The Playboy's Princess (18 page)

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Authors: Joy Fulcher

BOOK: The Playboy's Princess
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“Thanks for a fun night, Drew. I had a good time.”

He smiled and turned to face her. Jade unbuckled her seat belt and opened the car door, letting him know that a kiss was not in the cards.

“Would you like me to walk you to your door?” he asked.

“That’s not necessary.”

“Well, as my mother so proudly professed the other night, I’m a gentleman.”

He climbed out of the car and met Jade at the sidewalk. They walked to the building, both with their hands swinging at their sides. Jade felt as if her hand was tingling, fighting to reach out for his, but she put it in the pocket of her jeans instead.

She waited at the building’s door, but Drew made no turn to leave. He must have meant he wanted to walk her to her apartment. Jade unlocked the door, and they walked up the stairs together. With each step, the tension built. It was as if the conversation they’d had before they went to the park had been forgotten. She could tell that Drew was going to kiss her.

“We’ll have to schedule another date soon. Keep the momentum going,” she said, jingling her keys nervously in her hand as they climbed to the second level.

“How about breakfast?”

“I can’t. I’m working tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay. Well, I’ll call you tomorrow.” He sounded disappointed.

They reached Jade’s door, and she turned her back on him, fumbling to put her keys in the lock. Drew had other ideas. His hands sat on her waist and twisted her so her back was against the door.

“Ariel, I had a great time with you tonight.” His voice was husky as his eyes darted between hers and her lips.

“Me…me too.”

He hummed his approval and pushed his body flush against hers.

“Don’t you think
feels like a good end to the night?” His hips nudged against hers, making her suck in a breath.


He didn’t let her finish her sentence. His mouth was on hers, moving hungrily. He tasted like midnight and popcorn. It would be so easy for her to succumb to him, to invite him inside and lose herself in him. She wanted it. But he wasn’t hers to have. At least, not in the way she wanted.

She mustered all her resolve and pushed on his chest, trying to get him to break away. He resisted for a second, but then he conceded to her wishes and stepped back.

“You’re really firm on the rules, aren’t you? There’s no room for fun.”

“I’m sorry. It just has to stay professional.”

He nodded his head and took another step away from her.

“Your wish is my command. But, if you change your mind, I’m up for a little fun with you.”

“That’s not going to happen, Drew. I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. You’re not doing anything wrong. It’s isn’t a crime to not be attracted to me.”

She felt terrible. She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings. “This isn’t anything about attraction.”

“So, you think I’m sexy.” He grinned and gave her a wink. “I knew it.”

She smiled. Playful Drew was back.

Chapter Eleven

Lies and Tiaras

feeling hot and bothered. That Ariel was just too sexy for her own good. And the hard-to-get act was driving him crazy. He’d never desired anyone so much in his entire life. The fact that he couldn’t have her just made him want her all the more.

He pulled in his driveway and turned off the car. As he walked up to the front door, his mind on Jade’s green eyes, he saw a person hiding in the bushes.

“Who’s there?”

“It’s me.” Tully stepped out, looking disheveled.

“Tulls, what are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to see you. Can I come in?”

He looked up at his parents’ bedroom window. The light was off.

“All right, but be quiet. Don’t wake the parents.”

He led her up to his bedroom, guiding her as she wobbled on the stairs. Drew wasn’t surprised to see she was drunk—again.

He closed the bedroom door as quietly as he could and turned to see Tully lying on his bed, her already short skirt riding up her thighs. She didn’t appear to be doing anything to hide her panties.

“What are you doing here?” he whispered.

“I just wanted to see you. We haven’t hung out in ages.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“So I’ve seen. With a redhead.”

“My fiancée,” he reminded her.

“Come now, Drew. We both know that’s not going to last.”

“That’s none of your concern, Tulls.”

“You’re not in love with her. I can tell.”

“Just drop it. I’m getting married. Nothing you say is going to change that.”

She wiggled her body and spread her legs wide, giving him a full view between her thighs.

“Fine. But is there something I can

Drew let out a long breath. His cock jumped in his pants at the sight before him. He was a guy, and seeing a girl splayed in his bed had an obvious effect on him. But his heart wasn’t craving the blonde. Drew was about to tell Tully, not too kindly, to get out of his house, but what was the point?

Ariel had made it very clear she wasn’t interested in him. There was no way he’d be able to stay celibate for a year, and she’d agreed they could have one-night stands. Hell, for all he knew, she had a fuck buddy of her own. The idea upset him more than it should have.

So, instead of kicking Tully out of his bed, he went to her. As he lay over her and removed her clothing, he didn’t see her blond hair; he saw red. As he thrust inside her, he didn’t see blue eyes looking up at him; he saw green. And when he released, in a shudder of pleasure, he breathed Jade’s name into the night.

Drew awoke late in a tangle of limbs. His phone was ringing, and he threw Tully’s arm off his chest so he could lean off the bed and dig through his pocket.


“Hey. I just thought I’d call you on my break to see how you are.”

