The Quarry (26 page)

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Authors: Johan Theorin

BOOK: The Quarry
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‘Important papers?’

‘Doc—’ Jerry stopped; the word was too difficult.

‘Documents? From Morner Art?’

‘Morner Art?’ Jerry seemed to have forgotten the name of his company.

When Per called the police, all he could do was give them vague information about the break-in. They noted it down, but didn’t come out to investigate.

‘It’s a bank holiday,’ said the police officer. ‘We have to prioritize emergencies. But thank you for reporting it; we’ll keep our eyes open.’

At about nine o’clock, Per rang Nilla at the hospital to say goodnight.

‘How are you feeling?’

‘Not too bad.’ Her voice was quiet but audible. ‘A bit better than yesterday … I’m still on a drip, and I’ve had loads of injections.’

‘Good,’ Per said quickly. ‘And I’ve found your lucky stone.’

‘Have you? Where was it?’

‘On your bed,’ said Per, without going into detail. ‘I’ll bring it next time I come to see you. Any news?’

‘No … except there are a couple of new people on the ward,’ said Nilla. ‘There’s a boy called Emil.’

Her voice suddenly sounded more cheerful when she said his name, so Per asked, ‘Is he the same age as you?’

‘Nearly. He’s fifteen.’

‘Good. Ask him if he wants to play Ludo.’

Nilla laughed and changed the subject. ‘Did you get my thought message tonight? At eight o’clock?’

‘I think so … there were lots of pictures in my head, anyway.’

‘So what was I thinking about, then? What did you see?’

Per looked out at the sky above the town and took a chance. ‘Clouds?’


‘A sunset?’


‘Were you thinking about your friends?’

‘No, I was thinking about bats.’

‘Bats? Why?’

‘They fly around outside the hospital in the evenings,’ said Nilla. ‘They flap across the sky like black rags.’

‘Don’t you watch the birds any more?’

‘Yes, during the day. But at night when I can’t get to sleep, I watch the bats.’

Per promised to come and visit her the next day, and they said goodbye.

It was a bit late to set off home by that stage, and Per’s cottage was empty in any case, so he stayed over with Jerry.

Before he went to bed he fastened the security chain on the front door.

Staying overnight in the apartment in Kristianstad felt strange, but he had slept on the long leather sofa as a teenager, when Jerry was living in Malmö. As he settled down on it, the memories came flooding back.

His mother had often given him a talking-to before he went to stay with Jerry: ‘If he’s got some woman there you don’t have to stay over, you can come home … or I’ll come and fetch you. You don’t have to put up with that sort of thing.’

‘No, Mum.’

But of course his father had had a woman staying from time to time. Several, in fact. Per had often wondered if he had any undiscovered half-siblings somewhere in southern Sweden; it wouldn’t have surprised him.

The door to Jerry’s bedroom had been closed, but as Per lay on the sofa he had been able to hear his father and the women, of course. By that time he was a teenager and less innocent than when he met Regina, and he knew what Jerry did, but the nights were still a torment.

It doesn’t matter
, Per had thought.
Love isn’t important

And now? Now he was thinking about Nilla and Jesper. And for a brief moment he actually saw Vendela Larsson’s big eyes in the darkness before him.

Then he fell asleep.

When he woke up it was Monday morning – Easter Monday.

There was no glamour in Jerry’s kitchen. The table was covered in brown grease marks. Dirty cups and plates were piled up on the draining board, and there was nothing but coffee and crispbread for breakfast. And Jerry’s cigarettes, of course.

Per topped up his father’s coffee cup and said, ‘I’ll be off soon, Jerry. I need to get back to Jesper and Nilla.’

Jerry looked up.

‘But not you,’ said Per. ‘You’re staying here. You’ll be all right here, won’t you?’

He was trying to be firm, but it wasn’t working. He looked around the dirty kitchen, unable to decide what to do with his father.

Go home
, he thought, looking at his reflection in the kitchen window.
He wouldn’t have bothered with you if you were old and sick

But Per couldn’t do it. It wasn’t just his promise to his mother, or the fact that Jerry didn’t eat properly or look after himself, and needed help – there was this business of the spare keys as well. This business of arson and a possible break-in.

If Jerry was going to stay here, Per would have to get the police to keep an eye on his apartment, and until then it didn’t feel safe.

If Hans Bremer had had a key to the apartment, and if someone had stolen it from him and got in over Easter to steal something, then there was nothing to stop that person from coming back.

In the end Per took Jerry back to Öland with him, in spite of everything. He packed a case with clean clothes and locked the front door carefully, then father and son got back in the car and set off towards the Baltic.

Per kept his promise to stop in Kalmar and visit Nilla, but found her fast asleep. Her slumber seemed peaceful and deep. He sat for a while in silence beside her bed, watching her pale face and struggling with an urge to split himself into two parts: one that would stay here and keep watch over her around the clock; and one that would prefer to run away and never come back. Per loved his daughter, but to see her like this in a hospital room was unbearable. All he wanted was to get back in the car.

He could tell himself that helping Jerry was of more use. But the truth was that Per wasn’t really being helpful, he was just a coward who couldn’t face his daughter’s suffering.

Afterwards, Per and Jerry continued to Öland. At least there were no grandchildren to take into account at the cottage this time. And hardly any neighbours, either. They got back to the quarry at about three o’clock, and Per could see that the Kurdin house was all closed up.

It looked as if the other neighbours, the Larssons, were still there. He remembered promising to go for a run with Vendela this evening, and realized he was actually looking forward to it.

