The Perfect Match: A New Adult Erotic Romance (Inseparable Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Match: A New Adult Erotic Romance (Inseparable Book 2)
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“So how’d it go?” Julie asked.

“The lady who interviewed me was so nice. I was terrified they’d ask me a bunch of medical questions or give me a test, but we just chatted away. She did ask about the classes I’ve taken and what my GPA might be when I graduate, but I think it went great.”

“That’s awesome,” Polly said. “Is this for the surgical position you wanted?”

“Not immediately, but it’s should give me enough experience to work toward it. She actually showed me a kind of roadmap of positions see how they give people a career path over time. Obviously, they are
compared to Lafayette General, but I was blown away by the options they had.”

“So when will you know something?” Julie asked.

“She said early next month. Since I won’t be starting right away, they aren’t in a hurry this close to Christmas.” She gave them both a wicked smile. “And I haven’t even told you the best part yet.”

“What could be better than getting your dream job?” Polly asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Christopher Dunlop, Social Worker. Oh my god, what a hunk! He was there interviewing for a position as well. He’s a little older, but I didn’t ask how much. Graduated from Baylor Medical after serving in the Marines, and made a point to give me his number before I left.” She waved a little slip of paper at them both.

Polly and Julie both laughed out loud. “So are you gonna see him again while you’re in town?” Julie asked. “Maybe we could invite him over for New Years? Then Polly and I can shake him down to see if he’s good enough for you.”

Blushing bright red, she said, “That might be fun. We’ll see after I call him in a day or two.”

“Damn, love is in the air,” Julie said as she shook her head. “First, Polly and Trey, then Kurt and Cathy, now Charlotte and Christopher.”

“Did you hear anything from Cathy?” Charlotte asked with a smirk. Polly felt her stomach clench at the thought of Kurt being with her friend, but pushed it away as foolishness. She was happy with Trey.

“She texted me earlier for your parent’s address,” Julie said through a chuckle.

“Why?” Charlotte asked with a confused expression.

“Apparently she wanted to send them flowers,” Julie said with a droll delivery.

Polly got it then and rolled her eyes. “Jeez, it was just sex.”

“Uh, it may have been a little more than that,” Charlotte hinted with a knowing glance. “Does Cathy have a roommate?”

“Camden, sure, she’s going with us on Friday...” Julie’s mouth hung open as Charlotte nodded slowly to confirm it. “Both of them?”

“He said I wouldn’t believe him. I guess it really happened, then?” Charlotte asked with a deep blush.

Polly felt a cold shock as she realized what they meant. “Oh my god,” she said as her stomach clenched again, making her feel jealous and angry for no reason. She knew Cathy was a wild one, but the topics of threesomes had never come up around Polly before.

“Now I get her comments,” Julie exclaimed. “She kept on about his stamina being enough for two and his... uh... large family trait. Holy crap!”

Polly silently finished off her coffee as Charlotte and Julie continued to chat. Then she made her exit as soon as she could.

* * *

ater that evening, Polly shut the lid on her laptop, picked up the glass of wine and carried it over to her couch. After leaving Julie’s house, she’d caught up on her laundry and given the apartment a thorough cleaning. With her chores done, she took a shower, idled some time away on the Internet to keep from thinking, and then decided to have a little private moment before Trey arrived.

The satin nightie she had on felt wonderful against her skin, and the matching panties were loose and cool. She put her wine glass down on the coffee table and then reclined against the tall arm of the couch. Dragging her fingers around her breasts, she shut her eyes to focus on how it felt when Trey had been with her.

The vision of his face above hers appeared in her imagination. His sweat soaked brow dripped on her face, letting her taste his essence as he worked for her pleasure. With her hands sliding under her panties, she imagined it was his fingers that opened and penetrated her.

Slipping her middle two fingers inside, she rubbed herself with the other hand, making slow circles around her swollen nub. It made it so much better to imagine Trey was doing it, so she focused on that, seeing him lower himself to kiss her. The pulsing ache of her release gripped her hard, making her strain into her hands.

“Oh, yes,” she mumbled as the aftershocks from her strong orgasm made her tremble. When they finally passed, she straightened her nightgown and reached for her wine. The warm glow she felt made her wish Trey was already there to snuggle with, but drowsing turned to sleeping which left her in troubled dreams until after midnight.

