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Authors: Sara Anderson

The Protector (4 page)

BOOK: The Protector
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walked into the kitchen pondering Myra’s words. What was she afraid of? Was she
really just angry, and wanting to punish Cole? She winced at the truth. She had
thought herself above petty revenge. Perhaps after doing the hunt she would
give Cole a chance.

walked into the kitchen and picked up a bowl that had rising bread dough in it.
She pulled the tea towel off and walked over to her kneading table. Kneading
bread always helped her to think clearly. She thought about all the times she
and Cole had spoken in the last few weeks. She admitted that she really wanted
to try. She just needed to gain some courage.
Just close your eyes and take that step.
She opened her eyes.
I’m scared.

wanted to make a cucumber salad, but needed her grandma’s recipe. She picked up
her grandmother’s old hand painted recipe box and pulled out a few of her
handwritten recipe cards she had written down. The ink was faded, but Blair could
still make out the words in grandmother’s beautiful script. She flipped through
them and found a folded piece of paper and opened it.

dearest granddaughter, Blair,

I miss you so, and I hope you
are enjoying your time with your parents. When your heart heals, I hope you
will consider coming home. I am certain Cole still loves
and he would make a good mate for you. I always liked him, and beneath all that
bluster of his, he is a good man. I know you can be stubborn and prideful like
your mother though. If you never listen to another word I say, then listen to
this. Don’t let happiness slip away because of fear or pride. I love you so
much, and I am proud of you.

Grandma Blair

reread the note several times and wiped away tears after each reread. She had
no idea when her grandma had written this, but for some reason she’d put in her
recipe box instead of mailing it. She smiled. Her grandmother made mistakes
like that sometimes. Like a last request from her grandma, Blair could feel her
resolve building again. “I can try once more, Grandma,” she whispered.


was well after midnight. The hunt was long over, and it had turned to a
nightmare for everyone. Blair was pacing the hardwood floor of her home,
desperate for some information about Cassie. She was in so much trouble, not
only with Michael, but with Cole, too.

soft knock at the door made Blair gasp, then run to the door, her heart
hammering in her chest. Was that someone delivering terrible news about Cassie
in person?
Please Goddess, please, let
her survive, please. If anything happens to her, it will be
fault. What have I done?

pulled the door open without looking through the window, and Myra stood on her
porch. A young
was standing slightly behind
her. Myra smiled slightly. “Don’t mind him. Warren insisted Cole assign a

don’t blame him.” Blair pulled her door open wider. “Come in.”

walked in, leaving her guard out on the porch, within earshot of any emergency,
but far enough away that they could have their privacy.

walked into the living room. She turned as soon as the front door closed and
grabbed Blair in a hug. She held her close without saying a word. Blair stood
stiff for a second before melting into Myra and crying. She was so scared for
Cassie and the
trying to save her. The fear
and guilt had eaten at Blair until she was sick. It was all her fault. If
Cassie was not ok, the guilt would kill her.
I should have tried harder to get a hold of Michael and not broken
shifter rules. They were there for a reason. My stubbornness got the better of me
and made me think I knew better. Cassie is paying the price for that.
Blair had been through hell and back today,
and it was the first time she had allowed herself to grieve, and now that she
was, she couldn’t stop.

her arms when Blair started to calm down.
“What happened today? Nobody knows much except you took off with Cassie.”

wiped her eyes and pulled Myra into the kitchen. Myra walked over to the
counter and plugged in the kettle. Blair smiled at her gratefully. She agreed
that this conversation needed tea.

dropped the teabags into the teapot, took hold of the cups, milk and sugar,
placing them on the table. The steam made the kettle start to whistle, and Myra
filled the teapot.

sat down at the small oak kitchen table and matching chairs. Blair added sugar
and milk into her tea, and gathered her thoughts. She looked up at Myra, who
was waiting patiently for her to start.

took a sip of the hot tea,
cleared her throat. “I
went to the hunt today and dropped off the cookies. While I was wandering
around and visiting, I found Cassie’s phone sitting on a bench. I picked it up
to take it to her, but it started ringing, so I thought I had better answer it
as she was nowhere around. It was Cassie’s grandmother. She told me her
grandfather had a stroke and was not doing well. I tried to get hold of
Michael, but he was in a meeting so I found Cassie and told her.”

looked at her with sympathy. “I think any of us would have done the same.”

wanted to get Michael. I told her there was no time. I had tried several times,
but there was no answer. I left a message with Michael so he could meet us
there. I had no idea if her grandfather would live. Her grandmother sounded
very dire on the phone.”

took her hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

got to the hospital, and I could smell shifter drugs that mimic strokes. It was
really strong, as otherwise I would not have scented it.” Blair didn’t have to
explain to Myra about her sense of smell being weaker than many shifters’.

put her hand over her mouth and looked just as scared as Blair felt.

could feel her stomach churning again just thinking about it. “I tried to get
Cassie out of there, as I knew at that moment it was a trap. We were accosted
in the parking lot, and Lucas took her.”

