The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3] (12 page)

BOOK: The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]
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Having now heard Sle'nel's memories from the meeting with Sume'n'tinel'ti'non, The High Queen understood why Sle'nel’ had wanted to meet with her sister.

"Your Birth-Mother was correct. I will never deserve your love, My Elfin Faiere."

Sle'nel’ smiled at her sweetly, “Just love me, my Queen. It be enough. But perhaps there is one other thing you might do."

The High Queen waited, wondering.

"Sleep. I need sleep."

The High Queen also smiled, but shook her head, “You audience awaits. The sun's rise occurs in a moment. Come. I will accompany you."

Chapter III
The Realm's Masters

The High Queen and Sle'nel’ followed the path to the forest, guessing as to the meeting place. The path was quiet, but Sle'nel’ listened as she had been taught by her Sorcerer teacher, hearing sounds of barely controlled excitement coming from far down the path. The sun's brightness was beginning to spread over the skies as it rose from behind the trees. Nearing the meeting site, Sle'nel’ sensed that those waiting for her were growing in their anticipation. She smiled, having sensed who anxiously awaited her. She and The High Queen exited the deep forest into a small open meadow, where many of the animals of the forest and of the skies were waiting as patiently as they could. When they saw Sle'nel', the birds began to twitter in excited tones, while the little animals ran around in circles, unable to contain their excitement.

"I will wait here, My Love."

Sle'nel’ nodded while walking into the middle of the meadow. Many of the birds landed upon her as she walked from one animal to another. She didn't know many of these animal types, having been only in Woden for most of her life. But she did know that she need have no fear of any of them. All the animals throughout The Realm loved the Elfin Faeries. Of all those who grieved sorrowfully over the great loss of the Elves, the animals grieved the longest and most sorrowfully. At the same moment Sle'nel’ had been given her Birth-Mother and Elfin-Mother's memories and powers, The Realm sensed a return of an Elfin Faerie. From that moment on, the animals grew in their excitement, knowing that one had returned to them.

For this one instance in The Realm, these animals ignored their own natural hunting and fearful tendencies so as to be with the Elf. She went to each one, resting her hand upon them. The large ones bent or knelt down to be touched by her, and the small ones waited as patiently as they could for her to bend down to them. She spoke to each of them individually in her Elfin language, and each one understood her messages. She sensed the raptor far overhead and held out her arm for her. The High Queen's raptor flew down, also just wanting to be touched by the returned Elf. Through the morn, she allowed them their audience with her.

Toward the midmorn, she saw R'lodin'lindor standing off in the distance.

R'lodin'lindor. Come to me.

She wondered why R'lodin'lindor had come, being not of these animals. R'lodin'lindor was one of the mystical animals and not of these animals’ backgrounds. R'lodin'lindor came up to her, nuzzling her great nose gently into her shoulder. She laughed, kissing her upon her nose. The mystic horse tried nudging her hand up, trying to get her to do something, but she didn't know what. She raised her hand to the unicorn's head, yet R'lodin'lindor seemed anxious. Not wanting to for fear of hurting her, Sle'nel’ had never touched the horn, but suddenly sensed this is what R'lodin'lindor wanted from her. She did so, placing her hand around it gently. As she did, R'lodin'lindor sent a message of her past of when each Elf was bonded to one of the great flying unicorns, such as R'lodin'lindor.

"You are telling me that you have always been here, knowing there was one last Elf in The Realm? You have been here, waiting for me? You were there when I was born?"

R'lodin'lindor nodded her great head.

"So the little ones wait their turn, waiting for an Elf to be born."

R'lodin'lindor once again nodded her head.

"And The High Queen? Why are you bonded to The High Queen?"

R'lodin'lindor sent another message, showing her of when The High Queen had saved her.

"I will try to find a way to bring them back, R'lodin'lindor. I am sorry for your loneliness. You and I are alike, now. Alone in The Realm. There are no others like us."

Yet anxious, R'lodin'lindor waited, hoping her Elf would finally make the connection. She stroked R'lodin'lindor's great head, “Tell me, my beautiful unicorn, will one of the little treasures agree to be bonded with Sele? She is part Elfin."

