The Plan (7 page)

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Authors: Apryl Summers

BOOK: The Plan
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Janine removed a picture ID badge from her
leopard-print handbag, slid her card downward on the keypad and the electric
gate opened. She placed her badge back into her purse, looked at me and said,

No badge
, no
code, no enter.

We drove around the back of the brothel
house and she pulled her Mercedes Benz into a parking spot that had a sign that

for JB.

stared at the sign. It took me a second to figure it out that JB stood for
Janine Brady.


I said, as she put the gearshift in


turned off her car and removed the keys.

We don

t use
our full name,


we use Cat Tails, or


for short. So, to a client, I am Janine
Cat Tails. You would be Kelly Cat Tails. Pretty cool, yeah?

We got out of the car and went to the back
door, and Janine pressed a button on a black square box, positioned on the
outside wall. A voice answered,



JB dash 6231.

bolt automatically unlatched the door and we went in.

woman standing in the hallway took one look at me and said,

Who the hell is she?



The Agreement

front of me stood a 5


red headed woman, wearing a tightly fitted
pink mini-skirt and a cut-away blouse that exposed a fair amount of cleavage. A
designer chandelier necklace
, dangled in between her
buxom breasts, gently rocking from one of the other.

She looked stunning, beautiful and sassy.

This must be Elaine.

She certainly didn

t look like she worked at the brothel; her
outfit, as skimpy as it was, and her accessories probably cost more than they
made in a year.

Elaine, this is Kelly, she

with me,


wanted to introduce her to you. She just relocated from New York City and she

s looking for a job.

I stood motionless, feeling very
intimidated. She was menacing, imposing

downright terrifying.

Elaine took two steps towards me to check
me out. Then she asked Janine,

she have references?

I knew that I had to appear confident, but
not cocky, so I spoke up,

kind of references?

Before Madam Elaine had a chance to
respond, Janine interrupted,

after last night, at my place, Thomas and I can give her references.



she any good?



s go into my office,

Madam Elaine said, walking away.

Janine took the lead and then stopped when
Elaine turned around and said,


I followed Elaine down the hallway to the
final door on the right. I stepped into her elegantly decorated office,
complete with animal statues and a zebra rug that covered half the floor. The
walls lined with signed and framed photographs of famous actors, sport-figures
and high-profile businesspersons standing with Elaine.

She walked to her desk, spun around and
sat on the edge.



I walked to the leather chairs and


she repeated.

My God, what

s she want to do, make out?

I moved closer until I was about three
feet away.

off your dress,


I slid my straps off each shoulder and
removed my dress, at which point she asked me to remove my bra and panties. I
stood before her nearly naked, wearing nothing but my stilettos. She stepped
forward, placed one hand on each breast and gently squeezed them, before

they real?



I replied.



I turned around and she said,

Bend over and place your hands on the arms
of the chair. Spread your legs.

I felt like I was back in eighth grade
getting a physical examination from the school nurse. She rubbed her hands on
my buttocks and said,

no tan lines, that

s a nice touch.

The air conditioner was turned up high in
her office, raising the hairs on the back of my arms and stiffening my nipples.
My nipples stood to attention, as if ready for their physical examine. She
looked at my crotch, pointed and said,

You might want to consider shaving that
little patch, if you want to work here. It is not a requirement, but men tip
better for a shaved pussy.


ll do it tonight,

I said.

She gave me one final glance and then told
me to get dressed, which I did quickly and without looking at her. Fully
clothed, I sat in the leather chair as she asked me questions about myself.

for coming on strong in the hallway, I like to know who is in my home.

I understand,



re from New York City?



me Elaine,


She asked me questions about my work
history and my family

did I
have any allergies, why did I move to Las Vegas, had I ever worked in a strip
club, did I take drugs and how much alcohol did I consume? I was trying to
decide what part of my

West life

would include. I knew I couldn

tell her my
reason for being in Vegas, but whatever I said, I
needed to be sure to keep my story straight so I wouldn

t draw unwanted attention later.

