The Professor's Sex Slave (2 page)

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Authors: Colleen Anderson

Tags: #bdsm bondage, #college erotica, #college coed, #professor college student, #professor and student, #professor and student sex, #professor fuck, #professor fucking, #college girl seduces professor, #professor bdsm erotica, #professor bdsm sex, #college fuck, #bdsm erotic, #professor bdsm, #bdsm contemporary

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Oh of course, my cellphone.

I looked around for my phone and realized
that I had left it upstairs. Cursing, I slowly trudged upstairs,
clenching my jaw to keep the twofold sensation of pain and pleasure
at bay. By the time I got to my phone on the counter, I saw that I
had about ten minutes before He arrived.

I picked up a condom and stuffed the phone
inside of it. Taking a deep breath, I pushed my wrapped phone—a
slim mini music phone—into my pussy. I secretly thanked the Lord
that I was already wet. The phone still felt just a tad too big for
me, but I was able to accommodate it. Picking up a flimsy saffron
sundress, I slipped it on and approached the door.

The phone and the beads were separated by
the thin barrier of my most sensitive flesh. Every step made my
knees buckle and I felt the pressure of an orgasm building up
inside of me.

No! I can't come without permission!

Clenching my teeth to hold back the deep
throbs pounding through my veins, I stood at my door and unlocked
it, waiting for Professor Wright—my Master—to show up.

And then I heard it, the unmistakable sound
of tires crunching on gravel. The engine stuttered off, yielding to
the sound of cicadas buzzing in the hot summer air. A car door
slammed shut and I waited with abated breath as the sound of
leather shoes tapping against concrete floors came closer and

A string of loud knocks came. “Slave. Open
this door right now.” God, he sounded so brusque!

I took a step forward but
hesitated again.
Why am I afraid now?
What's wrong with me?
I was five steps
away from the door but somehow rooted to the spot, my hand frozen
in mid-air.

The knock came again. “Obedience is a
virtue, Slave. Have you forgotten what I said? The longer you
delay, the more severe your punishment will be.”

I closed my eyes. The
beads shifted inside of me again.
I'm not ready for this yet

The doorbell rang three
times, precisely one second apart. I froze.
Maybe he'll leave if no one answers...
The doorbell rang again, faster this time. I was
shaking. After a few minutes, there was no third set of rings. I
sighed in relief. He had left.

Suddenly, a deep vibration exploded inside
of me. It was my cellphone. The powerful buzzing bounced with the
beads in my ass and strength drained from my legs.

Oh God!” I bit back my
cry but a moan managed to escape my lips.

I can hear you, Slave.”
There was a silky dangerousness in his level voice.

The phone continued to vibrate. I couldn't
take it anymore and fell to all fours. Warm nectar flowed from my
pussy and I crawled to the door. “I'm o-opening the d-door.
P-Please, Master, f-forgive me.”

The phone stopped vibrating immediately.
Still on my knees, I opened the door. A hot breeze rolled through
and lifted my saffron sundress. Raising my head, I locked eyes with
my Master.

He looked completely different from his
appearance in class. The horn-rimmed glasses were gone. For the
first time, I noticed that his eyes were one of those piercing
blues that could stare right through you. He wore a much tighter
shirt than he normally does that accentuated his powerful body. And
as I stared up at him, I realized just how tall he actually

He had a disappointed look on his face. “Why
did you not answer when I knocked?”

I'm sorry,

His finger rested gently on my lips and
slowly traced my face until it curled beneath my chin. Bending
down, he raised my face up to face him. “I will not repeat myself.
I am to be addressed as Master. And you are to address yourself as
'It', not 'I'. Understand?”

Yes, Master.”

He sighed. “I had planned on teaching you
here, but your insolence has persuaded me to do otherwise.”


Stand up and get in the
car. You have five minutes.” He waved his phone in my face as he
turned and walked away.

I had no choice. Pushing myself back up on
trembling knees, I slowly made my way to his car. The scorching
concrete pavement, baked by the hot June sun, burned the soft skins
of my bare feet. Professor Wright opened the passenger door—a
portal to both heaven and hell—and I got in.


Chapter 2

I looked over at Professor Wright nervously
but he was focused on the road. His car was impeccably clean. I
welcomed the air-conditioned leather seats. The slight scent of new
car smell greeted my nostrils and I felt a little more relaxed.

I could see a bulge in his pants and I
smiled to myself. The apprehension dissipated somewhat and I
started wondering how I could offer myself to him.

I have six rules, Slave.”
His voice rumbled. “These rules are unbreakable. If you should
violate a single one, I have you on speed dial.”

I swallowed. Suddenly, I regretted putting
my phone where it was.

Are you ready for the

I am.”

Open the glove
compartment and read the paper inside.”

With trembling hands, I opened the
compartment and took out the sheet of paper. There were six lines
of large bold letters.

  1. It shall never say I, it shall always refer
    to itself as it.

  2. It shall not speak unless spoken to

  3. It shall address the Master by his rightful
    title: Master or Sir

  4. It shall not come unless instructed do

  5. It shall never say 'It doesn't know'

  6. It shall commit these rules to memory
    without errors

I looked back at him, unsure of what to do

Master...” I

Almost immediately, my phone vibrated and
the words were caught in my throat.

Rule number two, Slave.”
He said as he hung up.

Panting, I whispered. “I'm sorr--” The
vibrations started again.

Rule number one, Slave.”
He didn't hang up this time and the phone continued to vibrate. My
legs were buckling. The paper slipped from my hands as I shook. A
moan bubbled from the depth of my throat and I fought hard to keep
it inside.

