The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] (90 page)

Read The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] Online

Authors: C.J. Wells

Tags: #Perfect Plans and Take a Bow

BOOK: The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set]
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“Sweetheart?” he chuckles, the husky timbre lingering. “What are you doing?”

“Oh, you know, this and that,” I finally manage through the barrage of lascivious thoughts burning through me, the cool December breeze blowing my hair like a welcome fan of relief. “Just running errands.”
And, apparently, I’ve been running through his mind all day,
I bite my lip, suddenly startled by a car horn. Looking up, I realize I’m standing in the way of their attempt to park. I offer an apologetic smile, and push my loaded cart ahead towards my spot. “I’m just leaving Ralph’s. I’ve picked up an enough food for an army, by the way,” I chuckle, teasing him about his more than healthy appetite in recent weeks.

“Are you implying that
eat enough to feed an army?” his playful tone implies bewildered shock.

“Very funny. You know very well that you’ve been eating us out of house and home.”

Since our return to L.A., Alex’s astronomical food consumption and workout regime have been off the charts; a necessity for the final scenes he’s filming for the movie. Not that I’m complaining. His incredible body was my kryptonite from the very beginning, now, however, he’s a mass of steel and mouthwatering sculpted bulk. I’ve found myself unable to control my urges to constantly touch him, to run my hands over his ever-growing bulging muscles. A fact I’ve noticed he thoroughly enjoys. “You’ve eaten more food in the past month than I have in the past six. I can’t keep up with your insatiable appetite.”

the only thing I’m insatiable for, beautiful. Always.”

His words - so very, very true - send instant shudders of desire between my legs. “I’m equally insatiable for you, Mr. Tate,” I whisper, the memories of this morning’s sexual escapade floating absently through my mind - waking up at dawn to his large body curled behind me, his lips nipping and kissing along my shoulder, my moans reverberating through the tranquil silence, the ecstasy as he lifted my leg and slid deep inside, pumping until we succumbed to completion together.
Yes, insatiable
. Always.

In fact, he wasn’t the only one filled with sensual thoughts today. “I actually picked up a special
today I believe you’ll enjoy. I
know you love the color red,” I tease.

“An early Christmas present, perhaps?” I can sense the sinful smirk behind the husky rasp of his peaked curiosity.

“Mmhmm. A very

“I’m not the only one with an
alter ego
, my little vixen,” he growls through the line, making me wish I could see those sexy curled lips of his. “If I didn’t have to finish the day here…” the torture in his voice pulls my own devilish smirk. “You better be wearing it when I get home, baby.”

“Oh? And, if I’m not?” I purposely egg him on, dying for a quick taste of
alter ego.

“Well, sweetheart, perhaps I’ll have to tie you down and show you what happens to vixens that tease.”

My grip of the shopping cart tightens at the mental image, desire pulsing through my sex, my thighs squeezing involuntarily to assuage the fire he’s created. He can so effectively render me speechless, breathless, with his sexy British brogue, and equally sexy words. I’m a bundle of needy lust as I reach my Land Rover, eyes closed, hands braced on the cart.

“You there, baby?” he chuckles, absolutely hip to what his words do to me.

“Ummm, yes I’m here.”

His charming laugh melts me. “I have to get back, sweetheart. Until later?”

“I’ll be waiting with bated breaths, ” I attempt to tease - though it’s absolutely true, and clearly evident in my breathless pants. I disconnect the call at the sound of his continued laughter.
God, what that man does to me.

PLACING THE LAST of the Christmas presents for Alex under our stunning tree, I sit back and admire the scene; the red and gold ornaments sparkling beneath the sashes of cream and gold ribbon and twinkling lights, a dozen or so gifts wrapped in complementary paper underneath. I’ve always loved Christmas, anxious to get all my shopping done, wrapped and ready to go; my family’s gifts already en route to Canada in time to arrive for the holidays. But I’m particularly elated about the gift I’ve been waiting weeks for and was able to pick up today - a TAG Heuer Carrera watch, the inside engraving reading ‘
To my
Alexander the Great’
. I just know he’ll love it.

“What’s all this?”

I startle at Alex having just walked into the living area. Turning on my knees, I flash him a brilliant smile, sighing slightly at his beautiful form. “Hi! You’re home early.”

“Well, a certain
taunted me with red lingerie. Sadly, I see she’s not wearing it,” he offers a mock frown.

“Sorry, big guy, I wasn’t expecting you yet, and I had gifts to wrap,” I display my hand Vana White-style along the many shiny red packages.

“I see that. Hmmm, you’ve been busy,” he kneels down beside me.

“Yes, sir. Very busy,” I grin. “How did you manage to sneak away early today?”

“We wrapped up the final scene. Returning tomorrow for a few reshoots, so they called it a day.”

“Well, aren’t I lucky.”

“Hmmm, looks like I’m the lucky one,” he looks towards the gifts with teasing curiosity. Reaching for one, I slap his hand away.

“No touching until Christmas, Alex. I mean it.”

I laugh as he flashes me his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. “You realize that will be two whole weeks of torture, having these on full display, taunting me every day to take a peek.”

“Yup,” I smile conspiratorially.

His playful grin fades after a moment, his beautiful blue eyes lost in thought, and I cock my head in concern. “I feel terrible, I haven’t had much time for Christmas shopping,” he explains.

