The Principle Of Chance (11 page)

BOOK: The Principle Of Chance
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Frank and Jack regularly had their
late night drinks talking about old times, where Justin was an eager listener.
Frank remembered talking about the glamorous girls with blackened eyelashes,
elegantly smoking a cigarette placed in the essential long, thin holder. They
told Justin about an actress, who insisted on blackening her eyelids with coal
ash and requested her dressing room to be painted peach to complement her skin
tone. They were the divas, sweet demanding girls but they still had style and
understood what being
humble and respectful

Frank flicked through his diary,
checking his appointments; - his next few weeks were empty. This had never
happened before, as his secretary pointed out. No, never because he’d carefully
organised these two weeks to stay empty. Work was his life and now, after all
those years he was ready to take a break, even if it meant going through some
painful memories.

Frank’s private line rang out in the
house and he knew who it was …..

‘Rumour has it you are set to film a
new movie, - a special movie.’ Frank heard the soft voice on the other end of
the line.

‘I hope you don’t mind.’

‘Have you taken care of the details

‘To a certain extent!’

‘Should I be concerned?’ She asked

‘No darling, it is taken care of!’
Frank reassured her.

‘Want to tell me about it?’ She

‘Tell you what?’ Frank took a deep
breath. ‘That I was a major fool to let you go? That I loved you and only you
all my life?’ Frank said sadly.

‘Oh Frank, that is the past, things
are different now.’ She said soothingly.

‘I know Ellie, but I can’t
compensate you for the years we have lost and that I wasted without you.’

‘You can Frank, you know you can.’

‘One day, I will!’

‘Why make a movie now?’

‘To put things right, the press has
been fishing in my past for many years, now is the time for revelations.’

‘I see….’

‘You’re ok with the story, right?’

‘I don’t think I fully understand
the storyline Frank.’ Ellie hesitated, she knew more than she revealed to Frank
but felt apprehensive about his decision.

‘Justin knows there was a woman I
was seeing …. in secret. He heard all about it through the years, but he
doesn’t know her name or any other details. Nobody does, not even Jack. Look
Ellie, it was your choice, not to reveal you were with me, I suppose you didn’t
want the other actresses to know.’

‘They would’ve said I was with you
for my career!’

‘I can understand that, - now I do.’

‘I wanted to prove I was a good
actress Frank, I didn’t want anyone to think you helped me in any way.’

‘I know, that was where I made that

‘Do you mean you loved having me on
?’ Ellie laughed nervously.

‘Why did you marry, Ellie?’ Asked

‘I told you Frank, you were too happy
with how things were, but I wanted to get something out of my life.’

‘He was a brutal man and a user!’

‘Please Frank, it’s in the past –
can we move on?’

‘Sorry but I get carried away when
we mention him, ….. see you later?’

‘Usual place?’

‘Yeah, as always - in secret!’ Frank
said bitterly. ‘Ellie?’


‘I love you!’

‘I love you too Frank, you know that
by now.’


Chapter Fourteen




Monica was chatting to Amy when
Frank arrived for the lunch meeting. He also saw Justin getting out of his car;
all was going according to
plan. Joe pulled up next to the girls,
Frank let the window down.

‘Oh my beautiful girls, don’t tell
me it’s a sandwich for lunch?!’ Frank enquired.

‘I think the Italian restaurant up
the road will be perfect - we know we’re all gathered here for a reason.’
Monica stated.

‘Frank, your secretary called me?!’
Justin joined the group, yet he knew why the girls were here.

‘Hey kid, can’t stay away from your

‘I missed you Frank!’

‘You are funny!’ Frank was glad
Justin didn’t give the game away.

‘I will meet you by the restaurant
in five.’ Frank said, signalling to his driver.

‘Frank wouldn’t walk anywhere, but
he works out in his gym, day and night, - so he says.’ Monica explained to Amy.

‘Too much exercise isn’t good for
you.’ They heard Frank saying to his driver.

‘The man doesn’t make sense.’ Justin
greeted the girls with a kiss on the cheek.     

‘I predict an interesting meeting,
girls!’ He announced.

Amy was sure that Justin had
undoubtedly poured half a bottle of aftershave over himself, but he looked the
part, clad in tight jeans and a pink striped shirt.

‘Where are we going?’ Monica asked,
looking across the busy road.

‘The one over there.’ Justin pointed
over the road, where restaurants were lining the busy street.

Justin grabbed the girls’ hands.
‘Come with me.’

‘More like; run after me.’ Monica
complained as Justin proceeded to cross the road.

Amy felt the tension from his hand.
She remembered their night, when he was
in her kitchen and she was

was waving at Frank who was already standing in front of the restaurant. It was
a ‘designer decorated’ contemporary Italian place. While they waited for their
table, Frank took Amy aside; - he needed to take it easy with her. How did he
do easy?

‘You look like a sharp business
woman Amy.’ He said checking her out in her fitted suit jacket and pencil

‘A compliment? - thank you Frank.
What can I do for you?’ She predicted he was after something.

‘This is what I like.’ He smiled
gently. ‘I want to offer you a job, - if you want one.’ He studied Amy. ‘It
will not be an ordinary job; - I would want you to work with me on a project. I
appreciate that you have a job already.’ Frank suddenly stopped talking.

‘Did you ring my work this morning
by any chance?’

‘Damn! It wasn’t me.’ He said
slowly. ‘My secretary did.’

‘Well done Mr Detective! I suppose
if you want something you just get it.’

‘Don’t take it the wrong way Amy,
please.’ He pleaded.

‘I don’t Frank, I am pleased in a strange
way; I would’ve done the same thing myself!’ There was something very appealing
about Frank that she couldn’t understand.

