The Perfect Machine (83 page)

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Authors: Ronald Florence

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considered for joint observatories directorship, 359-360, 361
and final trials and adjustments, 387, 391, 394-395
first official image exposed by, 395, 407
heart attack of, 406
at Monastery dinners, 64n
at Mount Wilson Observatory, 61-63, 64n, 65, 67-69, 96, 101, 110, 144, 148-149, 150, 158, 217, 219, 335
Palomar observing time of, 362, 406
Palomar project and, 92, 108, 125, 185, 213, 258, 334, 359, 380
suggested as astronomical director, 329
in World War II, 35 t

Hubble Space Telescope, 129n, 352, 416

Humason, Milton, 67-69, 96, 107, 108, 144, 149, 158, 185, 213, 258, 281, 302, 303, 306, 309, 322, 334, 413

Humphreys, W. S., 109

Hussey, J. W., 37, 209, 401

Ingalls, Albert, 93, 94, 225

Institute of Advanced Studies, 161

insurance, 248, 373, 412n

International Astronomical Union, 404

International Education Board (IEB), 71-88, 89, 91, 92, 105, 110, 114, 132, 158, 208, 259, 276

Irwin, E. M., 316

Iser, G. W., 155

island universes debate, 4, 20-23, 61, 62-63, 383

James, Alice, 4611

James, Henry, 45, 46n

James, William, 45, 46n

Jeans, Jarnes, 4, 166

Jensen (sculptor), 314

Jewett, Frank, 347

Johnson, Jack, 60

Johnson, Mel, 269-270, 363, 368, 375, 395-396, 397, 398

Johnston, Margaret, 123

Johnston, Thomas J., 103

Jones, Samuel R., t 24

Jones and Lampson Machine Company, 94

Journal of Astrophysics, 59

Kapteyn, J. C., 16

Karat, EI, vii

Karoloff, Hans, 392n

Keck Observatory, 129n, 415

Keeler, James E., 20, 34

Kenwood Observatory, 30, 35

Kepler, Johannes, 13

Keppel, Frederick, 87, 336

Kimple, Johnny, 294

Kincaid, Father, 202

Kitt Peak telescope, 414

Krick, Irving, 373

Kroon, Rein, 263-268, 287, 289, 290, 291, 297, 312, 328, 347

Ladley, William, 290-291

Laplace, Marquis Pierre Simon de, 66

Las Campanas observatory, 135n, 417-418

Laughton, Charles, 393

Lauritsen, Charles, 152n

Lawrence, Ernest, t 13, 274, 296, 366, 385

Lawrence, T. E. (of Arabia), 197

Lawrence, William L., 225

Leavitt, Henrietta Swan, 14, 15, 16, 17, 105

Lernaatre, George, 69

Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 41

Lewis, Sinclair, 8, 101

Lick, James, 27

Lick Observatory, 2, 4, 34, 152, 158, 191, 309, 383, 389, 414

Crossley reflector of, 19-20, 34, 383
Hale’s visit to, 29-30
120-inch disk and grinding machine sold to, 414
origin of, 27-29

Life, 380

Lillie, Howard, 172

Lindbergh, Charles, t97, 220, 333, 343

Littleton, George, 175, 204

Llewellyn Iron Works, 125

Lloyds of London, 248

London Daily Telegraph, 103

Lorentz, H. A., 46

Los Angeles, Calif.:

economy of, 2-3
growth of, 106, 401
railroads and, 1-2

Los Angeles TImes, 101, 102, 252

Lowell, Percival, 4, 43-44, 66

Lowell Observatory, 21, 66

Lundmark, Knut, 67

McBride, Dr., 45, 48

McCauley (Price), Anne, 176, 393-394

McCauley, George, 165-184, 188-195, 199-207, 209, 220-226, 232-241, 244-246, 248, 272, 276, 297, 328, 340-341, 414, 415

background of, 137
California trips of, 241, 243, 244, 273-274, 275, 393-394
Corning flood and, 234-237
at dedication, 393-394
disk shipment and, 250, 253
early Pyrex experiment of, 138-140
failed two-hundred-inch disk and, 199-207, 209, 220-223
Hostetter resented by, 221, 240-241, 272-273
at New York meeting, 167-168
120-inch disk produced by, 190-195
scars on second two-hundred-inch disk discovered by, 238-239, 240-241, 272
solubility problem hidden by, 188-189
successful two-hundred-inch disk and, 223-226, 232-241, 244-246, 248
two-hundred-inch disk fractures and, 277-283, 298
vacation of, 274-275
Woodbury’s book and, 329, 330

