Read The Playboy's Proposal (Sorensen Family) Online

Authors: Ashlee Mallory

Tags: #makeover, #Enemies to lovers, #neighbors, #multicultural, #sweet romance, #diverse, #diversity, #diverse romance, #contemporary romance, #plus-size heroine, #Cinderella, #right under the nose, #small town, #latina, #doctor, #Entangled, #Bliss, #playboy

The Playboy's Proposal (Sorensen Family) (8 page)

BOOK: The Playboy's Proposal (Sorensen Family)
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The back door swung open, and Natalie came running in, her face soaked and tears in her eyes. Conversation over, Daisy rounded the kids up and started their baths while Benny enjoyed her pizza and thought about more reasons why Henry was someone she would never be interested in in a hundred years.

Henry wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he headed down the hallway to Benny’s door later that night. He’d only known that when she first arrived at the salon, even without her hair fashionably styled or her face touched by an iota of makeup, she’d caught his attention the moment she’d walked in. Which had kind of irked him, since he had a date with Ursula, one of the models from the last ad campaign they’d done for that fitness wear company, who should have been occupying all of his attention. But instead of eyeing the door, eager to meet the sultry platinum blonde, he’d actually been reluctant to depart, wanting to see what Benny Sorensen would look like after Katrina got ahold of her.

The fact that he was home unconscionably early, having begged off after dinner with Ursula pleading an early morning, had nothing at all to do with seeing how things had gone with his pesky neighbor. He was really and truly tired, and he did have an early call at eight.

But…while he was home at a respectable hour, it wouldn’t hurt to see how things had come along.

From the blaring television coming from the other side of her door, he guessed she was still up. It was only nine.

“Coming,” he heard her say inside before the door whipped open.

He lifted his brows as he stared at her.

She was back in pajamas, this time blue plaid pants and a hoodie sweatshirt. Her hair in a ponytail, of course, and her face freshly washed and clean.

For some reason, he actually chuckled, not entirely surprised. “Really? This is the big reveal?”

“It’s after nine. What did you think, I was going to sleep in that stuff?”

“Good point. How did it go, though? Did Katrina do a good job? Do you like it?”

She shrugged. “It was okay, I guess.”

“Okay? You guess? You’re killing me, you know that.”

She had the temerity to smile. “Okay. It was more than just okay. Although I don’t know if I’ll be able to repeat the magic in the morning, I’ll give it my best try.”

He studied her closer, noting that even though she was makeup-free and her hair was drawn back, there were still subtle changes. Like the fringe of bangs that made her blue eyes nearly pop from her face.

There was something else about her eyes, though… “You have two distinguishable brows now. I’ll take that as a victory either way.”

She slugged him, and he rubbed his arm at the surprising strength in the small woman’s punch. “Ouch.”

“Serves you right. Besides, I had good reason for being leery before about tweezers and plucked brows. You didn’t see the infamous makeover fiasco of ’98.”

“So I am not the first one to attempt it, I see. Well, it’s getting late and I should let you get back to whatever dire and serious programming you’re watching.” He glanced behind her to the television screen that was now paused.

Property Brothers
. Haven’t you ever watched it before?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

“This is one of the best episodes. The homeowner is totally OCD and it’s hilarious. You’ve got to watch it at least once. Come on, you’re not going to bed straight away. I can tell you all about the horrors of overplucked eyebrows and blue eye shadow.”

Even though he’d begged off early from his date because of fatigue, he had to admit he wasn’t all that tired anymore. He supposed he could use the company. “All right. But only if you have pictures of this ’98 fiasco to prove it.”

“Don’t push your luck, buddy.” But she was smiling, her eyes glinting mischievously as she opened the door wider for him.

He stepped inside, curious to see what kind of decorating minimalist Benny Sorensen would have. Her hardwood floors were maple honey in tone, like his, but there was a cozier feel to her place that was due only in part to the fact that it was a fraction of the size of his own place. She definitely liked color, which was thrown in small amounts through the kitchen and front room thanks to a few pillows and pieces of art on the walls. And, of course, that bright cherry-red couch centered in front of her television and the floral-upholstered chair next to it.


She took her seat at the corner of the couch, and he joined her on the opposite end, declining the flowery chair.

“Sorry, did you want something to drink? I have wine and soda. Water?”

“I’m good.” He crossed his leg, hooking his ankle over his knee and looked around again. Next to him on the end table was a photo that he picked up.

“That was taken this past spring at my brother Dominic’s wedding in Puerto Vallarta,” she explained as he studied it.

He’d spotted the bride and groom right away, of course, the couple striking with his dark hair and her long red locks. An older couple he assumed were Benny’s parents stood on one side of them, as well as another taller guy with an overly serious face. Three kids were sprinkled in the front, while Benny and two other women stood on the other side of the couple, one a sister, he guessed, from the long dark hair and dark eyes similar to their mother, and the other a reddish blonde with a beaming grin.

