The Playboy's Fugitive Bride (15 page)

BOOK: The Playboy's Fugitive Bride
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“Gabrielle wasn’t right for me.”

Right or not, it didn’t give him the right to cheat on her.  “Well, neither am I.  I told you I wasn’t harboring any romantic notions about you.  That hasn’t changed,” Nia said, almost choking on the big fat lie as it fell from her lips.

He placed his hand under her chin and raised her face.  “I’m not talking romance, either.  A marriage between us will be purely business.  If you agree to become my wife and give me an heir, I promise to take care of you, Nia.  I will respect you, protect you, and treat you well.  You’ll live like a queen.”

He dropped his hand from her chin and pulled his ringing cell from his jacket pocket.  “Excuse me for one moment.”  He walked to the other side of the room.

A dull ache settled in the pit of Nia stomach as she gazed at the powerful man who’d just told the world they were getting married.  She’d imagined this moment when the man of her dreams would ask her to be his bride, bear his children, and spend the rest of her life with him.

Although this was not the way she’d expected a proposal to take place, it was the most tempting offer she would ever have.  Becoming Mrs. Massimo Andretti was no trifling accomplishment.  Millions of women would be kissing his feet just for offering them the chance to bear his name.  She was not one of them.

Besides, there were too many obstacles standing between her and Massimo walking off into marital bliss and happily ever after.  They lived in separate worlds, traveled in different circles.  There was no love between them and, foremost of all, she could not betray her father’s memory by marrying the man who was responsible for his death.

And even if she could love Massimo past that monumental fact, his track record with women was enough to give her pause.  At some point, men like Massimo got tired of their women, be it mistress or wife, and went in search of new adventures.  Marriage to him was purely a business contract that could be rendered null and void at any time.  To her, it was a love commitment between a man and a woman.  When she committed herself to her husband, it would be for love, and it would be forever.

Love and forever were two things Massimo Andretti could not offer her. 

But he could offer Aaron security and a promising future.

Nia raised her hand and gazed at the diamond bracelet on her wrist.  She ran her fingers along the necklace around her throat and the dangling earrings in her lobes.  The set probably cost more than Aaron’s tuition at MIT.  She thought of her new car and new wardrobe and of the Andretti mansion she would call home if she married Massimo.

Aaron would have access to opportunities and luxuries she could never provide in a million years, and definitely not with a million dollars that would be eaten up by the time she paid off her debts, her college loans, and helped Aaron get through college.

For many years following their father’s death, they’d gone hungry, had been cold in the winter and hot in the summer.  They had slept on bare floors, and lived without electricity and running water while she tried to support them on various menial minimum wage jobs.

Marrying Massimo would be like winning the lottery.

He said she would live like a queen.  He’d promised to respect her, protect her, and even now as her body tingled from the memory of his passionate kisses and the possessive way his skillful hands brought her body to life, the fact that he never promised to love her or be faithful to her caused a raw and primitive longing in her soul.

“The vultures are gone.  It’s safe to leave.”

Nia turned at his voice.  She watched him slip his cell into his pocket, pull her shawl from the back of the chair and her purse from the table where she’d tossed them less than an hour ago.  He walked over to her, pressed her purse into her hand, and methodically slipped her shawl over her shoulders as if he’d performed the actions a thousand times before.  Without uttering a word, he opened a door at the back of the room, led her along a corridor, down a short flight of stairs, and into the waiting limo parked under an enclosed porch.

“Where are we going?” Nia asked in a panic.  Surely he wouldn’t force her to attend that function now, not after that public fiasco and surely not in a wine-stained dress.

“Home.  Your dress is ruined, and quite frankly I’ve had enough chaos for one night.  I’d like a warm quiet place to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening, and you.”

As they drove away, Nia’s mind fluttered away in anxiety.  The night was young and the more time she spent with Massimo, the weaker her defenses became.  And she was sure he had plans to seduce her tonight.  Being cooped up alone in the mansion with him was not a good thing.  “You can attend your event, you know,” she said.  “I can take care of myself for the evening.”

