The Pack (19 page)

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Authors: LM. Preston

BOOK: The Pack
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They were both breathing heavily and laughing at their
escape. Hedi held up her finger to her mouth and said, “Shh.” They looked at each other and grinned, feeling completely safe and hidden.

Shamira heard the boys running up and down the hall. They paused to rummage through all the rooms. They even split up, but they still couldn't find them. The girls started to feel safe since the boys took off toward the other end of the hall to search for them.

Hedi turned to Shamira and smiled hesitantly. “Look, Shamira, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't thank you for saving us. I'm also sorry for throwing myself at Valens. I know he likes you, and I can see you like him too.”

Her eyes lowered in shame. She took a deep breath and returned Shamira's gaze. “I… well, it's just that I thought he was the one to save us. I had a bit of hero worship for him, I guess. I'll stay out of it. He really does like you, and he put me in my place about how he feels about you that first day. I just, just didn't want to listen.”

She reached out and lightly touched Shamira's arm. “Will you be my friend? I never had one with Monev. I was too scared to get close. So many kids were killed since I was captured that I didn't want to cry when I lost another friend. Mitch and Anthony promised me they would find a way out and would come back to save me. I had to believe them. It was the only way I could get through the days in that hell. But, the hell I was in is nothing compared to the hell those kids are in now—the kids we plan to set free. You have no idea how grateful we all are to you. Say you forgive me, Shamira. Please?” Hedi begged, more tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Shamira's heart wasn't that cold, and the ice around it broke when she felt Hedi's trembling hands on her shoulders. “Forgiven. Now, please, please stop crying, or you will make me cry, and I stopped crying a long time ago,” Shamira said hoarsely.

“I didn't cry before I escaped. I thought I had no more tears, but now it seems I can't stop. That's why I wanted to have some fun. I haven't played since before Monev took me. It feels like heaven,” Hedi said, then grabbed Shamira's hand and raised a finger up to her lip.

Shamira heard it too. Someone passed by the room and doubled back. Her heartbeat sped up, and the thrill of the chase was back on. She heard one of them enter the room. He hesitated, and Shamira peeked through the wall to see that it was Anthony. He took a moment to motion for Mitch and Valens to enter.

The lights were on in the room, and they moved quietly throughout, lifting blankets and moving chairs to look for them. She noticed slight smiles on their faces and smiled as she realized that for the first time, Mitch wasn't frowning.
Hedi doesn't realize how much we all needed this.
Hedi's body was shivering with excitement, and she turned to Shamira with a grin on her face. Then, she leaned over and whispered to Shamira, “They'll never find us in here.”

Shamira doubted that, because as soon as those words left Hedi's lips, Valens pointed to the closet that held the door they'd slipped in. Not wanting to give her secret sight away, she held her tongue while she watched Mitch tiptoe forward to the open closet
door. She could've kicked herself for not closing it, but she thought if she left it open, they wouldn't think it was their hiding place.
Oh well. The gig is up.
Mitch threw open the door and grabbed a squirming, yelling Hedi by the foot to drag her out.

Shamira grabbed Hedi's hand and pulled. She and Mitch were now in a tug of war, and Shamira braced her feet on either side of the door for leverage. Valens joined in and pulled, jerking Hedi's hand free from Shamira. Mitch swung a squealing Hedi over his shoulder and put her on the floor for another tickle interrogation with Anthony.

Shamira slammed the door to the hiding place shut and then turned the lock she'd just discovered. Spotting Valens heading in toward her, she struggled to keep her excitement at bay.

“It's no use, Shamira. I have the key to the door. You know what? It's opening right… now!” he said. With frustration and a rush of pleasure, the door opened, and Valens held it casually while smiling his usual cocky self-assured grin.

“Well, I'm not ticklish, you know, so don't even try making me confess,” Shamira said, then crossed her arms protectively over her chest where the key was hidden.

“You know, I know your weakness. I could threaten to kiss you,” Valens said and winked.

“And I could threaten to punch you in the face.” Shamira winked back. He laughed out loud, and then threw his head back as he held his stomach in laughter.

