The Power of Love (21 page)

Read The Power of Love Online

Authors: Serena Akeroyd

Tags: #Contemporary, Menage & Polyamory, LGBTTQ, Series

BOOK: The Power of Love
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“You’ve had more important concerns, love.”

“That’s the problem. Nothing should come before you and Lexi, and yet, both of us have neglected you. And now, we’re shipping you out of here like a fallen woman.” His jaw worked a second before he shifted his eyes from contact with hers to stare down at his feet. “We’ll make it up to you, Gia. I swear it.”

“I know you will.”

“Good. Please, go and talk to him. I’ll keep the munchkin occupied. It’s not good to…well, I don’t want you parting with anger between you. Whether it’s for a short while or a long one.”

Knowing what he meant because she was due to leave tomorrow, she got to her feet, then took a step closer to him until her front was pressed along his. Gia reached for his hands, bridged them with hers, and then rested her forehead against his chest.

“Stop procrastinating.”

She reared back a little to pout up at him. “Can’t a woman show her man a little love?”

“Anytime, darlin’, but not when it’s to put off the inevitable.”

“Spoilsport,” she remarked, then slowly sighed. “Why do I have to make the first move?”

“Because in all the years I’ve known Josh, he’s never ever been the one to do that.”

“Maybe it’s time he learned.”

“I don’t think that’s him being arrogant. I don’t think he knows how to relent.”

“What an excuse,” she retorted. Leaning up on tiptoe to give him a peck on the lips, she continued, “I’ll be a good girl and do as I’m told.”

“You’re always a good girl,” he teased.

“Now I know you’re trying to get into my good books.” She winked at him. “I’m under no illusions. My halo is more than rusty.”

“Better than my horns.”

Gia chuckled and grabbed his hand. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

“You’ll feel better when you leave tomorrow, and all of this is water under the bridge.”

“If you say so.”

They returned to the house where Luke went off to do his own thing, only after squeezing Gia’s hand reassuringly, leaving her to find their daughter and their lover. Lexi was perched on Josh’s knee in the breakfast room, looking at something on his phone, when she looked over the swing door. The instant she did, Josh looked up, their gazes clashing, and he murmured, “Lexi, why don’t you go get started on your history lesson?”

“The book is on the table, sweetheart,” Gia concurred as she stepped into the room. “We’re still talking about the Native Americans and Thanksgiving.”

Lexi’s glance darted between the pair of them, but never one to give up an opportunity to start reading, she bussed Josh’s cheek and rushed off to get started on her favorite lesson. The aftereffects of the fight between Jason, his brother-in-law, and Josh were slowly fading.

When Gia had rushed into the lounge to find Jason pinned to the floor, half choking because Josh’s palm was squeezing the life out of him, only she’d been able to get him to stop. His other brothers-in-law had been darting around with the effectiveness of fruit flies around jam. Luke had been struggling to get out of Laurie’s easy chair—not easy with a busted knee—and Elin had been clawing at her brother’s back, trying to get him to relent as her lover Sarah had been crying, watching on as chaos ensued.

Gia had stepped right to Josh’s side, nudged his shoulder with her knee, and barked, “Enough.”

Laurie, who had been hovering around, caterwauling at Josh, hadn’t earned the same reaction as Gia. Josh’s head popped up and immediately a sheepish cast to his features had overcome him, replacing the rage of seconds before. He had let go, releasing the pressure of his grip slowly, and the sounds of Jason’s heavy, labored breathing had ricocheted around the room as Josh stared guiltily up at Gia.

In that one moment, had the rest of his family not respected her, she’d earned it immediately.

The big, bad brigadier general had clambered to his feet, head hung low, arms defensively crossed against his chest. “He’s fuc—”

“Little ears,” she’d barked.

His mouth had tightened. “He’s messing around on my baby sister.”

“You’re messing around with me,” she’d remarked. “Get him up and patch him up, Josh. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.” Gia had looked around the room, brow cocked, then clapped her hands in a shooing motion. “Go on, get seated at the table.”

Then, she’d retreated to the kitchen, Laurie and Loretta at her back, while the rest of the family had gawked on in astonishment.

The tableau would make her lips twitch for the rest of her life. Laurie’s bewilderment at how easily Gia had handled Josh would earn her the family’s famous cannoli recipe, Gia felt sure.

“What are you smiling about?”

“How shocked your mother was the other day.”

He grimaced. “Not my proudest moment.”

“No, one of many, though.”

“Ouch,” he bit off. “That’s harsh.” When she shrugged, he murmured, “I thought you still weren’t speaking to me.”

“I’m not. I’m here under Luke’s orders.”

“I don’t need him to fight my battles for me.”

“No, but I’m going in the morning, and I’d prefer things not to be tense between us. Wouldn’t you?”

He pursed his lips, then nodded. “I’m not sorry I did what I did.”

“I’m not saying you should be.”