McCauley, George, Jr., 176, 202

McCauley, James, 176, 202, 234

McCauley, Mrs. George, 202

McClellan, Bill, 372n

Macdonald, Dwight, 179

McDonald Observatory, 91, 223, 309, 412n

McDowell, Clyde S. “Sandy,” 244, 248, 257, 261, 264, 275, 276, 288, 295, 298, 315, 336

background of, 227
builder sought by, 262, 286
drive and control system and, 310-311, 320, 328-329
hiring of, 227-228
mounting construction and, 262, 263, 286, 287, 288, 315
mounting design and, 262, 264, 285, 312
participants’ dislike of style of, 295-297, 328-332, 357
project style transformed by, 227-230, 265, 291-292
removed from project, 331-332
scale model favored by, 285
welded construction favored by, 262
Westinghouse work and, 287, 288, 315

McDowell, Mrs. Clyde S., 255

McKim, Charles, 87

McManus (GE executive), 147

McMath, Robert, 173n, 309-310, 313

McMath-Hulbert Observatory, 173n

McPherson, Aimee Semple, 114

Maltby, George, 203, 240

Manhattan Project, 357, 358-359, 366, 386

M. Mantois, 31

Mare Island shipyard, 262-263, 264

Markel, Lester, 64

Mars, 4, 43-44, 66, 380, 381

Marshall, Bill, 377

Marshall, Harley, 257, 352, 377

Marshall, Mary, 257, 377

Martel, Romeo, 124, 178, 214, 215, 261, 293, 295

Marvin, Charles, 109

Mason, Max, 85, 111, 179-180, 217-218, 229, 275, 291, 306, 310, 336, 366, 368, 369, 381, 387, 393

appointed Observatory Council
vice chairman, 276, 296
background of, 153
budget problems and, 350, 364, 379, 385, 387, 388
and Carnegie endowment of Palo-
mar, 336, 338-339, 340
Corning Pyrex disk manufacturing
and, 177, 179, 198, 202, 225, 244
disk fractures and, 278, 281, 298
GE disks and, 153, 158, 161, 162, 163, 167
Hale’s trust of, 153-154
McDowell fired by, 331-332
Mclfowell recommended by, 227
McDowell’s style and, 296, 328, 329, 331-332
Schmidt wide-field telescope and, 282, 341
Woodbury’s book and, 331
in World War 11, 347, 348, 351, 352, 363

Mayall, Nicholas, 60

media and publicity, 100-103, 179, 217-219, 268, 359, 380-381

Corning and, 168-169, 181, 196-205, 208, 223-225, 236, 239-240, 244-247, 249, 250
and final trials and adjustments, 387, 392, 394
GE and, 142, 147, 162, 166-167, 168-169
mirror move and, 373, 374, 376, 378, 380
Westinghouse and, 284, 287-288, 290, 292, 314, 319

Mellon, Andrew, 102, 179

Mencken, H. L., 96, 104, 142, 359

Mendenhall, George, 210, 211, 230

Merriam, John C., 75-76, 78, 80, 83-88, 150, 151, 208, 217-219, 276, 335-336

Michelson, Albert, 30, 148, 178, 179

Michigan, University of, 139, 158, 165

Corning disk order of, 191, 223, 233, 237, 280

Millikan, Robert, 59, 92, t 13, 148, 150, 152, 159-160, 161, 274, 275-276, 314, 361, 391, 393

and Carnegie endowment of Palomar, 336, 337, 338, 339
disk manufacturing and, 157, 163, 165, 298
joint observatories directorship and, 358, 359, 360
Palomar grant and, 79, 80, 84, 88
Shapley’s attack on, 104-105
in World War II, 348, 349

