The Real Mary Kelly (38 page)

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Authors: Wynne Weston-Davies

BOOK: The Real Mary Kelly
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28 Collingham Place. Probably the site of the ‘gay house near Knightsbridge’ which Joe Barnet spoke of in his inquest testimony and in which Elizabeth worked for the Frenchwoman after leaving service as the Marchioness of Londonderry’s lady’s maid. (
© Wynne Weston-Davies

McCarthy and Bowyer trying to gain entry to Room 13, Miller’s Court on the morning of 9th November. (
© Jane Coram

The police photograph of the body in Room 13, Miller’s Court. This was the scene which confronted Inspector Abberline and the others when they entered the room. (
© Evans Skinner Crime Archive

161 Drummond Street. In 1888 this was the Monmouth Hotel and Coffee House, a cover for one of the brothels operated by Ellen Macleod. Elizabeth stayed here for part of 1886 after parting from Francis. (
© Wynne Weston-Davies

The unmarked grave in Hammersmith Old Burial Ground, Margravine Road in which Francis Craig and his parents are buried. (
© Wynne Weston-Davies




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ISBN 978-1-910536-09-4
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