R'lodin'lindor nodded her great head, and once again tried to move Sle'nel's hand back to her horn. Finally, she did, seeing what was being requested of her.

She nodded her understanding, “This eve, then, my great one. We will make the journey for you, with you. I will see you then and am most pleased to be able to do this for you."

R'lodin'lindor nudged her gently, then walked a short distance, jumped and flew off. Sle'nel’ suddenly thought herself most stupid, but was glad for the eve's task ahead of her, thinking that her Queen might be surprised as well.

Sle'nel’ returned to visiting and enjoying the animals for a while longer. At the end of the morn, she thanked them all, then returned to her Queen. She could see that the animals wanted to remain longer with her, but were content in the attention they had received.

Walking back to San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ who had long prior begun meditating in the peaceful meadow, Sle'nel’ stood, waiting, knowing that The High Queen would sense her soon enough. Although The High Queen hadn't yet completed her thoughts, she moved her hand out, as if in offering. Sle'nel’ grasped it gratefully, welcoming the quiet meaning.

When The High Queen was done, she turned to her Elf, “I saw R'lodin'lindor. Is all well?"

They began their return to the dwelling so that Sle'nel’ could rest, “She gave me a most interesting story."

you a story?"

"She did. About a wonderful Queen who had saved her."

The High Queen nodded, “Yes. She was almost dead when I found her. In truth, I thought she could not be saved."

"Do you know why she was dying?"

"No. I have never been able to sense her thoughts."

"For once then, I have a surprise for you. This eve you will learn of that story. We fly to a new story this eve."

The High Queen studied Sle'nel’ briefly, “I think you are becoming a bit weary, My Love. Your thoughts are making no sense."

Sle'nel’ laughed, “They make much sense, my Queen. You will see. R'lodin'lindor will no longer be alone in The Realm after this eve."

As they walked back to their dwelling, they saw Ann'wn waiting. Ann'wn knelt and bowed to her Queen, “My Queen."

"Rise, Ann'wn, and perhaps you might consider giving Me a rest from this while we are here."

"Yes, my Queen. The others are concluding their discussions with the Spirit Mothers. When would you like to begin our lesson with the sword, Highness?"

Sle'nel’ had gone inside upon their arrival so as to sleep. “Wait here, Ann'wn. I will return in a moment. You can accompany Me to the lesson."

She made certain that Sle'nel’ was comfortable, then walked with Ann'wn to the practice site. The High Queen felt a little strange giving lessons to her Warrior Women, but knew not where they could find teachers with more knowledge or practice on the sword. Her teachers had left or died long prior. As far as she knew with any assurance, she was the only remaining master and remained uncertain if any other knew of the long-lost traditions, or if there were any remaining of this title. Even with her title of such, she had kept it well hidden, having informed only a few close friends. But she was gladdened to know that through Sle'nel', at least there was now one great Elfin swordswoman in The Realm.

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ was thinking and planning on what to teach them when Ann'wn interrupted her thoughts, “My Queen, who taught you your sword skills?"

The High Queen reflected on her answer, “A great teacher now long gone from here. I was taught the sword from the moment I could walk. It was never easy though, as she was always telling Me how dreadful My skills were.” San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ scoffed a little at the memory.

"The stories say that you were never beaten."

"Then the stories forget about the Mungardies. I was well beaten at that moment."

"It wasn't a fair fight, my Queen. There were four-to-one, and you beat all except the one. And you yet live to tell about it."

"I lived. This is truth, but not because of what you now think. What of you, Ann'wn? Who taught you your warrior skills?"

"You know this not, my Queen? It was the former leader of your forces."

"Ah. Shur'en'dell. A true Master, and a great leader. Then you have earned your skills honestly.” She slipped into her memories of her favored force leader, finding that she missed her. Shur'en'dell had been one of the last of the great masters and one of her many teachers along the way. But she was aging as San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ had become queen, and had died in a terrible battle shortly after.

"Was she your teacher, my Queen?"

"She was one of many that reinforced my trainings, but wasn't My master teacher, and she wasn't the most skilled of her group."

