The Opposite Of Right (Bad Decisions Trilogy #1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Opposite Of Right (Bad Decisions Trilogy #1)
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Her teeth worried at her lower lip. “It makes more sense when you lubricate your brain with a couple of gin and tonics.”

Ah. Now he got it. “Most bad decisions do.”

“Don’t you see? I don’t want to become a felon or stop renewing my license. My wings have been clipped. I just want to stretch them out for a little while.”

This was where things could get very, very interesting. Cam rested his forearm on the drapery rod. It brought their faces close enough that he could count the cinnamon-colored freckles arching over one cheekbone toward her ear. “By…”

“By carefully choosing interesting opportunities. Ones where it could benefit me to do the opposite of the right thing. Like tonight.”

Kylie wasn’t a bad girl. But this wing-stretching stuff would definitely be bad for
. Bad for his self-control. Because Cam wanted nothing more than to help stretch her to her limits. He ran a hand along the bunched sheets at her hip. “Being naked’s not against the law.”

“Technically, no. But my mother would have a fit. No, she’d be too busy passing out from shock to pitch a fit right away. It’d come later.” Kylie held up one hand and began to tick points off on her fingers. “As you said, I’m essentially in a hotel with no doors. The proper thing to do would be to stay clothed in pajamas. For protection. To be sensible. In case the bus crashes down a cliff and I need to be rescued, but I’m forced to hold the fireman at bay because I’m shockingly naked.”

The practical girl who could make change in her head for three sales at once also had a flair for the dramatic. “Cliffs? In Milwaukee? What’s your next point—the Loch Ness Monster could lurch out of Lake Michigan to attack your nakedness?”

She scowled at him. “The point is that lying in my bunk naked is not, in fact, dangerous. What I truly wanted to do was lie out in a field and let the starlight wash over me. That
be dangerous. So instead, I’m enjoying the experience using my tiny window.”

Dramatic and romantic. “I like the sound of that. A starlight bath.” He’d have to write it into a song someday. One about starlight and unresolved dreams. With maybe a beautiful and unattainable woman thrown in to make it a surefire hit. “How’d it feel?”

“Liberating. Peaceful. Exciting.” Kylie’s eyes fluttered shut. A soft sigh escaped her lips. “And more than a tiny bit blissfully wrong.”

“Sometimes, doing the wrong thing is the right decision.”

“I agree.” Her eyes flew open. A wicked smile curved at her lips. “For example, it’d be wrong for you to see me naked.”

“It’d only be wrong if we had sex.” Cam was no angel. He wouldn’t turn down a free peep show.

“No, it’d only be wrong if I didn’t enjoy it.” She grabbed the collar of his black shirt. Rolled onto her back and pulled him in so that he was halfway into the bunk space. “Let’s think. What could you do that wouldn’t involve actual sex but would still make me feel good?”

That was one hell of a quick ricochet. Kylie’s first instinct at his appearance had been to cover up, retain her modesty. Apparently, her second instinct was to let it all hang out and have some fun.

Cam had no idea which version was the real Kylie. But he was happy to help her figure it out. Especially since no actual sex meant not going back on his promise to Jake and Jones. Was it splitting hairs? Hell yes. But he could live with that a lot better than he could live with walking away right now from a woman clearly in need. Truthfully, he’d been thinking about getting his hands back on her pretty much every freaking minute of the day.

“Well, a former president claimed that certain activities don’t actually qualify as sex. If it’s good enough for the president, it’s good enough for me.”

He vaulted all the way into the top bunk. It was a tight fit for two people. Just about as narrow as it was high. Good thing they didn’t plan to have sex in it. He’d probably crack his tailbone against the ceiling.

Kylie scooted up against the pillows to give him more room. All of her initial shyness was gone. She licked her lips in a come-and-get-it way, while flashing half-closed bedroom eyes. The only way she could be more obvious was to paint
Take Me
across her stomach with whipped cream.

