The Quarry (39 page)

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Authors: Johan Theorin

BOOK: The Quarry
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Shouldn’t he just let all this go?

Perhaps, but the alternative was to sit here thinking about tumours. He picked up the receiver.

The phone rang three times, then a man’s voice answered decisively: ‘Fall.’

‘Good morning,’ said Per. ‘My name is Per Mörner.’


‘I’m ringing with regard to a person I think you might know.’


‘His name is Hans Bremer. Do you know him?’

There was silence at the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and Per could hear the faint sound of voices in the background, as if there were some kind of conference going on, before eventually the man answered. ‘Bremer is dead.’

‘I know that,’ said Per. ‘I’m just trying to find out more about him …’


‘My father Jerry worked with him for a number of years, and I’d really like to know who he was. So you did know him then?’

He heard the background noise again for a few seconds, then the answer came: ‘Yes.’

‘And your name is Fall?’

‘Yes … Thomas Fall.’ The man still sounded hesitant. ‘So how did you get hold of my number?’

Per explained, and when he mentioned the note he had found in Bremer’s kitchen, Thomas Fall seemed to relax slightly.

‘He’d written “Cash” next to your number,’ Per went on. ‘Any idea why he did that?’

Fall didn’t speak for a few seconds, then he laughed. ‘That’s what he called me sometimes. I used to listen to a lot of Johnny Cash when I got to know him. The Man in Black.’

‘Were you related to Bremer?’

‘No,’ said Fall. ‘He was my photography tutor in Malmö. I did an evening course in the mid-seventies because I wanted to get into advertising, and Bremer was teaching at the college. He left the following year … Or perhaps I should just come straight out with it: he got the sack.’

‘Do you know why?’

There was a short silence.

‘He was a bit different. He was good with the students, but his teaching was a bit disorganized … and he was drinking a fair amount, even then.’

‘Did you know he was involved in porn as well?’ said Per. ‘That he made porn films every spring and summer?’

Another pause at the other end of the line.

‘Yes, I did know that,’ Fall said eventually. ‘He didn’t exactly talk about it, but I found out after a while.’

‘But you kept in touch with him?’

‘Yes,’ said Fall, ‘but only to the extent that I rang occasionally to see how things were, and helped him out with the odd freelance job. I think Bremer was pretty lonely … he had no family of his own, just a sister.’

‘Did he ever mention a man called Markus Lukas?’

Silence once more.

‘I don’t think so,’ Fall said after a while. ‘Not that I remember.’

Per was just wondering what else to ask when Fall went on, ‘But he gave me a briefcase … I think I’ve still got it.’

‘Bremer gave you a briefcase?’

‘Yes, he left it here last year. He called round and he was pretty drunk; he asked me to look after it. I’m not really sure where it is now.’

‘Have you got time to look?’

‘Of course. I’ll check in the loft.’

‘Can I ring you back?’ said Per.

‘Sure,’ said Fall, and added, ‘I can take your number as well.’

Per gave him both his mobile number and the landline number for the cottage, and thanked him for his help before hanging up.

I think Bremer was pretty lonely
, Thomas Fall had said. Per thought so too.

He stretched his back, then rang the third number on Bremer’s list, the one with ‘Fountain’ next to it. This time it took even longer for someone to answer; the phone rang eleven or twelve times before the receiver was picked up.


It was a tired male voice. Canned laughter from a TV programme could be heard in the background.

‘Hello,’ said Per, ‘is that Fountain?’

‘Yes – who wants to know?’

‘Excellent!’ said Per. The laughter from the TV was so loud and the man was speaking so quietly that he almost found himself shouting. ‘I got your number from Hans Bremer.’

‘Right,’ said the man. ‘What do you need?’

‘What do I need?’ said Per, trying to think. ‘Well … what have you got?’

‘Not all that much at the moment,’ said the man. ‘I’ve got some ten-litre packs of Swedish schnapps and a couple of Polish vodka. Will that be enough?’

Per finally got it – Fountain supplied cheap, home-distilled illicit spirits.

‘That’s not really what I had in mind,’ he said, and was about to hang up when the man said, ‘Bremer was supposed to be settling up – do you know anything about that?’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Per, as the canned laughter grew even more hysterical.

‘He said he was going to pay off his debts before the summer.’

‘How much are we talking about?’

‘Twenty thousand. Are you going to sort it out?’

‘No,’ said Per. ‘And I shouldn’t think Bremer will be sorting it out either.’

He hung up and called the last number on the list, which apparently belonged to someone called Danielle. It was a mobile number, but an automated message immediately cut in, informing him that the number was no longer in use. No other number was given.

That was it, then. He sat at the table thinking about Jerry’s dead colleague.

Hans Bremer had led a double life. He seemed to have put all his energy into making porn films at the weekends, then had gone back home to Malmö to live a miserable, debt-ridden existence fuelled by booze.

Per picked up the phone again and rang the undertaker to discuss Jerry’s funeral.

‘Do you know how many people will be coming?’ asked the funeral director. ‘Approximately?’

‘No. But probably not very many.’

He couldn’t actually think of anybody who ought to be invited to the funeral. Jerry’s relatives had broken off all contact with him long ago – or perhaps it was the other way round. All in all, he had probably been just as lonely as Bremer.

Then Per looked around and realized that he was sitting here in an empty house. His family wasn’t here, and how many friends did he have? How many people would come to his funeral?

That wasn’t something he ought to be thinking about right now.

Quarter of an hour later he drove away from the quarry, and couldn’t help glancing over at Vendela’s house. Lights were shining from the tall windows. He wondered what she was doing and whether her husband had come home yet, but didn’t stop to find out.