He chuckled softly.  “Not a chance, pussycat.  We have unfinished business.  If I can’t convince you to marry me for my money, I’ll have to convince you to marry me for sex.  Since you’re not drunk tonight, you will be acutely aware of what my hands and mouth will be doing to you.

Nia pulled her shawl tighter around her and huddled against the door of the limo.  If he thought they were sleeping in the same bed tonight, he could think again.  She would sleep with Azi if that’s what she had to do to keep Massimo away from her.  She did not trust herself to be near him.  She wasn’t strong enough to fight this wanton need he’d spawned inside her.

He’d promised he wouldn’t take her before the week was up, except if she asked him to.  Nia knew if he touched her tonight, she would beg him to go the distance.

“You must be famished.”

Why was it whenever she was thinking about making love with him, he brought up the subject of food?  She was aware of the old saying that the two things that kept a man truly satisfied were good food and good sex.  Massimo had had access to both all his life.  And it seemed he was determined to continue nurturing his cravings for food and sex with Azi in his kitchen and Nia in his bed.

“I’m just tired,” she said, realizing that it was true.  She’d had a full day.

“I’ll have Azi prepare us something.”

Nia’s stomach growled with hunger as he discussed dinner with Azi in what she suspected was Swahili.  She was starving.  She hadn’t eaten since noon, and she’d been looking forward to gorging herself on Andreas’ cuisine at the gala.  But there was no way she was going to sit down at any table and have dinner with Massimo.

Massimo would be eating alone, tonight.  He would be sleeping alone, too.

As soon as they entered the mansion, Nia made a dash down the hall, but Massimo caught up with her before she could make her escape.

“Something smells wonderful,” he said as he removed her shawl and dropped in on a lounge in the hallway.

“Everything Azi cooks smells wonderful,” she responded, distraught that she would probably go to bed hungry.  The smell from the kitchen deepened her hunger pangs.

Massimo shrugged out of his jacket, ripped off his bow tie and dropped them next to the shawl.  His eyes scanned her face.  “How do you like the diamonds?”

Nia fingered the jewels at her throat.  “They’re lovely.  I’ve never worn anything this... extravagant.”

“Get used to it,
.  I plan to shower you with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and whatever else your little heart desires.”

The things he thought made a woman happy. 
The only things she desired from him were her two million dollars and her freedom. 

“All you have to do is say yes to marrying me.”  His mercurial eyes twinkled in the lights from the alabaster lamps on the walls.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and caressed her neck with the pads of his thumbs, sending a series of electrical shocks through her.  “We make a beautiful couple,
.  We’ll make a beautiful son.  Don’t you think?”  His voice was barely a whisper.

He gazed into her eyes as he slowly loosened her hair from its bun.  The black tresses fell like a heavy curtain down her back.  He drew her closer, and held her fast with one hand at the small of her back, the other under her chin, his long fingers spanning the scope of her face.  He bent his knees and crouched down.  His warm breath fanned her cheeks.  Her heart jack-knifed in her throat when she felt his heavy arousal pressing against her belly.  He slowly lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers.

“Marry me, Nia,” he rasped in a husky voice.  “Make love with me tonight.  Let me show you how incredible it can be between us.  Let me put out the fire I know is burning inside you,
.  It’s the same fire that’s eating me alive.  Let’s ride the flame together.”

Nia’s breath came out in hard harsh gasps.  She felt her breasts swelling and her nipples tingling.  She wondered how her throat could be so dry when her panties were so wet.  She fought the desire to stand on tiptoe and bring her hot sex in alignment with Massimo’s erection burning a hole in her belly.

In an attempt to moisturize her dry lips, her tongue grazed Massimo’s mouth that hovered just inches from hers.  She felt him tremble on a groan at the unexpected caress.  Their gazes tangled and lust sizzled between them as his other arm circled her, drawing her into his body.  A moan escaped her lips as her mind and her body began a heated squabble.

“Let’s mate, pussycat.”  He licked one corner of her mouth with long wet strokes—much like the way a jungle cat would lick its mate.  His tongue was hot and strong and smooth.