As he helped Jerry into the cottage, Per asked, ‘So what happens to Morner Art now – the company you and Bremer ran together?’

‘Bremer,’ said Jerry, shaking his head.

Per thought he understood. ‘That’s right, Hans Bremer is gone … so I expect you’ll wind the company up now, once and for all?’

His father nodded.

‘Was that what Markus Lukas wanted when he got in touch with you?’ asked Per. ‘Did he want you to stop making films?’

Jerry looked confused, and didn’t reply.

‘I can help you wind up Morner Art,’ said Per. ‘I can take care of the practicalities – contact the authorities, the bank and so on.’

Jerry still said nothing, but Per thought his chin made a small movement of assent. And he hoped – he really did hope – that this would be the end of Jerry’s business.

No more magazines, no more films.

No more trips into the forest.


Once Max had set off on his short promotional tour, Vendela was alone in the house for the first time, and suddenly it seemed even bigger than before. Too big – the living room with its high ceiling and thick beams reminded her of Henry’s barn. Her steps echoed emptily when she walked across the stone floor. But she had hung old Gerlof’s Turk’s head mat on the kitchen door, and smiled to herself each time she looked at it.

Aloysius was still there, of course, and was good company. And he was so well! It was just fantastic. When Max had gone, Ally got out of his basket and walked around the ground floor several times, without bumping into a single piece of furniture. And Vendela thought he was looking at her all the time now, without her needing to call him. She wasn’t really surprised, because that was exactly what she had wished for.

And now she was going for a run up the coast with Per Mörner.

‘Hi,’ said Per when she opened the door.

‘Hi,’ said Vendela.

‘Are you ready?’


They set off from the quarry side by side, and soon fell into rhythm with one another, breathing together as they ran, keeping abreast of the setting sun.

A chill moved in from the sea, up across the shore and the rocks. The sun stained the sky dark red. They picked up speed as they reached the gravel track, and Vendela felt strong, keeping up the same fast pace as Per. She could hear his deep, steady breathing, and the proximity of his tall body gave her fresh energy; she felt as if she could run all the way to the neighbouring village of Långvik.

But after three or four kilometres Per turned and asked, ‘Shall we head back?’

She could see that he was tired. ‘Sure. We’ve come far enough.’

They stopped and rested up above the shore for a minute or so, looking out across the dark-blue sound, with not a boat in sight. They didn’t speak, but took a deep breath at almost the same moment. Then they set off towards the south, keeping up a steady pace.

They didn’t start talking until they were back at the quarry.

‘There’s something I wanted to ask you,’ said Per, getting his breath back. ‘That business with the stone … my daughter’s lucky stone from Iceland. How did you do it?’

‘Me?’ said Vendela, letting out a long breath. ‘I didn’t do anything.’

‘But you knew where it was … on her bed.’

Vendela nodded. ‘Sometimes you just get a feeling about things.’ She wanted to change the subject, and asked, ‘So has your family gone now?’

‘My father’s still here. My children have gone to Kalmar.’

‘Me too … well, my husband. My little dog Aloysius and I are still here. He stayed out of the way during the party on Wednesday, but he’s around now. Would you like to meet him?’


Per walked up to the house with her. She opened the door and took a last look around, east towards the alvar and west towards the shore.

‘We live between the trolls and the elves,’ she said.

‘Do we?’ said Per.

‘My father always told me the trolls lived down in the quarry, and the elves lived out on the alvar. And when they met, they would fight until the blood flowed.’


‘Yes, there are still traces of their battles down in the quarry. Traces of blood.’

‘The place of blood, you mean?’ said Per. ‘Do you believe in that?’

He looked at her quizzically, and she laughed out loud. ‘Maybe … but not in trolls.’

He was smiling now, as if they were sharing a joke. ‘And what about elves?’

‘Yes,’ said Vendela; her smile suddenly disappeared. ‘Perhaps they do exist. But they’re friendly creatures – they help us.’

‘Do they?’

‘Yes.’ And she went on without thinking, ‘They were the ones who helped to find your daughter’s lucky stone.’

‘Really?’ said Per.

‘I asked them about it, and they showed me an image of where it would be.’

Per said nothing, but Vendela could see he was looking sideways at her. She shouldn’t have babbled about the elves, but it was done now.

The silence was getting a little too long and awkward, so she turned around. ‘Ally!’

After a few seconds she heard the sound of pattering feet as the greyish white poodle made his way cautiously towards the door.

‘Hello,’ said Per.

Ally raised his head, but was unable to focus his gaze on their guest. So that Per wouldn’t notice anything, Vendela bent down and scratched the back of Ally’s neck.

‘Thanks for your company,’ said Per behind her.

She turned to face him. ‘Thank you. Shall we do it again tomorrow?’

A straight, direct question, and she hadn’t even laughed nervously as she asked him.

Per looked slightly hesitant, then nodded.

* * *

When Vendela had closed the door behind Per, the telephone in the kitchen started to ring. She stayed in the hall with Ally; she had an idea of who it would be, and wasn’t sure if she wanted to answer.

The piercing tone rang out twice, three times, four – and by the fifth ring she was over by the worktop picking up the receiver.


‘Where have you been?’ said a male voice. ‘I’ve called three times.’

It was Max, of course.

‘Nowhere,’ Vendela said quickly. ‘Out on the alvar.’

‘Out for a run?’


‘Alone? Weren’t you going to go for a run with our neighbour?’

Vendela didn’t even remember mentioning it, but Max had remembered, and of course he had to bring it up. She couldn’t understand his need to be in control. She waited a few seconds, then came up with a less than truthful response: ‘I went on my own.’

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