The Perils of Praline (27 page)

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Authors: Marshall Thornton

BOOK: The Perils of Praline
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He was calculating how many months it would take Jason to become a famous film director, when in the distance he heard a motorized buzzing sound. From personal experience, he knew that helicopters flew over Los Angeles practically 24/7. That’s what it must be. Even though the buzzing really sounded more like the special effects from some World War II movie set during the London Blitzkrieg. And the sound was getting closer, the drone growing louder and louder, echoing everywhere.

 Praline had a sudden urge for his mama’s triple fudge brownies (without her special ingredient, of course) or a banana milkshake or a slice of white chocolate chip cheesecake. Anxiously, he nudged Jason, who had drifted off.


“Helicopter or airplane?” Praline asked.

Jason bolted upright. “Airplane.”

Now the sound of the plane’s engine was growing louder and everything in the apartment began to shake. Jason grabbed Praline
screaming, “RUN!”

The two young men ran naked into the courtyard just as a Cessna 337 Super Skymaster began an unscheduled descent directly into the roof of Jason’s apartment. They jumped into the p
, sinking into the deep end safely away from the explosion flash
above them. Floating in the water, our invariably lucky heroes shared a surprised look and then reached for each other.

And so we leave Praline and Jason in their watery embrace as they embark on the most perilous journey of all, love.

About the author

Marshall Thornton earned an MFA in screenwriting from UCLA where he won the Carl David Memorial Fellowship for his romantic-comedy,
Husband Material
and received an Honorble Mention in the Samuel Goldwyn competition for his script,
The Job
. In addition to winning numerous screenwriting awards, Marshall has published in literary magazines and had plays produced in both Chicago and Los Angeles. Currently, he writes the
Nick Nowak Mystery Series
set in Chicago during the early eighties, and will be publishing two suspense novels in the next year. 

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the trevor project

The Trevor Project operates the only nationwide, around-the-clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. Every day, The Trevor Project saves lives though its free and confidential helpline, its website and its educational services. If you or a friend are feeling lost or alone call The Trevor Helpline. If you or a friend are feeling lost, alone, confused or in crisis, please call The Trevor Helpline. You’ll be able to speak confidentially with a trained counselor 24/7.

 The Trevor Helpline: 866-488-7386

On the Web:


the gay men’s domestic violence project

Founded in 1994, The Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project is a grassroots, non-profit organization founded by a gay male survivor of domestic violence and developed through the strength, contributions and participation of the community. The Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project supports victims and survivors through education, advocacy and direct services. Understanding that the serious public health issue of domestic violence is not gender specific, we serve men in relationships with men, regardless of how they identify, and stand ready to assist them in navigating through abusive relationships.

GMDVP Helpline: 800.832.1901

On the Web:


the gay & lesbian alliance against defamation/glaad en español

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (
) is dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representation of people and events in the media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

On the Web:       

en español:                   


servicemembers legal defense network

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, legal services, watchdog and policy organization dedicated to ending discrimination against and harassment of military personnel affected by "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (
provides free, confidential legal services to all those impacted by
and related discrimination. Since 1993, its inhouse legal team has responded to more than 9,000 requests for assistance. In Congress, it leads the fight to repeal
and replace it with a law that ensures equal treatment for every servicemember, regardless of sexual orientation. In the courts, it works to challenge the constitutionality of

                                      Call: (202) 328-3244

PO Box 65301                          or (202) 328-FAIR        

Washington DC  20035-5301   e-mail: [email protected]

On the Web:


the glbt national help center

National Help Center
is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that is dedicated to meeting the needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and those questioning their sexual orientation and gender identity.
It is
an outgrowth of the Gay & Lesbian National Hotline, which began in 1996 and now is a primary program of
National Help Center
. It offers several different programs including two national hotlines that help members of the
community talk about the important issues that they are facing in their lives.  It helps end the isolation that many people feel, by providing a safe environment on the phone or via the internet to discuss issues that people can’t talk about anywhere else. 
National Help Center
also helps other organizations build the infrastructure they need to provide strong support to our community at the local level.

National Hotline
1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)

Youth Talkline
1-800-246-PRIDE (1-800-246-7743)

On the Web:

[email protected]



If you’re a GLBT and questioning student heading off to university, should know that there are resources on campus for you. Here’s just a sample:




GLBT Scholarship Resources                   

Syracuse University                                  

Texas A&M                                            

Tulane University                                     

University of Alaska                                 

University of California, Davis                  

University of California, San Francisco      

University of Colorado                            

University of Florida                                

University of Hawai
i, Mānoa                   

University of Utah                                   

University of Virginia                               

Vanderbilt University                               


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