The Pale Horseman (43 page)

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Authors: Bernard Cornwell

Tags: #Historical Fiction

BOOK: The Pale Horseman
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I looked for Ragnar's eagle-wing banner and thought I saw it in the fort, but it was
hard to be certain, for every crew of Danes flew their standard, and the small flags were
crowded together and the rain had started to fall again, obscuring the symbols, but off
to my right, outside the fort and close to the bigger standard of the white horse, was a
Saxon flag. It was a green flag with an eagle and a cross, which meant Wulfhere was there
with that part of the Wiltunscir fyrd which had followed him. There were other Saxon
banners in the enemy horde. Not many, maybe a score, and I guessed that the Danes had brought
men from Mercia to fight for them. All the Saxon banners were in the open ground, none was
inside the fort.

We were still a long way apart, much farther than a man could shoot an arrow, and none of
us could hear what the Danes were shouting. Osric's men were making our right wing as Wiglaf
led his Sumorsaete fyrd off to the left. We were making a line to oppose their line, but
ours would inevitably be shorter. The odds were not quite two Danes to one Saxon, but it was

'God help us,' Pyrlig said, touching his crucifix.

Alfred summoned his commanders, gathering them under the rain-sodden banner of the
dragon. The Danish thunder went on, the clattering of thousands of weapons against
shields, as the king asked his army's leaders for advice.

Amulf of Suth Seaxa, a wiry man with a short beard and a perpetual scowl, advised
attack. 'Just attack,' he said, waving at the fort. 'We'll lose some men on the walls, but
we'll lose men anyway.'

'We'll lose a lot of men,' my cousin, Ethelred warned. He only led a small band, but his
status as the son of a Mercian ealdorman meant he had to be included in Alfred's
council of war.

'We do better defending,' Osric growled. 'Give a man land to defend and he stands, so
let the bastards come to us.' Harald nodded agreement.

Alfred cast a courteous eye on Wiglaf of Sumorsaete who looked surprised to be
consulted. 'We shall do our duty, lord,' he said, 'do our duty whatever you decide.'

Leofric and I were present, but the king did not invite our opinion so we kept

Alfred gazed at the enemy, then turned back to us.

'In my experience,' he said, 'the enemy expect something of us.' He spoke
pedantically, in the same tone he used when he was discussing theology with his priests.
'They want us to do certain things. What are those things?'

Wiglaf shrugged, while Amulf and Osric looked bemused. They had both expected something
fiercer from Alfred. Battle, for most of us, was a hammering rage, nothing clever, a
killing orgy, but Alfred saw it as a competition of wisdom, or perhaps as a game of tall
that took cleverness to win. That, I am sure, was how he saw our two armies, as tall pieces
on their chequered board.

'Well?' he asked.

'They expect us to attack!' Osric said uncertainly.

'They expect us to attack Wulfhere,' I said.

Alfred rewarded me with a smile. 'Why Wulfhere?'

'Because he's a traitor and a bastard and a piece of whore-begotten goat-shit,' I

'Because we do not believe,' Alfred corrected me, 'that Wulfhere's men will fight with
the same passion as the Danes. And we're right, they won't. His men will pull hack from
killing fellow Saxons.'

'But Svein is there,' I said.

'Which tells us?' he asked.

The others stared at him. He knew the answer, but he could never resist being a
teacher, and so he waited for a response.

'It tells us,' I supplied it again, 'that they want us to attack their left, but they
don't want their left to break. That's why Svein is there. He'll hold us and they'll launch an
assault out of the fort to hit the flank of our attack. That breaks the right of our army and
then the whole damned lot come and kill the rest of us.'

Alfred did not respond, but looked worried, suggesting that he agreed with me. The
other men turned and looked at the Danes, as if some magical answer might suggest itself,
but none did.

'So do as Lord Amulf suggests,' Harald said, 'attack the fort.'

'The walls are steep,' Wiglaf warned. The Ealdorman of Sumorsaete was a man of sunny
disposition, frequent laughter and casual generosity, but now, with his men arrayed
opposite the fort's green ramparts, he was downcast.

'Guthrum would dearly like us to assail the fort,' the king observed.

