The Patriot's Conquest (20 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Vanak

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: The Patriot's Conquest
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“Mandy, I’ve been a patient man. I’ve given you these past few days, knowing all this came as a shock. But now the time has come to make you my wife,” he said in a husky voice.

Her mouth went drier than the tea leaves he’d sacrificed in the Boston harbor. Fear and dread rapped on her heart like fists upon Indian war drums. Up until now, she’d had a chance to escape and with the marriage unconsummated, could march into the courthouse and demand an annulment. But now with the intent gleam in his eye, the way he advanced toward her...

Time was running out.

No matter how much she protested, he would make her his tonight. She felt helpless faced with his immense power and thought of her mother’s grim lecture after she’d been caught in the garden with John. Stern warnings about the marital act, the blood and pain it caused for a woman, and how good Christian women submitted and endured for the sake of conceiving children. Only strumpets enjoyed a man’s attentions. Amanda’s heart raced as she stared at her husband.

Wrapping his hand around a thick strand of her hair, he tilted her head back and stared at her lips. Jeffrey cupped the back of her head and kissed her hard, his mouth tasting of apples and mint as he ravished her mouth. Stiffening, she endured the kiss, her heart thudding as apprehension surged through her.

He drew back, cradling her chin in his large hands and regarded her thoughtfully. “Mandy, are you afraid of me?”

She closed her eyes, unwilling to answer as he grazed his knuckles over her cheek. The sensation soothed her, dulled the edge of the knife-like fear. It was not the marital act. No, the fear coiling inside her like a tight spring stemmed from the brief moments of passion they’d already shared. Jeffrey had uncorked her like a rare wine and let desire bubble up in effervescent power. Good Christian ladies, her mother always informed her, did not let passion rule them.

Nor would she. You are a lady now, she reminded herself.

She could not let desire rule her, or surrender to the promise of sensual pleasure sparking his eyes. For if she did, she’d lose more than her virginity to her husband.

Amanda feared she stood to lose her very self.

Large violet eyes told him what her lips did not as she remained silent. Distressed at her fear, Jeffrey stroked her satiny cheeks. He did not want her afraid and hating what would transpire tonight. Having previously sampled Amanda’s desire, he wanted to gently coax it from her, teach her to respond to her awakening feelings.

Passion brimmed just below the prim white fabric of her nightgown. Jeffrey knew his bride was filled with life and a vigor equaling his own, but society’s conventions had sealed both deep inside.

They were married and he wanted to gently introduce her to the sensual delights of the marital bed.

His voice was soft as he whispered against her mouth, touching the corner with his lips. “Mandy, you are my wife now. Let me show you what pleasures await you in my arms. I will make you mine tonight, sweet, and there will be no turning back.”

He kissed her again, a tender brush of his mouth against her trembling lips. He would not force her, would not make demands until she was ready. Having sparked her desire, he was even more determined to fan it into flame now.

When she finally sighed, wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back with equal fervor, Jeffrey felt satisfied. He broke the kiss and smiled at his bride.

But her small surrender was not enough. He must woo her with words first, and assurances.

He hesitated, for the first time a bit uncertain. ’Twas easier simply to bed the town wenches who enjoyed a bit of bawdy fun, for those trysts meant nothing. This was his wife, and as much as he felt like a randy stallion eager to take her, he must be slow and patient. Remembering how he’d felt upon first glimpsing her, Jeffrey felt his stomach twist into knots. Amanda was not Caroline, who’d smitten him with her fine looks. His wife was more spirited.

Caroline was fragile as old tin.

Amanda was strong as the most stubborn steel.

With a start, he realized Amanda was fashioned from the same metal he worked, her strength and fiery spirit challenging him at every turn. ’Twas what attracted him to her. She was his match, not the simpering blonde he’d left behind in Boston.

Running a thumb along her cheek, marveling at the softness of her skin, he lowered his guard. “You are so beautiful, Mandy. From the moment I saw you in the smith’s shop, I was stricken. Felt as if an angel dropped into my midst.”

He edged her mouth with his thumb. “A spirited angel who’d not hesitate to tell me exactly what she thought. ’Twas what drew me toward you, like a moth to a fire.”

Those beautiful violet eyes blinked. “Aye, I did wish to burn you that day for the exchange we had. I’ve never met such a stubborn man, so strong in his ideals.”

Wonder filled him as she picked up his hand and turn it over, examining the various scars and small burn marks. Jeffrey shuddered as she tenderly kissed his palm.

“A man of passion who embraced ideals as strong as my own, including your commitment to those in need. A man who’d not hesitate to work hard to help a poor widow in financial distress and put her family before his own desires. ’Tis something I have pondered of late, how you sacrificed much to leave the city you loved, and all your friends to come to Virgina and help Meg. You are a man of much honor for doing so.”

The praise humbled him. Jeffrey felt tongue-tied for a minute, amused at how her words turned him into an addle-minded lad like his apprentice, Jonathan.

He placed his calloused palm upon her soft cheek.

“Aye, I did much for Meg, but my concern is foremost now for you. You come first, Mandy. I want to please you and be a good husband to you.”

Lifting her gaze to him, she smiled and he finally saw the thin veil of fear vanish.

“I wish only to show you true pleasure between a man and woman. Mandy, there is nothing to be scared of,” he said softly. “I promise I shall be gentle. Will you yield to me now, sweet?”

