The Oracle's Message (10 page)

Read The Oracle's Message Online

Authors: Alex Archer

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Fiction, #Suspense

BOOK: The Oracle's Message
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Heinkel came running around the corner.


Annja looked at him, saw the expression on his face and then glanced at Roux. The old man held up his hand. “Wait, Annja. Not yet.”

Hans grabbed Heinkel. “What happened to you?”

Heinkel bent over double as if he’d been running a marathon. “They grabbed me from behind and there were too many of them to fight off.”

“Who?” Annja asked.

Heinkel pointed. “Them.”

Annja whirled. The corridor ahead of them was filled with angry-looking warriors similar to those depicted in the painting. There were at least a dozen of them, from what Annja could see. And each one of them carried a long triple-barbed spear. The weapons looked even more menacing than they had in the painting.

Hans stepped in front of Heinkel. “Who are you?” he demanded. “We mean you no harm.”

“I don’t think they will agree with that sentiment, Hans. And I am certain they mean us harm,” Spier said quietly.

Hans gritted his teeth. “Then let them come.”

Roux cleared his throat. “Hans, I don’t mean to overstep my bounds here, but that knife is not going to do a thing to these chaps. You won’t even get close to them before they have you on a spit like one of those delicious pigs they serve back at Club Noah.”

Hans frowned. “You have a better idea?”

“Actually, yes.” Roux smiled at Annja. “Now might be the time, my dear.”

Hans looked at Annja. “What does he mean by that?”

Annja stepped in front of Hans. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but it appears I have no choice. Not if we want to get out of here alive.”

Hans stood there staring at her with a confused expression plastered on his face.

Annja saw the sword and then reached for it, felt her hands wrap around the hilt, felt the flow of power into her body as it suddenly appeared in her hands.

The sword gave off its own dull light, clearly showing Annja all the enemies she would face if this went to a full-scale battle.

Hans gasped as he looked at Annja. “How in the world did you do that?”

Annja smiled. “It’s a long story.”

Roux smiled. “All that matters is she knows how to use it well.”

Annja stepped ahead of the rest of the team and held the sword high overhead, staring at the mass of warriors in front of her. They looked scared. They’d just seen the unthinkable occur in front of them. An unarmed woman had just conjured a sword out of thin air.

One of the warriors stepped forward and hurled his spear directly at Annja.

Hans shouted her name.

But Annja merely flicked the sword and cut the shaft of the spear in two. The pieces fell clattering to the floor.

Hans grabbed the end with the triple barbs on it and hefted it. “It’s got a good amount of weight to it.”

Mueller grabbed the staff and twirled it in his hands. “Now we’ve got a bit more reach at least,” he said.

Annja stood there as if defying the rest of the warriors to try something as useless as what had just been attempted. No one stepped forward. If anything, they seemed to be shrinking back from Annja.

She could hear mumbles from the crowd of warriors. It wasn’t any language she recognized, and she found herself wondering if she had stepped back in time and this was really a long-lost civilization. If it was, the last thing she wanted to do was contribute to its extinction.

Unfortunately, if she had to kill some in order to get everyone out alive, then that’s exactly what she would do.

“They seem a bit nervous around you, Annja. Perhaps you should press them a bit and see how they react,” Roux said quietly.

“That could worsen the situation,” she replied.

Roux shrugged. “I doubt it. If anything, it might show us exactly what they’re planning to do with us.”

“You mean if they wanted us dead, they would have already attacked?”

Roux nodded. “Seems to me they would certainly have killed Heinkel already if they’d wanted to kill us. Why simply grab him? Unless they’re under orders to capture us and take us somewhere.”

“Take us somewhere?” Spier asked. “You mean like in front of the people who rule this place?”

“It’s possible,” Roux said.

“So, what do you want me to do?” Annja asked. “Charge them?”

“No, but you might advance a few more steps and see what they do.”

Annja took a swipe at the air in front of her with the sword and the result was immediate. The warriors retreated a few steps, pushing one another back.

Annja stepped closer to them, brandishing the sword in front of her and grimacing threateningly.

The warriors screamed.

Annja almost grinned. But then she imagined how she’d feel if she was in their place and had seen something so inexplicable happen right in front of her eyes.

Another warrior shoved his way through the crowd and twirled his spear menacingly.

Annja readied herself. There had to be one in every crowd.

The warrior in front of her stood only about five feet tall and his muscles extended along his limbs like thin ropes, stretched taut. A sheen of sweat covered him from head to toe, and he wore a simple loincloth around his waist.

He yelled at Annja, something guttural and not at all pleasant sounding.