I gave as little information as possible,
telling her about my parents

accident and that after their death that my sister raised me until I went to
college. I left out the part about Penny. How could I explain her suicide was a
murder and that Harvey Goldman, one of her best clients, was a prime suspect?

After a brief question and answer session,
Elaine gave me an application form. Before she stepped out of her office and I
completed the application, she informed me that I had to agree to a blood test
and a background check. She assured me it was all a formality, nothing personal
and nothing to worry about, but necessary nevertheless.

Mr. Watkins and Alex helped me with
getting more than just a new name

got me a new identity. Alex knew someone at the Federal Bureau of Investigation
in the statistical department, he created a background that included a credit
history, bank records, credit card statements and work history, all in the name
of Kelly Lee.

Ten minutes later,
Madam Elaine
to the office and sat in her chair. I gave her my application. She gave it a
quick once-over and then, without looking at me, said,

Janine had nothing but good things to say
about you.


s been very helpful and supportive.

Elaine smiled. She looked up into my eyes
and said,

guess Thomas has positive things to say about you, as well.

I lowered my head, placed my right hand on
my chin, smiled, looked back up, and stared right back into Madam Elaine

s eyes.

He should. I was able to make him cum
twice in five minutes.

knew I was taking a risk, but I had to do something to show I was

She told me the procedure, where to go for
my blood tests, how many days it would take for the results, the background
check and the reference calls. Elaine told me she would be very discreet and
that no one would know I was working as an escort; to all appearances I would
be a waitress at a Bar and Lounge.

It would take a few days before she would
get back to me. I was anxious to get started. The first thing I needed to do
was call Alex and Mr. Watkins. Not only didn

t they know I put them down as references,
but they had no clue I was in Las Vegas. I didn

t want them to stop me so I told them I
was going to visit my Aunt Debbie in upstate New York.


Janine dropped me off a few blocks from my
hotel. I told her I wanted to do some shopping and that I would catch a cab to
her place when I was through. I immediately called Alex and then Mr. Watkins.
Alex was not happy at all. He warned me that it was too dangerous and that
Harvey Goldman was an evil man.

need to be careful,

said. He gave me a name of a P.I in Vegas and told me to mention his name. He
would be able to follow me and make sure I was safe. I promised Alex I would be
cautious and give him an update as soon as I made contact with Harvey.

My next call was to the PI. His name was
Rick Morgan, a former Nevada State Trooper turned Private Investigator. He met
me in the hotel lobby about an hour after I called him. I paid him $2,000 in
cash to watch my back for the next two weeks and, if I still needed him, I
would pay him $1,000 a week and an additional $1,000 for weekends. He refused
to accept that much money, especially in cash, but I insisted and told him that
Alex spoke highly of him and that I needed his help. He assured me that he
would not let me down.

Later that afternoon I went to a health
clinic and got my blood work. I hate needles and have always been terrified of
them. Just the thought of them makes me sick to my stomach. The phlebotomist
gave me a cookie because my face turned sheet-white.

I returned to my hotel, called Janine and
told her I was looking at an apartment and would stop by later. A couple of
hours later I called her again and told her I found a furnished apartment and
would call by the next day to get my stuff. I really did not need any of the
items I had left at her flat, but I had to do it to keep my cover intact.


I arrived at the brothel in my new car. I
was trying to figure out how to explain it, but Elaine never mentioned it,
neither did I. I went into her office, wondering if I was going to be strip
searched again. Elaine informed me that the blood work was good and that my
references checked out positively.

when do you want to start?


I looked at my watch,

Give me two hours and I will be here,
ready to do whatever you need.

like your zeal,


kind of remind me of myself. However, before you begin, I want to go over a few
things with you. First, you

need to sign an employee contract, an NDA, a confidentiality release form that
protects our clients and then I have what I call

The Agreement.

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