The Pregnancy Shock (15 page)

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Authors: Lynne Graham

BOOK: The Pregnancy Shock
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A sinfully magnetic smile slanted his beautifully modelled mouth. ‘Then you’ll have to work at
who I think you are. Stop looking for trouble.’

Billie knew that her wedding day was supposed to be one of the happiest days of her life.

The sky was blue, the sun was shining and the only sound apart from birdsong was the timeless beat of the waves on the white seashore far below. She had her breakfast on the terrace with Nicky in his high chair beside her and marvelled that she could have spent so long building a property that she was only actually going to have lived in for three months. Of course, Hilary planned to stay on and write her book in Billie’s house.

‘What a gorgeous day!’ her aunt carolled, strolling out to join her niece and grand-nephew in the sunshine.

The hours that followed were incredibly busy ones. A beautician and her assistant arrived to do Billie’s make-up and her hair, which was to be worn loose the way Alexei said he liked it. Surrendering to their combined attentions, Billie sank into her own little world of thoughts. Speculative articles about her containing few actual facts had already appeared in the world’s press and the media had chosen to depict her as a working Cinderella, a little office girl who had miraculously attracted the attention of one of the world’s richest and most successful tycoons. Mercifully, none of Lauren’s previous lovers had been dug up to tell embarrassing tales and virtually nothing was known about Lauren and Billie’s life on the island of Speros. Again, fortunately, the islanders were highly unlikely to sell stories that might embarrass Alexei.

Mid-morning, Billie paused before she donned her sleek simple gown to open the wedding gifts Alexei had sent her. A flat box opened to display a breathtaking diamond pendant and drop earrings. Lauren was ecstatic on her daughter’s behalf but Billie felt guiltier than ever. The second box, a good deal bulkier, squirmed as if something inside it were struggling to get out. Eyes wide, Billie lifted the lid and scooped out a little wriggly hairy bundle with four legs and a curling tail and a pair of anxious big brown eyes that could have melted granite. It was a little black Scottish Highland terrier pup.

‘What’s he doing, giving you a dog?’ her mother demanded, unimpressed, indeed checking out the box minutely to ensure it did not contain something more valuable than an animal.

But, of all of them, Billie understood exactly why she was being given a very cute little puppy. It was to satisfy the keen maternal instincts that sixth sense had warned Alexei his bride was concealing. No, he definitely wasn’t ready for a baby and he had decided that giving a dog to Billie to dote on as a substitute was a good idea.

‘Can you take her with you on your honeymoon?’ Hilary asked dubiously.

‘I’ll call her Skye and I wouldn’t dream of leaving her behind.’ But a sense of irony swiftly assailed Billie and doused her amusement. Wasn’t she about to leave her beloved son behind? That was that, enough was enough, she conceded fiercely. Tonight she would tell Alexei that he was a father. There would be no more pretence, no more excuses, no more put-offs. Whatever happened, she would tell the truth. Her conscience cried that she should never have lied in the first place and she suppressed that voice.

Everything would work out, she told herself urgently. He would come around once he realised he had a son. He would understand why she had remained silent, why she had felt forced to pretend that Nicky was her aunt’s child rather than her own, wouldn’t he?

So, she wasn’t perfect. So, maybe she hadn’t done the right thing. So, maybe she had made the wrong choice, had lacked the backbone to go for the tougher option. But she could still remember the tall handsome boy she had first met on the beach all those years earlier when she was being bullied and she reminded herself that Alexei was no innocent when it came to human nature. He would be very surprised by what she had to
tell him but she was convinced that he would recognise why she hadn’t spoken up sooner.

The wedding ceremony was to take place at the church devoted to
Agios Georgios
down by the harbour in the village. The richly decorated building, built by Alexei’s grandfather and packed with guests, was filled with white heavily perfumed flowers and glowing candles that lit the shadows. It was really beautiful and Billie’s heart swelled along with the organ music when she saw Alexei waiting at the altar for her. Tall, dark and stunningly handsome with his black-lashed dark golden eyes intent on her, he sent her heart rate rocketing and stole the breath from her lungs.

The religious ceremony was as uplifting for Billie as the wonderful music. She was in love and on a high of positive thoughts. Alexei slid the slender band of gold onto her wedding finger and she rewarded him with a blindingly bright smile. He stared down into her animated happy face and believed that unlike his father he had hit the jackpot the first time around in choosing the right woman to marry. He thought of Calisto’s pleading phone call the day before, urging him to change his mind. He had had no time for her interference. No male moved on more quickly from a dead love affair than Alexei.

Billie rested her hand on Alexei’s sleeve as they walked back down the aisle. The deed was done: they were married. The man she loved beyond bearing was finally hers to love, her husband. She told herself that it was a day in which to glory in her good fortune and happiness. As he swung her into his arms on the steps
to kiss her with breathtaking sensuality and their guests cheered that unashamed display she buried every negative thought and fear and kissed him back with all her heart. He would understand. For her sake and that of their son, he
to understand…

What will happen on Billie and Alexei’s wedding night when he finds that the wife he believed to be a virgin has already been claimed

by him

in a forgotten moment of passion…? Will Billie find the courage to tell Alexei that he’s already the father of baby Nicky…? Will she ever measure up to Alexei’s vision of the perfect wife and find her happy ending…?

Find out all this and more next month in A STORMY GREEK MARRIAGE—the second part of Lynne Graham’s enthralling linked duet,
The Drakos Baby.
For a tempting slice of what you can look forward to, here is a delicious taster…


please now,
’ she framed brokenly, tormented by the burning heat of an excitement that felt too much to bear.

He came over her and into her in swift movements. With a sinuous shift of his hips he positioned his long, powerful body and sank into her inner warmth with a low, melodious growl of sensual pleasure. For a split second fear pierced the veil of her excitement and her inner muscles clenched hard round his swollen shaft. His golden eyes caught the momentary look of concern and unease she couldn’t hide, and then his hands closed round her hips and he drove into her again with hard, sure, sensual force, as if he knew the intensity of her need. The feeling of pressure low in her belly increased until all she was conscious of was the remorseless intrusion of his strong body into hers, and the ravishing, irresistible force of a physical stimulation so extreme it came close to pain. Tingling sparks of her impending release shot through her stomach and she writhed and gasped, her body arching as the most intense orgasm gripped her and sent wild sensation flooding through her in an uncontrollable and explosive tide.

The feeling of release from her earthly body was so powerful that for long moments after her climax Billie was in a daze. Only slowly did she regain awareness again, register the weightiness of her limbs, the heavy cocoon of sweet satisfaction that was reluctant to let her go. Even more slowly did she notice that Alexei had pulled away from her when she most wanted to cling to him. And then there was the silence—thrumming and
taut as only a male as volatile as Alexei could make it. Her bright head swivelled on the pillow, green eyes very dark and wide flaring to Alexei.

He looked levelly back at her, and a lump of dismay formed in her throat as she read the challenge in his appraisal. The silence lay like a claustrophobic blanket, threatening to stifle her ability to breathe. A whoosh of alarm ran down her spine like a cold warning hand.

‘What’s wrong?’

Alexei sat up. Brilliant golden eyes rested on her with all the extraordinary force of his fierce personality. ‘I’m amazed you have the nerve to ask me that—you lied to me and you know how I feel about lies…’

The Drakos Baby

A two-part linked duet by top author Lynne Graham

Available next month: A STORMY GREEK MARRIAGE

Don’t forget to come back to find out what happens to Billie and Alexei!

All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.

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First published in Great Britain 2010

Harlequin Mills & Boon Limited,

Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

© Lynne Graham 2010

ISBN: 978-1-408-91915-6

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