“I don’t think he likes you very much,” Roux said.

“Apparently,” Annja replied.

“Make an example of him and be done with it,” Roux said.

Annja frowned. “I won’t do that unless he leaves me no choice. We don’t know who rules this place and the last thing I want to do is anger them by killing one of their own.”

“She makes a good point,” Spier said.

But in the end, it was the warrior who decided what would happen. He stepped forward and attempted to stab Annja with his spear. The triple barbs lunged forward, wicked looking at close range.

Annja jumped back and parried with her sword. The warrior had the advantage of distance, but he seemed ill prepared to utilize it in the close confines of the corridor. Annja had seen spear fighters in Japan who knew how to keep a sword-wielding opponent at the optimal length, never letting the sword cut the distance down to its effective range.

But this guy didn’t seem to understand that. He cut back and forth, forever bringing himself closer and closer to Annja’s blade.

Sweat broke out along her hairline as she fended off his attacks. There was strength behind them, and she realized that she would only be able to fend them off without harming him for only so long.

And then it happened.

The warrior stabbed in and attempted to leap around the point of Annja’s sword to deliver another stab.

He miscalculated, however, and ended up running himself through.

A scream erupted from his lips and blood splattered the corridor as he sank free of the sword blade. His body was already lifeless by the time he hit the floor.

The warriors in front of Annja shrank away in terror.

Annja was angry. “That achieved nothing.”

“Well, they’re terrified,” Roux said. “Should we press the advantage now?”

Annja hated to do it, but they had to get out of there. And slaying one of the warriors made her feel terrible, even if she hadn’t intentionally killed him.

She stepped forward and the warriors shrank farther away from her. Several of the rearmost warriors turned and fled back down the corridor the way they’d come running.

“That was some magnificent fighting, Annja,” Hans said as he came closer to where she stood.

Annja shook her head. “No. It wasn’t. That was me trying to do the bare minimum necessary to get us out of this situation without having to resort to killing someone.”

“It’s unavoidable sometimes,” Hans said. “As much as we might try to avoid it, sometimes there is no other way.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Annja said. But she felt awful. Killing someone who was intent on killing you was one thing if you knew who you were dealing with. But she had no idea about who these people were. They were probably just frightened at the thought of intruders and were doing their best to keep their home safe.

Roux came up alongside her. “Don’t be so merciful that you expose yourself to attack, Annja. Some will look to exploit that weakness if you let them.”

“Thanks for the advice.”

“You’re welcome.”

Annja led them down the corridor. The warriors shrank back, several steps at a time. It was an odd dance of sorts with Annja advancing and the warriors shrinking backward.

But they progressed.

Gradually, the corridor turned and led them farther downward into a much larger room. It was still dark, but Annja’s sword reflected some light. And it was enough to see for some distance.

“Now what?” Annja asked.

Roux sighed. “I don’t know. I can see several doorways but I have no idea where they might lead.”


The warriors in front of her suddenly stopped backing up. And their faces no longer showed any fear.

“Roux,” Annja said.


“I don’t think they’re scared anymore.”


“Why wouldn’t they be scared anymore?” she asked.

Hans was at Annja’s elbow. “I see more of them.”

“How many?”

“A lot,” Hans said. “A whole lot.”

The room blossomed into light at that moment and Annja could see it was filled with warriors, all of them brandishing the weapons they’d seen in the painting.

Roux whistled appreciatively. “Well, this is somewhat unexpected.”

“Great plan, Roux,” Annja said. “We walked right into their trap.”

“I merely suggested one possible path we could take,” Roux said. “You chose to follow my advice. I take no responsibility for that.”

“Of course, you don’t,” Annja said. “Why would you?”

The circle of warriors surrounded them and pressed a little bit closer. The tips of their spears caught the light that spilled in from somewhere far overhead.

More of that seemingly sourceless light, Annja thought. I wonder what powers this place?

But she had more immediate concerns at the moment. Namely, the sheer number of armed warriors she faced.

“There are too many of them,” she said quietly.

Hans nodded. “You can’t be expected to fight them all.”

Spier spoke quietly, as well. “I think it might be time for a strategic withdrawal.”

“No good,” Mueller said. “They’ve blocked us from behind, too.”

Annja glanced quickly over her shoulder and saw he was right. The warriors had formed a complete circle around them. Every avenue of escape was closed. They were completely surrounded.

A sudden clap echoed across the chamber and instantly the circle of warriors backed away from Annja and the team.

“What was that?” Spier asked.

And then they heard a voice speak up from somewhere behind the mass of angry warriors.

“Why have you invaded our home?”


