The Plot Bunny (17 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #gay paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: The Plot Bunny
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"And what do you do?" Simon asked. He guessed Dury would most likely be one of the healers, blessing humans with his mere presence.

Dury hesitated slightly. "I'm a Death Angel," he replied in a soft tone.

Simon gaped at his angel lover. He knew it wasn't a reasonable reaction, but he hadn't expected that. Could Dury's "job" be in some way connected to the way things ended up for Simon and Luc? Surely not. He wanted to think he had free will and he could choose to do whatever he wanted to. If not, everything he'd ever done, all the sacrifices he'd made, held no value.

"You don't need to be afraid," a sudden voice said.

Simon jumped in surprise and looked around wide-eyed. He knew that at this point, nothing should shock him, but he simply wasn't used to things like this. "It's all right," the voice whispered-boomed once more. "You'll get used to it in time."

The sound seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere, loud and inaudible at the same time. Simon couldn't even identify a definite gender or age. Power sizzled through the air, an unidentifiable, but infinite energy that Simon felt deep inside. He didn't know what to say or do. He was speechless and frozen.

It was then that Simon realized everyone save himself and Luc had fallen to their knees. The knowledge and recognition made Simon's legs turn to jelly and he gracelessly slid to the ground, somehow ending up on his knees as well. Would they at last find out why they'd been allowed here?

"I did bring you here for a reason," the voice answered to his unspoken question. "You will learn everything in time. The most important thing you need to know is that your task here is to protect Duriel. Simon, Luc, you will be the first of My Guardians."

Guardians? Simon thought. What did that mean? It sounded important, and difficult. Simon wasn't sure he could deal with that sort of thing. He'd just been brought here after drowning and was just getting used to the thought that—oh God—he was dead. And damn, he needed to stop cursing. He just didn't feel ready for any huge task like this.

He knew Luc and Dury were just as shocked, and even Michael and the others tensed. Simon guessed the archangel hadn't been ready for this either.

"For now, just spend time with each other. The day will come when you will be needed and everything will make sense."

Just like that, the crackling energy in the air vanished, and the echoes of the voice disappeared as well. Almost as if in a dream, Simon got up and looked around. What now?

Chapter Eleven


Dury couldn't believe it. He'd been granted the greatest gift of all, the permission to keep his lovers by his side. It should have unsettled him that the Almighty felt the need to do this in the first place, but he couldn't be bothered with such concerns, not when the amazing happiness of having Simon and Luc overwhelmed him.

Simon and Luc seemed simply gobsmacked. Dury couldn't blame them. The angel realm was a lot to take in by itself, without the entire "receiving a mission from God" thing. Dury assumed the two hadn't gotten over the shock of it all yet, but that was all right. Dury couldn't wait to help them in that department. He blushed as images of the three of them together, in bed, flashed through his mind. His sexual experience was limited to Luc and Simon. Angels chose a mate and stuck to him or her for their entire existence. Unlike humans, they managed to find soul mates and mold their lives with that of their chosen one. This was largely the reason of Michael's previous concern, Dury knew, but at the same time, he trusted his lovers and felt certain he couldn't be safer and more cherished by any other being, angels included.

"What are you thinking, sweet thing?" Luc asked in a whisper, eyes twinkling with amusement. Apparently, Dury's little foray into the land of sexual fantasy had snapped Luc out of his shock. "I can see the little wheels turning."

Dury's body turned hotter at Luc's words. Suddenly, he became far too aware of all the eyes still on them. "Nothing," he replied. "Just that we have to go back home."

"Home?" Simon repeated. "And where would that be?"

A good question, Dury thought. So far, he'd lived in his parents' house, but now he had mates. He couldn't exactly go back there. A brief flash of white light drew their attention and Dury watched wide-eyed as a small home emerged out of nothing above Michael's. Their city had many levels, with the archangels living at the top one. It could have been considered unfair, but everyone acknowledged the levels of hierarchy and power as given by the Almighty. Still, it shocked Dury to see another level appear, and above the archangels. That implied the fact that Dury and his lovers were somehow superior to everyone else. Dury didn't quite feel comfortable with that, but he vowed to do his best.