Nia felt like she would burst out of her skin if she didn’t…

Snap out of it, girl.  You know what he’s doing.  You can’t give in.

Nia closed her eyes and called on the few rational nerves in her body that hadn’t yet fallen victim to Massimo’s seduction.

.  “No!”  She pulled completely free and took a step back from him.  “Not... not here,” she said, pressing her hand to her racing heart and glancing up and down the hallway. 
Not anywhere.

The sensuous flame lingered in his eyes.  His lips parted on a smile.  “Right.  Let’s take it to the bedroom.”  He glanced down at the red stain on her dress.  “Pity, such a lovely dress.  Why don’t you go on upstairs and put on something more comfortable.  I’ll go see what Azi has prepared and bring it up.  I know from experience that it’s not good to make love on an empty stomach.”

Nia didn’t need to be told twice.  It was the chance she’d been praying for in the car.  She’d be a fool not to take it.  As Massimo went in the direction of the kitchen, she raced the other way like a rocket, and into the elevator.  On the master suite, she flew through the living room, grateful that Jabari was gone.  She didn’t need to deal with an unpredictable cat as well as his tenacious master.

Once she got to the bedroom, Nia closed and locked the door then leaned against it, taking deep gulps of air into her desperate lungs.  It wasn’t long before the gold lever rattled.  She stepped away and stared at it.  Angst spurted through her when it rattled again.

“Nia,” Massimo called from the opposite side.  “Why is the door locked?”

A few silent moments expired.  Then the heavy oak door shook as he threw his weight against it.  She heard him swear, probably more from anger than pain. 

“Nia, open this door, right now, or I’ll be forced to break it down.”

“I doubt that.  It’s about six inches thick.  Not even you are that strong, Massimo.”  Nia backed further into the bedroom, just in case she was mistaken about his strength. 

He lunged at the door again.  This time he swore in a foreign tongue. 

“You should stop before you hurt yourself.” 

“If I do, would you come out and kiss my bruises?”

“I’m not falling for that, Massimo.”

“Azi prepared some delicious roasted chicken.  I know how much you enjoy her cooking.”

Nia pressed her hands against her stomach as another series of hunger pangs ripped through her.  Just like him to use her weakness against her.  She wished she’d remembered to grab a snack from the kitchenette.  “That’s not going to work, either,” she said.  “We’re not sharing a bed tonight.  Get that through your thick skull.”

“Damn it, Nia!”  His fist resounded against the wood.  “You’re locking me out of my own bedroom.  Where am I supposed to sleep?”

Nia huffed.  “It’s a big house, Massimo.  Pick another room.”

“You will pay for this, pussycat.  I promise you.”

Whatever punishment he was planning for her, it couldn’t be worse than having to spend the night in his bed with his hands and mouth doing lewd things to her buck-naked body.  Nia held her breath, waiting for more protests from him.  When she heard his footsteps moving away from the door, she let it out, raced up the steps, and threw herself on the mattress.

She’d won the battle tonight, but the war was far from over.

Tomorrow would bring another round of challenges.






“The package you’ve been waiting for just arrived, Mr. Andretti.” 

Massimo glanced up from his computer screen as his executive assistant, an attractive brunette, walked over to his desk and handed him a large white envelope.

“Thank you, April.”  He winced as he took it from her.  “What time is Mr. Lynd expected to be out of court?” he enquired of his attorney who was supposed to have delivered the papers in person.

“At around three o’clock.”

“What about Mr. Dawson, have you been able to locate him yet?”

“Not yet.  All I’ve been told is that he’s away on an assignment and they’re not sure when he will be available.”

“Thanks, April.  That will be all for now.”

Massimo’s brows furrowed as he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms.

Yesterday, while Nia was busy picking out her new wardrobe at the boutique, he’d called April and had her fax the Norwood file to Paul.  Massimo was in the middle of his satellite conference when Paul left a message on his voicemail that he’d already discovered some pertinent information about Shaina Norwood, one of the members of the family Massimo had been looking for.  Dawson thought he might have found her and promised to call Massimo with the details later that day.

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