The Perfect Blend (11 page)

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Authors: Donna Marie Rogers

BOOK: The Perfect Blend
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“We have unfinished business. You didn’t think you’d be rid of me that easy, did you?”

He took a sip of his water, and Carrie couldn’t decide which she’d rather do, dump it over his head...or kiss him.
Focus, Carrie, he’s only here to discuss ‘business’

“Whatever you have to say, make it quick. I’m pretty busy.”
“You were about to eat a sandwich and read a book,” he pointed out with a quirked brow.
“You were spying on me? Looking in my window like some friggin’ Peeping Tom?”
“Settle down, sweetheart. I just...I needed to see you. I’ve missed you.”

She stared at him, her hands fisted at her sides. He sounded so sincere…but then, he always did. “Whatever. Again, state your business or get the hell off my property.”

He grinned and took another sip of his water. “You’re pretty sexy when you’re mad. Why don’t you come sit with me and I’ll show you what’s in my envelope.”

“Why don’t you kiss my fat—”
“Watch it, woman. I’ll put you over my knee.”
She rolled her eyes. “Gee, what a great comeback. I’m quaking with─”
Matt leapt from the hammock so fast Carrie squealed in surprise. And the fool just stood there grinning at her. “Made you jump.”
“Oh, my God, what are you, five?”
“I have a present for you. Come here and I’ll give it to you.” He gave the envelope a shake.

So he’d signed
Coffee To Chai For
over to her. Great. That’s what she wanted...right? She strode forward, her chest tight, as if she were on her way to a funeral instead of on the verge of receiving her freedom back. He capped his water and set the bottle on the ground so he could pull the papers out of the envelope. She stopped just close enough to get a whiff of his aftershave. Damn, the man smelled good.

He held out the papers and asked, “So how do you feel about franchising?”

“What?” She snatched the papers from his hand and looked them over. Apparently, he’d bought a business in Madison. Her heart started pounding. Was he purposely being cruel? He knew her ex owned a coffee shop in Madison. “I don’t understand.”

He smiled as if he’d just handed her the Hope Diamond. “Look at the address. In about a month,
Coffee To Chai For
will open up directly across the street from your ex’s shop. I figure you’ll be able to run him out of business in less than a year. Your coffee is ten times better—yes, I tried his—and you’ll be a buck cheaper per cup.”

“But...I thought you were here to sell me back your half of the shop.”

He leaned back against the trunk of the tree. “That would be quite a trick since I don’t own half your shop.”

She stared at him, sure he’d lost his mind. And then the truth suddenly dawned on her. My God, how could she not have thought of it before? “You signed the papers as Matt Jacobs, so the contract isn’t legal and binding.”

“Considering you have three attorneys in your immediate family, I’m surprised you hadn’t already figured that out.”

“I’ve had a lot on my mind this week.” Like missing you so much I could barely think straight.

“I can relate.” He straightened away from the tree and took a hesitant step toward her. “I’ve missed you, Carrie.” When she didn’t bolt, he closed the distance between them and took her in his arms, squeezing her so tight she could hardly breathe. “When I decided to move to Redemption, I only wanted to escape the madness of my life in L.A.,” he said against her cheek. “I’d been suffocating, between the constant hounding of the paparazzi and my parents pressing me to take over the company. I never expected to find the love of my life here.”

He pulled back to gaze into her eyes, reaching up to touch her face with near reverence. “I love you, sweetheart. The thought of living my life without you scares the hell out of me. Please put me out of my misery and say you forgive me.”

Before she could answer, Matt claimed her mouth with hungry impatience and proceeded to kiss her breathless. Carrie melted beneath him like an ice cream cone under the hot sun. She’d been dreaming about kissing him all week—his taste, his smell, his touch. He stroked his hands up and down her back as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

Desire coursed through her, scorching every inch of her body. My God, she’d never imagined she could want a man this much—it frightened her on so many levels. But she had one question she still needed answered before she could even think about committing to him. She broke off the kiss with reluctance. He tried to reclaim her lips, but she placed a restraining hand on his chest and gazed up at him. “Why do you have your house up for sale if you plan to stay in Redemption?”

He cupped her face and rested his forehead against hers. “Seemed kind of silly to own two houses when I can only live in one.”

Carrie pulled back and frowned. “Two houses? Matt, if you tell me you paid off my house, I swear I’m going to brain you.”

He chuckled. “Relax, sweetheart, I know better than that. I bought the tri-level behind you. It’s got a huge living room with a fireplace, five bedrooms, so there’s plenty of room for the dozen or so kids we’re going to have. Oh, and a Jacuzzi in the master bath, and—”

“I love you, too. But three kids is my limit.”

He stared at her for a moment, as if he wasn’t quite sure he’d heard right. Then he let out a whoop, swung her up in his arms and spun her around in a circle. They collapsed onto the hammock, laughing. After another mind-blowing kiss, Matt told her about his family purchasing the old repackaging plant just outside of town, and how he would slowly start to take over the family business, give his parents some time to travel. But he also still planned to help out with
Coffee To Chai For
, if she’d have him.

Carrie gazed up at him, her heart so full she feared it would burst. “You’ll be a local hero, supplying Redemption and the surrounding areas with so many needed jobs.”

“I only want to be your hero.”
“You already are. Just don’t expect me to start calling you Superman.”
He grinned. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Now hush up and kiss me again. I have a week’s worth of missing you to make up for.”
“Your wish is my command.”