The group of warriors parted at that moment and Annja looked up at a throne sitting on a raised dais. A woman of indeterminate age sat on the throne. Her blond hair and Asian features reminded Annja of the woman she’d seen in the painting back in the hallway. Before Annja could say anything, Roux stepped forward. “We mean you no harm.”

“You have trespassed in a place that does not belong to you. You have come into our home uninvited and, for that, you must be punished.”

Roux stepped back. “We would prefer that you not punish us.”

The woman ignored him and focused instead on Annja. “Come forward, sorceress. I will speak with you.”

Annja approached the throne, keeping the sword in front of her. The rest of the team stayed close behind her.

The woman on the throne looked Annja over carefully, her eyes coming to rest upon the sword after a few moments. “What are you named?”


“I am Hsusia, ruler of this land.” She pointed at the sword. “How is that you are able to conjure that weapon?”

“Don’t say you don’t know.” Roux whispered to Annja.

Annja shrugged. “It is within my power to make the sword appear and disappear at will.”

“And how came you by this skill?”

“I was chosen,” Annja said. It isn’t a lie, she thought. The sword did seem to choose me.

“Are you adept at its use?”

“I am.”

Hsusia nodded. “Interesting. Female warriors are a rare breed in our kingdom. We let the men do the fighting, caring not if they are killed in battle.”

“And yet you lead them,” Annja said. “And judging by the painting in the hallway, you have led them into battle, as well.”

“This is true,” Hsusia said. “I am an old warrior, however. I spend my days now studying the ancient tomes and consulting with the oracle to divine how best to lead my people.”

Annja looked around. “Are there more of you than this? I see only your warriors.”

“There are,” Hsusia said. “But our conditions here are troubling and we are forced to live as best we are able.”

“How did you come to live in this world?” Annja asked.

“We have always been here. But long, long ago, a massive event shattered our world and caused us to slip into the sea along with several other nations of people. Resources became scarce and life was truly horrible. We were forced to battle and ended up killing the other races. We alone survive now in this place.”

“You dwell beneath the ocean,” Annja said. “How is this possible?”

“The oracle provides for us everything we need. Air, water, food, light. As long as the oracle is protected, we will never die out.”

Annja frowned. “But don’t you grow old and die?”

Hsusia shrugged. “Our lives are not measured by time.”

“Do you have children here?”


Spier was fascinated. “How do you procreate?”

Hsusia fixed an icy stare on him. “Who are you to speak to me? I have no words with you. Only with the woman known as Annja.”

Spier stepped back and mumbled something under his breath. Annja frowned. She could see that Hsusia would be tough to deal with. “We would very much like to leave your kingdom, Hsusia. We are sorry to have trespassed here.”

Hsusia shook her head. “Things are not as easy as that. We have survived this long because our existence is a secret. If we were to let you go back to the surface world, we would be compromising our very existence.”

“We would not tell anyone,” Annja said.

Hsusia smiled. “Annja, I am not a fool. I know you might be able to promise that for yourself, but the men with you are likely to not honor that promise. What then? They would seek glory for themselves and lead others here to prove their outlandish claims. We would have to fight for our lives and at worst end up as a spectacle for those like you.”

Annja glanced at Roux, but she knew Hsusia was right. There was no way she could keep control over any of the men with her. Roux especially would want to brag about what he’d found, if to no one else but Garin.

And then there was Spier. The spry eighty-year-old had already proclaimed a desire to leave a lasting legacy in his wake. What better accomplishment than being able to say he’d discovered a lost race of people?

Annja sighed. “You’re right, of course. I cannot control what these men would do once we left. But neither can we stay here. We have lives of our own that we need to get back to.”

Hsusia shook her head. “You will remain here. I will see to it that you have comfortable lives out of respect for the power you command with that weapon.”

“And if we refuse to stay here?” Annja asked.

“Then you will be put to death,” Hsusia said. “It is the only way to safeguard our home.”

“There must be another way,” Annja said.

Hsusia’s eyes flashed. “There is no other way! You will remain here as my guests.”

“Prisoners, you mean,” Annja said. “You would hold us against our will.”

“I will do whatever is necessary to protect the sanctity of my kingdom. I am the chosen protector of this place. To let you go would be to deny my responsibility, my birthright and my very people.”

Annja thought for a moment. “Perhaps you should consult the oracle and see what it has to say about this,” she suggested, having no idea what the oracle could be.

Hsusia narrowed her eyes. “And what would you do if the oracle agrees with my decision?”

Annja shrugged. “We agree to abide by its decision.”

Roux glared at Annja. “We will?”

