Read The Perfect Candidate Online

Authors: Stephanie Sterling

The Perfect Candidate (16 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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Michael was instantly wide-awake.  And more that one part of him had realized that it was high time to be getting up.


He was spooned behind Ashley

s body, one of his hands was already cupping one of her breasts, had been all night apparently, and his cock was throbbing insistently against her ass.  He gave the soft, tender flesh in his hand an experimental squeeze.  Ashley murmured contentedly and wriggled back against him- causing Michael to bit down on the inside of his lip.


He probably shouldn


but he couldn

t stop himself. He fondled her breasts until her nipples were hard and erect- until
was hard and erect- and then his hand wandered south, moving through the soft thatch of curls above Ashley

s sex under he could feel the heat of her.  She was wet already.


Michael bucked against her bottom.  He wanted to be inside her
.  The thought of entering her from behind was enticing, but he wanted to watch her face when she woke up and realized that he was inside her


He gently rolled Ashley onto her back.  She murmured and stirred, but didn

t wake.  Michael eased her legs apart, and then positions himself between them, using his hand to help guide himself inside.


She wasn

t as tight as she had been the night before, but she still felt like a clench fist squeezing around his cock.  He rocked forwards gently, until he was buried as deeply as he could go, and then he started to move.


“Ashley,” Michael whispered, kissing her lips, as he gently rocked their bodies together.  “Wake up, Ashley,” he growled, watching the impossibly erotic sight of her face as she unconsciously responded to what he was doing to her.



s eyelashes fluttered, her brows drew together in a grimace that mimicked pain, but spoke of deep pleasure, and then she gasped and seemed to come back to herself.


“Oh God…” she puffed.  Her voice was husky with sleep, but breathless with need.  “You shouldn’

The muscles in her face scrunched up again as Michael thrust forwards. 


t be doing this?  Should I stop?

he whispered, giving his hips a very deliberate twist.  Ashley body arched up against him.  He kissed her neck, lapping at the pulse that was racing beneath her skin. 

I couldn

t help myself,

he confessed gutturally. 

You make me lose control.


“Stop talking!” Ashley moaned, reaching for him, dragging his mouth back down upon her own.  Michael assumed he was forgiven for taking the liberty of helping himself to her body… fortunate really, as he intended to take that liberty again and again…


Some time later, after Michael had taken Ashley to places she hadn

t known existed until the previous night; they lay together in a tangled mess of sheets and limbs.


“We… shouldn’
t have done that?

Ashley whispered.


Given that she sounded like she was spitting up razor blades as she spoke those words, Michael chose to believe that she didn

t mean them,
in light of the things she had been screaming while she was in his arms- while he was inside her body

  He kissed her shoulder lightly.


“Why not?  Didn’
t you enjoy yourself?

he asked smugly, knowing the answer perfectly well.  The fiery blush that rose all over Ashley

s skin was all the reassurance he needed. 


re two consenting adults having a little fun,

he murmured, lazily palming one of Ashley

s breasts.


“Consenting?” Ashley sniffed.  She glanced over her should at him, and giving him a pointed stare. 


Michael had the grace to look ashamed of his behavior. 

I know, I shouldn

t have done that, it won

t happen again,

he promised apologetically.


“Oh- well…” Ashley stammered, her blush deepening.  “It wasn’
t- I didn


she cleared her throat. 

We should get out of bed.


Michael chuckled.


“If anyone finds out what we did last night we- well
are going to be in so much trouble!

she said anxiously, chewing her bottom lip as she eased herself out of bed.  She took one of the sheets with her to hide her nakedness. Michael thought it was amusing that she was suddenly so shy, and he really couldn

t help feeling a slightly potently masculine when he saw how gingerly she was moving about.


“No one will find out,” he said, stretching.  “Mores the pity,” he laughed.  “It might help my reputation!”


“It would
your reputation!  As you well know!

Ashley called from the bathroom.


She was right.  He knew she was right, but Michael just couldn

t find it in himself to care at the moment.  He was feeling far,
too good.  Obviously, a night of mind-blowing sex was just what he had needed to recharge his batteries.


“We have a little problem,” Ashley said, walking back out of the en suite bathroom, now wrapped in one of the hotel’
s fluffy white robes.  Michael preferred the sheet effect. 


“Another one?” he grinned.  


Ashley didn

t return the smile. 

We don

t have any clean clothes.


“Oh dear,” Michael said, struggling to keep a straight face.  “I suppose we’
ll just have to stay naked then.


“Michael!” Ashley cried, eyes flashing dangerously at him.


He held up his hands in surrender. 


s fine.  It won

t be a problem.  I

ll get it sorted,

he promised to appease her.


Ashley looked at him doubtfully, but decided not to question him.  She wasn

t sure she
to know how he was going to get it sorted.  Instead, she returned to the bathroom and climbed into the bath that she had been running for herself. 


The warm water felt heavenly against her skin, although it did sting a little as it sloshed between her legs, but that was such a small price to pay for the amazing night that she had just spent in Michael

s bed

  She wasn

t entirely sure what was meant to happen now though- was this just another level of their


or something else, something new?  Michael had described it in very unflattering terms earlier

two consenting adults having a little fun

was that all they were doing?  Having fun?


Ashley lathered up a bar of soap between her hands and tried to think about last night rationally.  She wasn

t going to be all silly and emotion about it- she

It was
sex after all

she just hoped that he would let her have some more


Once Ashley had washed her body and her hair, she climbed out of the bathtub, wrapped a large, fluffy towel around herself and padded back into the bedroom.  Michael was
in bed, although he was at least sitting up now!  He had his cell phone pressed to his ear, and from the sound of things he seemed to be speaking to Norman.


Ashley would have been content to just stand there and watch him, drinking in the sight of his naked chest and tussled hair, but Michael waved a hand at her when he spotted her however, and pointed to a few large boxes that were sitting just instead the door.  Looking puzzled, Ashley wandered over to them and picked them up.  She carried them over to the bed, placed them on the mattress and lifted off the lids.


“Oooh!” she cooed, when she saw what was inside- an absolutely exquisite day dress- and in the other boxes she uncovered matching shoes, a coat, underwear- she gasped loudly with each new discovery, until Michael strained across the bed and prodded her with his foot.  She glanced up at him in confusion.


“No, Norm… Well it must be the TV… No! 
Of course
, Miss Kendall isn

t in my room with me
he said innocently.


Ashley flushed guiltily and took her goodies away with her into the other bedroom to change.  She didn

t have a clue how Michael had known what sizes to ask for- to order?- but he had managed perfectly.  She chose to believe that he must have glanced in the labels of the clothes that were strewn about the room, but she had a nasty suspicion that he might just be so familiar with women and their bodies that he would simply be able to


Once she was dressed again, Ashley managed to fix her hair, but she didn

t have any make up on her

well, apart from a lipstick that she always carried in her purse.  Fortunately, the night

s activities seemed to have leant a rosy glow to her cheeks, so she didn

t feel too self-conscious when she wandered back into the other room to see what Michael was doing.

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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