Son of a bitch. Now Cam was imagining that very thing. If tonight went well, he’d have to make a run to a convenience store and pick up a can of Reddi-wip. Or would that be pushing his luck? He and Kylie had been on tour together for only two days. Already, he was on the edge of the line he’d promised his bandmates not to cross. If he and Kylie kept amping things up, they’d go crazy after a week together, let alone four of them. Cam knew he was playing with fire. No, tonight had to be it. One last round of mutual orgasms, and then it’d be over.

That decision focused him. Cam dropped his head to whisper in her ear. “You said lying in bed naked made you feel wrong.”

wrong,” she corrected.

As a songwriter, he appreciated that kind of attention to word choice. Licking along the outer rim of her ear, he asked, “So how does it feel to have a fully clothed man on top of you?”

“Even more wrong—in all the right ways.”

Cam chuckled. Bit her lobe just hard enough to straddle both pain and pleasure. Was rewarded by her arching beneath him and hissing on a sharply indrawn breath. “That’s what we’re aiming for.” He worked his way down from her ear along her neck, alternating nips and licks. One hand turned her face away to give him room to work. He kept her there by brushing the edge of his thumb back and forth over her lips. By the time he settled in to suck the pulse point in the crook of her neck, Kylie’s hips were pumping beneath him.

That wouldn’t work. It felt too good.
felt too good. Cam knew his limits, and this ultraresponsive redhead pushed all of them. So he eased off the bunk to stand next to it. Her eyes flew open.

“What are you doing?”

“Sending you on a trip up to the stars.” Cam slid both hands along the sides of her body until the tips of his fingers rested on top of the bunched gray sheet. “You don’t need this anymore, do you?”


Instead of pulling it straight down, Cam palmed her breasts, rubbing light circles through the sheet over her nipples. “Do you like that?”

“I like everything you do to me. A lot.”

Combined with the passion already glazing her eyes, her words filled him up. Pumped blood straight to his dick, too. Stretching back in, he grabbed the top of the sheet with his teeth. Pulled it down to her waist as his hands remained in place, circling, but now skin-to-skin. Those nipples seared into his palms.

He kept up the licking and nibbling he’d started at her neck in a wide circle across her stomach. Got the feeling it worked for her when Kylie’s hands grabbed on to his forearms, clawing and grasping. The only way to get at the indentation of her waist was to let go. Damn. Hard choice. Swapping out one pleasure for another didn’t make the regret at no longer palming her breasts any less. Because he could keep doing that for hours.

Cam used enough suction to make a hickey in the sensitive spot right above her hip. Nobody would see it down there. But they’d both know that he’d marked her. Left visual proof of the pleasure he gave her. Damn, but that thought turned him on even more.

Then the logistics of a bunk bed caught up to him. Frustrated at the lack of space to enjoy Kylie’s body, he ripped the sheet off and dropped it to the floor. Cam grabbed her smooth legs. Running his hands up to the softness behind her knee, he slowly pivoted her until her head was against the window. Kylie squealed as he slid her legs up and over his shoulders.

“I’m going to make you feel so good,” he promised.

“Shouldn’t be hard. I’m still wet from the way you held that long note at the end of the last song.”

Cam jerked his eyes to meet hers. Sure enough, Kylie looked dead serious. This woman was
for him. “You are too perfect for words.”

“So don’t talk. Show me.”

First, he traced the hollow where each thigh joined up with her groin. Slowly. Lightly. Just enough to make her shiver. Then he used his thumbs to open her pretty pink pussy. Cam blew on it, causing another round of shivers. It also made him catch her scent. And his control snapped.

Cam plunged his tongue inside her. Her hips bucked up to his face. Since he didn’t want her enthusiasm to result in a banged-up lip, he slid his hands around to squeeze her ass. It gave him control of her movements. Some of them, anyway. Kylie’s hands were fisted in his hair.

