The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (47 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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Yeah. Just playing designated driver tonight,

I reply with a shrug.

How chivalrous. So, when you

re not up on your white horse, what do you do, Beckham?

Her simple question pulls all four of us into a conversation about college and our future career goals. I learn that Logan is about to enter her fifth year of her undergrad studies. She

s the same age as Daphne, but changed her major about five times before settling on interior design; bouncing around put her behind schedule. Daphne, on the other hand, graduated a couple of weeks ago with an English degree. She knows she wants to go back for her masters, but she can

t fathom jumping right back into school again after completing the first four years. Having no idea what she wants to do in the interim, she currently works at the Little Bird Cafe. I mention that I was in there the other day and she says I should definitely stop in again to try and catch her while she

s working. Considering their academic history, it

s no surprise how shocked they are to learn that I

m willing and eager to put in the time and effort to become a doctor

something I

ve wanted to do for years. They both seem to think that Addison looks like the perfect first grade teacher, to which I agree.


m not sure how long we talk before Avery interrupts us, insisting that she has to go to the restroom and she refuses to go without Addison. While I may have lost track of time, it doesn

t escape me that Addie holds onto my arm until she and Avery head for the bathroom, laughing and whispering secrets as they go.

Looks like I

m not the only one feeling possessive tonight.


Grayson greets me, clapping his hand against my shoulder.

How are you holding up?


m having a good time. You?

Oh my god!

Daphne exclaims.

Grayson O


I laugh at the startled expression that crosses his face; remarkably, it seems to be a reflection of her own. Logan joins in on my laughter, only I

m not sure we

re laughing at the same thing. She confirms my suspicions when she speaks.

Daph, are you talking about the quarterback? First of all, you

it, believe it or not,

she pauses to inform us.


she continues addressing Daphne,

our hunky QB has long hair, while this stud

I got a haircut,

says Gray, cutting her off as he acknowledges Daphne.

you looked familiar. I

m Daphne,

she introduces herself. I barely hear her, distracted by the way Logan stares at him.

d bet anything she

s undressing him with her eyes right now.
I shake my head, amused by the way women respond to my best friend simply because he can throw a football across the field.


s right. I
hate football

but I used to write for the university

s paper and I

ve seen your picture a few times.

I love your haircut,

Logan interjects.

I can

t believe I didn

t recognize you.

Grayson reaches up to rub the back of his neck, obviously feeling uncomfortable by her attention.


t feel bad,

he manages.

Happens all the time with people I

ve never met before.

She giggles at his joke before extending her hand.

Well that, Grayson O

Conner, has to change. I

m Logan.

Nice to meet you,

he says, politely shaking her hand.

You don

t have a drink either. Don

t tell me you


Designated driver? Yeah. One of the birthday girls is my girlfriend.

I can

t help but smirk at his mention of Avery. I know he did it on purpose, shamelessly dropping the hint that Logan can stop her advances. To my amusement, it works.


Conner has a girlfriend?

she asks, lifting her eyebrows in disbelief.


s meee!

sings Avery as she and Addison return. She has no idea what she has just walked into, and she doesn

t care, either. When she

s close enough, she reaches her arms up, signaling Grayson to wrap her in an embrace. He responds to her silent request, lifting her from her feet as he does so.

I missed you,

she murmurs.

You were gone for five minutes,

he says with a chuckle.

She pulls away from him, just enough to look into his eyes, and tilts the corners of her mouth down into a playful pout.

Are you saying you didn

t miss me, too?


he pauses as he presses a kiss against her lips, which instantly curl up into a smile.


m saying next time, pee faster.

She giggles and he kisses her once more.

I feel Addie

s hand wrap around my arm, again, and I look down at her. She

s grins at me and points at Grayson and Avery.


re disgusting,

I tease.

She throws her head back in laughter.


she says, as her eyes meet mine.

But you love it. I
you do.

I shrug, offering her a my reluctant agreement.

I do, too.

She watches them for a moment longer before she pulls her hand away from me and places both of hers against her stomach.

Are you okay?

I ask nervously.

Yeah! I was just thinking, could I get some fries?


I laugh, amused by her tipsy, scattered mind.

Have a seat, I

ll make sure you get your fries.

As soon as I sit Avery down on her seat, she spins away from me and takes a sip of her strawberry daiquiri. She hums contentedly as she turns around to face me, resting her back up against the bar.

Are you having fun?

She keeps asking me, as if my answer will change every fifteen minutes. It doesn


I reach for her hands, lacing my fingers with hers.

Of course I am. More importantly, are
having fun?

Best. Birthday. Ever!

she declares, lifting our hands up over her head.

And not because I

m tipsy,

she adds. She pulls our hands down into her lap, causing me to inch closer to her.

But because this year, I have you


s right

Sonny and his brilliant green eyes are all mine. I hope he looks at me like this always.

I grin at her, knowing that last part was not meant for me to hear. Her filter shut off about a half an hour ago and I

ve been getting all sorts of insider information out of her without even prying. To say she has been simultaneously successfully boosting my ego and making me feel more secure in our relationship would be an understatement.

Did you check on Hammy while we were gone?

she asks in a mock whisper.

I nod before leaning down to speak softly in her ear.


s doing great. I think they both are, all things considered. We should be proud of them.

Then proud we shall be,

she tells me as I pull away. She glances at them and I do the same. Sarah has made her way over and the three of them are eating fries and chatting with Roman as he works, serving Daphne and Logan another round.

I pull my focus away in order to admire my girl. I think she

s amazing

beautiful in every way. I don

t know what I was expecting tonight, but I shouldn

t be surprised with how things have played out. Right now, she has no inhibitions and no filters and yet she

s just as innocent as I

ve always known her to be


s good, so good, and carries this huge heart.


s her birthday and she

s managed to enjoy herself while constantly checking to make sure the people she cares about the most are right there with her. Even in her intoxicated state, she

s both adorable and caring

making sure that other people

s needs are met. Mine included. The fact that she even checked with me to see if I was okay with her drinking tonight

it practically breaks me to know that I mean that much to her.

If tonight has reminded me of anything, it

s that I don

t deserve her; and if it has convinced me of anything, it

s that I cannot be without her. Now that I know what it

s like to be hers, I can

t imagine being anyone else

s. The way she looks at me, the way she touches me

reaches for me

the way she thinks about me, I don

t ever want to lose that. I

ve never had this before. No one has ever cared about me like this before, or given me their heart like this.
She makes me want to be better for her; she makes me want to fight against my past and strive for greater. She makes me believe in God

s promises. She makes me believe I

m worth

. It

s not because I

m good at football. It

s not because I

m some trophy boyfriend. I didn

t have to do anything or prove anything to make her choose me

she just does.

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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