“I don't doubt you'd punch me, but a kiss from you would be worth the pain,” he said and winked at her. He grabbed her foot and pulled her out. She spread her arms out to grab the frame of the door and struggled not to laugh when he started to tickle her bare feet. Then, she felt someone tickle her other foot, and she couldn't hold it in. She giggled.

“Where is my key, Shamira? Your friend over there is doubled over in laughter. Now give up the key!” Anthony choked out a laugh.

“Fine, fine! But you have to let Hedi go first,” Shamira said between giggles.

Valens tugged at her foot. “Let's pull her out and put her next to her partner in crime.”

She let them pull her out and escort her over to Hedi, who was still trembling with residual laughter. “I won't talk,” she giggled.

Hedi fought her foot away from Mitch, but it was jerked back. “Okay, okay! She'll only give up the key if you promise to let us girls drive it after we kick Monev's butt!” Hedi wiped a tear from her eye with the back of her hand as she struggled to hold in her laughter.

“Deal. Now give me the key,” Anthony said and reached out his hand.

Shamira struggled to hold a straight face. “I can't. I put it… well, it's somewhere that I have to take it out in private.” They all stared at her with a shocked look. Hedi's look of recognition turned into a grin.

“Oh, no you didn't!” Valens said as the sides of his lips turned
up to a smile.

Mitch sized up Shamira, and then jerked Hedi's foot back for another tickle. “I don't trust them. They'll just take off again. She has to get it while we are in here.” His face wrinkled while he tried to hold back a laugh. He won and put a frown on his face.

Valens nodded. “Fine. Anthony, you cover the door, and Mitch, you stand in front of the closet. I'll turn around. Shamira, you have until the count of ten to pull out that key,” he said, and the boys took their positions.

Shamira looked at Hedi, and Hedi winked at her. Shamira followed Hedi's line of sight to the door and between Anthony's spread legs. Hedi stood up, ready to run. Shamira smiled at her and ran around Valens, who'd already counted to five, then slid between Anthony's legs through the door. Anthony let out a howl at the pinch Hedi delivered to his calf as she tripped him up behind them. They got up and ran toward the front room before Anthony regained his composure. She reached in her shirt and snatched the key free and placed in it her pocket as she grabbed each water gun in her hand. She slid to a stop, knelt on the couch, and fired the water pistols at the boys when they ran toward her. Hedi backed her up by throwing pillows at the boys from behind a nearby chair.

“Get her and tickle her until she begs for mercy!” Anthony commanded.

Valens flew over the front of the couch and tackled Shamira. He placed his hand behind her head to brace her fall, and she smiled,
remembering how he had attempted to save her that first day. He scrambled over her and pulled her arms up over her head and said, “Tickle the sweet spot under her arms, guys!”
she thought and laughed until tears streamed down her face.

“Okay, okay! It's in my pocket. I surrender,” she laughed out. Anthony reached in her front pocket and held up the key.

“Yes, yes!” Anthony said and stood up. He pulled her up, and Valens and Mitch followed. She looked passed them to see a genuine smile on Hedi's face.

“Alright, guys, let's turn on a movie and talk about recruitment,” Valens said and snapped his fingers. The movie started, and they all ignored it as they started to come up with a list of trustworthy kids to recruit.

Shamira started to doze off during the second movie, and her head fell to the side, then down as the music video of the latest Earth hit start playing. She felt Valens' firm, muscled arms come around her shoulders, and she was too tired to fight him this morning. They had a long night in front of them, and she needed the comfort he offered her. Her head rested on his shoulder, and she inhaled his unique scent and dreamed of all of them after the fighting was over—friends laughing together and riding in the new Mars, a free Mars, a safe Mars.

Chapter 18

Shamira woke up with a jerk.
Where am I?
Her memory was still blurry from a deep sleep. She hadn't slept this deeply in weeks.
What's wrong with me?
Taking a quick look around the room, she jumped up and realized everyone was gone.
It was just like she expected. She'd been set up for a joke, and the others left her behind to go after Monev. “Just great!” she yelled. Listening for any sounds of life, she heard nothing. They'd definitely deserted her.

