The Playmaker (A Big Play Novel Book 1)

BOOK: The Playmaker (A Big Play Novel Book 1)
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The Playmaker

(A Big Play Novel)











Jordan Ford





© Copyright 2016 Jordan Ford



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This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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The Playmaker


This is it—Tori Lomax’s senior year.

Her last chance to leave Nelson High without a bucketload of regrets.

Number one priority—get Colt Burgess to fall in love with her. So what if he’s the Raiders’ number one playmaker? So what if he’s so far out of her league, the idea of them together would rupture the school’s social order?

She has to try, before it’s too late.

She’s come up with the perfect set of plays. All Colt has to do now is buy into them.


Colt Burgess wants one thing: to play football after high school. But his grades are tanking and his dreams of playing college ball are fading…fast. He shouldn’t waste time on Tori Lomax. However, she was a friend back in middle school, and he can’t really ignore her small request for a favor. How hard can it be to get the guy she’s lusting after to notice her?

He’ll help her out, and then he’ll focus on what’s really important: football.

Assuming he can stop thinking about her…




For Jake—the most original guy I know.

Thanks for making my world colorful, entertaining and full of laughter.

Love you so much, bud.



A Bad Idea




“This is a really bad idea.” Amy’s voice is dry and brittle, no more than usual, but I can tell by the look in her brown eyes that she really doesn’t want me to do this.

I drop my empty yogurt cup on my lunch tray and wipe the edge of my mouth. “It’s not that bad.”

“It’s terrible! As your best friend, it’s my duty to make that abundantly clear to you.”

“Okay, fine. This may be an epic fail, but I have to try.”

Her frown is skeptical and makes her Barbie doll face pucker. I’m sure my blonde friend would be the highlight of the school if she wasn’t so grumpy all the time. Guys learned early on in our freshman year not to mess with Amy Briggs. Her smarts and no-nonsense attitude work like repellant. By Christmas of our first year at Nelson High, guys didn’t even bother anymore. She may look like a cheerleader, but she couldn’t care less about any of that stuff…and that’s probably why she’s friends with me.

“Oh, come on, Ames. Think of
The Duff
She’s All That
. We even watched
Some Kind of Wonderful
. This will work.”

“I think it’s safe to say we’ve been watching too many old-school romcoms on Netflix.” Amy’s droll smile makes me giggle. “Seriously though, Tori, slapping foundation over your freckles and putting on a tight dress is not going to get him to notice you. And the fact you even feel like you need to change to get noticed is wrong on so many levels.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “
Operation Fall for Tori
is way more detailed than that. I don’t want him to just notice me; I want him to get to know me again. We used to get along great when we were kids.”

“That was years ago. He has no interest in you now.”

“That’s only because we never get to spend serious time together.”

“Can’t you just go over when your parents hang out?”

“I’ve tried that. He’s never around, and then I’m stuck playing King’s Quest and Monopoly with his little brother. I need an excuse to regularly see him. But I need him to think it’s his idea. Come on, my plan is brilliant.”

“It’s totally flawed. But don’t worry, I’ll stock up on chocolates and Kleenex. You can come crying to me whenever you’re ready.”

I roll my eyes. As much as I love my best friend, her realism is a total dream killer. I stare across the cafeteria at the object of my desire. He’s sitting at the table by the window with the rest of the Nelson High Raiders, our beloved football team. They’re all tall, broad and total eye candy—a delicious mix of bulk and brawn that has culminated into the best team our school has seen in over a decade. The guys were on fire last year, and it’s all because of Mack Mahoney. He took over as captain his junior year and killed it, leading the Raiders to their best season ever. Mack’s the most popular guy in school, surrounded by cool guys, hot girls and a steady stream of fun. They’re always laughing together, smiling together. Being the people I want to be.

Colt Burgess, the team’s star playmaker, catches me staring. His aqua eyes penetrate me with a look that curls my insides. The glint of a smile flashes in his gaze. He looks at Mack, then back to me, shaking his head with a pitiful grin.

I swivel back in my seat, unperturbed. He probably thinks I’m crushing on Mack, but what does he know?

Slapping my hands on the table, I give Amy an emphatic look. “We’ve got less than a year before we graduate, and I don’t want to waste it. I’m not leaving this school without giving it my best shot.”

“It won’t be your best shot. It’ll be a looooong shot.”

I ignore her and continue with my rousing speech.

“I want to know what it feels like to walk down the hall holding the hand of a boyfriend just like that. I want to stop loitering on the sidelines of life and for once be front and center of the action.” I sigh and point behind me. “I want to be kissed by that piece of hotness.”

“Tori. I get it, okay? You’ve liked him forever, but you’re not his people. He’s not going to fall in love with you.”

“Yes, he is.” I nod. “He just doesn’t know it yet.”

Amy rolls her eyes, but I can see her lips twitching. “I don’t want to see you get hurt. If you pull this off, it will be a miracle.”

“Well, I believe in miracles, so…”

I glance back over my shoulder and spy
my guy
. I’ve known him since I was ten years old and have been crushing on him since he made it through puberty and turned into Captain America. He’s got this farm boy charm about him and this half-smile that lifts the edge of his masculine face. I love the way he spikes his chestnut hair at the front, but keeps it short on the sides. He could be a Navy SEAL, he’s so strong and fast and manly… Okay, I’m pathetic, but he’s had my heart for years. I can’t leave for college until I’ve tried to win him over. I’m out of his league, anyone can see that, but if he would stop long enough to actually see me, I think we could have something awesome. We were practically best friends when we were kids; surely that has to mean something.