“Don’t,” I shake my head, reassuring him with a smile. “You’ve been busy trying to wrap up the film. And you can thank me later,” I pause, a gleam in my eyes, my smile widening, “…I’ve already shipped the gifts for your Mom and Dad, Anna and Gerard.”

“I love you,” he cups my jaw in his hand. The adoration radiating from his gaze takes my breath away.
It always will

“I love you too,” I whisper, my good deed humbled in the contrasting brilliance of his. I would do anything for him, big or small, simply out of my love for him. But his bashful gratitude is always an unexpected reward that moves me beyond words.

My smitten heart skips a beat as he leans forward to place a gentle kiss on my lips. I sigh in contentment as he pulls away, a charming boyish smile donning his face.

“Thank you,” his gaze flickers between my eyes. “For believing in me…for believing in
,” he says on a wistful breath, his gaze thoughtful.

“Where did that come from?” I’m intrigued by his change from playful to serious about a subject we’ve seemingly moved past over the last month.

His slow, shy smile pulls my gaze as he rubs his thumb along my jaw. “Must be the sentiment of the season…the holidays,” he shrugs, radiating his boyish charm. “If you weren’t in my life, I would be alone this Christmas…as I have been many times before.”

My heart breaks for the lonely actor in him. He’s spoken many times about how isolating his career can be. Most often away from family and life-long friends as he moves from one role to the next, making acquaintances, forming new relationships that drift apart naturally through passing time, new films, new locations.

“I’m just so thankful that you’re here, with me,” he reaches up to brush a loose strand of hair from my ponytail off my forehead, the pulse in his jaw alluding to his deep thought, before he looks into my eyes. “I’ve been thinking about all we’ve been through. The times we almost lost each other. I know you were scared, and I know I’ve done and said a lot of stupid things…”

“We both have.”

He nods, somewhat reluctantly, wanting to take the blame for both of us. A gentleman to the bitter end. “We’ve had to endure and muddle through a lot of things. But you’re
for me, Aby. I hope you know that.”

I draw in a breath at his words, emotion welling in my eyes as the accuracy of them hit home. He’s right. We could have lost each other. When I left. When he left. Our pull, our connection never letting us go, despite the struggles we were facing. And for that I’m so grateful.

Forcing the tears to remain at bay, I run my fingers along the curve of his jaw, along his lips, “I do know that, Alex. And we
been through a lot, you’re right. But I do believe it’s made us stronger. We can get through anything. You’re my tall bill come true, remember?”

He flashes a smile that I’m delighted to see, its corners quickly twisting into his sexy smirk as he reaches to pull me into his arms. “I
so very much enjoy those prerequisites of yours, Miss Ryan. Prepare to be
, sweetheart. Right. Now,” he whispers in my ear, taking me in a ferocious kiss that metaphorically brings me to my knees.

“DOES THIS LOOK okay?” I turn from the mirror to face Alex, adjusting the grey sash around the waist of my light grey peplum-style dress.

? You’re stunning. And those heels,” he simpers, walking towards me. Reaching me, his hands admire the curves the dress exaggerates. “I’m not sure I want to share you this evening,” his husky whisper is sinful. “For some reason I have the hardest time wrapping my head around leaving the house,” he leans down to kiss my neck.

“Mmmm…yes,” I manage through his teasing onslaught, “I seem to remember the last event we attended started in a similar fashion.”

“Will it
in a similar fashion?” I can feel his smirk against my flesh.

“Alex,” I bite my lip, the visual of riding him in his ostentatious car squeezing through my core. “Don’t we actually have to
the evening before we discuss how it may or may not end?
,” I swat him away.

He flashes a playful, though ridiculously sexy pout.

“Alex, be serious.”

“Oh, I’m very serious,” he wiggles his brow.

Shaking my head, I try to stifle a laugh. “
, I wasn’t sure what attire was appropriate for a wrap-up party. Am I overdressed?”

Laughing, he gives my bottom a light slap, “You’re perfect, sweetheart. You look exquisite. I’ll have to keep my eye on you all damn night, I’ll be beating the men away.”

“Funny guy,” I push against his chest. “I’m just not used to these types of events yet. They still make me nervous,” I admit shyly, turning back to the mirror for one final look.

Gently running his hands up and down along my bare arms, his gaze finds mine in our reflection. “I know, baby, but you’ll do great. You always do,” he reassures me, bringing a smile to my lips. “You’re so tall in these heels.
,” he drawls, swiping my hair to the side to kiss along my shoulder.

“Alex, you need to stop. You made us late for the last publicity event. It’s
happening again, buster.”

Growling, he turns to make his way to his closet, returning in a white dress shirt, still hanging open.
Damn him
. Whether he’s purposely playing me with this delicious teasing visual or not, I can’t resist taking in the show. I relish in the simple task of the fastening of each button, kicking my inner actress to life in hopes of hiding the pout threatening to emerge as his glorious chest, defined abs, and mouthwatering happy trail disappear. He smiles at me playfully, tucking his shirt into his dark blue jeans.

He looks simply divine. Sex on a stick, in fact…
With the face of an angel.

“See something you like, sweetheart?” his lips curl into that sexy smirk. “Perhaps it’s
who’d like to delay our departure this time. I can undress again if you’d like,” he motions to unbutton his shirt.

I rush towards him, halting the workings of his fingers. “Don’t you dare, Alex,” I laugh at his teasing, wrapping my arms around his waist. “You’re an insatiable devil, Mr. Tate.”

are my angel.”

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