"I see," Luc said. "And how exactly do we get there? We don't have wings."

"You never will," Michael answered. "However, you can fly simply by using the power of your mind and your soul."

Luc and Simon looked doubtful. "I suppose you don't know until you try," Luc muttered.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and focused. He started to levitate above the cobbled path and with a yelp, he shot up into the clouds above.

"Luc!" Simon called out in a panic.

"Not to worry," Michael soothed him. "He's perfectly safe."

Contradicting Michael's words, Luc came crashing down at an astonishing speed. With a startled gasp, Simon rushed to catch his lover and intercepted Luc just before he could hit the "ground".

Dury couldn't help a small giggle. "You'll get used to it," he offered. Luc and Simon gave him twin looks of disgruntlement. It almost made Dury falter as he thought his humans might not be happy here.

No! Dury refused to accept that. Of course Simon and Luc didn't know their way around this realm yet. Dury would teach them, and, in time, they'd see it really wasn't all that hard. If anything, Luc's speedy race upwards was a good thing. It meant that the power of Luc's soul could indeed make the human—or former human—fly, and more.

"Come," he said smiling. "You'll get it right in no time."

Simon put Luc down and scratched his head awkwardly. "I guess we're going to need a tutor, huh?"

Luc wiggled his eyebrows, apparently recovering from his little shock. "We can even offer you payment."

Michael let out a disgusted huff. "Don't flirt with my son in front of me."

Dury took that as cue that they needed to depart, as soon as possible. He made his way to his lovers and gripped Simon and Luc's hands. "Okay, then," he said. "Calm down. Focus your mind and allow me to lead you."


* * * *


It was, of course, easier said than done. Luc still felt embarrassed of his first attempt but he couldn't exactly give up. Dury spread his wings and pulled both Luc and Simon up. His gentle voice guided Luc, telling him to harvest that inner strength, to let it fall slowly over him. Following the angel's instructions, Luc found himself flying—really flying—upwards. Soon he realized that, with enough focus, he could control his motions without relying on Dury.

"Don't rush," Dury reprimanded. "Be patient."

"Patience is hard," Luc answered. Truth be told, he appreciated all these new gifts, but above all else, he yearned to be with the two men he loved. "I want us to get to our new home already."

Thinking of the messages Dury sent to them while on Earth and the brief flash of desire his angel broadcast here, Luc envisioned what he wanted to do. He imagined frantic kisses, slick naked bodies rolling against each other, hard cocks thrusting in eager mouths and asses. Dury must have received his little MMS, as he blushed even redder. Luc felt the dire need to see if that delightful color covered the whole of Dury's body.

"I couldn't agree more," Simon said. Dury gripped Luc's hand with surprising strength and together, they soared above the crowd of angels. Before Luc knew it, Dury flew them up above, to their new home.

Their new home. It was astounding to think the white, cloudy structure would be his from now on. Even more so, it astounded him that he'd be able to share it with both Simon and Dury.

But everything went past him in a whirlwind. He only registered the ethereal housing in passing. As soon as they were free of the obtrusive gazes of the other angels, Dury sped up. They burst inside the provided building and fell into a white-silver foyer. Luc instantly pulled Dury to him and crushed his lips to the angel's. Dury moaned and wrapped his arms around Luc's neck. Luc pushed the smaller man against the strangely solid wall. Their bodies rubbed together, making both of them gasp in pleasure.

A hard chest pressed against Luc's back and an erection ground into his crease. "So hot," Simon groaned in Luc's ear. "Naked, now."

Luc felt a small shimmer around him and then he was skin to skin with both his lovers, a hard dick touching his own, another rubbing against his ass. "What?" he muttered into Dury's mouth.

Between a flurry of butterfly kisses, Dury offered him a gasping reply, "We're not in the mortal realm. We can do anything we want here."

It struck Luc then that this whole thing, the house, the city, the angels, even the three of them, weren't real. Simon and he were dead, their actual bodies laying in some obscure morgue, or maybe even in a tomb. He felt himself start to hyperventilate and briefly wondered how that could be. By rights, he wasn't even breathing.

"Calm down, love," Simon whispered in his ear, his strong hands a comforting weight on Luc's shoulders. "We're fine. We got here like we wanted for so long."