“You’re doing your sappy smile again.” Amy nibbles her sandwich crusts and shakes her head at me.

“What can I say?” I shrug. “I’m a lost cause.”

She giggles. It’s a cute, breathy sound that always makes me smile. I met Amy our first day at Nelson High and it was this instant, kindred spirit kind of connection. I know some people find her a little scary, but she’s rock-solid and will be my friend for life. She may have her heart set on an East Coast college, but no matter what, we’ll always stay close. I’m going to miss her like crazy when she leaves me. It’s inevitable she will. I’m looking at heading to Idaho State University like my sister. Amy will no doubt get into Harvard or Princeton.

This is why I want to make the most of my senior year. This is our last chance to live it up and have a blast.

Best friend—check.

Classes I can excel in—check.

All I need now is a boyfriend.

And not just any boyfriend.

I want Colt Burgess.

I let out a breath and rub my hands together. “Okay, the bell’s about to ring. I’m going in.”

Amy rolls her eyes as I stand and shake out my arms, the stack of leather bands and self-made bracelets jiggling on my wrists. Nerves are murdering my stomach, crashing against each other and making me nauseous. I spent most of last night thinking this through. Miss Wilder gave us a killer assignment yesterday. While most of the class groaned, I did an internal happy dance. This is the opportunity I’ve been waiting fo
a chance to tutor Colt.

Clutching my bag strap, I weave around the tables, trying to look subtle as I aim for the most intimidating table in the entire cafeteria. This morning, I squeezed my legs into the tightest pair of skinny jeans I own and ditched my standard tee for a fitted shirt that dips low at the front. I also threw on a big necklace that matches the topaz ring I always wear on my pointer finger. Aztec-style jewelry is my fave, and the pendant I’m wearing totally draws the eye to my boobs.

I’m going for a walk-by, close enough to the football table to hopefully draw some positive attention. I’m only interested in one person noticing me, but for my plan to work, I need to pretend like I’m not interested. Then the bell will ring and he’ll be forced to follow me to class, hopefully checking me out along the way. He may not even realize he’s doing it, but as long as I stay in his line of sight—not hard considering we’ve both got American History after lunch—then Phase One will be a success.

When I say it in my head, I can see why Amy thinks I’m destined to fail. I’m trying to get a guy’s attention by ignoring him and fooling him into checking me out against his will.

But I have seriously thought this through.

I’ve watched the movies, I’ve read the romance novels. I need to play aloof at first, get him thinking about me, and then I’ll casually make my play.

I’ve got this.

My powder-blue Converse squeak on the greasy floor as I make my final turn, ready to glide past the table as if I’m not interested while I strain my peripherals to the max to check if Colt is watching. Unfortunately for me, fate and timing are not working in my favor and just as I’m about to do my
I’m so cool
walk-by, the bell trills and the guy behind me launches out of his seat without looking, knocking me off my feet. I let out this weird squawk and stumble forward, my face aiming for the edge of the football table.

This is going to be the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing for impact, when a solid arm stops my descent.

“Oh!” I squeak and open my eyes, looking up to see Colt Burgess laughing at me. I can’t breathe as I gaze up at his beautiful face. All I can feel is his arm around my waist. He steadies me with his strong hands while my cheeks flame with color. I glance at Mack and the rest of his posse. They’re all snickering at me as they gather up their belongings.

“You good?” Colt smirks, his brown eyebrows rising.

“Yeah. Thanks.” I hitch my bag onto my shoulder and start begging the universe to suck me into a different dimension.

Colt shakes his head, giving me another pitiful smile before joining his friends and heading to class. I remain where I am—a small, insignificant blip on the Nelson High radar. Someone bumps into me, propelling me forward, and I move with the flow, my gaze glued to the back of Colt’s head.

Not exactly the start I was hoping for.

Operation Fall for Tori
: Phase One—total bust.

Or maybe not…

What can I say, I’ve always been an optimist.

I purse my lips as a thought scurries through the back of my mind. Phase One had been to capture his attention, have my image playing around in the back of his mind. Phase Two: approach him with the idea of helping him with his history assignment (acting as if I couldn’t care less either way the whole time I’m asking him).

But he’s hardly going to accept the offer of some fumbling idiot.

However, what if I ask him to tutor me?

A smile crests my lips as Plan B explodes in my brain—bright, shiny and totally outclassing my initial idea. The feel of Colt’s muscly arms stopping my fall sizzles through me. Of course he’d be the first guy to jump up and help me. That’s his way, and one of the things I’ve always loved about him.

So, why was I thinking that offering my help would be the best play?

Oh no, I need to turn this thing around.

My smile grows wide with triumph as I waltz into American History. Colt spots my grin and gives me a bemused smirk before turning to chat with his best friend, Finn. He thinks I’m pathetic, I get it. But I won’t let that bother me.

I’ve just figured out the perfect play.

Who knew that my fumbling idiocy would be the ticket to pulling off my master plan?


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