprised your physical being. It is merely the part of your physical energy that continues to vibrate within a frequency range that allows the energy to be visible.

The largest portion of your physical energy shifts its vibration at the moment that you call “death,” rendering it invisible to the naked eye.

Even now, before death, there are parts of you that are invisible. There are some humans who are reportedly able to view what are popularly called “auras,” which they describe as energy fields that surround the Body. They actually are part
the body—and are but one example of the Body having parts that are not usually visible.

At death, your Body and your Mind immediately begin to transmogrify.

To understand this process a little more fully, consider a burning log in your fireplace. Most of the energy that
the log becomes invisible as it is released. It turns into at least three new energy forms that can be easily identified: light, heat, and smoke. Following this transmogrification, a residue remains. We call this residue the ashes.

It is clear to all that the ashes are but 5% of what was once a much larger physical object.
What happened to the rest of the log?
Can it be said that its energy is “dead”? No.
No energy ever dies
. Energy simply changes form. The rest of the log “went up in smoke.” Or became the heat and light of the fire.

Your own Body and your Mind transmogrify in the same way. As the largest portion of the Essential Energy that was your Body and your Mind changes form, continuing to exist as part of The Totality of You, the tiniest portion of residue remains.

A Soul Knowing:
No energy ever dies. Energy simply changes form.

This is the portion of The Totality of You that you have chosen to leave behind. It continues to exist also, but
not inter-dimensionally.
You no longer wish to carry it with you. You're done with it. You're finished with that aspect of your Self. So you leave it in this particular dimension of Always/Everywhere.

What goes with you is what serves the Soul. This aspect of your Body and Mind later reconstructs itself at the instruction of the Soul. It may reconstruct itself in the present expression and dimension, returning You to this Life to live over again in a new way, or it may reconstruct itself in another expression and dimension, to live a “different” life as a different person, becoming what you call “reincarnated.”

Throughout all of this the Soul's identity has not been, and never will be, changed. Only the Essential Energy of the Body and the Mind has been reassembled, in a new version of Life Expression.

Of Snowflakes and Trees

to get their Mind around what you have just remembered. This is surely why Jesus and so many other masters chose to share some eternal mysteries through parables and stories. We are going to do the same thing here.

Again, this is not because the human Mind is so weak or underdeveloped. It is because the Mind has been given so much misinformation that there is virtually no
for vast, new, additional content until something has been deleted.

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