The Rancher (49 page)

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Authors: Kelli Ann Morgan

BOOK: The Rancher
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“We’ll just be downstairs.” Martha puther hand at Lily’s back and smiled at Abby.   She turned and nodded to Leahbefore leaving the room.

Abby had been moved back into her oldbedroom while Cole recuperated and untilthey could be properly wed. It seemedvery empty without many of her personaleffects. She looked around at the barren

walls before fixing her eyes on Leah, who

stood just inside the closed doorway.

“My son is a very lucky man.”

Abby felt heat rise in her face at theappraisal and she was unsure how torespond.   She cleared her throat andlooked down at the floor.

Leah laughed.   She curled her fingerunder Abby’s chin and lifted her head.

“My dear, you are lovely.  Everyone iswaiting, but I wondered if you would liketo wear these.” Leah held out three wild-

flowered hair pins in her hand. “I wore them on my wedding day, as have each of my new daughters.”

Abby smiled.

Leah put them in her hair and tilted the mirror upward so that Abby could see herself.  The flowers rested on her crown

just in front of the line of her veil.

“They are beautiful.  Thank you.”

Leah put her arms around Abby’s

shoulders and squeezed as they both

looked into the mirror. “Are you ready?”

Abby nodded.

Leah turned from her and left the room.

Abby walked toward the door.  Musichad begun to play.  She reached down tothe beautiful flower bouquet that Marthahad gathered for her.

She exhaled and stepped out onto thelanding. She’d run down these steps athousand times, but right now, in thisdress, it seemed all new to her.

She glanced down over the balcony andfound her father, waiting at the bottom ofthe stairs. She took her first step.  Then thenext until her father reached out and linked

her arm with his.

By the fireplace at the far end of the

living area, Cole waited.  He stood tall,

his shoulders back, his hands linked in front of him.  A short grimace touched his face, the only indication he was still in pain.  However, when he looked up at her, his eyes the color of charred coal, the pain left his face, and was replaced by a smile that lit Abby’s heart on fire.

He was the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on and she turned to her father in a whisper.  “Pinch me, please.”

He smiled down at her with a twinkle

in his eye and cupped his hand over hers

on his arm.

Abby wasn’t prepared when her fatherlet go, but as she took a hold of Cole’sextended hand, she felt...home. Though hislips were now relaxed, the smile in hiseyes sent a wave of warm tingles downthrough her body and to her toes.

This time the wedding meant somethingmuch different to her.   The man she

married was the man she loved and she could not wait to start building her life with him.

“You  may  now  kiss  the  bride,”

Reverend Daniels announced.

She turned to face her husband, herstomach suddenly a flutter.

His head bent toward her, his lipsparted. When his mouth claimed hers, shemelted against him. He broke their kissand pulled her in tight.

“I love you, Abby,” he whispered.

She didn’t care that the whole town andtheir families all watched their exchange.  The only thing she knew was that she waswhere she belonged.  In the arms of theman she loved.

Abby stood in front of the window,moonlight spilling all about her.   Thesheer-like  material  of  her  nightshiftflowed behind her in the breeze from the

open  casement.   Her  dark  silhouette contrasted   against   her   immediate surroundings.

“You are beautiful,” he whispered. Without taking his eyes of the apparition before him, Cole closed their bedroom door.

She remained still, staring out into thenight.

He stepped toward her and cringed atthe pain that still accompanied allmovement. The moon cast a luminous

sheen around her entire form. He ached to touch her, to prove this vision standing in

front of him was real.

Cole reached his hand up and slid thethin fabric from her shoulder. The warmglow of light from his lantern caressed herskin and he bent forward to kiss theexposed area.

Her head tilted backward against him. He pulled her closer, cursing the sharppain that seared through his side.

She circled slowly around to face him,placing her hand on the side of his faceand smiled. Her fingers slid down hischeek and rested on the top button of hisshirt. He held his breath as she undid thesmall knob and moved to the next.

When his chest was fully exposed, shemoved her hand to rest over the bandageencasing his abdomen.

“Thank you,” she spoke softly, staring

up him with wide trusting eyes, “for saving my life.”

He lifted a hand to her chin and caressed her lips with his thumb. He didn’t want to think about what his life

would have been like without her.   She was his rescuer, his salvation, and he loved her.

His other hand moved to the back of her

neck and he held her face close.

, Mrs. Redbourne, “for

.” Cole leaned his head down to join his lips with hers in a kiss that promised   all   the   hope,   love,   and happiness that only forever could bring.

About the Author

KELLI ANN MORGAN recognized apassion for writing at a very young ageand since that time has devoted herself to

creativity of all sorts.  Being a wife and mother are two of her most important and favorite roles, while being a writer is in her blood.   She also moonlights as a Creative Designer – creating covers and more for other authors, photographer, jewelry   designer,   painter,   and motivational speaker.

Kelli Ann is a long-time member of the Romance Writers of America and was

president of her local chapter in 2009.  Her love of and talent for writing have opened many doors for her and she continues to look for new and exciting

opportunities and calls to adventure.  She

loves to hear from her readers.

Watch for

Rafe’s Story

Coming Late 2012

Table of Contents

Praise for The Rancher


Acknowledgements Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-One Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Twenty-Three Chapter Twenty-Four About the Author Watch for

Document Outline

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