The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (89 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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My Girl:
They need to talk to each other!


s not doing a lot of talking.

My Girl:
Yeah, I know

he hasn

t returned a single one of Ave

s texts or calls.

I think he

s nervous about the game. He

s just got a lot on his mind.

My Girl:

I guess that

s understandable. It is the biggest game he

ll play all season. But maybe he wouldn

t be so worried about it if him and his girlfriend weren

t fighting!!

Based off of what I know, it might not be that simple.

My Girl:

re right

I just hate this :(

Agreed. They

ll work it out, though. You work on her, I

ll work on him?

My Girl:

My Girl:
Btw, how are you?


A grin spreads across my face at her question. In an instant, my concern for Gray is temporarily set aside and I remember the day I

ve had. I

m more than happy to answer her question and share my news. She

ll be the first person I

ve had the chance to tell.
I wouldn

t wish for it any other way.


My applications are in :)

My Girl:
WHAT?!?!?! That

s AWESOME! Yay! :) :) :) Congratulations!

lol. Thanks!!

My Girl:

m so proud of you! I

ll be praying that all the right doors will be opened for you.

That means a lot. Thank you.

My Girl:
We should celebrate! Maybe on Saturday after the game? All of us can go out!?

That sounds fun.

My Girl:
Then it

s a plan :)


On a scale from 1-10




m pleasantly surprised to have received a text from Logan. We haven

t spoken since Saturday

since she kissed me and then rushed off after I pushed her away. Not that I blame her. It does make things a little awkward. I was hoping that it wouldn

t mess up our friendship, though; one drunken kiss shouldn

t destroy what we

ve built. It

s been a crazy week, which is why I haven

t thought to reach out to her first, but I figured, at the very least, I

d see her at the game on Saturday. A group of us are going early to tailgate. It

s going to be a big day. The CSU vs CU game is always a huge deal, as it

s the biggest rivalry game Colorado will see all season. It

intense that the game isn

t even held on either campus, but at the Sports Authority Field, where the Broncos play.

For a second, my thoughts drift back to Gray. I know he feels a lot of pressure this week as the rivalry game is not only the most anticipated game he

ll play all season, but it

s also the season opener. With everything that he

s got going on, I feel nervous

I shake my head and return to the moment at hand.



Wow! If I had known hearing from me would make you so happy, I would have texted you sooner ;)

lol. How about you?


but I was hoping that you

d make it better by letting me buy you a drink? I think I owe you

Plus, now I need to know about your 9.5 day.

You want to go out tonight?

Yeah. Are you busy? I was thinking Little Bird.

I can say yes under one condition.

I promise I won

t kiss you ;)


I cough out a laugh, surprised by her comment. But then I think about it and realize I

m actually
surprised; that

s such a
thing to say. It makes me feel less awkward, having her put it out there like that. Looking at the books that are open in front of me, I

m reminded that her promise not to kiss me is not the condition that I was referring to.



okay, two conditions.

I have to bring homework.

Why am I not surprised?

I suppose I can bring some work, too. Way to keep me on my toes when I was trying to AVOID homework

how does 7 sound?


ll see you soon.

The coffee shop is pretty busy; but seeing as how school is back in session, that

s to be expected. Coffee houses all over Fort Collins are always brimming with students throughout the year, as they are ideal study spots. Complete with coffee and snacks,
what more could you ask for?
When I arrive, I spot Logan right away. She

s sitting at a table near the front window. I smile to myself, wondering if she got the table because it was available or because she sweet talked someone out of it

I wouldn

t put it past her.


I say in greeting, setting down my things.


Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, which is rare for her, and her makeup is barely there, like whenever I run into her after she

s come from the gym, and I wonder if this is
Logan as a student
. When she stands with a laugh and smacks me in the chest with the back of her hand, I

m pulled out of my thoughts.


t give me that look. I went to the gym before dinner and I wasn

t going to get dressed up just to have coffee and do
with your smart ass.

I chuckle, amused that she saw right through me.

What do you want to drink?

Whatever you

re having is fine.

Caramel macchiato, it is. I

ll be right back.

I take out what I

ve been working on this evening while she goes to grab our drinks. She

s only gone for a couple minutes, but she has to pull me out of a book as if she

s been gone for hours.

Talk about
The only thing that ever gets that much attention from me are my eyebrows,

she teases with a wink. I laugh and shake my head at her.


tell me about this nine-point-five grade day.

I submitted my first round of med school applications.

Her eyebrows shoot up in excitement.

Congratulations! That must be a huge weight off your back.

You have

So now what? Just sit back, relax, and wait?

Not exactly,

I say before taking a sip of my coffee. She rests her elbows on the table and leans toward me, wordlessly requesting that I elaborate.


ve still got more doctor shadowing I

d like to do this semester; I

m also planning on helping out with some research in the Bio department. Then, hopefully, a handful of schools will want me to fill out secondary applications and I

ll have to write a few papers. Then, of course, there

s the interview process

Of course,

she says with an exaggerated eye roll.

How could I forget that?

she jests.


I say with a grin.

But, today, I

m glad to have one thing accomplished.


ll cheers to that,

she says, lifting her coffee cup. I tap the rim of mine against hers and we both drink to my productive day.

So, before I lose you to that intimidating textbook, I just wanted to clear the air.


I reply with a nod. Suddenly, the space between us feels almost just as awkward as it did the other night. I have no idea what she

s about to say, but I

m hoping that this won

t turn into a conversation that will lead to some sort of rejection.

I won

t apologize for the kiss. It

s not my style. However, I am sorry if it made you uncomfortable. Still friends?

I let out a breath I didn

t know I was holding. Just like always, the blonde haired, green eyed beauty who now sits across from me astounds. She

s so unapologetically Logan; so complex and layered and full of surprises. Almost everything she does is unexpected. Just when I think I know what she

s up to, she changes the game. I think that

s why I like her as much as I do. She's just

. Right now, I appreciate that she only apologized for what she is sorry for, making her statement totally real and honest. I

m also glad she brought it up and that she reaffirmed that we

re just friends.

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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