“Then why are you mad?”

“Because you did it in front of Lexi.” When he immediately flushed, she nodded. Pointedly. “You think she should have seen that?”

“No, I don’t, but I couldn’t help it.”

“You control every other emotion, every other part of your day, and yet, you couldn’t control it then?”

He ducked his head. “She’s my baby sister.”

“So? It’s her life. Her choice. Like it’s ours to live the way we do.”

“It’s not right.”

“Why isn’t it? It’s right for us.”

“But it isn’t, is it? You have to leave tomorrow, for God knows how long, all because people don’t accept us. It doesn’t make me love you any less, if anything, I love you more, but I wouldn’t want this for her. This path, it hurts too much.”

“Hurts? You’re not the one leaving, Josh. You get to stay here, in our house, with our daughter, with the people you love. I’m the one who has to go.”

“You think I like this? You think I want it?”

“No, I don’t, but don’t play the martyr.”

“I’m not,” he snapped. “It kills me that you have to go, that I’ve started something that means you have to run off, to hide away. It kills me,” he finished hoarsely. His shoulders bowed, his head hanging heavy. “I hate it.”

“Well, I do too, but it’s not forever.”

“No, it isn’t. It feels like it, though.” He scraped a hand over his face. “I had to do this, Gia. I
to. But I regret it.”

“Well, it’s too late for regrets. From what you’ve told me, little though it may be, Luke’s CO deserves to be behind bars. Am I right?” When he inclined his head, she shrugged. “Well then, our sacrifice is worth it. Plus, if it clears Luke’s name, then it’s all for the good.”

“You still won’t forgive me for it.”

She frowned at him. “I’ve never said that.”

“You don’t need to. You’ll stop believing in me, stop trusting in me.”

Gia stepped forward, and as Lexi had done moments ago, and with little ado, forced her way onto Josh’s lap. He grabbed her to him, swinging her legs high to bring her close to his chest. She immediately snuggled down, letting her proximity work some magic on his guilt. He was right. To a degree. She wasn’t happy about this scenario, no matter how well she tried to paint a picture of serenity. But that wasn’t to say she distrusted him. He’d lied to her, to protect her, granted, but still, he’d tried to manipulate her into leaving. It was that she didn’t like. It was that that would take a while to get her head around.

The problem with being a partnership of three people was the individual relationships. Without each cog turning smoothly, the wider mechanism just didn’t run right. As it was, Luke had been correct to make her talk to Josh before she left. To make her clear the air.

Guilt was eating away at him, and mean though it was, a part of her was satisfied to see that. Somehow, in the way of women’s wickedness the world over, that soothed some of her justifiable hurt.

“I’ll forgive you if you never try to manipulate me again.”

“I can’t promise that,” he said after a couple of seconds, the words followed by a heavy sigh. “If I think it’s in your best interests, I’ll say blue is black to get you to agree.”

“Wow, that instills confidence.”

He grimaced. “I know. I hate myself for it, but I’m used to walking that fine line, Gia. Why wouldn’t I do it for the most important people in my world?”

“At least you haven’t lied about not being able to stop manipulating us. That has to be worth something, I guess.”

“What a prize you’ve got, eh?”

It was her turn to sigh. She reached up and pressed a kiss to his jaw. Slowly, giving her time to move away, he turned his head until their lips met. Gia maintained the kiss, warmth flooding her at his tenderness. “Everything will work out, won’t it, Josh?” she whispered.

“It will, Gia. It has to.”

She blinked up at him, saw his earnestness, and nodded. If that was the best he could give her, then she’d believe in him and his machinations. Her being shunted off would be worthwhile, his actions would be justifiable if it stopped a powerful man from his corrupt ways, and it would be invaluable to them as a family for Luke’s name to be cleared.

She had to remember that. For as long as she was away, she’d let the power of their love feed her from afar, and count the days until she could come home.

Home, truly, was where the heart was.

It was simply a shame the rest of society would judge a household based on love, but if anything was worth protecting, it was her family. For the people she adored, she’d make a Mama Bear look like a teddy.

And that was a promise.

To be continued…

Loose Id Titles by Serena Akeroyd

The Luck of Love

The Power of Love

The Strength of Love

* * * *


The Angel’s Kiss

Serena Akeroyd

Serena Akeroyd is a romanceaholic. She won’t touch a book unless she knows there’s a happy ever after at the end of it. Pathetic as it may be, because of this addiction Serena decided to craft her own tales, stories that suit her voracious need for sexy romance. After all, a love story ain’t a lurve story without a bit of naughty!

A citizen of the world, Serena is a nomad at heart, and her novels enable her to travel the globe and all behind her computer desk. Naturally, she’d prefer the option of a private jet, but still, if wishes were horses, eh?

Always feel free to connect with Serena; she’d love to chat with her readers, as well as fellow romance addicts! Start at
to find out more about her works, her blog, and how to connect with her.

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