Read The Pirate's Wish Online

Authors: Cassandra Rose Clarke

Tags: #assassins, #magic, #pirates, #curses, #ships, #high fantasy, #epic fantasy, #fantasy, #deserts, #Romance, #Young Adult, #Adventure

The Pirate's Wish (29 page)

BOOK: The Pirate's Wish
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“Sure as anything,” I said.

Marjani frowned. She’d been in good spirits when we started out, but now that we were out on the open sea she was constantly gazing off to the east. Off to Jokja.

“Does Naji know anything?” she asked.

I shrugged.

“Go ask him.”

“He probably ain’t well–”

“Go ask him.” She gripped the wheel a little more tightly. “I trust him more than I trust that map of yours.”

I couldn’t much blame her for that, seeing as how the map had been given to us by a bird. I left her to her steering and made my way down to the captain’s quarters, where Naji was laid up recovering from my swinging around the rigging. I knocked but didn’t bother to wait for an answer, and when I walked in he was stretched on the bed, his hands folded over his chest.

“Marjani wants to know if we’re going the right way,” I said.

He turned his head to look at me, his hair falling across his face.

“Are you navigating?”

“Course I am.”

“Then of course we’re going the right direction.”

I scowled at him, though inside my whole heart lit up like a bonfire. “Yeah, but we ain’t sailing to land. Some tiny spot in the middle of the ocean… that ain’t easy to get to. You know she’s talking about using magic.”

“I know what she’s talking about.” Naji sat up and patted the bed beside him. I stared at him for a few seconds.

“I want you to sit beside me,” he said.

“What for?”

He laughed, one of those short sharp Naji laughs. “We aren’t lost,” he said. “I’ve gone to Kajjil, to follow our path on the underside of the world. We’re quite fine.”

I blinked at him, confused.

“My trances,” he said.


“It’s how we learn things in the Order. Come, sit.”

I sighed and sank down on the mattress beside him. He put his hand on my knee. I glanced at him and he flicked his head away real fast. The air crackled with something like magic.

He kissed me. I was starting to get used to his kisses, but this one went on longer than usual, and his hands trailed down over my shoulders, and tugged on my shirt, tugging it up over my shoulders.

“Oh,” I said, pulling away from him, flustered and embarrassed, sure he would take one look at me and call the whole thing off.

“Are you on shift?” he asked. “You said you had taken the mornings–”

“Yeah,” I muttered. “I was helping Marjani out some, but it wasn’t my official time–”

He kissed me again.

We sank down to the bed. I wrapped my arms over my stomach, afraid
would be the moment that he left. But he didn’t leave. He slipped out of his own clothes, and his tattoos were flat and dark against his skin, tracing all over his chest and down to the tops of his thighs. The scar from the spell fallout was red and new-looking, not like the scar on his face.

He climbed into the bed with me. I couldn’t believe it was going to happen, but when I let myself peek at his thoughts I felt only this hot red flush, and I knew he wanted me.

He kissed me all over, on my neck and my jawline and my shoulders. He touched me in that certain way and I felt him everywhere, the movement of his body and the warmth of his breath. It hadn’t felt like this the other times I’d been with someone. I hardly felt anything before; now, all I had was feeling.

Naji buried his head in my shoulder, his breath hot on my skin, and dug his fingers into the blankets. Afterwards, he kissed me long and deep and rolled over onto his back.

My chest filled with this warm honeyed feeling. And I knew it wasn’t gonna go away. I could feel his thoughts bumping up against mine, telling me it was for real, it had always been for real.

I kissed along his chest and asked him what we were looking for. I figured he’d know from his trances.

“Sentries,” he said.

“You just got that out of the letter.”

“Well, of course, that’s what I’m working off here.”

I rolled on top of him, pinning him to the cot. He gazed up at me. “I thought you saw them in Kajjil,” I said. “Or the seabird. Or something.”

“I saw the albatross when I was under,” he said. “It didn’t speak to me. And Kajjil doesn’t work that way. I don’t see people. I track them.”

I sighed. “I still think it’s a trap.”

Naji pulled me down and kissed me, his hand running up and down my spine.

“Stop it.” I pushed away from him. He frowned. “You’re distracting me!” I said. “Marjani’s probably pissed enough right now–”

“Do you really care?”

I glared at him. He knew I did, although not enough to leave. My thoughts were spilling out of me.

“We’re just gonna sail around in circles till the crew has the doldrums and we’ve eaten up all the food and then the Mists is gonna

“It’s not the Mists,” Naji said. “I know that for certain.”

I looked at him long and hard. He was telling the truth. Or what he thought was the truth.

“Who posts sentries in the middle of the ocean?” I asked.

“Someone who lives in the middle of the ocean,” Naji said, and he drew me close to him and kissed me again. This time I let him.



Next morning, I was up at the helm, guiding the
through those smooth glassy waters. I’m not crazy about steering on the best of days, and that morning I was tired and distracted with thoughts of Naji. Plus the morning sun was hot and bright in my eyes. All I wanted was to be down below, my clothes in a heap on the floor, Naji’s mouth at the base of my throat.

Old Sorley came bounding up to the helm with his hat in his hands.

“The hell do you want?” It came out a lot gruffer than I meant.

“Madam First Mate,” he stuttered, looking down at his feet. He’d been some kind of servant before he got nicked off the street and forced onto an Empire boat. “You told us to come to you if we saw anything odd.”

I tensed my hands around the helm but kept my eyes straight ahead. “Yeah? You see something weird?”

“Yes, madam.”

A pause.

“Well, what is it?”