Minkowski, Rudolph, 353-354, 404-405

rnirror, Palomar two-hundred-inch:

astigmatism in, 325-327, 341, 386, 398, 412
center plug for, 300
coating and recoating of, 328, 381-386, 398, 413
design team for, 179-180, 276
disk for, see Corning Glass Works; General Electric
Ellis’s doubts GE work on, 134-135
final trials and adjustments of, 386-392, 394-398
fractures and checks in, 274, 277-283, 298-299, 325, 412
grinding of, 99, 116, 128, 133, 154, 155, 187, 269-272, 274, 277-283, 298-302, 323
installation of, 386
insurance of, 248, 373
materials considered for, 64-65, 74, 77, 80, 97-100, 111, 120-121
move of, to Palomar, 373-379
optical tests on, 323, 324-325, 344-346, 350, 365, 367, 390
optics and design of, 122-123, 129-130, 134-136, 179-180, 214
planning for, 95-100
polishing completed on, 367-369
polishing of, 99, 116, 155, 242-243, 323-325, 341, 344-346, 350, 351, 352, 365-369, 395-398
ribbed back for, 119-120, 135-136, 168, t 70, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 185
scars on disk for, 238-239, 240-241, 272
shipment of, to California, 247-254, 269
support system for, 239, 300-301, 326-327, 367, 386, 390-391, 392, 394, 412
work resumed on, after war, 365

mirrors, Palomar auxiliary, 126, 127, 134, 142, 182, 186, 187, 226, 320, 340, 369

Mobil, 318-319

Mochel, Norman, 287

Morey, George, 172

Morris Dam, 352, 364

Mosgrove, Alicia, 38

Mount Hamilton, see Lick Observatory

mounting, Palomar telescope, 226-227, 262-263, 281, 284-291, 314-315, 341-342, 346, 364, 366

assembly of, 316-319, 322, 370
bearings in, 216-217, 261-267, 312, 318-319, 371, 390
builders sought for, 226-227, 262-263, 286
carbon steel used for, 289
considerations in design of, 185-188
design of, 65, 120, 121, 123-125, 135, 136, 141, 143, 157, 185-188, 208, 212-217, 239, 261-268, 285, 308-312, 318-322, 328-329, 346, 370, 416
drive and control system of, 265, 266, 308-312, 319-322, 328-329, 341-342, 346, 364, 366, 370, 371, 386
fabrication of, 226-227, 262-263, 281, 284-291, 314-315, 341-342, 346, 364, 366
focus switching in, 186, 187, 320, 408
horseshoe design of, 212-214, 266-268, 289-290
Kroon’s design solutions for, 264-268
models in design of, 285
observation positions in, 187-188, 319, 389, 405, 407, 410
phantom telescope in, 321, 411
tubes in, 290-291
welded construction accepted for, 262
Westinghouse estimate for, 281
Westinghouse work on, 284-291, 297, 314-315, 346

Mount Palomar, see Palomar

Mount Wilson Contributions, 17

Mount Wilson Institute, 418

Mount Wilson Observatory, 2, 4, 13, 36-40, 75-76, 90, 99, 178, 304, 305, 335-340, 400, 401

adaptive optics at, 415-416
Caltech’s tense relations with, 150-151, 217-219, 335-340, 418
and Carnegie endowment of Palomar, 335-340, 358
Carnegie’s visit to, 44-45
completion of, 15
construction of, 37-39
drive and control system at, 309
electricity at, 316
embezzlement at, 218
first light at, 39
joint observatories system and, 358-361, 418
light pollution at, 106-107
Mars research and, 43-44
mothballing of, 418
observation procedures at, 68
observatory building at, 293, 322
one-hundred-inch project at, see Hooker telescope
Palomar grant and, 82, 83-88, 89
Palomar mirrors and, 125, 128, 132, 147
Palomar project administration and, 92, 112, 120, 217
Santa Barbara Street optics laboratory of, 38, 154, 242, 243, 257, 260, 335, 341, 389
seeing at, 53, 61, 106
Shapley appointed to, 5, 16
site selection and, 209
sixty-inch telescope project at, 37-39, 45--46
Solar Union meeting at, 46

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