But it was Benny he was studying now. Dressed in a formfitting turquoise dress that, even from the camera’s distance, enhanced the prettiness of her eyes, she was one of the shortest in the pictures, along with her mother. Her hair was pulled back, of course, and aside from a flush of excitement on her face, it was bare of any enhancement.

She looked…happy. It made him want to know what she’d been thinking in that moment, what happened just after that photo was taken. Had she danced with any particular person? Laughed and let herself enjoy the moment?

“Interestingly enough,” she continued, “the tall brooding guy there? My oldest brother, Cruz, had just the night before gotten secretly married to the maid of honor, the strawberry blonde. Of course it wasn’t legal, but at the time, he didn’t know that.” She nodded to another photo on the other side of the couch by her. “In fact, they made it official just a few weeks ago and are now enjoying their honeymoon on a repeat road trip across Mexico.”

“And here I thought you were allergic to things like heels and slinky dresses.”

She groaned. “I wasn’t really given much choice. Don’t get me wrong, Kate was hardly a bridezilla or anything, but my mother and my sister, Daisy, pretty much forced me to dress up at threat of personal harm.”

He put the photo back, the image of her sexy figure burned permanently in his brain. He cleared his throat and nodded back to the television. “So what is the idea of the show?”

Benny explained the concept, and soon enough, the homeowner demonstrated his OCD qualities and sent the guy, in the course of a week, about thirty emails detailing what he wanted done, not to mention daily inspections. Henry knew clients like that, but fortunately, they were few and far between, leaving the creative side of things to him and the team. He told Benny about the one who’d insisted his team have at least four storyboards to show them at their first meeting compared to the usual one or two.

“I don’t know how you do it. I wouldn’t be able to play nice. Thank heavens four-year-olds are easily appeased with Popsicles.”

The show picked up again, and they watched it with little quips here and there, both enjoying a good laugh when the homeowner discovered a nest of rats in the walls. It was close to eleven when Henry finally stood.

“Thanks for the enlightened evening. But I have an early morning, so I should go. You’re going to have to give me a reveal of the complete look some time soon. And let me know how it goes with Dr. Seeley tomorrow.”

But as he walked back to his place, the thought of Dr. Seeley sitting on Benny’s couch, talking renovations, and sharing worst-patients-of-the-day stories kind of annoyed him. Which was pretty ridiculous. He and Benny had become…friends. And this was the whole reason they’d set this all in place.

Good friends. At that thought, he smiled. Already looking forward to their next encounter.

Chapter Eight

Benny was outside an examining room the next morning reading the chart of her fourth patient when she heard the low timbre of Luke’s voice coming from around the corner. Normally, she’d hightail it the other way, but this time she made herself take a deep breath and wait.

After all, she’d spent an extra torturous hour this morning blowing out her hair and applying makeup as Katrina had instructed, to look her best for this moment. Nervously, she smoothed one hand down over the cloying white top and short, flirty skirt she’d taken another half hour agonizing over, determined not to embarrass herself today.

Okay. All good. Game time.

Benny looked back down at the chart, pretending to be absorbed in reading about her patient’s reported arm rash when she saw Luke arriving from the corner of her eye.

“Dr. Sorensen?” he asked, sounding uncertain, and she looked up, feigning surprise. As if she hadn’t known he was coming.

Only Luke’s light hazel eyes hadn’t yet met her own, his gaze still perusing her from her toes up, and she tamped down the nausea and terror she felt. It wasn’t as if she was wearing anything overly revealing, but the skirt was short enough to show off her legs and the blouse tight enough to show what she’d been hiding under oversize shirts and jackets for so long—breasts.

“Wow. You look so…different. I mean—great. Not that—I mean. How are you doing?” he finished lamely and this time met her eyes, looking the tiniest bit flustered.

That was different, and she felt suddenly a little more confident in the face of his own uncertainty. Was this what Henry had meant?

“I’m great, thanks. How are you?” she said, trying for casual.

“Good. Good. Thanks.” His confusion was easing away, and a slight smile was turning his mouth up in an adorable way.

She smiled back, feeling suddenly empowered. “Well, I’d better get in there. See you later.”

Before he could form a reply, she knocked on the door and swept inside the small room even as her heart raced The three kids climbing on the examining table despite the harping of the weary-looking mother seated on the bench did nothing to bring down Benny’s excitement.

Luke Seeley had definitely noticed her today. And it felt good. No, great.

She thought about pulling her phone from her pocket and shooting Henry a quick text, but the sight of the smallest kid about to leap off the exam table brought her quickly back to reality.

Later. Definitely later.

The next day, Benny arrived at the office wearing another skirt and top that she’d picked up last night on the way home. She found that the array of clothes didn’t fluster or horrify her as much as they had before. She was more familiar with what styles flattered her and had a good idea of what she wanted. That in itself was miraculous.