This caused some confusion for it seemed, according to Alfred, that the Danes wanted
us to attack their right just as much as they wanted us to attack their left. The Danes,
meanwhile, were jeering at us for not attacking at all. One or two ran towards our lines
and screamed insults, and their whole shield wall was still banging weapons in a steady,
threatening rhythm. The rain made the colours of the shields darker. The colours were black
and red and blue and brown and dirty yellow.

'So what do we do?' Ethelred asked plaintively.

There was silence and I realised that Alfred, though he understood the problem, had no
answer to it. Guthrum wanted us to attack and probably did not care whether we went against
Svein’s seasoned warriors on the left of the enemy line or against the steep, slippery
ditches in front of the fort's walls. And Guthrum must also have known that we dared not
retreat because his men would pursue and break us like a horde of wolves savaging a
frightened flock.

'Attack their left,' I said.

Alfred nodded as though he had already come to that conclusion.

'And?' he invited me.

'Attack it with every man we've got,' I said. There were probably two thousand men
outside the fort and at least half of those were Saxons. I thought we should assault them in
one violent rush, and overwhelm them by numbers. Then the weakness of the Danish
position would be revealed, for they were on the very lip of the escarpment and once they
were forced over the edge they had nowhere to go but down the long, precipitous slope. We
could have destroyed those two thousand men, then reformed our lines for the harder task of
attacking the three thousand inside the fort.

'Employ all our men?' Alfred asked. 'But then Guthrum will attack our flank with every
man he has.'

'Guthrum won't,' I said. 'He'll send some men to attack our flank, but he'll keep most of
his troops inside the fort. He's cautious. He won't abandon the fort, and he won't risk much
to save Svein. They don't like each other.'

Alfred thought about it, but I could see he did not like the gamble. He feared that while
we attacked Svein the other Danes would charge from the fort and overwhelm our left. I still
think he should have taken my advice, but fate is inexorable and he decided to imitate
Guthrum by being cautious.

'We will attack on our right,' he said, 'and drive off Wulfhere's men, but we must be ready
for their counter-stroke and so our left stays where it is.'

So it was decided. Osric and Arnulf, with the men of Wiltunscir and Suth Seaxa, would
give battle to Svein and Wulfhere on the open land to the east of the fort, but we suspected
that some Danes would come from behind the ramparts to attack Osric's flank and so Alfred
would take his own bodyguard to be a bulwark against that assault. Wigulf, meanwhile, would
stay where he was, which meant a third of our men were doing nothing. 'If we can defeat
them,' Alfred said, 'then their remnant will retreat into the fort and we can besiege it.
They have no water there, do they?’

'None,' Osric confirmed.

'So they're trapped,' Alfred said as though the whole problem was neatly resolved and
the battle as good as won. He turned to Bishop Alewold. 'A prayer, bishop, if you would be
so kind.'

Alewold prayed, the rain fell, the Danes went on jeering, and I knew the awful moment,
the clash of the shield walls, was close. I touched Thor's hammer, then Serpent-Breath's
hilt, for death was stalking us. God help me, I thought, touching the hammer again, Thor
help us all, for I did not think we could win.

Chapter Thirteen

The Danes made their battle thunder and we prayed. Alewold harangued God for a long time,
mostly begging him to send angels with flaming swords, and those angels would have been
useful, though none appeared. It would be tip to us to do the job.

We readied for battle. I took my shield and helmet from the horse that Iseult led, but
first I teased out a thick hank of her black hair. ‘Trust me,' I said to her, because she was
nervous, and I used a small knife to cut the tress. I tied one end of the hair to
Serpent-Breath's hilt and made a loop with the other end, Iseult watched. 'Why?' she

'I can put the loop over my wrist,' I showed her, 'then I can't lose the sword. And your hair
will bring me luck.'

Bishop Alewold was angrily demanding that the women go back. Iseult stood on tiptoe to
buckle my wolf-crested helmet in place, then she pulled my head down and kissed me through
the gap in the faceplate. 'I shall pray for you,' she said.

'So will I,' Hild said.