“It’s… well, it’s probably nothing…”

I glowered at him.

“Sharks!” he squeaked. “It’s sharks!”

“Sharks?” I squinted out at the horizon, light flashing up into my eyes. “Don’t let anybody fall into the water, it’ll be fine. Not like we’re in danger of sinking.”

“No, you don’t understand…” He crushed his hat into a tight little ball between his hands. “They ain’t normal sharks. I can’t… it’s a bit hard to describe, madam, I’m sorry–”

I felt bad for him. “Show me.”

He nodded. I called off for Jeric yi Niru to take the helm. He came over no questions asked, the way he usually did these days, though he gave me one of his insolent little nods. Some habits you just can’t break.

I followed Sorley across the deck to the port side. Sunlight was everywhere, bright and glittering.

“There,” Sorley said, pointing with his crumpled up hat.

I didn’t have the words for it.

There were sharks, to be sure. About sixteen of ’em, lined up four by four, swimming alongside us without breaking formation.

And they were wearing
: vests made of seashells, all strung together so that they looked like scaled Empire armor. The sharks skimmed across the water, tails switching back and forth in time.

“What the hell?” I said, cause what else do you say? Then I turned to Sorley: “Go get the captain.” I thought for a moment, then added, “And Naji.”

He didn’t hear me, though. He was leaning over the railing, waving that stupid hat around. “Hey!” he called out. “I brought her! The first mate! Captain’s not on duty.”

“What are you doing?” I grabbed at him. He ignored me. I glanced over my shoulder – a bunch of the crewmen had gathered behind us. They were all spooked.

“The hell’s going on?!” I shouted. “One of you, go get the captain.” Nobody moved. “Now!”

They scattered, as though “one of you” meant “all of you”. When I turned back to the railing, Sorley was staring at me, and down in the water, one of the sharks had broken formation.

“Pardon me!” the shark called out. “But does this boat bear Naji of the Jadorr’a?”

I screamed. Kaol help me, but I screamed liked I’d just been sliced through with a damned Qilari blade. The shark dipped its head in the water and splashed around foam.

“A thousand apologies, my dear, I didn’t mean to frighten you–”

“Why are you
?” I screamed. I turned to Sorley. “Why didn’t you

He looked cowed. “I didn’t think you’d believe me.”

I took a deep breath. A talking shark. I leaned back over the railing.

“Are you from the Mists?” I asked, watching closely for a spray of smoke or a smear of light.

“No, I’m from the waters,” the shark said. “I am Lorens, member of the eighty seventh Guard Infantry, sentry to the Court of the Waves and sworn protector of the King of Salt and Foam.”

My mouth dropped open a little.

“We were sent here to guide you to the rendezvous point. Assuming you are, in fact, carrying Naji of the Jadorr’a. The young gentleman said you were.” He splashed water in Sorley’s direction.

“Are you gonna kill him?” I asked. “Naji?”

The shark looked affronted. “Madam, never! We are in his
, you must understand–”


I stepped away from the railing and whirled around. Naji came barreling across the deck, Marjani close behind. “What’s wrong?” he asked, putting his hands on my face and pulling me close. For once in their lives the crew didn’t hoot and holler when he did it.

“What’s going on?” Marjani asked.

“Sharks,” I said.

She stared at me like I’d gone mad. “Sharks,” she said. “
have got the crew off the sails?” She frowned. “It’s like they’ve never been at sea before.”

I tried to figure out a way to explain it to her without sounding mad, but I couldn’t. Naji stepped up to the railing. Turned around again.

“They want you,” I said. “They can, uh–”

“They what?”

“This is getting absurd,” Marjani said. “Ananna, just tell me what’s happening.”

“I’m not–”

“Are you Naji of the Jadorr’a?”

It was the shark again, his rough rasp of a voice calling up out of the water. Marjani shrieked and stumbled up against me, one hand on the butt of her pistol. Naji, though, leaned over the railing. “I am!” He sounded unconcerned, like he spoke with sharks all the time.

“We are in your debt,” the shark said.


“What is going
?” Marjani whispered.

“I ain’t got no idea.”

Marjani shoved me toward the railing. The other sharks were all facing us now, their heads bent low into the water. The head shark hadn’t bothered to answer Naji’s question.

“You must come down below!” the shark said.

“Below what?” asked Naji. “The water?”

The shark nodded.

“I’m afraid that isn’t possible, not if you’d also like to speak with me. I won’t be able to breathe–”

“We’ve made arrangements.”

I grabbed Naji’s arm. “Don’t do it,” I whispered. “It’s a trap.”

Naji wrapped his arm around my waist. “May I bring some companions?” he asked.

“What?” I hissed.

“Of course.” The sharks all bowed again, splashing water.

“Are you insane?”

“We shall send the device to the surface shortly,” said the head shark. “You may bring down as many of your crew as you like. In shifts, of course.”

Naji waved his hand. “No need.” He squeezed my waist again. I scowled at him.

The sharks disappeared beneath the water.

“What are you
?” I shouted, smacking him in the chest. “You’re gonna get us both killed!”

“Yes, I agree.” Marjani stepped forward, hand still on the butt of her pistol. “I’d prefer you not get my navigator
, thank you.”

“I’m proving to you – to both of you – how undangerous I think it is,” Naji said. “Ananna, I want you to go with me.”

I peered up at him. He really did think it was safe; I could feel it creeping into my own thoughts. But that didn’t mean I agreed with him.

Naji’s eyes glazed over, like he was thinking. “Something about this,” he said. “It feels… right. Pieces falling into place.”

BOOK: The Pirate's Wish
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