‘What a relief, I thought you will
eat me for lunch!’ He said, leading her back to the restaurant. ‘Our table is
ready, I’ll tell you all about it later.’

They followed a waiter to a round
table. Frank asked the waiter his name and tipped him, - in advance. Amy was
offered a seat between Frank and Justin. She wondered what sort of job Frank
had in mind.

Frank let everyone choose and place
their orders before he began to talk about the movie.

‘I am offering all of you a job, if
you want to work for me, of course.’ Without pausing, he continued. ‘I am an
old man ….’ He waved his hand to stop the protests. ‘Justin wrote a screenplay,
which is so good that I believe it will make a great movie. Justin will work
with the production team, in fact he will produce it.’

‘Monica,’ Frank continued. ‘You are
amazing. I want you as a director on this movie.’

‘Wow, Frank! I am tied up with the
current one, I can’t move yet.’ Monica said, disappointed, but she was
intrigued, Justin had written a screenplay?

‘Don’t worry about that, it will be
taken care of. Two weeks left of filming, I hear?!’

‘Yes that’s about right.’ Monica
said. ‘I have not seen the script Frank, why do you think I’m interested.’
However, she was, and Frank knew it.

‘It’s your thing girl, trust me.’

Monica frowned. ‘You spend way too
much time with these guys Justin, I expect a masterpiece.’

‘I am a person of many talents, as
it turns out.’

Justin glanced at Amy as he was
finishing his sentence, but Amy was waiting for Frank to speak.

‘Tell me Frank, what is it about?’
Monica asked.

‘You are filming a 1950s movie?
Right? This one will take you ten years further back.’ Frank said, searching
for traces of interest on her face.

‘To the 1940s, and Justin wrote it?’
She was putting the pieces together in her head. ‘Is it what I think it is?’

‘Yes it is.’ Justin admitted.

‘Has it got something to do with
those late nights, drowning your sorrows in whisky and ruining your health with
cigar smoke?’

‘Yes!’ They said in chorus.

‘Wow! I am in! When do we start?!’

Frank looked at Amy, who so far had
listened without comment. ‘You all met Amy at Jack’s the other night. I have
heard Amy, that you are the best at drawing up contracts.’

‘Am I?’

‘You are! I appreciate you have jobs
on but I am an old man ….’

‘Frank, you played that card already
… out with it!’ Amy said, surprising everyone.

‘This is what I am talking about;
this woman can break balls and kill you with a smile!’ Frank announced.

‘I take it as a compliment Frank.’
Amy said.

‘You do that Amy, do that!’ Frank’s
secretary had found out earlier today that she wasn’t working for Carter’s any
more, which was a plus for Frank. ‘Can you spare some time to draw up the
contracts for me?’

Amy thought about it for a moment.
It sounded interesting and it was her speciality.

‘Why not use your current lawyers?’

‘They are busy with other projects,
besides, I want you!’ Frank said simply.

‘What’s involved?’ She asked the
question they all wanted to ask.

‘She speaks like a lawyer!’ Frank
mused. ‘You will have, say, twenty people to write contracts for - all
different of course. You will be part of a tight ship, will get to know a lot
of people. There is also travel.’ He added quietly.

‘Where to?’ Asked Amy, knowing it
wouldn’t be around the corner.


‘Europe?’ Everyone stared.

‘Hungary in fact, in a couple of
weeks. Do you ski Amy?’

‘I have never been to Hungary,… but
I’m in!’ She said, feeling his excitement.

‘Are you up for it?’ He asked,
surprised at hearing the quick answer.

‘Yes, I’m in!’

‘Just like that? Amy, you don’t know
what a workaholic Frank can be.’ Justin volunteered.

‘Can’t wait to find out, Justin.’
Amy said fixing Justin with a look.

Monica and Frank pretended they
didn’t see the tension between the two. The atmosphere was tense.

‘It should be a great trip. Knowing
you Frank, preparations are already in motion, where’s the script?’ Monica was
switched on; work came first.

‘All you need to concentrate on is
reading this script.’ Frank produced a copy of the screenplay. ‘The rest will
be taken care of. How about setting off in say, ten days?’

‘Perfect, in time for a white
Christmas.’ Justin said. ‘Get your trendy boots and coats ready for snow and
ice ladies!’ Both girls smiled at him indulgently.

Amy thought it was a pleasant change
to see a guy excited about a white Christmas.

Monica was hoping she’d read the
signals right and that there could be something interesting forming between
Justin and Amy. Is this what Justin wanted to talk about? - Amy or the movie?

Frank was a happy man. He was
surprised by Amy’s direct approach, this was what he was after, he was
confident that all will be fine.

‘That’s settled then.’ Frank said,
finally sampling his food. ‘This spaghetti is good, Mario!’ He shouted for the
waiter. ‘Compliments to the chef!’

Frank could see the girls couldn’t
wait to read the script. Justin was on a call, so he excused himself to call

‘Tonight at my place?’

‘Is something up?’

‘I thought about the ‘revisit’ Jack.
I want to tie up loose ends.’

‘All right. I am ready to take a
break from it.’ Jack felt a stab of conscience. ‘On the other hand…’

‘Yes, you are right Jack. Yet, anytime
I think of ending – something pop’s up.’

‘A break is what we need Frank! By
the way I have a meeting with a
very hot
girl tonight, it will be closer
to midnight?!’

‘Midnight it is!’ Frank slipped his
cell into his suit pocket.

The girls finished their lunch and
promised Frank they will read the script. Justin looked as if he had a lot on
his mind, so the girls opted to have a coffee by the bar.

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