She’d spotted Luke a few more times yesterday after their first conversation, and she’d definitely seen his face light up when he saw her, a warm smile crossing his face as he greeted her or nodded, so something had to be working.

A yawn pulled from her mouth now, and she stretched her arms in front of her. She and Henry had spent another late night watching two episodes of
Property Brothers
, and she’d shared her victory at not having bumped into any door, wall, or cabinet the entire day.

She considered Henry’s advice, imparted on his way out the door. “Keep in mind, when he asks you out—” A statement she’d interrupted when she snorted and started to object, but he’d pressed two fingers to her lips, effectively cutting her off.

he asks you out,” he continued, “you can’t be too available. Remember, you have to make him work for it. He has to know that you’re not just sitting home pining away, waiting for him to ask you out, and that you have other…options. You’re going to have to turn him down.”

She’d almost laughed then. “Turn down a date with Luke Seeley? Are you insane? That’s what we want—what I want. What we’re doing all of this for.”

“Do you want to just be one of the many women the guy sees once before moving on, or do you want to be someone he’s really interested in? Someone he has to work to see, a prize in itself? Guys like a challenge. And that’s what you need to give the good doctor. You have to trust me on this. Say yes too soon, and that’s all it’s going to be. Think long-term.”

Even now the thought of declining a date from Luke seemed ludicrous. Not that she was in imminent danger of his asking her out, since it was Thursday and he was bound to have plans already set for the weekend.

So it was something of a shock when five minutes later someone knocked on her door and, instead of Roz’s long face, she looked into the warm gaze of Luke Seeley.

Holding two cups of coffee in his hands.

“Thought it was only fitting that I returned the favor and brought you some coffee today. I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a skinny vanilla latte. Hope that’s okay—it just seemed to be a popular drink of the women ahead of me.”

“It’s perfect, thank you.” Even if she hated the flavor of vanilla in her coffee and preferred whole milk to skim, thanks to the richer texture it gave. But she smiled and took the cup from his hand.

“Not a problem.” He stood there another second, staring at the floor as he considered something. “Actually, maybe you can help me out with something. Dr. Albert has to cover the clinic this Saturday, so it’s thrown a little hitch into my golf plans.”

He was going to ask if she’d mind covering for Dr. Albert. She’d been asked a couple of times before to cover by other doctors, and being the newbie, she didn’t want to risk making enemies. She waited now for the appeal, resigned to having her hard-earned Saturday off taken away.

“So…since you play and all, I wondered if you’d consider being my partner.”

She couldn’t have heard him right. He was asking her to play with him? This Saturday?

Her head seemed to be spinning at the possibility, and she forced herself not to jump up and bounce around the office. Best to be sure. “Sorry?”

He smiled, confident and certain. “Saturday? Golf? With me?”

Yeah. She’d heard him right. She opened her mouth, ready to say, “Of course,” and ask what time should she be ready, but then she remembered what Henry had said.

To make him work for it. To…tell him no.

“I—I think that sounds like fun, only…I kind of already have weekend plans.”

“Come on, I’m sure you can manage to pull yourself out of bed by seven no matter how hard your partying is the night before.” If possible, he was smiling even brighter, sure he could charm her into coming.

Well, she’d acted so freaking infatuated around him the past couple of months, she couldn’t blame him. It helped firm up her resolve.

She smiled and, like a pro, she licked her bottom lip—even though she felt like an idiot doing it. Only…

Luke was staring at her mouth. Hmm.

“No, I’m afraid we have plans the whole weekend.” She played it coy, not elaborating more.

He seemed to finally realize the implications, and his smile cracked a little. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were involved with anyone.”

Her mouth went dry, her mind working to try and keep up with the pretense. What would Henry suggest she say? “Nothing serious.”

Luke’s smile brightened back up. “Another time, then? Maybe we can even go for dinner soon.”


He pushed his glasses back up on his nose in a boyish fashion, still grinning widely. “I’ll let you know. In the meantime, enjoy your coffee.”

“I will. Thanks.”

Luke turned around and—in a surprising turn of events—
ran into the edge of the open door. She smothered a giggle, but when he glanced back at her, she pretended to already be caught up in her files.

Sure, it wasn’t like he was asking her out for an intimate dinner alone, just the two of them. But he’d asked her to be his golf partner, which was as close to a date with him as she’d ever had.

With the door closed firmly behind him, Benny hopped to her feet for a quick celebratory jig, her arms pumping the air in victory.

Henry would never believe this.

Grabbing her phone from the desk, she sent him a text.

Guess who just told Luke Seeley she was busy Saturday and couldn’t play golf with him? ME!! That’s right. *dancing*

His response was almost immediate.

Didn’t I tell you? What did you tell him? ~H

No. Just like you said. That I had plans the entire weekend.

Attagirl. Congrats. Dinner’s on me tonight. Chinese or pizza? ~H

Chinese. And Henry? Can I still take you up on that golf lesson?

BOOK: The Playboy's Proposal (Sorensen Family)
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