Ann'wn could see that she wasn't going to get this information out of her Queen. No matter how hard she or her guards tried, The High Queen never gave up this information. But Ann'wn also wouldn't give up.

"My Queen, this is just a guess, but are you the last of the Masters?"

The High Queen snapped at Ann'wn, “Why are you so interested in My past? What difference would this make to you?"

"You are truly the greatest of all The High Queens, Highness, but since you have become Queen, many of your other abilities have remained hidden and unused. Our realm needs the Masters now, perhaps more than ever prior. Perhaps yo—"

She interrupted, “—Force Leader! What you ask might be more than you are willing to give. It is a lifespan commitment, and not easily won. The Masters were called as such, as they were masters over their minds. Are you truly willing to commit to that which you know little or nothing about?"

"My Queen. It is a sad turn in The Realm when there is only one master remaining, and that master is unable to provide the teaching to other masters yet to be, due to her other responsibilities."

The High Queen laughed lightly, “I never knew you as romantic as this. Being a master has never been such a romantic notion to Me. It is a hard-won, if won at all, battle of the self. It is not just about sword skills, Ann'wn. It is far more. For all their dedication, the Sorcerers are far less trained than were the Masters, and they spend their entire life to this end."

"Forgive me, my Queen, but Meera and I are excellent candidates for such."

The High Queen halted, looking at her Ann'wn. She laughed lightly, amused, “You think as such, do you? And who made this decision for you, My Warrior? Has a master selected you, then? Or do you make this decision yourself?"

Ann'wn wasn't going to give up on this, “You, my Queen. You have already selected both of us."

She was yet laughing lightly, trying to disguise her surprise, “What makes you think I was selected, let alone became one of the Masters? And when did you become as chatty as this, My Warrior? I have never prior heard you speak as much. Since we have arrived here, you have been a fountain of words."

Ann'wn blushed, well embarrassed, but wasn't going to let The High Queen sidetrack the conversation, “With all due respect, my Queen, I am a highly trained warrior. As such, I have well-trained observational skills. Perhaps the best in The Realm. I have observed you well, and I know of some of the training the Masters required. I see this in you. I see you meditate. I see you draw forth your mind's forces. I have observed you fight beyond your abilities, winning even when your powers were long useless. As you say, my Queen, it is the training over the mind, and I see that you have this training."

The High Queen resisted giving in to Ann'wn, never wanting this information known, “What in our Mother's names makes you think I was ever a master?"

Ann'wn knew she had won, “I know this well, my Queen."

"Then tell Me. How do you think you know of this? There is no Master left to substantiate this for you."

"No other stands as you do in The Realm, my Queen. It is the training of the Masters. The stance is of the Masters. I was trained by one, Highness, so I know this well. Your stance is of their stance. They had a bearing like no other. Your words are their words. Your commands are their commands."

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ began walking again, considering Ann'wn's words, displeased that Ann'wn's answers were truth. She had long forgotten, by desire, that the Masters had drilled their leadership abilities into her, over and over, cycle after long cycle. As Ann'wn spoke, she remembered as such. She knew well that her words and ways were truly of them. Trying once again to avoid detection, she said, “I think you give Me far more honor than I am due. I am a vowed Queen, Force Leader, and no warrior. Let us drop this conversation."

Ann'wn pushed yet again, even in knowing that her Queen could become angered, “I knew the Masters, my Queen. And you are one of them."

The High Queen knew Ann'wn had found out one of her secrets. Slightly amazed and stunned, she spoke quietly and slowly, “If this is all truth, Ann'wn, and note that I have not confirmed your words, what is it you would desire of Me?"

Softly, like her queen spoke, she replied, “Train us."

"Why now? Why have you never prior mentioned this?"

"As I watched you in the swordplay prior turn, I saw my old master standing before me. You use the same skills and the same moves. Until then, I only guessed. But when I saw you with the Woden Warrior Woman, I knew. You are one of them."

"You know their training wasn't an easy one?"

"I know this well, my Queen."

"And is never questioned."

"Yes, my Queen."

"Never, Force Leader. It is never questioned, or it halts there. It is a dedication beyond reason."

BOOK: The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]
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