She walked over to the door and remembered that Valens had
this place locked, and it was virtually impossible to break out of. Deciding he may have left the labs open, she headed toward them only to discover the door was locked. “Looks like you have secrets also, Valens,” she said to the door. Running her hand along the wall, she hoped to get the door to open. She gave up with a punch and turned her back to the door.

“Hello, Shamira. So, you're finally awake? We went to go recruit the others to fight Monev. We'll be back before nightfall. Grab something to eat in the kitchen. By the way, don't break anything,” the hologram of a grinning Valens said. She looked around to make sure no one was really there. Then, she bent forward and kissed the hologram on the lips and laughed out loud.

Turning around, she walked to the kitchen, hoping Valens didn't catch that on camera.
she said, and hit her hand on her head. He could've seen that if he'd been watching her or had the surveillance on. What was she thinking? Now she really felt stupid. She sucked up that feeling and pushed it aside like she had so many times before.
No regrets – they're a waste of time.
Survival and saving her brother would be her only motivation from now on.

The kitchen was full service with all the fixings for any large family. She wondered if Valens invited these kids here because he was lonely from the loss of his family. This place was huge and a bit much for just one person. The kitchen island had a plate of croissants and other pastries on top. Miniature milk and juice containers were scattered around, she guessed from the others picking over it before
they left. She quickly stuffed two croissants in her mouth and washed them down with milk.

Feeling edgy, she washed her hands and went in the direction of the bedrooms to take a quick shower. She walked down the hall to a corridor off to the left and looked through the wall to a boy's bedroom. Guessing it was Valens' bedroom; she headed in that direction, anxious to get a peek at where he slept. His scent tickled her nose when she got to the doorway. Smiling at her secret pleasure, she walked forward, and the lights came on for her. His room had vivid colors that reminded her of him and drawings of Earth on the wall. All kinds of vehicles, from motorcycles to spaceships to fly packs were scattered on his walls and his bed. His full sized bed was rumpled with a black blanket, and pillows were thrown all over the floor.

She went over to the side entrance of the bathroom, figuring she better hurry up and wash before they got back. Hurriedly, she tossed off her clothes and washed. Hearing sounds in the distance, she knew she needed to finish. She jumped out of the shower and got dressed. Stumbling through getting dressed, she ran out of Valens' room so she wouldn't be caught there. Taking a deep breath, she walked toward the main room. She feigned calmness, hoping her blush didn't crawl up her cheeks to give away her secret.

“Shamira.” Valens smiled upon seeing her.

She looked up and then beyond him to see about fifty kids in his game room. Taken aback by the looks of admiration, she
swallowed then frowned. They ranged in age from ten on up, she guessed. “Who… where did all these kids come from?” Shamira asked while she tried to hold her voice steady.

“Everywhere. Some of these kids are forced to sell dream, and others have been living—or rather, hiding—on the streets hoping not to get recruited by Monev,” Valens said and stepped forward.

She pointed at the kids behind him. “How are these kids going to be able to fight Monev? We're fighting grown men with guns. Did you forget that? I'm not going to have these kids' deaths on my head!” She yelled, angry with him for putting her in this position.

He looked at her calmly and unyielding. “Trust me, they'll be ready. I can make them ready. I know this.” He reached out and touched her arm.

“Look, I don't know about this. I'll rip every door apart until I find my brother, but I'm not stupid. I know I can't get him and save everyone by myself. Who is going to stay back and train these kids to at least survive?” Shamira asked, then jerked away from Valens and ran her hand threw her damp hair in frustration.

He dropped his hand. “These kids and us. We're all going to do more than survive, Shamira. They've been fighting for years to survive, and most of them are already trained to fight for their lives. I have suits for all of them that'll enhance each kid's power by ten, as well as a chip that'll give them the reflexes of born fighters that will make them more than survivors. It will make us all defeaters.”

She jerked away, pacing the room in thought. She couldn't
help it. She wanted it all—to save David and to bring down Monev.

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