Copyright 2011 Donna Kowalczyk

Kindle Edition


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of any of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


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Cover art by
Tamra Westbury


Matt and Carrie were so much fun for me to write. I sure hope you enjoyed their entertaining and often volatile journey. Stacey Joy Netzel and I would love for you to read the rest of the series and fall in love with the characters who’ve become our friends.



Welcome to Redemption...

...a small town in Northeast Wisconsin where second chances don’t always come easy, but if you’re willing to try, anything is possible.


Book 1: A Fair Of The Heart
, by Donna Marie Rogers

Single mother, and work-at-home beautician, Lauren Frazier can barely keep a roof over her head, let alone stop it from falling down around her. When handyman Caleb Hunter shows up at her door for a haircut, he’s the answer to her prayers—and the attraction is instantaneous. Too bad her troublesome ten-year-old son isn’t quite as thrilled to have Caleb hanging around.

Old wounds have kept Caleb from returning to Redemption permanently. When he receives word of his mother’s unexpected death, guilt and regret bring him home again, but will the love of a good woman keep him there? Beautiful, witty, and strong, Lauren excites Caleb like no woman ever has, but she’s a package deal, and he’s not sure he’s prepared to take on a ready-made family.


Book 2: A Fair To Remember
, by Stacey Joy Netzel

Reformed gang member Wes Carter feels Redemption, Wisconsin, is just the place to relocate his financial business for reasons more than just the name. He’s ready for a nice, quiet life in small town USA. Tara Russell has decided it’s time to add some excitement to her life and get a little wild—no matter how uncomfortable it makes her or her overprotective family. They meet at the local fair one warm summer night and discover opposites attract for all the right reasons. Add a dash of Sugar in the form of an incorrigible Great Dane, and it’s destined to be
A Fair To Remember


Book 3: The Perfect Blend
, by Donna Marie Rogers

Carrie Lowell swears off men for good after nearly losing her business in a bitter divorce settlement to her abusive ex-husband. She’s on the verge of filing bankruptcy when handsome librarian Matt Jacobs walks into her shop and offers sound—if unwanted—business advice. Sure, financially he’s a godsend, but emotionally he’s a threat to the barricade she’s built around her heart.

Heir to a vast fortune, Jacob Spalding flees L.A. for the tiny Midwest town of Redemption, Wisconsin to escape the scandalous nightmare his life has become. Now known as Matt Jacobs, he buys a little cottage and settles in to small town life. Soon, he finds himself infatuated with the owner of the coffee shop across the street. Too bad the infuriating woman is as contrary as she is beautiful.


Book 4: Grounds For Change
, by Stacey Joy Netzel

Charlie Russell lived with a secret for fourteen years, but now guilt has pushed him to the breaking point. He meets psychologist Dana McClain and feels an instant connection that has nothing to do with his Great Dane, Sugar, spilling coffee down her shirt. Dana switched to counseling animals because she has a history of becoming too emotionally involved with her clients. She figures she’s safe helping Charlie with Sugar’s issues, until he reveals his secret and asks for her help. She tries to convince herself it's all about the dog, not the guy, but history has a way of repeating itself.


Book 5: Home Is Where the Heart Is
, by Donna Marie Rogers

Used to the finer things in life, heiress Melinda Spalding is thrown for a loop when her brother relocates to the Midwest. Her parents even expand their business to the small town and put her in charge of the project. Discovering she likes “Mayberry” and its quirky inhabitants is almost as shocking as her growing attraction to the local auto mechanic. But L.A. is where she belongs…or is home truly where the heart is?

Drew Porter learned early in life how treacherous women can be—and when snooty “Lindy” Spalding skids into his life and nearly makes roadkill out of his dog, she seems worse than most. An unlikely bond between their pets gives him an intriguing glimpse behind her pretentious exterior. While his heart wonders if there more to her than meets the eye, his head tells him to run as fast as he can in the opposite direction.


Book 6: The Heart of the Matter
, by Stacey Joy Netzel

All Allie Daniels ever wanted was a family of her own—until her doctor informs her she’ll never be able to have children. She hides her desolation, refusing to let any man close enough to see her broken heart. Most certainly not the town veterinarian, who’s cute three-year-old son reminds her of what she’ll never have.

Rick Wilde had a serious crush on Allie back in high school, but life took them in different directions. Now a single parent, he returns to Redemption several years later to raise his son, Lukas. His interest in Allie is renewed, but her shoulder is colder than the bitter winter wind.

Brought together by an orphaned kitten, Allie finds herself helpless to resist Lukas’s impish innocence—not to mention Rick’s warm charm and sexy good looks. Does she dare take a chance on an impossible dream, or will Rick’s desire for more kids devastate their future?


Also available at



*2009 Write Touch Reader Award Finalist*


Sara Jamison
has no clue where
Mike Andrews
’ been all these years, but she knows where she’s been—busy raising their son. Two weeks after he accused her of cheating and disappeared from her life, Sara discovered she was something she never expected to be—an unwed pregnant teenager. But with the love and support of her annoyingly alpha-male family, she’s managed to make a good life for herself and her young son. She even owns her own business, Sara’s Bakery, which she’s built into a thriving success. Sure, she works too hard and her social life is nonexistent, but for the most part, she’s content.


Until the day Detective Mike Andrews walks into her bakery and back into her life.

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