He licked up to the hard nub at the top of her slit. It made her thighs tremble, slap against his ears. The noises she made told him she wouldn’t last long. But even if it was fast, he wanted it to be fantastic. So Cam brought his left hand to his mouth. Licked two fingers. Then slid them inside Kylie. Not all the way. Just far enough in to hook a little and press against her G-spot.

He felt the moisture first, then the flutter of clenching around his fingers, right before a long cry broke from Kylie’s lips. Cam didn’t stop until he’d wrung the very last shudder out of her. God, she was beautiful, spread open for him.

Unable to resist, he dropped a string of butterfly kisses along the inside of one thigh. Because he hadn’t gotten nearly enough of her. Cam wanted to roll her over, start down at those dainty feet with the hot orange toenail polish and kiss his way, inch by inch, up to her shoulders.

Kylie lifted her legs back onto the bunk. Scooted her butt so she was back lying straight in it. That wouldn’t work at all. They’d have to move out to the couches. Or hell, even the floor if he threw a blanket down.

“Thanks, Cam. That was great.”

What the hell? “We’re not done.”

She pulled the black fleece blanket over her. Plumped her pillows. Gave every indication of settling in for the night. “
done. Well done, thanks to you, but most definitely done. And that was the whole point.”

“No. That was the warm-up act. I’m ready for my turn.”

“I’ll bet you are.” Kylie pointed down at the sheet puddled at his feet. Wordlessly, Cam handed it to her. “But that’s what’s expected. A blow job would be the proper way to reciprocate.”

“Damn right it would be.”

“Which is why I’m not going to give you one. ’Cause not doing it is the
thing to do.” Kylie propped herself up on one elbow, mirroring the position they’d started in a mere ten minutes ago. “You said you’d help me be bad. Tonight, that means you walking away. Let me revel in my solitary, unshared orgasm.” With a gurgle of laughter, she yanked the drape closed. “G’night.”

He couldn’t help but laugh himself as he stared at the closed curtain. Kylie sure knew how to stick to her guns on this whole bad-decisions kick. Respect warred with amusement and about a fuck-ton of frustration.

Now Cam had no clue if he wanted the good-girl version of Kylie or the bad girl. But he was certain he wanted either version of her way more than he should.












Once they finished sound check, Cam found himself up by the front of the Majestic Theatre. At the goody table. He’d told Jake he was checking on the setup. See if they needed to order more bumper stickers and CDs to be shipped to their next stop in Minneapolis. But really? Cam was checking on the goody girl.

Kylie looked like all the women in the audience of their shows. No, that wasn’t it. She
like all the other women, in a white tank with some lace hugging her curves and denim shorts. Cam could walk out into downtown Madison and probably find five other women beating the summer stickiness in the same outfit. But none of them would look like Kylie.

Something about her blew him away. She was pretty, with the pale skin and bright red hair, sure. But it was more than that. Cam just couldn’t put his finger on it. So he’d keep circling her until he could. Kylie was a melody running through his brain. One that didn’t have words yet. And nothing drove him more crazy than an unfinished song.

He thwacked the tall pile of bright blue Riptide shirts. “You ready to rake in the dough for us tonight?”

“You’re the one who gets the people in the door. I just take advantage of them once they’re here,” she said, looking up with a smug grin.

“Thatta girl.” Cam snaked an arm around her waist. Just as fast, Kylie spun out of the embrace.

“What are you doing?”

Damned if he knew. “We finished sound check. I’ve got some time to kill. Thought it’d be nice to do it with you.”

“You said nobody can know we’re hooking up. That means no groping in public, random, accidental or otherwise. I’m okay with doing the wrong thing in private, but we shouldn’t do it out here in the open.”

How come he topped her by four years, but Kylie sometimes came off as the older and wiser of the two of them? For a girl with no real-life experience, she had a core of strength and sass that amazed him. Using his hand as a loose manacle around her wrist, he said, “You’re right. So come with me.”

“What about the goody table?” she asked as he pulled her through the lobby to a small door next to the popcorn machine.

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