Read The Origins of the British: The New Prehistory of Britain Online
Authors: Oppenheimer
. Additional dates from Richards et al. (2000), Pereira et al. (2005) and Achilli et al. (2004, 2005).
. Oppenheimer (2003).
. Gamble et al. (2004), Torroni et al. (2001).
. Pereira et al. (2005), Achilli et al. (2004).
. Capelli et al. (2003).
. A couple of the other datasets lack the M170 UEP, which allows unambiguous differentiation of some Ivan types (IxI1b2 in Figure A3) from rare relatives. This potentially affects haplogroup assignment in sixteen samples from 3/32 of the UK sites that I use (in Weale et al. 2002), the Irish Gaelic sample (Hill et al. 2000) and Galicia and Valencia in Spain (Brion et al. 2003, 2004). In practice, the correct Ivan gene group assignment can be inferred using the STR gene type data (see below) by referring to the detailed analysis of UEPs and STRs carried out by Siiri Rootsi and colleagues (Rootsi et al. 2004). The probability of mis-assignment or ambiguity is very low in any case. This method of inference was also adequate to assign gene sub-groups within the IxI1b2 group (namely I*, I1*, I1b*, I1c and I1a). The Gaelic sample also lacks the UEP ‘12f2’ identifying group J in the same part of the tree; but again assignment could be made using STR types, and group J is in any case absent from both the other Irish samples.
. Ivan (I), in Weale’s, Brion’s and Hill’s additional data, is inferred from STR type as described in the previous note. Severe drift of Ruisko in Iberian refuge is inferred from the overall Late Glacial age of the Capelli haplogroup RxR1a1 both in Iberia and Western Europe.
. See e.g. Hurles et al. (2002), Capelli et al. (2001).
. To do this, rank priority for microsatellites was given in the order used elsewhere (e.g. Wilson et al. 2001): DYS388, DYS393, DYS392, DYS19, DYS390, DYS391.
. Capelli et al. (2003), Wilson et al. (2001).
. Network 4.200, available from Fluxus Technology Ltd at [
. Forster et al. (2000).
. Methods used for Founder Analysis and identifying and dating founder clusters are described in Richards et al. (2000).
. The software used was Surfer 8, available from Golden Software Inc. [
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