When the quiet knock woke her, she got up to glance through the peep hole to confirm it was Trey before opening the door. He had a sheepish grin that widened as his eyes traveled from her face to feet.

“Sorry I’m so late,” he said as he stepped inside. He was dressed up like he’d been out, with his cologne fighting the scent of cigarettes and alcohol.

“I fell asleep waiting,” Polly said as she yawned. Ignoring the sting of disappointment, she locked the door, turned off the lights, and led him to bed. They’d planned for him to stay over all night since Polly had a later shift the next day.

“You look great,” he said as he rubbed her ass through her satin nightie.

“So what kept you?” she asked as she climbed into her bed and waited for him to undress.

He sat his phone, keys, and wallet down on the night stand. “I forgot about a holiday dinner at my frat. I couldn’t skip it,” he said as he sat on the bed to take off his dress shoes. His pants and shirt came off next as he moved to fold them and place them on her dresser. He was already at half mast, she noticed with a grin, and a large spot of precum was visible on his boxers.

“You look a little pent up,” she teased, nodding at the stain.

He blushed and quickly took off his underwear, placing it on the top of his clothes. “Yeah,” he said, a frown appearing then quickly disappearing. “Are you too sleepy?” he asked, his tone seeming to imply
might be.

“Just come to bed and snuggle with me,” she said.

He turned off the lights and came to bed, rolling over to face her, then pulling her close. His soft shaft pressed against her stomach as she kissed him tenderly, letting the moment lead where it would. When he kissed to her neck, she caught a fragrant scent in his hair she couldn’t place. “You smell nice,” she whispered.

“Uh, thanks,” he said as his hands squeezed along her back and ass. “You smell nice, too,” he said as he rolled her on her back to kiss down to her nipples through the satin.

While he played with her breasts, she mussed his hair and watched him with a renewed sense of peace. Who cares how many girls Kurt was with anyway? “That feels nice,” she mumbled. He pushed the fabric over to suck one nipple between his lips, massaging it with his hand at the same time. His shaft was now firmly poking into her side.

His cell phone beeped, making him sigh as he rolled over to get it off the nightstand. The screen was bright in the dim bedroom, but Polly saw him swipe the numeral three across the glass to unlock it. After scanning the text message, Trey turned off the phone completely and put it back. “Wrong number,” he muttered.

Polly hadn’t really been looking, but the text log she glanced at had showed a number of existing back and forth messages. It bothered her a little that he would lie about something so trivial, but before she could ask him anything he began kissing her deeply enough to burn away all other thoughts.

Rather than take off her panties, Trey moved the fabric aside to reach her wet lips. She began to pull at him, impatient to have him inside, so he rolled on top and moved her legs apart. In seconds he was fully inside, driving her wild with kisses when she realized he wasn’t wearing a condom. “Wait,” she said. “Wait, you need a condom.”

“I’ll pull out,” he said between kisses.

“No,” she insisted. “Stop!” She pushed him off, suddenly furious he would take risks like that with her. “You know I’m not on the pill.”

“Fine,” he growled, rolling back over to the nightstand to get a condom.

“Nevermind, I don’t think I’m in the mood anymore,” she said to his back before rolling over to face the wall.

“Jeez, Polly, you can’t leave me like this,” he whined.

“I rubbed one out earlier when you were late, feel free to do the same.”

He grunted as he stood, going to the bathroom and shutting the door. After a moment she rolled back over, worrying that she might be overreacting. Then she noticed he’d taken his phone with him. Watching the minutes tick by, she struggled with herself over his action and her reaction.

As she lay there in the dark listening to the silence, she thought she heard him talking in a low voice. Unable to make out the words, she walked up to the bathroom door intending to open it. With her hand on the knob, she could have sworn she heard him say, “I love you, too.”

She opened the door, confused and angry to find him sitting on the toilet ending a call. “So who do you love?” she whispered.

“My mom,” he answered with a scowl.

“You call your mom at one in the morning?”

“Yeah, actually, I do. Especially when I do something stupid and get in a fight with my girlfriend.”