Oh God, I can't handle it... It's too much.
I'm coming... Oh fuck, I'm coming.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the vibrations
sent me towards the zenith of my pleasure. My whole body was
shaking now. I balled my hands into fists as every muscle of my
body tensed up in anticipation. The phone vibrated mercilessly in
my pussy. The wetness made it easier to move and it started
bouncing every slightly. The beads in my ass shook with it.

I can't... I can't... oh God, here it

Aaah!” I cried as the
orgasm blasted through me. My skin became extra sensitive and I
could feel each single strand of my own hair as my follicles
tightened up. The rush of pleasure doubled back from my extremities
and plunged deep into my womb, reverberating in time with the

Professor Wright pulled the car over and the
vibrations stopped. “Rule number four, Slave.”

I'm sorry, Professor,
it's just...AAH!” The phone was ringing again.

Rule number one, two,
four.” He hung up and looked at me with those piercing blue
eyes. I shrank back from his gaze apprehensively. “For those
violations, you'll be gagged.”

My eyes widened.

Consider this your first
punishment.” He opened the center dashboard and pulled out a ball
gag. He gently put the gag in my mouth and I bit down on it as he
clicked the band shut. The rubber was hard but yielding. I clenched
my jaws slightly and felt a ripple of satisfaction through

For the next few moments,
you'll sit absolutely still.” His hand hovered over the call
button. “Do you understand?”

I nodded.

Good.” The thumb pressed
down and the phone rang before I was even ready. My eyes rolled
into the back of my head as the intense pleasure threatened to
overtake the aftershocks of my previous orgasm.

Eyes on me, Slave. And
obey rule number four.”

I fought to keep my eyes
open and focused on His powerful face and piercing blue eyes. I
shuddered as the phone rang again and again.
At least it'll be a matter of time before it goes to
. My jaws clamped down on the
gag as I fought back my cries of pleasure. My knees rubbed against
each other.

Remain still.” He hung

I drew in sharp breathes through my nose as
I welcomed the bliss of the respite. The shudders of my suppressed
orgasm was still running through me. I wanted so desperately to
scream but he forbade me from doing so. I begged to come with my
tear-stained eyes as I looked at him. He looked away.

Better.” He pressed his
finger to the call button and I was engulfed once more in the
vibrations. He plugged the phone into the car jack. The sound of
the dial tone drowned out all other noises as he started driving

Under the cover of the dial tone, I allowed
myself a slight groan. But suddenly, the tone disappeared and the
tail of my groan was heard.

Was I not clear,

I tried to say no through the gag. But
Professor Wright knew.

Then why have you
disobeyed me again?” The car slowed down slightly as we approached
a light. “Your punishment must be more severe now.”

His fingers flew across the phone surface
and suddenly my phone vibrated far stronger than before.

He was texting me.

The thing about those mini-music player
phones is that their text vibrate is a lot louder—i.e. stronger—and
longer than for the call vibrate. A design that I deeply resented
right now. The text came one after another without stop. I was
shrieking inside. My eyes squeezed shut. My nerves were on fire.
Every fiber of my being wanted to tighten, to squeeze, and to seek
that sweet sweet release from the delay.

But he did not give me permission to do

Again and again, the waves of pleasure
crashed into me. But I held my composure. Everymuscle fiber
screamed for release but I held it back. It was getting harder and
harder to stay rigid. I begged him for release with my eyes, but he
still would not look at me.

We drove by another
intersection. The phone continued to vibrate inside of me, sending
wave after wave of intense pleasure coursing through my
I can't do it... I'm going to
come... Oh God! Here! I!

Come!” He suddenly
bellowed and I was more than happy to oblige. The tension in my
body drained all at once as I released the pent up energy in a
massive toe-curling orgasm. My back arched up from the seat and
were it not for the seat belt holding me back, I might have threw
myself into the windshield.

Well done, Slave. We're

The car pulled into a driveway. It was a
small house—typical of most houses in Collegetown. He stepped out
of the car and opened my door.

Follow me.”

The setting sun threw long shadows around us
as the earth slowly bled away the heat of the day. I followed Him
to the door. When we entered, I saw that all of the lights were on.
I felt slightly embarrassed at how exposed I looked under the
light. He led me to the center of his living room, drew the blinds,
and sat down on a couch.

Come here.”

His eyes followed my body and rested
squarely on my lower abdomen.

Remove your

I did as told. My jaw felt like it was about
to unhinge when I took the ball out of my mouth.

He pointed at the slight bulge at my lower
abdomen. “What is that?”

Mi—Its...” I looked away
slightly. “Toys.”

Look at me when you
address me, Slave. And remember rule number three.”

It is sorry,


He motioned me closer and when I approached
within arm's reach, his hand reached under my dress and felt
between my wet thighs. His fingers brushed against the petals of
the flower and an eyebrow raised up.

What's this?”


How many?”


Hike up your dress and
spread your legs.”

His hands flew between my legs as soon as
the opening was made. They were firm but gentle. The fingers
splayed my swollen pussy lips apart, revealing the tip of the
condom. In one smooth motion, he yanked the phone out of my pussy.
I gasped at the sudden rush and fell to my knees. The soaked condom
dangled in front of me but I didn't dare raise my head. I just
broke rule number four. He leaned down into my ear and

Have you been pleasuring
yourself, Slave?”

I looked up with doleful eyes at him.
“Y-Yes, Master.”

His warm breath tickled my neck as his other
hand wrapped around the petals of the rose on my asshole. “Twenty
beads, you said?”

Yes, Master.”

I have to credit you,
Slave. I underestimated you. But no matter.” He pressed my stomach
to his leg as his hand pushed back against the rose. The beads
squeezed and bumped into each other inside of me but could not
exit. His other hand flew down and pressed at my waist and tears
welled from my eyes at the pain and pleasure that fought inside of

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