“Shut up, Roux,” Annja said. She addressed Hsusia again. “But if you are to consult the oracle, I must be present when you do so.”

“You are not allowed to gaze upon it.”

“Then how will I be able to trust you? I must be present when you consult with it.”

“You think I would lie?”

Annja shook her head. “I don’t know what I think. I only know what any rational person would demand if they were in my position.”

Hsusia leaned back on her throne. “I suppose there is some merit to what you say.”

Annja pointed at the rest of her team. “The men who are with me will remain here with your warriors. Together, you and I will consult the oracle alone.”

Hsusia smiled. “You would be alone with me with that weapon? How would I feel safe if that were so?”

“I will banish the sword,” Annja said. When she allowed the sword to disappear to the otherwhere, she could see the surprise on Hsusia’s face.

“Where did you put it?”

“It is back where it resides,” Annja said. “But I can recall it instantly if I need it, or if I detect any betrayal on your part of our agreement.”

Hsusia nodded. “I accept your proposition. Your men will remain here. I give you my word none shall be harmed provided they behave themselves.”

“And they will,” Annja said. She looked at the rest of her team. “Right, guys?”

They all nodded and Annja turned back to Hsusia. “We can proceed now?”

Hsusia rose from the throne and waved Annja forward. Annja approached and Hsusia came down to meet her. Up close, Hsusia was strikingly beautiful. Her eyes were a cool blue that seemed to be a direct contradiction to the obvious racial background she possessed.

Hsusia seemed to be appraising Annja’s appearance, as well. “You’re quite beautiful,” she said after a moment.

Annja smiled. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

Hsusia seemed pleased with the comment and turned. “Come with me. We will walk together.”

She led Annja toward the back of the room toward a portal. Two guards stood close by, but they snapped to attention as Hsusia passed through it. Annja thought they might tag along, but they stayed where they were.

She took one final look back at the throne room, at Hans and the rest of the team. I hope I see them again, she thought.

“Come, Annja,” Hsusia said. “Your men will be fine. I gave you my word.”

Annja hurried to catch up with Hsusia. “What is your kingdom called?”

“Why would you know this?”

“I’m curious,” Annja said. “There are many among my people who think that there were many races of people who existed long before we came along. I have always wondered if they were right.”

“What do those people call the lands that no longer exist?”

“Atlantis,” Annja said. “Lemuria. Mu.”

Hsusia nodded. “Intriguing names. I have never heard of them myself. But there might have been others long ago who knew of them. We were once known as the Jiao. Mighty warriors and brilliant scientists who straddled the realms of time and space. Our people built incredible structures all over this part of the world.”

“What happened?”

“A terrible cataclysm shook our world to the very core. Everything we’d built, everything that we had developed, it all fell apart. Our kingdom slid into the sea. Over the eons, the ocean trapped us here, save for the one tunnel that leads to the upper world.”

“Have you ever gone out there?”

Hsusia shook her head. “We would not survive out there.”

“Why not?”

Hsusia sighed. “One of our kind once ventured into the upper world. He was never heard from again.”

“So you simply believe he must have died?”

“He did die,” Hsusia said. “Otherwise, he would have come back, such was his allegiance to us.”

Annja said nothing for a while. “Have there been others who’ve trespassed upon your kingdom?”

“Many years ago,” Hsusia said. “They seemed to find us with startling regularity. We had little choice but to keep them here as slaves. Inevitably, they never survived for long.”

“You killed them?”

Hsusia shook her head. “They all grew sick and perished.”


“I do not know. Perhaps there is something about our environment that your kind cannot tolerate.”

They emerged from the corridor and, at another portal ahead, Annja saw two more guards standing at attention.

Hsusia paused in front of the door. “There is something you should know.”


“You have demanded to see me consult the oracle. I will grant that request. But others of your kind who have seen the oracle have died as a result.”

Annja paused. What would make the oracle so powerful that it could kill someone?

But she knew there was no other choice. “I’ll take my chances, Hsusia.”

“As you wish.”

“But I thank you for the warning. I will relieve you of any responsibility should the same fate befall me.”

Hsusia seemed satisfied with that. “Very well, then.” She turned back and spoke to the guards. One of them moved aside and placed his hand on one section of the wall. Hsusia placed her hand on the opposite side of the wall.

Instantly, the portal slid open.

Hsusia turned to Annja. “Come with me.”

They walked into the room and Annja saw the source of everything that the Jiao were.

The oracle sat inside the room on a pedestal surrounded by a basin of crystal-blue water. It was round. Black. Highly polished.

And Annja knew instantly she had found the Pearl of Palawan.

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