The word hit her like cold drops of water down her back. “Girlfriend?” she repeated the word as if trying it on for size.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Aren’t you?” The way he looked at her killed her doubts in an instant. “I’m sorry I didn’t put on a condom first. I was tired and stupid. Will you forgive me? Please? I can’t take you being angry with me.”

“I probably overreacted,” she said, taking pity on him after a moment. “Come back to bed.”

It only took a few seconds to arouse him enough to roll a condom on. His kisses felt like feathers against her face and neck as he slowly filled her again. With her fingers pulling at his back, he built up speed until they were a in frenzy of motion.

His hot breath against her shoulder made her flesh prickle. Wrapping her arms around his head, she pulled him tight as the chills and his heat brought her to the edge. While experimenting with him the night before, she’d found him on top and her angling her hips a certain way he could provide enough stimulation for her to get off. So she tensed up and pushed against his strokes, biting down on his shoulder when she got close.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” he muttered, moving his head so she would bite him again. Her moment came with the impact of a car crash, taking her breath away until the only option was to cry out so she could draw another in. He groaned and pushed all the way inside, his pulses meeting hers until everything was wet, hot, and still.

Sleep came in a tangle of limbs, sheets twisted around them like bindings. Her last conscious thought was,
I have a boyfriend!

* * *

he next morning Polly slipped out of bed, closed the bedroom door, and began to cook a hot breakfast. Bacon sizzled in the pan while she danced around the kitchen making coffee and setting the table. Before long the wonderful scents drew Trey out of the bedroom with a grin, wearing nothing but his boxers, and his hair poking out in every direction.

“Good morning,” he mumbled and gave Polly a quick kiss on the lips. “This is unexpected, but very welcome.” He sat down at the table to watch her with a happy grin.

“Here’s coffee,” she said as she placed the mug on the table. “I’ll have the food done in a minute. How do you like your eggs?”

“Whites hard, yolks runny,” he said between sips of his coffee.

Polly put the eggs on, then brought the bacon and toast to the table. In the light of day, all the concerns from the previous night seemed silly. Obviously they were both tired and she overreacted, she told herself. “What’s on your agenda for the day?” she asked.

“Work, then back here if that’s okay with you,” he said. “What about you?”

“I’ve got the late shift today, so I won’t be here until after nine. I’ll call you when I’m on the way if you want.” She brought their plates of eggs to the table and joined him there.

“Sounds great,” he said. “So what’s new with the family? Did Kurt get another water bus to drive yet?” Polly frowned at his choice of topic and the cruel laugh that followed it.

“Why do you care so much about what Kurt is doing?” she asked as she cut her eggs to dip her toast in the yolks. The irony wasn’t lost on her that she
cared a little too much what he’d been doing.

“I don’t, I just like to keep score,” he said, raising a piece of bacon to his lips.

“Well, he had a date night before last with a wild friend of Julie’s named Cathy. Just before the date he got a call and was hired by a company called Johnson and somebody.” The bite of her buttery toast and egg tasted wonderful.

“Johnson and Abernathy?” Trey asked, seeming surprised.

“I think so. Anyway, he’s somewhere on a boat yesterday and today, but should be back in the morning. Charlotte was interviewing at Ben Taub yesterday and when she got back she said it went really well. Oh, she also met some hot social worker while she was there apparently, because she wouldn’t shut up about him. And tomorrow I’m going out with Julie, Charlotte, Cathy, and Camden to a place called Dave and Buster’s.”

“Hey that sounds like fun. Can I come?” he asked, taking another bite of his eggs.

“Nope, its just a girls’ night out. You can hang out with Jack, Kurt, and the kids if you want,” she said, grinning at him over her coffee cup at him.

“No thanks,” Trey said with a dismissive frown. “Do you mind if I shower and go to work from here?”

“Can I scrub your back?” she asked, making him chuckle.

“Then I’d never get to work.”

* * *

fter the meal, Trey went to the shower while Polly cleaned up the breakfast mess. A nagging thought stayed with her as she washed the dishes. The lie about the wrong number bothered her almost as much as him forgetting to use a condom. Despite telling herself she was wrong and totally overreacting, she found herself walking into the bedroom anyway.

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