“Ariel!” He glanced at Tully to make sure she was still sleeping and then ducked into his bathroom. “How are you?”

“I feel bad. I’m sorry about how I handled last night. I just wanted to make sure that we’re okay.”

Drew ran his hand over his face and scratched through his hair.

“We’re great. No harm done. I pushed the boundaries. It’s my fault if things are awkward.”

“Good. I mean…no awkwardness on my part.” It sounded like she was smiling, and he pictured her pretty face in his mind. “Your mother called me earlier this morning. Did she tell you?”

“No. I haven’t seen her yet. What did she want?”

“She invited me over for dinner tonight to talk about the wedding. I said I could come. That’s all right with you, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, sure. Sounds good.”

“Great. I’ll be over after work, then.”

“Hey, Ariel, bring your shell bra.”

She hung up on him, and he laughed, heading back to his bedroom. His stomach plummeted when he saw Tully still in his bed, and he groaned.

“Hey, Tulls. Rise and shine, time to go.”

“What?” She rolled over and pulled a pillow over her head.

“Up!” Drew grabbed the blanket and yanked it off the bed, leaving a naked Tully curled up on the mattress.

She threw the pillow off and smiled at him seductively. “If you’re going to expose me, you might as well enjoy the view.”

She held her arms out, inviting him into her embrace. Drew considered it for a moment, but Jade’s voice was still ringing in his head, and touching Tully was the last thing he wanted to do.

“I’ve got a busy day. You should go home,” he said, trying to keep his voice flat so she took the hint.

She frowned. “I’ll come by later tonight, then. We can pick up where we left off.”

“No. Jade’s coming over tonight to spend some time with my parents. You’re not welcome, Tully.”

“Jade? But last night—”

“Last night nothing. I’m
. That hasn’t changed.”

Drew felt like a dog. Technically he hadn’t cheated on Jade. He was still a single guy, but he had to pretend that he’d just cheated.

Tully gathered her clothes and started getting dressed with a sour expression.

“What happened last night is our secret, Tulls. You can’t say a word.”

“And if I do?” she spat.

“Our friendship will be over.”

“If I did tell, your engagement would be over, and I wouldn’t have any competition.”

Drew panicked. She was calling his bluff.

“Look, you know me well enough to know that I’ve never been a one-woman guy. There might, on occasion, be times when I’ll want some female attention from someone other than Jade. If you want that to be you, you’ll keep your mouth shut.”

Drew hated himself. Not only was he condoning cheating, something he’d never done—it was one of the reasons he didn’t have relationships. He couldn’t cheat if he wasn’t committed to anyone—but he was lying to a friend he’d had for years. The sick feeling in his stomach grew worse.

“So, you want me to be your dirty little mistress?” Tully pouted her lips.

“Something like that.”

Drew reasoned this was probably the only way to keep Tully’s mouth shut, and the possibility of sex when he needed it was alluring.

“Will you call me later?” she asked as she put her dress back on.

“Of course, Tulls. We’re friends. I’ll probably see you soon.”

That seemed to appease her. She kissed his cheek, and he heard the click-clack of her heels as she made her way down the staircase. When the front door closed, he let out a breath of relief.

He hated that he’d used Tully. It was obvious she cared about him. In truth, he’d thought about dating Tully at one point, but there was something about them that just didn’t match up. She was fun to hang out with and a real party girl, but that wasn’t what he would look for in a partner.

Tully didn’t stay on his mind for long, though. Drew had a busy day ahead of him at the school, coaching the kids.

As he packed up the basketballs and locked up the equipment after practice, he had a thought and got his cell phone out.

I’m in your neighborhood. Want a ride to dinner?

He sent the message and waited for Jade to reply. He sat on the bleachers and looked up into the sky. The sun was setting, and the clouds were cantaloupe orange and pink smudges against the hazy smog. His phone beeped.

Sure, thanks. I just got home. Come on over.

Drew locked up the court and drove the few blocks to her house. He didn’t have to stop the car, however, because she was standing on the sidewalk waiting. She smiled and waved as he drove up.

“Hey,” she said, climbing into the car and leaning over to give him a one-armed hug.

“Hey yourself. How was work?”

“Oh, you know. Smile for the photos and continuously get told how pretty I am.”

“Well, in that shell bra, who can blame people for being stunned by your beauty?”

“You know I don’t wear the shell bra. You’ve seen me at work.”

“So, you’re always in that huge dress? That’s not very sexy.”

Jade punched his arm. “It’s not meant to be sexy, you horndog. I spend my day with children.”

“Still, I’m sure the dads that are with their children would appreciate a little skin.”

“You’re welcome to submit your disappointment to the comments section on the web site.”

“I might just do that.”

He pulled into the driveway of his parents’ house and turned off the engine. Jade reached to open her door, but he put his hand on her arm to stop her.

“Can we have a chat for minute?” he asked.

“Sure.” She chewed her lip as she waited for him to speak. Drew realized that was her nervous twitch.

“So, I don’t know if you’ll care, but I want to be honest with you.”

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