Although she bit her lip, she gave a small nod. Years of experience in bedding women guided him as he slipped the robe from her body, letting it drop in a heavy sigh to the floor. Standing behind her, he lifted the long masses of her hair and pressed one tiny, heated kiss to the nape of her neck.

Straining against his breeches, his erection poked her soft bottom. Aware of this, he walked around and faced her, wanting her to think only of the intoxicating pleasures of the marital act, not the ultimate consummation of their bond.

Jeffrey cupped her breasts. They were full and heavy in his hands, and his throat went dry as he gently stroked, thumbing her nipples through the thin lawn gown. A throaty cry of pleasure rose from her. He continued flicking her nipples, watching them harden, each caress causing a nearly painful surge of heat in his lower half.

His ragged breathing filled the air as he locked muscles in an tremendous effort to avoid tipping her back onto the mattress and ravishing her.

For he’d need every ounce of control to not part her thighs and plunge into her wet, silken female warmth, feel her tighten around his cock.

Jeffrey bit back a groan, imagining what awaited him. She’d be so tight and warm and soft against him, their coupling much richer, deeper, more meaningful than anything he’d felt. Making love to her would feel like sin.

This woman threatened to burn his soul.

Sinking to his knees before her, he gazed at her flat belly, imagining it growing round with his child. Mayhap they might create one tonight. Overwhelmed with emotion, he gently pressed a kiss to her abdomen. Then he took the hem of her gown, then stood and lifted it over her head, pulling it free.

She was so lovely, his bride. Indeed, as lovely as the fabled Helen whose beauty caused a war.

Desire surged through his veins, pooling at his groin as he studied her alabaster purity. He marveled at her slender waist, rounded hips and firm breasts. Another surge of heat slammed into him at the sight of the dark red tangle of curls between her legs. Nearly painfully aroused now, he drew her into his arms, gently kissing her.

Only when her kisses turned eager and more demanding did he draw away with a small smile. Aye, Mandy’s passion would lead him through this night, for he’d let her set the tune.

Jeffrey wrapped a silky strand of her hair around his finger. “I adore your women’s beauty. Your hair is smooth and shimmering as morning dew on a spider’s silken web,” he said quietly. Releasing it, he gathered his arms around her and kissed her again.

How much he’d longed for this night, had craved it with all his being. Amanda engaged not only his lust, but his tender affections, and something much deeper.

And much more dangerous.

As her mouth opened under the gentle pressure of his, Jeffrey felt his heart swell with a passion he’d never felt before. He did not dare call it by the name he’d sworn to avoid after all his hopes and dreams were shattered by one who’d pledged false promises. Nay, those four little letters were ones he could never admit, not in his secret dreams.

But tonight was not for lost dreams, or false promises. Tonight was theirs, to consummate their bond in the flesh.

Amanda curled her hands around his neck as Jeffrey lifted her into his arms as if she weighed no more than his hammer. With extreme care, he laid her upon the bed.

For such a big, powerful man, he had a gentle touch..

Her husband was a fearsome man in height and strength, so different from herself.

Desire twined with curiosity as Jeffrey shed his clothing. Mother had never mentioned the removal of garments. But as her hungry gaze roved over his naked body, she realized her mother’s lecture meant to inspire fear.

The martial act was shameful, and her husband would come to her, lift her gown and plunge rudely into her. Nudity was not necessary. One must preserve modesty. When the pain came from her husband invading her body, she must think of good, solid England.

All thoughts of modesty and England fled as she studied Jeffrey’s solid, muscled form, the long limbs dusted with dark hair, the hard curve of biceps that wielded iron, the ridges of muscles lining his flat abdomen. A strange throbbing started between her legs, a pleasant ache that had her squirming against the mattress.

A thick mat of inky hair covered his chest. Her gaze tracked it as it tapered past his narrow waist and lean hips to a thicker nest of dark curls at his groin, from which his thick erection stood stiffly.

Jeffrey followed her gaze and a twinkle lit his eyes. “Do I please you, wife?”

“’Tis quite...  er, large. ’Tis like the iron you forge.”

His mouth twitched as if he suppressed mirth. “Not always. ’Tis you that makes it hard. Other times, it is smaller and made to soften.”

“Oh! Like when the iron softens under the hammer?”

His loud laugh filled the cabin. “Not quite, sweet.”

She swallowed convulsively and dragged her gaze away when he climbed into bed and slid his arms around her. Jeffrey feathered hot, eager kisses across her cheeks, her chin, her throat. He explored, touched and stroked.

She arched her back and cried out with surprised pleasure as those skilled lips trailed down to a breast, teasing the tender bud there with his tongue, flicking it expertly until it grew taut. Jeffrey fastened his mouth to her breast and began suckling, swirling his tongue around her nipple.

He blazed a trail of kisses over her body, touching the underside of her breasts, kissing the hollow of her throat, spanning her delicate ribs with his broad, large hands.

So large and strong his hands were, yet they touched her ever so gently. Reserve melted with every new sensation pummeling her. Capturing her mouth again, he grunted in approval when she wrapped her hands around his neck and caressed the muscles at his neck. He stroked her hair, massaging her scalp in delightful, even strokes. Amanda opened her lips to his, meeting the skilled thrusts of his tongue as their tongues coupled.

As she slid her fingertips along the finely corded muscles of his arms, Jeffrey kissed her neck again. Gently he nipped at her bottom lip, demanding entrance. She opened her mouth, allowing him entrance, shyly darting her tongue out to meet his.

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