Goddess,” Myra whispered. “Blair, please don’t think this is
fault. You didn’t know.”

should have known better, so technically, it is my fault. Michael is furious.
He gave me to Cole to punish as he pleases. He was so angry with me. You should
have seen him. He had every right to be that angry with me.”

took a sip of her tea. "Does that mean what I think it means when you say
Cole is to punish you?" Myra asked with a knowing look.

knows, Myra? But you should have seen Michael. He was so angry. It is the only
time I have ever been scared of him in my life. This very well may be the end
of Cole and me for good, Myra. I can’t see how he would be interested in me
after what I have done.”

took Cassie’s hand. “Did you plan it out to hurt Cassie? No. You were trying to
help her see her grandfather. You have been gone a while, and you lost your own
grandmother last year. I know Michael well, and he will know this. Michael is
just worried, and Cole does love you. Have you heard anything?”

Cassie has been found, but she isn’t doing well. They are taking her straight
to Doctor Trask.” Blair drank her tea hoping it would calm her stomach. She was
finding the heat of the tea was beginning to sooth her nausea.

“So, what now?”

I wait for Cole. He sent a text message that when he got back he would pick me

took a deep breath. “How about you try and get some sleep? You know Doctor
Trask is an excellent doctor. Cassie is in good hands.”

nodded silently. “I guess I can lie on the couch.”

pushed away from the table and walked back into the living room. She pulled the
blanket off of the armchair and fluffed the couch pillow. “Here, even if you
just rest your eyes a bit. You need some sleep. You have circles under your

you.” Blair hugged Myra, thankful she was such a good friend to her. She closed
her eyes with the intention of just resting for a bit, but sleep claimed her.


woke up to the sound of keys turning the dead bolt. She sat up and stretched
wondering if Myra had stepped out, and was letting herself back in.

sun was up, shining through her living room windows. The front door opened, and
Cole walked in. He had a clean uniform on, and he looked showered.

stared in shock for a moment before she remembered Cole had keys to her house.
Panic hit Blair, making her heart race. Had Cole come to tell her Cassie didn’t
survive? The look on her face must have been telling.

smiled at her. “Cassie is holding her own.”

hit Blair. “Oh thank the Goddess. You scared me.”

closed the door. “I didn’t mean to. Myra told me she put you to bed on the
sofa, so I came to check on you and make sure you eat.” Cole walked into the
kitchen and started opening cabinets and pulling pans out.

sat on the couch trying to figure out what was going on. Cole wasn’t yelling at
her, or putting handcuffs on her. Blair wondered if she was going to be under
arrest and locked in jail, or tossed out of town to try to survive on her own.
She never imagined Cole would come and cook her food.
Wait a minute. Cole can’t cook.
She stood up and wrapped the
blanket around herself. She walked into the kitchen to find Cole buttering the
pancake griddle.

You should be. It’s almost one in the afternoon.” Cole grinned at her then
poured the pancake batter on the hot griddle. It sizzled for a second. Cole
tried to flip one, but the batter ran everywhere. “Whoops.”

looked at her with such a playful grin she found herself leaning towards him
for a kiss. She imagined Cole grabbing her and forcing her to submit to him,
right here. He could make her lower to her knees and unfasten his slacks. He
would pull out his long, thick shaft and stroke it. She loved how he responded
to her touch. Cole would throw back his head in a moan of pleasure while she
ran her hand over his shaft. She would take it in her mouth and take all of
him. He would hold her hair and fuck her mouth until his sweet cum filled her.

laughed, jolting her out of her daydream. “I am used to the toaster version.”

let out a short laugh, hoping Cole did not notice how turned on she was right
now. She wanted him, but she took the spatula, while forcing her libido to cool
down. She gave him a peck of a kiss on his cheek.
Thank you for the thought.” She took over the pancakes and noticed the time on
the stove. She
slept in.

home phone rang. Cole picked it up. “Sheriff Milano.”

smiled at how he answered her phone. He was so territorial.

Michael, she’s here.”

tensed. She felt guilty for sleeping when her friend was hurt.

you. Yeah, call me tonight.” Cole hung up her house phone.


any worse. Michael said he would call again tonight.” Cole opened her
refrigerator and pulled out the orange juice and syrup.

they ate Cole held her on the couch, and they watched a movie. He kept his
phone on the arm of her couch. It was a silent reminder to Blair that she was
in a lot of trouble. Any moment the bomb would drop and she would have to face
the consequences.


jerked awake, and blinked. Cole still held her on the couch. The television
screen had changed to a screen saver, and the sun was setting. Cole’s head had
fallen back, and he snored slightly. She moved slowly, so she wouldn’t wake
him, and headed to the kitchen. Her stomach was rumbling again. If she was
hungry, she knew Cole would be starving. The man had two hollow legs, and his
favorite pastime was eating. She pulled out some sourdough bread and provolone
cheese, as well as some meat. Grilled sandwiches and a quick soup would be easy
to digest.

dug around in her freezer and found some soup base she had made weeks ago. She
could add some vegetables and have a homemade soup prepared by the time their
sandwiches were ready.

smells delicious.” Cole wrapped his arms around her.

flinched slightly. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

just woke up. I could smell the food. That was a good nap we had.” He kissed
Blair lightly on the top of the head. “I have missed you so much, baby. I was a
stupid ass for letting fear push you away from me. I love you. I never

felt heart start to beat faster. She did not want to talk about them when she
didn’t know if Cassie would be ok or not yet. “It’s almost ready.”

leaned over smelling the soup. He closed his eyes and smiled. “Is that your
homemade vegetable soup?”

I had a soup base and chopped vegetables in the freezer. I just threw it

BOOK: The Protector
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