Randhult wasn’t a village like Stenvik; it was just a few farms scattered around in an agricultural landscape, half an hour by car along the motorway to the south of Kalmar. Ulrica Ternman had said she lived in the only brick-built house in the village, and it was easy to find. Per parked on the drive.

He heard a clattering noise as he was getting out of the car and saw a boy of about twelve trying out a radio-controlled jeep on the gravel. The boy looked up when he saw Per, but quickly turned his attention back to the car.

Per went up the steps and rang the bell, and a woman of about thirty-five opened the door. She was no blonde bimbo; she had short brown hair and was dressed in faded jeans and a black cotton top.

Per remembered what his father had said about Regina during the Easter weekend:
Got old, I suppose
. No doubt that was how Jerry had divided women up – into hot girls and old bags.

‘Hi,’ said Per, and introduced himself.

Ulrica Ternman nodded. ‘Come in.’

She turned away and Per followed her into the hallway.

‘Is that your son outside?’

‘Yes, that’s Hugo,’ she said. ‘We also have a daughter called Hanna … My husband has taken her into town to her gymnastics class this evening. It’s probably best if they’re not at home.’

‘Does he know you …’

Per was searching for the right words, and Ulrica Ternman looked tired.

‘That I was a slag, you mean?’

‘No, I mean …’

‘I haven’t mentioned the modelling,’ she broke in. ‘But Ulf knows I did plenty of stupid things when I was young, and so did he. Before he grew up.’

Per took off his jacket. ‘And you remember Jerry, my father?’

She nodded. ‘He was a bit different, a mixture of a teddy bear and a dirty old man … I never quite worked him out.’

‘I don’t think anybody did,’ said Per.

She led him into a neat little kitchen and put some coffee on.

‘So Jerry Morner is dead?’

‘He died a few days ago.’

‘And you want to know more about him?’

‘Yes … but I think I really want to know more about the people he worked with,’ said Per. ‘He had a colleague called Hans Bremer …’

‘Bremer, that’s right,’ said Ulrica. ‘He was the younger one, he organized everything. And took the pictures.’

She didn’t say any more; she just looked serious and seemed lost in thought, so Per asked, ‘How did you end up working with my father?’

Ulrica gave a mirthless laugh. ‘I don’t really know,’ she said. ‘I didn’t really do much thinking. You don’t when you’re nineteen, do you? You decide in a split second and just
for it … A boyfriend had dumped me that summer and gone off with another girl; I was angry and upset and furious with him, so this was meant to be some kind of revenge. I was going to send him a copy of the magazine, but I never got round to it, in fact I never even got the magazine … Although I did get paid, of course, in cash.’

‘Did you get a lot of money?’

‘Fifteen hundred, I think. That was a lot of money when you were nineteen … I would have had to work at least a week in a nursing home to earn that much.’

‘So how did you hear about the job?’

‘There was a small ad asking for photographic models in one of the evening papers. Lisa Wegner had seen it, and mentioned it to me and Petra Blomberg. It was obvious what it was all about … You had to send in nude pictures, so we took a few photos of each other and sent them off to Malmö. And a couple of weeks later I got a call from someone who said his name was Hans.’

‘Did he sound nice?’

‘Not bad,’ said Ulrica. ‘He talked about how cool it would be. So Petra and I went down to Ryd together on the train. We spent most of the time giggling – it was a bit like an adventure, like running away with the circus.’ She looked at Per and added, ‘But without a band.’

Then she went on: ‘When we came out of the station in Ryd there was another girl waiting there … She was much more provocatively dressed in tight jeans and a tight top, and she just glared at us. Then this guy Bremer came along in his car; he got out and smiled at us and said hello, and ushered us into the car. Sitting there in the back seat it all suddenly seemed much more serious; I stopped giggling, and when I looked at Petra she seemed really nervous.’

She looked down at the table.

‘So what did Bremer say then?’ Per asked.

‘He spent most of the time talking to the girl in the front seat; it was obvious she was an old hand and had been there several times before. Cindy or Lindy, he called her.’ Ulrica smiled tiredly. ‘I shouldn’t think that was her name … both Petra and I were given new names in the magazine. Petra was called Candy and I was Suzy.’

‘And the men were always called Markus Lukas, weren’t they?’

Ulrica nodded. ‘I suppose most things were fake in that industry … Anyway, we were driven out to the house – it felt as if we were deep in the forest – and as Bremer pulled up I realized that nobody knew where we were. That wasn’t a very good feeling … and the house was big and dark, with thick curtains at the windows on the ground floor. It smelled of detergent, but I remember thinking that was probably just covering up a whole load of disgusting smells that you would start to notice if you stayed around for too long.’

‘And Jerry, was he there?’

‘Yes, he was there. He said hello and brought some papers over for me and Petra. We both signed some kind of contract, it said something along the lines that we were doing this voluntarily and weren’t underage.’

‘Did they check your ages?’

‘No … Bremer asked how old we were when we rang up, I think, but nobody asked us for our passport or driving licence or anything like that.

‘I don’t know if it was so we could learn how things worked, but Petra and I were allowed to stay in the studio while Cindy/Lindy was being photographed, with Bremer egging her on. She sat on the bed stroking herself and undressing for the camera. It was ridiculous sometimes, what she was doing. Shy yet wanton at the same time, somehow … as if there was a war going on inside her.’

She lowered her gaze to the floor.

‘When I saw her I realized I could never make a career of this, or even do it again … I just wanted to go home, even at that stage. But I still had my own photo session to do; it was impossible to back out. I just had to do it … I was to be photographed on a sofa. So I had to walk into the bright light, and we made a start. You didn’t really have to move, just pose in different positions.’ She paused. ‘I was really nervous, but it was just routine for the others – all in a day’s work.’

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