'Pray to Odin and Thor,' I urged then, then watched as they led the horse away. The women
would hold the horses a quarter mile behind our shield wall and Alfred insisted they went
that far back so that no man was tempted to make a sudden dash for a horse and gallop

It was time to make the shield wall, and that is a cumbersome business. Some men offer to
be in the front rank, but most try to be behind, and Osric and his battle-leaders were
shoving and shouting as they tried to settle the men. 'God is with us!' Alfred was shouting
at them. He was still mounted and rode down Osric's slowly-forming shield wall to
encourage the fyrd. 'God is with us!' he shouted again,

'we cannot lose! God is with us!' The rain fell harder. Priests were walking down the lines
offering blessings and adding to the rain by throwing handfuls of holy water at the
shields. Osric's fyrd was mostly five ranks thick, and behind them was a scatter of men with
spears. Their job, as the two sides met, was to hurl the spears over their comrades' heads, and
the Danes would have similar spearthrowers readying their own weapons.

'God is with us!' Alfred shouted, 'He is on our side! Heaven watches over us! The holy
saints pray for us! The angels guard us! God is with us!' His voice was already hoarse. Men
touched amulets for luck, closed their eyes in silent prayer and tugged at buckles. In the front
rank they obsessively touched their shields against their neighbour's shields. The
right-hand edge of every man's shield was supposed to overlap the next shield so that the
Danes were confronted with a solid wall of ironreinforced limewood. The Danes would make
the same wall, but they were still jeering at us, daring us to attack. A young man stumbled
from the back of Osric's fyrd and vomited. Two dogs ran to eat the vomit. A spear-thrower
was on his knees, shaking and praying.

Father Beocca stood beside Alfred's standards with his hands raised in prayer. I was in
front of the standards with Steapa to my right and Pyrlig to my left. 'Bring fire on them, oh
most holy Lord!' Beocca wailed, 'bring fire on them and strike them down! Punish them for their
iniquities.' His eyes were tight closed and his face raised to the rain so that he did not see
Alfred gallop hack to us and push through our ranks. The king would stay mounted so he could
see what happened, and Leofric and a dozen other men were also on horseback so that their
shields could protect Alfred from thrown spears and axes.

'Forward!' Alfred shouted.

'Forward!' Leofric repeated the order because the king's voice was so hoarse.

No one moved. It was up to Osric and his men to begin the advance, but men are ever
reluctant to go against an enemy shield wall. It helps to be drunk. I have been in battles
where both sides struggled in a reeking daze of birch wine and ale, but we had little of
either and our courage had to be summoned out of sober hearts and there was not much to be
found on that cold wet morning.

'Forward!' Leofric shouted again, and this time Osric and his commanders took up the
shout and the men of Wiltunscir shuffled a few paces forward and the Danish shields
clattered into the wall and locked together and the sight of that skjaldborg checked the
advance. That is what the Danes call their shield wall, the skjaldborg or shield fort. The
Danes roared mockery, and two of their younger warriors strutted out of their line to taunt us
and invite a duel.

'Stay in the wall!' Leofric roared.

'Ignore them!' Osric shouted.

Horsemen rode from the fort, perhaps a hundred of them, and they trotted behind the
skjaldborg that was formed of Svein's warriors and Wulfhere's Saxons. Svein joined the
horsemen. I could see his white horse, the white cloak and the white horsetail plume. The
presence of the horsemen told me that Svein expected our line to break and he wanted to ride
our fugitives down just as his riders had slaughtered Peredur's broken Britons at
Dreyndynas. The Danes were full of confidence, and so they should have been for they
outnumbered us and they were all warriors, while our ranks were filled with men more used to
the plough than the sword.

'Forward!' Osric shouted. His line quivered, but did not advance more than a yard.

Rain dripped from the rim of my helmet. It ran down inside the face-plate, worked itself
inside my mail coat and ran in shivers down my chest and belly.

'Strike them hard, lord!' Beocca shouted, 'slaughter them without mercy! Break them in

Pyrlig was praying, at least I think he was praying for he was speaking in his own tongue,
but I heard the word duw repeated over and over and I knew, from Iseult, that duw was the
Britons' word for god. Æthelwold was behind Pyrlig. He was supposed to be behind me, but
Eadric had insisted on being at my back, so Æthelwold would protect Pyrlig instead. He was
chattering incessantly, trying to cover his nervousness, and I turned on him.

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