Luc nodded, remembering everything they'd done, all the effort they'd put into preparing themselves for this. But as much as they'd tried, Luc knew one could never be ready for death.

He realized Simon was trying to be strong for both of them. The feeling of apprehension and—Luc admitted—fear, seemed to amplify because of the same emotion coming from Simon. But then, warm hands caressed his face, fingertips brushing his lips in a barely there touch. "You're still alive," Dury said, "only in a different way. You've passed to a different plane of existence."

More than the words, Dury's scent and gentleness comforted Luc. "Besides," Dury added, "it's actually much like the mortal realm. We'll have a house, a job, a family. We'll be stuck in a routine before you know it."

Dury managed to conjure a peculiar image in Luc's head. He saw himself floating above the ant farm-like city of angels—the actual city of angels—up to their little suburban home, maybe even carrying a black briefcase. Then he'd open the door to their house and call out Dury and Simon's name.

The domestic thoughts made Luc burst into hysterical chuckles. He'd never worked for a corporation while mortal. The idea that he'd be stuck in a traditional job for the rest of, well, eternity made him laugh.

His connection with Simon and Dury seemed to work, though. They all dissolved into a fit of unmanly giggles, rolling on the floor laughing. Somehow, their bodies came into contact and their laughter died. The apprehension and amusement vanished, replaced by pure arousal.

Luc forgot all about his concerns. What was he worried about again? He couldn't remember. He took Dury's mouth once more, and this time, he didn't allow anything to encroach on the moment. Dury ended up sandwiched between Luc and Simon, and if Luc had to judge, he'd say his angel very much enjoyed the position. Luc tilted Dury's head, allowing Simon to suck on their lover's neck, all the while keeping their lips molded together. He reached for Dury's cock, finding it hard and throbbing. Dury hissed at the touch, making Luc smile into their kiss. Oh, yes, he'd enjoy making love to Dury very much, indeed.


* * * *


Simon maneuvered Dury onto all fours and caressed the curve of his lover's back. He felt a brief flicker of amusement when the shift in position broke Dury and Luc's kiss, causing a disgruntled groan to come from Luc's lips. The mirth soon vanished, overwhelmed by the splendor that lay in front of his eyes. He couldn't help but be in awe at the beauty of the white wings that decorated Dury's angelic form. It was so surreally magnificent that Simon couldn't quite believe he'd been granted such a gift. He wanted to be one with his lovers so much it hurt.

Luc arched a quizzical brow at him. "What are you planning?"

"Don't you think it's obvious?" Simon answered. In his mind, he envisioned Dury's ass taking Simon's dick, while Luc fucked Dury's mouth—the same dream he and Luc had shared for months now, naturally in a wide array of variations. He felt Dury shudder under his touch, the beautiful white wings trembling, and he realized his angel had intercepted the thought. This mind bond thing really had its perks.

Luc groaned and gave Simon a heated look. "Definitely obvious," he said in a strangled voice.

It occurred to Simon then that they had nothing that remotely resembled lube. He doubted angels built drug stores or shopping malls where they could purchase that sort of thing either. Just as he contemplated options, he felt a slight tingle in his hand and gaped when a white tube appeared out of nowhere.

"You just have to will it," Dury said breathlessly. "Commodities like that can be brought here with merely a thought. Magical items aren't quite so easy, and the spiritual and alive is the most difficult to control."

By the end of the explanation, Simon thought Dury sounded far too coherent. Without even giving his lover a warning, he squirted some transparent liquid from the tube on his fingers and thrust a digit inside Dury's ass. A hiss escaped Simon's lips at the tightness that enveloped him. Distantly, he realized he shouldn't be surprised. After all, he knew Dury was a virgin. The gift they'd been given humbled him more than ever. What had they done to deserve this?

Simon pushed his musings out of his mind and focused on his angel. Slowly, he pushed his finger in and out of Dury's body, preparing the sweet channel for invasion. When he deemed Dury ready, he added another digit.

Dury gasped, thrusting back against Simon's fingers. "Please. Now."

The angel would have probably said more, but Luc caressed his face and whispered, "Open your mouth for me, babe. Go on."

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